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this country be in the United Kingdom , Scotland has its own, Scotland Law,
legal system is based on Roman law and share aspects of the two main
legal systems: civil law or civil law and common law.There are three banks
still issue their own paper money: the Bank of Scotland, the Royal Bank of
Scotland and Clydesdale BankScotland has several sports associations of
national character, as the Scottish Football Association (SFA)(Scottish
Football Association) or the Scottish Rugby Union (SRU)(Scottish Rugby
Union). Scottish cuisine also offers traditional dishes as haggis, Buccleuch
Scotch beef, the Arbroath Smokie (smoked haddock), salmon, venison, the
cranachan (a traditional Scottish dessert), Scotch Broth (Scotch Broth) and
cookies shortbread.Scotland is also famous for its Scotch whiskey distilleries
and the Scottish beer.The only Celtic language which still survives in
Scotland Scottish Gaelic is spoken in parts of the Highlands and the
Hebrides. Furthermore, in the current Scotland two Germanic languages
are spoken: the Scottish and English in Scotland. The Scot (in English, Scots
or Lowland Scots) is spoken in the south of Scotland, in the area known as
Lowlands. It comes from a northern Middle English variant called known as
"ancient Scottish".
In 1875, Alexander Graham Bell built the first telephone that transmitted the
human voice electrically.
In 1884, Paul Nipkow sent images from wires using a rotating metal disc with
18 lines of resolution
In 1769, the first self-propelled road vehicle was invented by French
mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot. However, it was a model steam. In 1885,
Karl Benz designed and built the world's first practical automobile to be
powered by an internal combustion engine. In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler took
the internal combustion engine
In 1814, Joseph Nicephore Niepce created the first photographic image
with a pinhole camera, however, the image requires eight hours of
exposure to light and later disappeared. Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre is
considered the inventor of the first practical process of photography in
Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698
patented the first crude steam engine. Thomas Newcomen invented the
atmospheric steam engine in 1712
Hi, my name is Sebastian and i will talk about my family.
My family is comprised of 3 members: my brother, my mom and I. mi mom
live with me and my brother in other side. My brother and my mom are a
teacher and I study on Cecyt 11 and I course 4th semester from industrial
process I wish my brother live with my mom and me if we live together we
could very happy, also my brother is a grouchy I wish he were more friendly
if he were more friendly we could stay together every times and every day
I have a car but I wish a new car if I finish the school my mom could buy me
a new car.
my mom wishes buys house in other city if she save some money he would a
new house also she wishes finish her time in her work for she was jubilated if
she works 3 years more she could jubilated in 3 years.
My brother wishes a new job more near from his house if he pass the exam
he could has a new job more near from he.
I am very lazy if Im still the same I couldnt pass the university exam.
This is my family wishes, this is all for you.

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Ultimas composiciones

  • 1. COMPOSITION 9 SCOTISH this country be in the United Kingdom , Scotland has its own, Scotland Law, legal system is based on Roman law and share aspects of the two main legal systems: civil law or civil law and common law.There are three banks still issue their own paper money: the Bank of Scotland, the Royal Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale BankScotland has several sports associations of national character, as the Scottish Football Association (SFA)(Scottish Football Association) or the Scottish Rugby Union (SRU)(Scottish Rugby Union). Scottish cuisine also offers traditional dishes as haggis, Buccleuch Scotch beef, the Arbroath Smokie (smoked haddock), salmon, venison, the cranachan (a traditional Scottish dessert), Scotch Broth (Scotch Broth) and cookies shortbread.Scotland is also famous for its Scotch whiskey distilleries and the Scottish beer.The only Celtic language which still survives in Scotland Scottish Gaelic is spoken in parts of the Highlands and the Hebrides. Furthermore, in the current Scotland two Germanic languages are spoken: the Scottish and English in Scotland. The Scot (in English, Scots or Lowland Scots) is spoken in the south of Scotland, in the area known as Lowlands. It comes from a northern Middle English variant called known as "ancient Scottish".
  • 2. COMPOSITION 10 INVENTIONS In 1875, Alexander Graham Bell built the first telephone that transmitted the human voice electrically. In 1884, Paul Nipkow sent images from wires using a rotating metal disc with 18 lines of resolution In 1769, the first self-propelled road vehicle was invented by French mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot. However, it was a model steam. In 1885, Karl Benz designed and built the world's first practical automobile to be powered by an internal combustion engine. In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler took the internal combustion engine In 1814, Joseph Nicephore Niepce created the first photographic image with a pinhole camera, however, the image requires eight hours of exposure to light and later disappeared. Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre is considered the inventor of the first practical process of photography in 1837. Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698 patented the first crude steam engine. Thomas Newcomen invented the atmospheric steam engine in 1712
  • 3. COMPOSITION 11 ME AND MY FAMILY WISHES Hi, my name is Sebastian and i will talk about my family. My family is comprised of 3 members: my brother, my mom and I. mi mom live with me and my brother in other side. My brother and my mom are a teacher and I study on Cecyt 11 and I course 4th semester from industrial process I wish my brother live with my mom and me if we live together we could very happy, also my brother is a grouchy I wish he were more friendly if he were more friendly we could stay together every times and every day I have a car but I wish a new car if I finish the school my mom could buy me a new car. my mom wishes buys house in other city if she save some money he would a new house also she wishes finish her time in her work for she was jubilated if she works 3 years more she could jubilated in 3 years. My brother wishes a new job more near from his house if he pass the exam he could has a new job more near from he. I am very lazy if Im still the same I couldnt pass the university exam. This is my family wishes, this is all for you.