The document discusses problems with the current local deals model for both merchants and consumers. Merchants have no control over their deals and contracts, and do not receive quality customers. Consumers are not offered localized or personalized deals. The document then introduces UMeTime as a solution that gives merchants full control and delivers real-time local customers, while allowing consumers to receive hyper-local deals on their devices and earn rewards for sharing. Currently, UMeTime has launched in two test markets, signed up 150 merchants, gained 2,000 app downloads, and is seeking additional funds to expand.
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2. Current Model is Broken-
Merchants have no control of their deal or their
Merchants arent receiving quality customers
who are returning for future purchases
Merchants are locked into long-term contracts
Merchants are losing money, and often have to
wait for their payments
Significant Merchant attrition rate
4. Current Model is Broken-
Consumers arent offered local deals
Consumers arent offered deals that are
tailored to their preferences, age, and gender
Consumers arent offered deals that are
delivered to their smart devices
Consumers arent incentivized to share deals
with their social networks
7. Why UMT? - Merchants
UMeTime is the promotional and technology
bridge between local merchants and customers
Merchants are in complete control of their deals
UMeTime delivers real time, local customers
when they want it
UMeTime can test the effectiveness of their
campaigns with the provided suite of tools
UMeTime is a local marketing solution for
Merchants and pays Merchants timely
No contracts and no upfront $
8. Why UMT? - Users
UMeTime offers hyper local deals to the user
Users personalize their deal feed
UMeTime delivers deals directly to the users smart
UMeTime rewards users when they share deals with
their social networks
Users are supporting their local community and
local businesses when they use UMeTime!
9. Where we are today?
UMeTime is launching the Phase I technology in
2 markets, Austin, TX and Santa Monica/Venice, CA
150 local merchants on board in less than 8 weeks
2,000 local downloads of the free mobile app
Team of 20 composed of marketing, sales, and CSRs
Board of Advisors composed of CEOs and Executives
Raised $825,000 from private investors
Seeking an additional $500k - $1M to fully launch the
2 test markets and prepare for 2013 expansion