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Vertical Form/Fill/Seal Machine

The Ultimate in Sanitary Design:
   Continuous Motion Jaw Actuation
   Quick Changeover, No Tools
   Narrow Profile
   Sealed Electrical Cabinet Integrated in Frame
   Rapid Tracking Response
   Allen-Bradley ControlLogix Platform
   Off the Shelf Components                        All components, both internal and external, have
   On Screen Manuals                               been carefully chosen to withstand the rigors of
                                                   daily wash down using caustic chemicals. All metal
   Quick Response Screens                          materials are either stainless steel or specially
                                                   treated aluminum, all electrical components are
   True Stainless Steel Washdown                   sealed, all servo motors are stainless steel.
   Resistant to Caustic Cleaning Solutions
   Rounded Frame Members; Sloped Surfaces
Vertical Form/Fill/Seal Machine
                                                                                                            Advanced User Interface
                                                                                                                  Allen-Bradley 12 Versa View HMI
                                                                                                                  Simplifies Programming
                                                                                                                  Multiple Security Levels
                                                                                                                  Multi-language Operator Interface
                                                                                                                  User Customizable
                                                                                                                  Provides Production Data Locally or Remotely Via

                                                                                                            Best Floor Utilization in the Industry
                                                                                                                  Narrow Width, Low Height
                                                                                                                  Duplex Designs Available with Close Center
                                                                                                                  Models Available for up to 15 Bag Widths

  Continuous Motion Jaw
          Easier Landing for the Product
          More Cooling Time for Poly Films
          Programmed to Maintain Sealing Time Regardless of
          Bagging Rate

  Options Available Include:
          Product Squeezer (bag deflation)
          Mechanical Product Stripper
          Digital Stripping
          Spinach Plunger
          Modified Atmosphere Packaging
          Product Agitator
          Independently Timed Product Stager
  (Consult factory for availability of additional options.)                                                                               Duplex CM 10
                                                                                                                                    (Also available as single tube)

            70.00                                                                                 87.27
          TOP OF FTA

                      56.00                                                                               ALTERNATE ROLL POSITION
                 FTA MOUNTING                                                                             FOR LEFT-HAND SIDE

                         LOWEST JAW
                          POSITION                                                  OPTIONAL


                                           17.68     37.97            27.26


                                               ULTIMAX Dimensions                                                                                CM 15
                                                CM 10 and CM 15

                                                     USA - 225 Spartangreen Boulevard  Duncan, SC 29334 USA  864/486-4000
                                          UNITED KINGDOM - 16 Roman Way  Thetford, Norfolk IP24 1XB United Kingdom  + 44 (0) 1842 754171
                                       UNITED KINGDOM - 101 Lilac Grove  Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1PF  United Kingdom  +44 (0) 115 967 8787
                                                   MEXICO - Castorena 324-118  Cuajimalpa  05000 M辿xico, D.F  +52(55)58137770
04/07 LR
                                                              www.hayssensandiacre.com  sales@hayssensandiacre.com

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Ultima Xhr 1709

  • 1. Vertical Form/Fill/Seal Machine ULTIMAX速 CM The Ultimate in Sanitary Design: Continuous Motion Jaw Actuation Quick Changeover, No Tools Narrow Profile Sealed Electrical Cabinet Integrated in Frame Rapid Tracking Response Allen-Bradley ControlLogix Platform Off the Shelf Components All components, both internal and external, have On Screen Manuals been carefully chosen to withstand the rigors of daily wash down using caustic chemicals. All metal Quick Response Screens materials are either stainless steel or specially treated aluminum, all electrical components are True Stainless Steel Washdown sealed, all servo motors are stainless steel. Resistant to Caustic Cleaning Solutions Rounded Frame Members; Sloped Surfaces
  • 2. Vertical Form/Fill/Seal Machine ULTIMAX速 CM Advanced User Interface Allen-Bradley 12 Versa View HMI Simplifies Programming Multiple Security Levels Multi-language Operator Interface User Customizable Provides Production Data Locally or Remotely Via Ethernet Best Floor Utilization in the Industry Narrow Width, Low Height Duplex Designs Available with Close Center Distances Models Available for up to 15 Bag Widths Continuous Motion Jaw Easier Landing for the Product More Cooling Time for Poly Films Programmed to Maintain Sealing Time Regardless of Bagging Rate Options Available Include: Product Squeezer (bag deflation) Mechanical Product Stripper Digital Stripping Spinach Plunger Modified Atmosphere Packaging Product Agitator Independently Timed Product Stager (Consult factory for availability of additional options.) Duplex CM 10 (Also available as single tube) 103.10 OPTIONAL DISCONNECT LOCATION 70.00 87.27 TOP OF FTA 72.74 56.00 ALTERNATE ROLL POSITION FTA MOUNTING FOR LEFT-HAND SIDE PLATE 21.38 LOWEST JAW POSITION OPTIONAL TRANSFORMER LOCATION 7.33 17.68 37.97 27.26 103.34 ULTIMAX Dimensions CM 15 CM 10 and CM 15 USA - 225 Spartangreen Boulevard Duncan, SC 29334 USA 864/486-4000 UNITED KINGDOM - 16 Roman Way Thetford, Norfolk IP24 1XB United Kingdom + 44 (0) 1842 754171 UNITED KINGDOM - 101 Lilac Grove Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1PF United Kingdom +44 (0) 115 967 8787 MEXICO - Castorena 324-118 Cuajimalpa 05000 M辿xico, D.F +52(55)58137770 04/07 LR www.hayssensandiacre.com sales@hayssensandiacre.com