Advanced Tactical Systems is a defense contractor located in Austin, Texas that has been named one of the best companies to work for in Texas for 2009 and 2010 by Texas Monthly Magazine. They design, develop, deliver, and support real-time tactical command and control systems for all branches of the US Armed Forces and allied partners, having supported every major conflict since being founded in 1987. They are currently hiring for software engineers, systems engineers, test engineers, and cleared professionals.
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Ultra Electronics Advanced Tactical Systems
1. One of the Best Companies to work for in Texas two years in a row2009 & 2010. -Texas Monthly Magazine & SHRM Advanced Tactical Systems Headquarters -- Austin, TX
2. Advanced Tactical Systems Advanced Tactical Systems designs, develops, delivers, and supports real-time tactical command and control systems. We have delivered systems to all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and many of our Allied and Coalition partners. Our systems and personnel have supported every major conflict since our founding in 1987.
3. We are Hiring For: - Software Engineers (C++, Linux) - Systems Engineers Test Engineers Cleared Professionals -- Twitter: @Ultra_ATS