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Innovative & agile
business solution
for water companies
Smart flexibility.

UMAX - The utility solution
Certified by Microsoft, delivering smart flexibility

UMAX is the answer for              UMAX combines optimum            parties (such as metering
utilities looking for a powerful    flexibility with proven          companies, external 3rd parties,
and agile business solution.        functionality and standardly     etc) UMAX ensures utilities full
This integrated, standardized,      integrates level 3 utility       support.
out-of-the-box system was           processes. From the process
designed, built and certified       of connecting new retail and     Moreover, this business
for Microsoft Dynamics AX,          business customers, through      solution helps water com-
using established utility           to the process of collecting     panies to stay in control of
industry frameworks and             the amounts due and              the consecutive stages in the
proven methodologies.               interacting with other market    different value chains.

                  MARKET              SELL          SERVE & MANAGE   BILL           COLLECT

                        CONNECT                        OPERATE                MAINTAIN

                                   CONTROL & RISK                           ENTERPRISE
                                   MANAGEMENT                               MANAGEMENT

    UMAX stands for and guarantees
    	   Maximized customer revenues
    	   Reduced time & effort spent
    	   Processes built on customer value
    	   Optimized operational margins
    	   Higher productivity via integration
    	   An organization in control

Managing water  the new frontier
Requiring agility and flexibility

Every day, water companies         ensure their drinking water     costs at a minimum and
supply millions of litres of       meets the highest quality and   ensuring that customers
tap water to hundreds of           safety standards.               remain satisfied.
thousands, or even millions
of customers in their service      Alongside these activities      For that reason, water
area.                              they liaise with all relevant   companies are looking for
                                   authorities and regulators      powerful and agile business
They connect homes and             who closely monitor their       solutions, supporting them
businesses to the water            economic, environmental and     in their core client-oriented
distribution network and           quality performances.           business processes, allowing
provide assistance to                                              them to rapidly adapt to an
customers who are moving           Water companies are also        ever-evolving environment
house and/or subscribe to          facing important changes in     and gain insight on the actual
new services.                      their operating environment.    status of the business and its
                                   Gradually progressing market    current performance.
Water utilities run purification   liberalization may force them
plants, pumps, pipes and           to strike a finer balance
meters and carry out tests to      between keeping operating

    Choosing for UMAX, your best guarantee for success!
    	 360属 view on the entire process from (new) water
       connections to payments
    	 Automation & integration of project, asset, service
       & workforce processes
    	 Handle customer requests flexibly & efficiently via
       integrated crm
    	 Focus on what really matters through efficient, flexible
       and clear processes

UMAX for water companies
Guaranteeing your future success

UMAX grew out of the idea to       B2B target groups during the          Sell
deliver an innovative, flexible,   moments of truth, such as           Support all stages in
                                                                         the selling process
future-proof and affordable        a customer move or a grid
business solution that fully       extension                            Serve & Manage
                                                                         Interact with customer
supports water companies                                                 requests
in the management of the           Moreover, the integrated              Bill
core client-oriented business      project and warehouse                 Forecast, simulate &
                                                                         invoice consumptions
processes. Moreover, UMAX          management, billing and
was created to lower the           collect modules have been             Collect
                                                                         Manage payments
cost-to-serve by optimizing        conveniently tailored to              & amounts due
these business processes and       meet all the requirements
to reduce the overall cost of      of water companies active in          Link connections
                                                                         & network
ownership of the IT landscape.     the utility sector. Additionally,
                                   UMAX seamlessly
The perfect solution for water     communicates with other               Manage the network
companies                          market parties such as
                                   government institutions and           Maintain
                                                                         Service the network
UMAX has proven itself as the      3rd party systems such as
perfect solution for managing      sub-contractors or other
various sequences of               organizations.
customer-related and physical
processes taking place in
virtually all regulated and
deregulated water companies.
                                      The standard features of
                                      the UMAX solution already
An additional advantage is that
the system has been designed
                                      met 90% of our needs
to effectively manage the large
variety of tasks, campaigns and       Jan Hammenecker - VMW
channels used to communicate          Manager business systems & communication
and interact with B2C and

    Staying in control of your water company
    The UMAX control framework

    Being in control is one thing   The UMAX control frame-      The performance indicators
    staying in control another.      work (UCF) provides your     can be translated throughout
    For water companies, it is       key employees with actual    the organization in a
    important to keep operational    and real-time information    transparent and uniform
    margins as optimal as            on the status of key         manner, through role-tailored
    possible. To do so, you need     performance indicators       dashboards. By doing so,
    to have a clear organizational   (KPIs):                     managers can focus on
    structure, transparent                                        what really matters and can
    processes & roles and data       	 Sales indicators:         measure performance at all
    that is secured It is equally      number of grey water      times based on real-time and
    important to gain insight in        conversions, requests,   correct actuals.
    the fluctuating path of the      	 Operational indicators:
    actuals and to know whats          status of processes,
    going on at every level of the      workload, open cases
    organization at all times, in    	 Financial indicators:
    order to react as quickly as        operational margins,
    possible when necessary.            cash flow position

       The energy sector is a risk
       business, and thanks to UMAX,
       we are in control
       Jeroen van Daal  Delta
       Sales Director

360属 lifecycle
From connection to customer... and back

The proper functioning of the     instructions sent out so that     and investments such as
water distribution network        everyone knows exactly what       comprehensive grid updates,
and all individual connecting     has to be done. Moreover,         the roll-out of smart meters
points must be guaranteed at      after the intervention the        or the replacement of pipes,
all times. Repairs, extensions,   system prepares everything        transformers and various
updates, new connections          for billing. All this to keep     other assets.
to the network and meter          time spent & effort invested to
installations must be carried     a strict minimum.                 Mobile workforce
out quickly and flawlessly. As                                      management
a water utility you take the      Asset lifecycle management        UMAX mobile workforce
lead here, and UMAX provides      With UMAX you have                management module is yet
excellent services in this        full control over meters,         another instrument to boost
respect to help you focus on      connections and cables.           productivity. It allows mobile
your core business: managing      The asset management              communication with teams
the water distribution net, end   module lets you manage            in the field via smartphone,
to end.                           complex installations,            tablet or PDA. This enables
                                  monitor the lifecycle of          the sharing of customer
Efficient handling of customer    specific assets (e.g. smart       details, such as address and
requests                          meters) and quickly initiate      meter number, and facilitates
When customers request            necessary interventions.          the exchange of information
a technical intervention,         The system also interfaces        about the planning and execu-
e.g. a new connection or          effortlessly with various         tion of technical interventions.
a defect, a team goes on          external applications such        This module lets you instantly
site. UMAX integrated crm,       as geographical information       update or even change round
project, asset and service        systems. It receives and          the work schedule of teams
management modules ensure         stores data and generates         and individual operatives in
the timeliness and efficiency     reports. UMAX ease of            the field. You can direct them
of the interventions. The         use and powerful features         to the address of a customer
software sends service orders     make it an indispensable          whos just reported a defect,
to the various departments.       tool for preparing and            while they can report back on
People are scheduled and          managing major projects           the status of their work.

    UMAX - built on Microsoft Dynamics AX
    A leader of industry platform

    UMAX is the solution for           ers people to anticipate and
    utilities built on the Microsoft   embrace change so that the
    Dynamics AX 2012 platform,         business can thrive. The solu-
    which is part of Microsofts       tion features an intuitive and
    top-of-the-line easy-to-use,       easy to learn & use Microsoft
    integrated and adaptable           Office-like user interface and
    ERP applications that enable       role-tailored dashboards.
    business decision-makers
    to quickly respond to market       Microsoft Dynamics AX is
    shifts, take advantage of          also a scalable solution that
    new trends, increase their         can grow as your business
    competitive edge and drive         expands. Furthermore,
    business success.                  through its layered
                                                                        Built on Microsoft
                                       structure, MS Dynamics
                                                                        Dynamics AX, UMAX
    AX is a proven solution for        AX offers flexibility and
                                                                        guarantees these
    large organizations. Within        faster implementations for
    these organizations it empow-      upgrades and updates.

                                                                        	 Flexible and modular
                                                                        	 Low maintenance
                                                                        	 Scalable application
                                                                        	 Future-proof solution
                                                                        	 Quick adoption ratio
                                                                        	 Low total cost of

Certified by Microsoft
A proven, robust and trustworthy solution

UMAX is a solution certified     UMAX is a proven, robust
for MS Dynamics AX, meaning      and trustworthy solution for
it has passed Microsofts most   utilities and a guarantee for
stringent tests - performed      future success. All these
by Lionbridge and VeriTest,      elements taken together
independent software             make UMAX the best solution
testing agencies - and meets     for utilities currently available
Microsofts highest standards.   on the market.
This label assures that

Leveraging on Microsoft technologies
                                 Communicate with other applications within your IT landscape
                                 and external third party systems guaranteeing the consistent
                                 flow of data within UMAX, your business and the market.
                                 UMAX seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Office, offering
                                 common tools for document output, bulk upload of data and
                                 communicating with internal and external clients.
                                 Through Visual Studio, utilities can extend the UMAX
                                 solution with extra modules, tailor-made add-ons or offer web
                                 services to their customers, guaranteeing flexibility.
                                 Through SQL, data is stored in a secure and consistent manner,
                                 offering instant reporting and clear-cut business intelligence,
                                 enabling utilities to be and stay in control of their business.
                                 The cloud solution from Microsoft empowering utilities to
                                 store big data & to source extra processing power for heavy
                                 processes such as: smart meter data and real time billing.

     VMW opted for change!
     Belgian water company reducing its costs with 50%

     Profile                       Solution
     VMW is the largest drinking   VMW commissioned Itineris       Thanks to the
     water company in Flanders     to install its UMAX solution
     (Belgium). It is a partner    based on Microsoft Dynamics     intelligence
     to its associates in the      AX. The central database was    of UMAX,
     municipalities for the        brought up-to-date and the
     expansion of municipal        billing system was adapted,     revenues are
     sewerage networks. As an      where necessary, to the needs   automatically
     integrated water company      of VMW.
     it also develops customized                                   coupled to
     projects for companies.       Advantages                      the bills and
     VMW supplies drinking water    	 Maintenance costs halved
     to 2,6 million customers in    	 Flexible and simple         productivity
     171 Flemish municipalities,    	 User-friendly               has increased
     spread across the different    	 Integration with other
     provinces. The organization       applications                sharply
     has 1500 staff.                	 Intelligent assignment of
                                       bills                       Jan Hammenecker - VMW
     Challenge                      	 Significant time savings    Manager business
     VMW carried out a thorough     	 Improved customer service   systems & communication
     reorganization but was         	 Hardly any support
     working with an outdated          required
     and expensive customer         	 Exponential growth
     management system.                possiblities
     This made it impossible to
     automate specific services
     or to serve customers more
     efficiently at a reasonable
     cost. The customer database
     also needed a major clean-

What other customers have to say
UMAX, a proven solution supporting all utilities

Jeroen van Daal                    Koen Meersschaert                    Jeroen Bode
Delta multi-utility company        AWW                                  Eneco The Netherlands

Thanks to UMAX we evolved         This software package was           UMAX has allowed us to
from the management of             praised for its flexibility in a     achieve three targets at once:
premises to the management         study and for us this is very        reduce the time to market by
of customers. We can offer         important In particular,            developing new products very
them advice and help them to       in order to keep up with the         flexibly, cut the cost-to-serve
save energy. Moreover, now it      numerous legal amendments            and, gain a better insight into
is easy for us to create reports   its essential for AWW to opt        our sales processes and the
on everything we do. Before,       for a real utility solution with a   settlement of contracts.
this was unthinkable.             proven track record.

UMAX offers us fast access to data
and efficient first line resolution
Maurice Roovers - Intergas
Customer service manager

     Who benefits from the power of UMAX?
     Discover why they chose UMAX


     E.ON A.G. - one of the            Previously, multi-utility      To turn its promises - as a
     worlds largest power and         company Delta used a           new entrant on the Belgian
     gas groups together with        variety of systems to manage   retail energy market - into
     E.ON IT GmbH recently             customer relations, prepare    reality, Eneco Belgium was
     chose UMAX and Microsoft          invoices, manage contracts     looking for an efficient IT
     Dynamics AX 2012 as the           and follow up sales. The       solution to support the
     solution to support the future    company looked for a new       company in managing its
     growth of their business.         and more streamlined ERP       new business activities
     They consider it to be a direct   system. Today, UMAX, based     and customer base. After a
     and practical alternative to      on Microsoft Dynamics AX,      thorough study of the market,
     SAP-ISU.                          supports Delta in its day to   Eneco chose UMAX.
                                       day tasks.

                                                                            The Netherlands

The drinking water producer     To better answer the needs         Eneco wanted to streamline
AWW decided to change to        of the deregulated energy          its IT systems and the
a process-driven method of      market, Intergas wanted to         business processes
working in order to improve     streamline its administrative      built around them, while
its internal operations and     business activities. Now, more     simultaneously accelerating
services. Integrated IT         than ever, costs, efficiency and   the development of new
support is an absolute must     innovation play an important       products and services. The
for achieving this. AWW         role. The gas company              company wished to adapt
chose to implement UMAX         chose UMAX for distribution        its systems for e-business
essentially because of the      companies.                         applications to improve
flexibility it offers.                                             customer service and reduce
                                                                   transaction costs. For that
                                                                   reason they opted for UMAX.

 UMAX, your best guarantee for future success!
  	 Optimize operational margins via efficient project and
     service management
  	 Manage clients flexibly & efficiently via UMAX
     integrated crm processes
  	 Manage your performance instantly, through the UMAX
     control framework

     Other UMAX software solutions
     Supporting all market roles & commodities

     UMAX is available in four
     standard configurations. Each
     configuration is carefully
     tailored to the needs of a
     particular role in the utility
     market and supports different
     commodities.                      UMAX for                     UMAX for
                                       Suppliers                    Integrated
     All UMAX solutions are            B2B - B2C                    Utilities
     modular and scalable. The
     solution grows as your            The solution for utility     The solution for utilities
     business grows. Moreover,         suppliers operating in       active in a regulated market
     the business solution can be      a deregulated market,        or executing multiple
     fully integrated in existing IT   supporting all commodities   market roles

                                       The solution for utility     The solution for companies
                                       companies active in the      active in managing the
                                       deregulated and regulated    distribution net and grid
                                       water markets                related activities

       Discover the other UMAX
       solutions through
       our brochures or contact
       one of our partners.            UMAX for                     UMAX for
                                       Water                        Distribution
                                       Companies                    Companies

Registered implementation partners
Delivering the power of UMAX to your doorstep!

UMAX is a global, standardized and packaged software
solution for utilities. However, as in any other business,
utilities have to comply with the (local) regulatory, judicial
and fiscal standards and requirements.                           R E G I S T E R E D PA RT N E R

Consequently, UMAX needs to be loaded with knowledge
of local markets and industries. For that reason, UMAX is
implemented by partners who are familiar with and fully
understand the utility industry in your region or market.

Each of these partners has been thoroughly screened,
selected and trained to deliver you the best services (adapted
to your market & industry) combined with the power of a
standardized, out-of-the-box and proven software solution-
offered by UMAX.

    Ideal basis for success:
                                                                   Find a UMAX registered
     	 a standardized out-of-the-box solution
                                                                   implementation partner
     	 built on a leader of industry platform
                                                                   for your region on
     	 configured to the needs of your utility company
     	 adapted to the local market and industry standards

     Your notes on UMAX
     Write your ideas down, here!
Smart flexibility.
Want to know more about UMAX?
Please contact us.
UMAX is a product of Itineris. Itineris is a 100% utility industry focused,
business and IT application consulting group with offices in Belgium,
The Netherlands and North America.
Itineris offers innovative software solutions built on the Microsoft
Dynamics AX速 platform and related IT services for utilities.

Europe                             North America
Xavier De Cocklaan 24              PO Box 680451
9831 Deurle                        Marietta, GA 30068
Belgium                            USA
info@umaxsolutions.com             info@umaxsolutions.com

ITINERIS (The Netherlands)
Bredaseweg 106a
                                   Other regions
4902 NS Oosterhout                 Please contact the headquarters,
The Netherlands                    we will bring you in contact with the
info@umaxsolutions.com             most suitable implementer.

Discover more
Web: 	 www.umaxsolutions.com
E-mail:	 info@umaxsolutions.com
Twitter:	 umax_solutions
YouTube:	umaxsolutions

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Umax for water companies

  • 1. Innovative & agile business solution for water companies
  • 2. Smart flexibility. Delivered.
  • 3. 1 UMAX - The utility solution Certified by Microsoft, delivering smart flexibility UMAX is the answer for UMAX combines optimum parties (such as metering utilities looking for a powerful flexibility with proven companies, external 3rd parties, and agile business solution. functionality and standardly etc) UMAX ensures utilities full This integrated, standardized, integrates level 3 utility support. out-of-the-box system was processes. From the process designed, built and certified of connecting new retail and Moreover, this business for Microsoft Dynamics AX, business customers, through solution helps water com- using established utility to the process of collecting panies to stay in control of industry frameworks and the amounts due and the consecutive stages in the proven methodologies. interacting with other market different value chains. COMMERCIAL VALUE CHAIN MARKET SELL SERVE & MANAGE BILL COLLECT VALUE CHAIN PHYSICAL & METERING CONNECT OPERATE MAINTAIN VALUE CHAIN SUPPORTING CONTROL & RISK ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT
  • 4. 2 UMAX stands for and guarantees Maximized customer revenues Reduced time & effort spent Processes built on customer value Optimized operational margins Higher productivity via integration An organization in control
  • 5. 3 Managing water the new frontier Requiring agility and flexibility Every day, water companies ensure their drinking water costs at a minimum and supply millions of litres of meets the highest quality and ensuring that customers tap water to hundreds of safety standards. remain satisfied. thousands, or even millions of customers in their service Alongside these activities For that reason, water area. they liaise with all relevant companies are looking for authorities and regulators powerful and agile business They connect homes and who closely monitor their solutions, supporting them businesses to the water economic, environmental and in their core client-oriented distribution network and quality performances. business processes, allowing provide assistance to them to rapidly adapt to an customers who are moving Water companies are also ever-evolving environment house and/or subscribe to facing important changes in and gain insight on the actual new services. their operating environment. status of the business and its Gradually progressing market current performance. Water utilities run purification liberalization may force them plants, pumps, pipes and to strike a finer balance meters and carry out tests to between keeping operating
  • 6. 4 Choosing for UMAX, your best guarantee for success! 360属 view on the entire process from (new) water connections to payments Automation & integration of project, asset, service & workforce processes Handle customer requests flexibly & efficiently via integrated crm Focus on what really matters through efficient, flexible and clear processes
  • 7. 5 UMAX for water companies Guaranteeing your future success UMAX grew out of the idea to B2B target groups during the Sell deliver an innovative, flexible, moments of truth, such as Support all stages in the selling process future-proof and affordable a customer move or a grid business solution that fully extension Serve & Manage Interact with customer supports water companies requests in the management of the Moreover, the integrated Bill core client-oriented business project and warehouse Forecast, simulate & invoice consumptions processes. Moreover, UMAX management, billing and was created to lower the collect modules have been Collect Manage payments cost-to-serve by optimizing conveniently tailored to & amounts due these business processes and meet all the requirements Connect to reduce the overall cost of of water companies active in Link connections & network ownership of the IT landscape. the utility sector. Additionally, UMAX seamlessly Operate The perfect solution for water communicates with other Manage the network companies market parties such as government institutions and Maintain Service the network UMAX has proven itself as the 3rd party systems such as perfect solution for managing sub-contractors or other various sequences of organizations. customer-related and physical processes taking place in virtually all regulated and deregulated water companies. The standard features of the UMAX solution already An additional advantage is that the system has been designed met 90% of our needs to effectively manage the large variety of tasks, campaigns and Jan Hammenecker - VMW channels used to communicate Manager business systems & communication and interact with B2C and
  • 8. 6 Staying in control of your water company The UMAX control framework Being in control is one thing The UMAX control frame- The performance indicators staying in control another. work (UCF) provides your can be translated throughout For water companies, it is key employees with actual the organization in a important to keep operational and real-time information transparent and uniform margins as optimal as on the status of key manner, through role-tailored possible. To do so, you need performance indicators dashboards. By doing so, to have a clear organizational (KPIs): managers can focus on structure, transparent what really matters and can processes & roles and data Sales indicators: measure performance at all that is secured It is equally number of grey water times based on real-time and important to gain insight in conversions, requests, correct actuals. the fluctuating path of the Operational indicators: actuals and to know whats status of processes, going on at every level of the workload, open cases organization at all times, in Financial indicators: order to react as quickly as operational margins, possible when necessary. cash flow position The energy sector is a risk business, and thanks to UMAX, we are in control Jeroen van Daal Delta Sales Director
  • 9. 7 360属 lifecycle From connection to customer... and back The proper functioning of the instructions sent out so that and investments such as water distribution network everyone knows exactly what comprehensive grid updates, and all individual connecting has to be done. Moreover, the roll-out of smart meters points must be guaranteed at after the intervention the or the replacement of pipes, all times. Repairs, extensions, system prepares everything transformers and various updates, new connections for billing. All this to keep other assets. to the network and meter time spent & effort invested to installations must be carried a strict minimum. Mobile workforce out quickly and flawlessly. As management a water utility you take the Asset lifecycle management UMAX mobile workforce lead here, and UMAX provides With UMAX you have management module is yet excellent services in this full control over meters, another instrument to boost respect to help you focus on connections and cables. productivity. It allows mobile your core business: managing The asset management communication with teams the water distribution net, end module lets you manage in the field via smartphone, to end. complex installations, tablet or PDA. This enables monitor the lifecycle of the sharing of customer Efficient handling of customer specific assets (e.g. smart details, such as address and requests meters) and quickly initiate meter number, and facilitates When customers request necessary interventions. the exchange of information a technical intervention, The system also interfaces about the planning and execu- e.g. a new connection or effortlessly with various tion of technical interventions. a defect, a team goes on external applications such This module lets you instantly site. UMAX integrated crm, as geographical information update or even change round project, asset and service systems. It receives and the work schedule of teams management modules ensure stores data and generates and individual operatives in the timeliness and efficiency reports. UMAX ease of the field. You can direct them of the interventions. The use and powerful features to the address of a customer software sends service orders make it an indispensable whos just reported a defect, to the various departments. tool for preparing and while they can report back on People are scheduled and managing major projects the status of their work.
  • 10. 8 UMAX - built on Microsoft Dynamics AX A leader of industry platform UMAX is the solution for ers people to anticipate and utilities built on the Microsoft embrace change so that the Dynamics AX 2012 platform, business can thrive. The solu- which is part of Microsofts tion features an intuitive and top-of-the-line easy-to-use, easy to learn & use Microsoft integrated and adaptable Office-like user interface and ERP applications that enable role-tailored dashboards. business decision-makers to quickly respond to market Microsoft Dynamics AX is shifts, take advantage of also a scalable solution that new trends, increase their can grow as your business competitive edge and drive expands. Furthermore, business success. through its layered Built on Microsoft structure, MS Dynamics Dynamics AX, UMAX AX is a proven solution for AX offers flexibility and guarantees these large organizations. Within faster implementations for advantages: these organizations it empow- upgrades and updates. Flexible and modular solution Low maintenance costs Scalable application Future-proof solution Quick adoption ratio Low total cost of ownership
  • 11. 9 Certified by Microsoft A proven, robust and trustworthy solution UMAX is a solution certified UMAX is a proven, robust for MS Dynamics AX, meaning and trustworthy solution for it has passed Microsofts most utilities and a guarantee for stringent tests - performed future success. All these by Lionbridge and VeriTest, elements taken together independent software make UMAX the best solution testing agencies - and meets for utilities currently available Microsofts highest standards. on the market. This label assures that Leveraging on Microsoft technologies Communicate with other applications within your IT landscape and external third party systems guaranteeing the consistent flow of data within UMAX, your business and the market. UMAX seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Office, offering common tools for document output, bulk upload of data and communicating with internal and external clients. Through Visual Studio, utilities can extend the UMAX solution with extra modules, tailor-made add-ons or offer web services to their customers, guaranteeing flexibility. Through SQL, data is stored in a secure and consistent manner, offering instant reporting and clear-cut business intelligence, enabling utilities to be and stay in control of their business. The cloud solution from Microsoft empowering utilities to store big data & to source extra processing power for heavy processes such as: smart meter data and real time billing.
  • 12. 10 VMW opted for change! Belgian water company reducing its costs with 50% Profile Solution VMW is the largest drinking VMW commissioned Itineris Thanks to the water company in Flanders to install its UMAX solution (Belgium). It is a partner based on Microsoft Dynamics intelligence to its associates in the AX. The central database was of UMAX, municipalities for the brought up-to-date and the expansion of municipal billing system was adapted, revenues are sewerage networks. As an where necessary, to the needs automatically integrated water company of VMW. it also develops customized coupled to projects for companies. Advantages the bills and VMW supplies drinking water Maintenance costs halved to 2,6 million customers in Flexible and simple productivity 171 Flemish municipalities, User-friendly has increased spread across the different Integration with other provinces. The organization applications sharply has 1500 staff. Intelligent assignment of bills Jan Hammenecker - VMW Challenge Significant time savings Manager business VMW carried out a thorough Improved customer service systems & communication reorganization but was Hardly any support working with an outdated required and expensive customer Exponential growth management system. possiblities This made it impossible to automate specific services or to serve customers more efficiently at a reasonable cost. The customer database also needed a major clean- up.
  • 13. 11 What other customers have to say UMAX, a proven solution supporting all utilities Jeroen van Daal Koen Meersschaert Jeroen Bode Delta multi-utility company AWW Eneco The Netherlands Thanks to UMAX we evolved This software package was UMAX has allowed us to from the management of praised for its flexibility in a achieve three targets at once: premises to the management study and for us this is very reduce the time to market by of customers. We can offer important In particular, developing new products very them advice and help them to in order to keep up with the flexibly, cut the cost-to-serve save energy. Moreover, now it numerous legal amendments and, gain a better insight into is easy for us to create reports its essential for AWW to opt our sales processes and the on everything we do. Before, for a real utility solution with a settlement of contracts. this was unthinkable. proven track record. UMAX offers us fast access to data and efficient first line resolution Maurice Roovers - Intergas Customer service manager
  • 14. 12 Who benefits from the power of UMAX? Discover why they chose UMAX Belgium E.ON A.G. - one of the Previously, multi-utility To turn its promises - as a worlds largest power and company Delta used a new entrant on the Belgian gas groups together with variety of systems to manage retail energy market - into E.ON IT GmbH recently customer relations, prepare reality, Eneco Belgium was chose UMAX and Microsoft invoices, manage contracts looking for an efficient IT Dynamics AX 2012 as the and follow up sales. The solution to support the solution to support the future company looked for a new company in managing its growth of their business. and more streamlined ERP new business activities They consider it to be a direct system. Today, UMAX, based and customer base. After a and practical alternative to on Microsoft Dynamics AX, thorough study of the market, SAP-ISU. supports Delta in its day to Eneco chose UMAX. day tasks.
  • 15. 13 The Netherlands The drinking water producer To better answer the needs Eneco wanted to streamline AWW decided to change to of the deregulated energy its IT systems and the a process-driven method of market, Intergas wanted to business processes working in order to improve streamline its administrative built around them, while its internal operations and business activities. Now, more simultaneously accelerating services. Integrated IT than ever, costs, efficiency and the development of new support is an absolute must innovation play an important products and services. The for achieving this. AWW role. The gas company company wished to adapt chose to implement UMAX chose UMAX for distribution its systems for e-business essentially because of the companies. applications to improve flexibility it offers. customer service and reduce transaction costs. For that reason they opted for UMAX. UMAX, your best guarantee for future success! Optimize operational margins via efficient project and service management Manage clients flexibly & efficiently via UMAX integrated crm processes Manage your performance instantly, through the UMAX control framework
  • 16. 14 Other UMAX software solutions Supporting all market roles & commodities UMAX is available in four standard configurations. Each configuration is carefully tailored to the needs of a particular role in the utility market and supports different commodities. UMAX for UMAX for Suppliers Integrated All UMAX solutions are B2B - B2C Utilities modular and scalable. The solution grows as your The solution for utility The solution for utilities business grows. Moreover, suppliers operating in active in a regulated market the business solution can be a deregulated market, or executing multiple fully integrated in existing IT supporting all commodities market roles landscapes. The solution for utility The solution for companies companies active in the active in managing the deregulated and regulated distribution net and grid water markets related activities Discover the other UMAX solutions through www.umaxsolutions.com, our brochures or contact one of our partners. UMAX for UMAX for Water Distribution Companies Companies
  • 17. 15 Registered implementation partners Delivering the power of UMAX to your doorstep! UMAX is a global, standardized and packaged software solution for utilities. However, as in any other business, utilities have to comply with the (local) regulatory, judicial and fiscal standards and requirements. R E G I S T E R E D PA RT N E R Consequently, UMAX needs to be loaded with knowledge of local markets and industries. For that reason, UMAX is implemented by partners who are familiar with and fully understand the utility industry in your region or market. Each of these partners has been thoroughly screened, selected and trained to deliver you the best services (adapted to your market & industry) combined with the power of a standardized, out-of-the-box and proven software solution- offered by UMAX. Ideal basis for success: Find a UMAX registered a standardized out-of-the-box solution implementation partner built on a leader of industry platform for your region on configured to the needs of your utility company www.umaxsolutions.com adapted to the local market and industry standards
  • 18. 16 Your notes on UMAX Write your ideas down, here!
  • 20. Want to know more about UMAX? Please contact us. UMAX is a product of Itineris. Itineris is a 100% utility industry focused, business and IT application consulting group with offices in Belgium, The Netherlands and North America. Itineris offers innovative software solutions built on the Microsoft Dynamics AX速 platform and related IT services for utilities. Europe North America ITINERIS (HEADQUARTERS) ITINERIS (USA & Canada) Xavier De Cocklaan 24 PO Box 680451 9831 Deurle Marietta, GA 30068 Belgium USA info@umaxsolutions.com info@umaxsolutions.com ITINERIS (The Netherlands) Bredaseweg 106a Other regions 4902 NS Oosterhout Please contact the headquarters, The Netherlands we will bring you in contact with the info@umaxsolutions.com most suitable implementer. Discover more Web: www.umaxsolutions.com E-mail: info@umaxsolutions.com Twitter: umax_solutions YouTube: umaxsolutions