This document contains a summary of a lecture on emergency medicine topics related to the foot and ankle. It discusses ingrown toenails, including when antibiotics are needed and when part or all of the nail should be removed. It also covers topics like heel pain, stress fractures, warts, ulcers versus calluses, Charcot, and provides contact information for the lecturer to learn more.
4. Heidelbaugh, Joel J, and
Hobart Lee. "Management of
the ingrown toenail."
American family physician
79.4 (2009): 303-308.
5. Ingrown Nail Questions
• Do all ingrown nails need antibiotics?
• When to remove part or whole nail?
• When do you need an x-ray?
• Infection?
6. Heel Pain
• Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis,
Haglund's Deformity
Thomas, James L et al. "The
diagnosis and treatment of
heel pain." Journal of Foot and
Ankle Surgery 40.5 (2001):
8. Wart or Corn
Cockayne, E Sarah. "The
EVERT (effective verruca
treatments) trial protocol: a
randomised controlled trial to
evaluate cryotherapy versus
salicylic acid for the
treatment of verrucae." Trials
11.1 (2010): 12.
9. Ulcers vs Calluses
• Do these hurt?
Singh, Nalini, David G Armstrong, and
Benjamin A Lipsky. "Preventing foot
ulcers in patients with diabetes." JAMA:
the journal of the American Medical
Association 293.2 (2005): 217-228.
10. Charcot
Frykberg, Robert G et al. "Diabetic
foot disorders. A clinical practice
guideline (2006 revision)." The
Journal of foot and ankle surgery:
official publication of the American
College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
45.5 Suppl (2006): S1.
11. To Learn More Visit
Foot Pain Toolkit
Donald Pelto, DPM
(508) 757-4003