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Understanding of 6 Photographic Compositional RulesJosh Gallagher
SimplicityLook for ways to give the center of interest in your pictures the most visual attention. One way is to select uncomplicated backgrounds that will not steal attention from your subjects.
Rule of ThirdsBefore you snap the picture, imagine your picture area divided into thirds both horizontally and vertically. The intersections of these imaginary lines suggest four options for placing the center of interest for good composition. The option you select depends upon the subject and how you would like that subject to be presented.
LinesLines also play an important role in composition. This sculpture has some beautiful lines, but they're obscured by the busy background. Let's simplify this picture by moving our camera viewpoint in close to the base of the sculpture.
BalanceAchieving good balance is another one of our guidelines for better picture composition. Notice how the leaves, the window, and the couple all seem to be in the right place. The camera viewpoint and subject placement were all carefully selected to create this well-balanced photograph.
FramingTo frame is to make the center of interest with objects in the foreground. This can give a picture the feeling of depth it needs to make it more than just another snapshot.
Avoiding MergersYou can be sure the camera always sees mergers, so look for plain backgrounds before you pose your subject. In this case the correction was simple because the two settings were only a few feet apart.

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Understanding of 6 photographic rules

  • 1. Understanding of 6 Photographic Compositional RulesJosh Gallagher
  • 2. SimplicityLook for ways to give the center of interest in your pictures the most visual attention. One way is to select uncomplicated backgrounds that will not steal attention from your subjects.
  • 3. Rule of ThirdsBefore you snap the picture, imagine your picture area divided into thirds both horizontally and vertically. The intersections of these imaginary lines suggest four options for placing the center of interest for good composition. The option you select depends upon the subject and how you would like that subject to be presented.
  • 4. LinesLines also play an important role in composition. This sculpture has some beautiful lines, but they're obscured by the busy background. Let's simplify this picture by moving our camera viewpoint in close to the base of the sculpture.
  • 5. BalanceAchieving good balance is another one of our guidelines for better picture composition. Notice how the leaves, the window, and the couple all seem to be in the right place. The camera viewpoint and subject placement were all carefully selected to create this well-balanced photograph.
  • 6. FramingTo frame is to make the center of interest with objects in the foreground. This can give a picture the feeling of depth it needs to make it more than just another snapshot.
  • 7. Avoiding MergersYou can be sure the camera always sees mergers, so look for plain backgrounds before you pose your subject. In this case the correction was simple because the two settings were only a few feet apart.