Autism spectrum disorders involve a different way of learning, with individuals performing at extremes of cognitive ability and having uneven academic profiles and distinctive learning styles. To help those with ASDs, classrooms should provide alternative options, consistency, explanations and preparation for changes. An autism-friendly classroom is highly structured, organized and quiet, with a visible daily schedule, activities sequenced with details, and minimal changes to routines.
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Understanding autism spectrum disorders
1. Understanding Autism
Spectrum Disorders
A different way of learning
- perform at the extremes of cognitive ability
- have a conspicuously uneven profile of
academic achievement
- have a distinctive learning style
2. Strategies
Alternative options
Being calm is being smart
If I stay calm, Ill find the solution quicker
Drive to seek consistency and certainty
Explanation, preparation and
3. ASC Friendly Classroom
No errors
Quiet, well-structured classroom
Minimal changes in routines
Visible daily schedule of activities
and preparation for transitions
A to do list