This document discusses four main types of computers: super computers, mainframe computers, mini computers, and micro computers. Super computers are the most powerful and are used by large organizations for processing huge amounts of data. Mainframe computers are less powerful than super computers but can perform multitasking and store large amounts of data, used by banks and insurance companies. Mini computers are smaller and less capable than mainframes, used by small businesses and individual departments. Micro computers include desktops, laptops, tablets, phones and are designed for general personal and office use.
The document provides 10 steps to help one live their best life. The steps include being real, truthful, in charge of oneself, aware, responsible for one's experiences, energized, loving, compassionate, masterful of opportunities, and being the change one seeks. Living an extraordinary life is more about being than doing. Pay attention to how one shows up each day and be the person you want to spend your life with.
The document analyzes the characters, iconography, setting, and technical codes used in a Manchester newspaper. On the front cover, a man convicted of animal abuse represents the villain, while citizens who restrained him are heroes. Inside, a fraud convict and two arrested hotel guests also portray villains. Iconic Manchester images like footballers and the Hilton Hotel establish the local setting. Technical codes like bold headlines and mastheads in prominent areas are used to attract readers' attention to key stories.
The document analyzes different elements of a newspaper page using concepts from media studies. It summarizes the characters portrayed in various images on the cover page, including a father and son holding a turkey representing a positive story, and a photo of serial killer Shipman reflecting his malicious character. It describes the working class setting of the father and son in their back garden, and a soldier in a British army parade uniform. Iconic symbols include the turkey representing Christmas, a landmark theatre building, and images of Shipman and the soldier. Narrative techniques used include creating questions through a headline about the police, and showing binary opposition between good and evil. Technical codes like placement of the masthead and headlines are meant to draw the reader in.
questo 竪 un documento importante, stampato dal governo degli Stati Uniti ad uso della Commissione governativa statunitense d'Intelligence e della Commissione governativa statunitense per le Risorse Umane, e datato 3 agosto 1977. Nel documento sono forniti in dettaglio i dati di quante universit, centri di ricerca, istituti pubblici di igiene mentale, istituzioni carcerarie, ecc. erano coinvolti nel progetto di controllo mentale MK ULTRA nell'allora 1977, ricevendo fondi federali americani e fondi CIA. Vi si racconta di esperimenti scientifici basati su elettroshock, costanti stupri, uso di droghe leggere e pesanti, introduzione di elettrodi nel cervello di bambini e tante altre cose del genere, tutto al fine di condurre delle sperimentazioni che fornissero dati utili sul controllo mentale da poter applicare poi occultamente alle popolazioni civili occidentali e non. Il progetto poi non si 竪 interrotto, ma 竪 arrivato fino ai giorni nostri col nome di progetto MONARCH. Pensate che nel 1977 c'erano ben 149 sottoprogetti del progetto MK ULTRA, e considerando che siamo nel 2013, cio竪 36 anni dopo, potete intuire quale possa essere stato il progresso in questo tipo di sperimentazioni. Purtroppo 竪 necessario conoscere l'inglese per leggere il documento, in quanto non possiedo una versione italiana del medesimo. Naturalmente il documento non svela i nomi precisi dei soggetti e delle istituzioni coinvolti, per ragioni di "violazione della privacy" e per "non creare imbarazzo" nelle istituzioni coinvolte. Naturalmente vi si sottolinea di come i ricercatori potessero essere in perfetta buona fede in queste sperimentazioni (infilare elettrodi nel cervello, somministrare droghe sintetiche e stuprare bambini non so fino a che punto sia "unwitted" cio竪 involontario) e nelle ultime pagine del documento sono opportunamente depennati i nomi e i cognomi che potrebbero creare "imbarazzo" nelle istituzioni statunitensi. Se avete voglia di affilare un p嘆 la lama del vostro inglese, avrete di che sconcertarvi su quanto scritto in queste pagine. Ciao
The Missing Feeling Technique is a method to help identify and strengthen feelings that have been blocked or "missing" through practicing daily expressions of emotion for 5 days with a partner. It involves labeling the missing feeling, strengthening memory systems related to emotional expression, and doing 10 daily exercises with a partner to rewire brain circuits blocking feelings. It can also use "Hostility Buddies" where partners help each other practice expressing anger in a safe way to strengthen circuits related to that emotion. The technique aims to unlock emotional fluidity through strengthening both implicit and explicit memory of feelings.
An integrated circuit called a microprocessor contains the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer on a single silicon chip. Microprocessors differ based on their instruction set, bandwidth, and clock speed. Common microprocessor manufacturers include AMD, Intel, NEC, Siemens, and Toshiba. The Intel 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor with a multiplexed address/data bus that was widely used in the 1970s-1980s.
This document provides advice on how not to freak out about implementing the Common Core State Standards. It recommends starting by familiarizing yourself with the anchor standards for reading and writing, discussing what is already being done that aligns with them, and collaborating with other teachers. Teachers should then select 2 anchor standards to focus on, modify existing lessons to incorporate those standards, and repeat the process with 2 new standards once the first ones have been mastered. The document aims to offer a non-freaked out approach to the Common Core through collaboration and incremental implementation.
This document provides information on promotional items available from Avik Enterprises including t-shirts, caps, and jackets. T-shirt options include round neck, polo, and tipped styles that can be thermally printed, embroidered, or branded. Jackets are available in non-reversible, reversible, and sandwich styles with options for wool, microfiber, or navy blue fabrics. Contact information is provided to inquire about products or place orders.
This document provides an overview of Artus, an Eclipse-based design tool for automotive applications. It discusses the automotive domain, embedded software technology, component technology, and Bosch's transition to using Eclipse. The tool features architecture validation and visualization capabilities. Future plans include migrating to a new object model and adding code completion, hover functionality, and graphical editors.
Total Fluid Management Services aims to increase equipment reliability through proper lubrication practices. This includes developing a detailed plan to store, handle, dispense, analyze, and dispose of lubricants correctly. A key part of the service is conducting an audit of all lubricated equipment to create a comprehensive database and develop lubrication routes. This helps ensure the right lubricant is delivered to the right place in the right amount at the right time. The services also include training, monitoring lubricant condition, renewing fluids when needed, and generating reports to track performance. The overall goal is to establish strong fluid management processes that optimize equipment reliability.
Marketing Re-Imagined: Three Imperatives for Marketing LeadersSean O'Connell
This document discusses three imperatives for marketing leaders in re-imagining their approach due to changing customer and business expectations. It recommends knowing customers individually, creating value at every touchpoint, and being an authentic brand. It outlines analyzing complete customer experiences, integrating digital and traditional data, and leveraging insights across the business and with partners. It also discusses using systems of engagement to ensure relevant experiences aligned with corporate values across all channels.
El tigre-y-la-mona-1204580623404450-2 sonidoberanturi
El tigre y la mona fueron de compras y al cine. Mientras cenaban, unos extra単os entraron a robarles. El tigre y la mona los encontraron escondidos en las alcantarillas y los llevaron de nuevo a la c叩rcel. Despu辿s visitaron MonoLandia y TigreLandia, donde se burlaron de la mona hasta que los habitantes le pidieron perd坦n.
This document provides a long list of URLs for blogs, wikis, websites and tools related to education in technology and web2 tools, the construction of comics, timelines, mind maps, online newspapers and magazines, word clouds, collages, screen recorders, posters, file sharing and storage tools, puzzle construction, and digital platforms. It also includes links to sites with digitized historical materials like old newspapers.
The instructor provided a library instruction session covering key concepts for researching topics, including:
1) Distinguishing between scholarly and popular sources and the importance of using scholarly sources.
2) Developing keyword terms and search strategies to efficiently search databases and find relevant sources.
3) Demonstrating how to search the library catalog and article databases like Academic OneFile and FirstSearch using keyword search strategies.
4) Reviewing the main features of bibliographic records and how to evaluate and access full-text sources.
Adaptive Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: QoS Optimisation for Enhanced A...M H
The document describes a new routing protocol called Route Optimization and Load-balancing (ROL) for wireless sensor networks. ROL aims to balance several objectives like prolonging network lifetime, providing timely message delivery, and improving network robustness. It uses a combination of routing metrics that can be configured according to application priorities to optimize overall network performance. Simulation results show that ROL maintains balanced cluster sizes and populations, reduces overhead, end-to-end delays, and improves data delivery ratios compared to other protocols like Mires++.
The Missing Feeling Technique is a method to help identify and strengthen feelings that have been blocked or "missing" through practicing daily expressions of emotion for 5 days with a partner. It involves labeling the missing feeling, strengthening memory systems related to emotional expression, and doing 10 daily exercises with a partner to rewire brain circuits blocking feelings. It can also use "Hostility Buddies" where partners help each other practice expressing anger in a safe way to strengthen circuits related to that emotion. The technique aims to unlock emotional fluidity through strengthening both implicit and explicit memory of feelings.
An integrated circuit called a microprocessor contains the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer on a single silicon chip. Microprocessors differ based on their instruction set, bandwidth, and clock speed. Common microprocessor manufacturers include AMD, Intel, NEC, Siemens, and Toshiba. The Intel 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor with a multiplexed address/data bus that was widely used in the 1970s-1980s.
This document provides advice on how not to freak out about implementing the Common Core State Standards. It recommends starting by familiarizing yourself with the anchor standards for reading and writing, discussing what is already being done that aligns with them, and collaborating with other teachers. Teachers should then select 2 anchor standards to focus on, modify existing lessons to incorporate those standards, and repeat the process with 2 new standards once the first ones have been mastered. The document aims to offer a non-freaked out approach to the Common Core through collaboration and incremental implementation.
This document provides information on promotional items available from Avik Enterprises including t-shirts, caps, and jackets. T-shirt options include round neck, polo, and tipped styles that can be thermally printed, embroidered, or branded. Jackets are available in non-reversible, reversible, and sandwich styles with options for wool, microfiber, or navy blue fabrics. Contact information is provided to inquire about products or place orders.
This document provides an overview of Artus, an Eclipse-based design tool for automotive applications. It discusses the automotive domain, embedded software technology, component technology, and Bosch's transition to using Eclipse. The tool features architecture validation and visualization capabilities. Future plans include migrating to a new object model and adding code completion, hover functionality, and graphical editors.
Total Fluid Management Services aims to increase equipment reliability through proper lubrication practices. This includes developing a detailed plan to store, handle, dispense, analyze, and dispose of lubricants correctly. A key part of the service is conducting an audit of all lubricated equipment to create a comprehensive database and develop lubrication routes. This helps ensure the right lubricant is delivered to the right place in the right amount at the right time. The services also include training, monitoring lubricant condition, renewing fluids when needed, and generating reports to track performance. The overall goal is to establish strong fluid management processes that optimize equipment reliability.
Marketing Re-Imagined: Three Imperatives for Marketing LeadersSean O'Connell
This document discusses three imperatives for marketing leaders in re-imagining their approach due to changing customer and business expectations. It recommends knowing customers individually, creating value at every touchpoint, and being an authentic brand. It outlines analyzing complete customer experiences, integrating digital and traditional data, and leveraging insights across the business and with partners. It also discusses using systems of engagement to ensure relevant experiences aligned with corporate values across all channels.
El tigre-y-la-mona-1204580623404450-2 sonidoberanturi
El tigre y la mona fueron de compras y al cine. Mientras cenaban, unos extra単os entraron a robarles. El tigre y la mona los encontraron escondidos en las alcantarillas y los llevaron de nuevo a la c叩rcel. Despu辿s visitaron MonoLandia y TigreLandia, donde se burlaron de la mona hasta que los habitantes le pidieron perd坦n.
This document provides a long list of URLs for blogs, wikis, websites and tools related to education in technology and web2 tools, the construction of comics, timelines, mind maps, online newspapers and magazines, word clouds, collages, screen recorders, posters, file sharing and storage tools, puzzle construction, and digital platforms. It also includes links to sites with digitized historical materials like old newspapers.
The instructor provided a library instruction session covering key concepts for researching topics, including:
1) Distinguishing between scholarly and popular sources and the importance of using scholarly sources.
2) Developing keyword terms and search strategies to efficiently search databases and find relevant sources.
3) Demonstrating how to search the library catalog and article databases like Academic OneFile and FirstSearch using keyword search strategies.
4) Reviewing the main features of bibliographic records and how to evaluate and access full-text sources.
Adaptive Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: QoS Optimisation for Enhanced A...M H
The document describes a new routing protocol called Route Optimization and Load-balancing (ROL) for wireless sensor networks. ROL aims to balance several objectives like prolonging network lifetime, providing timely message delivery, and improving network robustness. It uses a combination of routing metrics that can be configured according to application priorities to optimize overall network performance. Simulation results show that ROL maintains balanced cluster sizes and populations, reduces overhead, end-to-end delays, and improves data delivery ratios compared to other protocols like Mires++.