A man had a dream where Muhammad told him that in the past week, 1000 people had died but none were true Muslims because no one was following Allah's commands. Muhammad instructed the man to tell others to give zakat, pray, fast, and follow other religious obligations, as Judgment Day is near. While some may gain paradise by spreading this message, true Muslims must rely on the Quran and hadiths as sources of knowledge and evidence, and should focus on spreading messages about enjoying good and forbidding evil according to Allah's teachings.
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2. It stated; A men saw a dream in which
Muhammad (S.A.W) was standing in front
of him and saying that in one week
thousand people died but not even one was a
true Muslim. None did what Allah wanted.
He also said now it is a bad time, as wives
dont look after their husbands, girls go
round without veils, they dont respect their
parents and others, rich dont look after the
poor, they dont give sadqats and Zakat.
3. He also said to that person to make people
understand to give zakat, to offer prayer and
keep fast. The Day of Judgment is near.
When there is a single star in the sky,
straight away the path of forgiveness will
close. The writing in The Holy Quran will
disappear (vanish).
The sun will lower it self to earth. The
Prophet (S.A.W) said that whoever would
tell this news to someone I will one the
4. day of judgment make him a place in
paradise, and if someone does not believe in
this news to be true they will be banished
from paradise
5. In the light of Allah given parameter, who
does not follow the commandments of Allah
how can he get paradise just by forwarding
this message. One who doesnt offer his
prayers regularly will become equal to those
who fear Allah. Fate is not linked with such
thinks it is only linked with our deeds.
Muslims should rely on sources of
knowledge, based on facts and evidence as
Allah says .
6. Surah al-Baqarah: 111
Bring your proof (of what you state) if
you are truthful
A true Muslim always analyzes
information in the light of the Holy
Quran and Sunnah.
This is clear from Allah words that:
7. Surah al-Nahl: 78
Allah brings you forth from the wombs of
mother knowing nothing, and He provides
you with sight, and a heart that perhaps you
might be thankful
In this verse Allah defines the sources of
knowledge that can bring a person froth
from the snares of ignorance.
8. Sursh al-Isra: 36
And pursue not that of which you have no
knowledge; forever act of hearing or of
seeing, or of the heart will be enquired
This verse prohibits us to follow or
subscribes to that which is unsupported by
evidence. It is also define for us what the
sources of evidence are by way of our
hearing, we learn about revelation. By way
of our sight.
9. Surah al-Imran: 110
In the end I would like to make it clear that
Allah will not ask us about forwarding this
message but He will ask us about forwarding
the most important message about which
many of us are ignorant. Allah says:
Ye are the best of people, evolved for
mankind. Enjoying what is right, forbidding
what is wrong, and believing in Allah.
10. This is our foremost duty to spread the
messages of truth and be steadfast against
any falsehood .May Allah guides us all to the
right path and enable us to fulfill our duties.
Thank You