The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) coordinates humanitarian assistance during emergencies. OCHA's United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team deploys experts worldwide to help coordinate disaster response. Member governments that support UNDAC agree to make their experts available for missions, provide necessary insurance, and cover costs of training and deployment. They also participate in annual meetings and may sponsor participating countries' experts. OCHA arranges deployment and coordinates the experts' work to help effectively mobilize humanitarian assistance.
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UNDAC Responsibilities of Government
The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled
humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors.
Coordination Saves Lives
Responsibilities of member1
and participating2
1. To maintain a single national focal point for OCHA to interact with on all matters dealing with the
UNDAC system (called the “UNDAC National Focal Point”; see also “responsibilities of UNDAC national
focal point”);
2. To make available their UNDAC member(s) at 6-24 hours’ notice for at least one mission per year
of 3-4 weeks’ duration. (Naturally this depends on factors such as personal and work oriented
availability; however availability for missions is OCHA’s single most important concern for UNDAC
3. To provide life or injury insurance, medical treatment insurance3
and third party liability
insurance for its members. OCHA has a medical evacuation insurance for all UNDAC members on
4. To ensure the UNDAC member is paid normal salary and benefits when on UNDAC mission or
5. To identify and nominate suitable candidates for the UNDAC Induction Course (two weeks) and to
make available UNDAC member(s) for Refresher training (usually six days including travel) at least
once every two years. Member governments cover travel and accommodation costs for training of their
national UNDAC members; participating governments may apply for sponsorship through OCHA/FCSS.
6. Once UNDAC members are trained, they are issued with a United Nations contract (no fee) and
UN certificate in readiness for deployment on UNDAC missions. The deployment procedure the
government is expected to follow is as under:
Upon request to deploy an UNDAC team, OCHA opens a topic on the Virtual OSOCC
( and alerts UNDAC members directly by SMS and e-mail. Alert messages
are also sent to the nominated UNDAC National Focal Point for information.
The UNDAC member informs OCHA directly through the Virtual OSOCC of his/her availability for
the mission, having first obtained any authorizations necessary as agreed directly with his/her
Supervisor and UNDAC National Focal Point.
Should the Government not wish to participate in a specific UNDAC mission for national reasons,
the UNDAC National Focal shall immediately inform OCHA/FCSS and its national UNDAC members.
OCHA selects an UNDAC team based on the needs of the emergency and the skills of available
members and transmits a stand-by message to selected UNDAC members through the Virtual OSOCC
(SMS, e-mail).
Once a final decision is made to dispatch the UNDAC team, OCHA makes travel arrangements
and transmits a dispatch message to the selected UNDAC team members.
At any time during the mobilizing process, OCHA may decide that a team will not be dispatched.
In this case OCHA transmits a Stand-down message to selected UNDAC team members.
1 Member governments are self-financing members of the UNDAC system who support the deployment costs of their national UNDAC members
through opening an UNDAC Mission Account with OCHA. Member governments participate in the annual UNDAC Advisory Board meetings which
govern the development of the UNDAC system worldwide.
2 Participating governments are sponsored members of the UNDAC system, whose participation is financially supported by OCHA/FCSS and/or by
UNDAC member governments.
3 OCHA/FCSS arranges temporary medical insurance cover for UNDAC members from participating countries when they are deployed on mission.
Field Coordination Support Section (FCSS)
2. UNDAC – Field Coordination and Support Section (FCSS)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Coordination Saves Lives |
Responsibilities of Member (i.e. self-financing) Governments
7. To make available funds to cover the costs of mission deployment of its UNDAC members by
depositing US$50,000 in a Mission Account with OCHA Geneva. On the basis of the funds provided,
OCHA meets travel and related expenses for UNDAC members deploying on mission.
8. To participate in the annual UNDAC Advisory Board meeting (held in Geneva in February each
year) to provide feedback and guidance to the UNDAC system.
9. To consider sponsoring participation of UNDAC members from Participating Governments who cannot
afford to fund their own members.
For further information, please contact:
Peter Muller, UNDAC Thematic Focal Point,, Tel: +41 (0) 22-91 72783
For more information, please visit