The document recaps a Facebook like campaign run by Service Electric to boost its social media presence. The campaign offered the chance to win the Ultimate Opening Day Experience at an Iron Pigs game including tickets, throwing the first pitch, and food credit. On-air endorsements and prominent online/social media placements drove over 10,000 impressions to the contest entry page. As a result of the campaign, Service Electric gained over 1,000 new Facebook likes.
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Ultimate Opening Day Experience - Integrated Campaign
2. Integrated Marketing
Campaign Goal
? Boost SECTV social media presence with an on-air and online media
? Facebook users register to win the Ultimate Opening Day Experience at the
Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs’ home opener with great prizes including
? 4 premium tickets the home opener
? Throw the first pitch of the season
? Iron Pigs Jersey and T-shirt
? $50 food/bev credit
3. On-Air Promotion
Rick Michael’s endorsement promoting the Ultimate Opening Day
Experience contest
? Audio link:
4. Online/Social Media
Prominent, above-the-fold
placement on all station
websites with links to contest
? Total impressions: 10,373
Posts on all station social media
? Unique impressions (station
pages): 1,883
? Unique impressions (SECTV
page): 40,000+