The document provides information about DXN Spirulina, a natural health food supplement. It details the nutritional composition of Spirulina, comparing its protein, vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content to other common foods. Spirulina contains high amounts of nutrients like protein, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B6, B12, iron, magnesium and calcium. The document promotes the benefits of Spirulina for boosting energy, resistance, performance and recovery. It describes Spirulina as a natural product that anyone can use long-term for a healthy life.
4. The Health is a State ofPhysicalMentalSocialSpiritualFinancialLife of Well - Being
5. For Good Health We NeedClean AirPotable WaterNutritious FoodSunlightRegular ExerciseAll ofThese Together
6. But The RealityClean Air Not PossiblePotable Water Not PossibleNutritious Food Not PossibleSunlight Not PossibleRegular Exercise Not PossiblePracticallyIn 21st Century
11. Looking For A SolutionQuality NutritionProper & Regular DetoxificationSpecific Approach if Needed.All These Leads ToStrong Immunity &Balancing Of Body Function
12. Introducing: GANODERMAKnown to Mankind for over 5000 yrs. First Records 2838 B.C (Shen Nongs Herbal Classic) ChinaCHARAK SANHITA : Chatrak Chikitsa
14. Medical / Scientific reports during last 100 years confirms Efficacy and Safety.The Fact SheetBotanical Name : Ganoderma LucidumChinese Name : Lingzhi.Japanese Name : Reishi.Most Famous Name : King of Herbs.Zhi = Energy.
15. "REISHI SENSHI"(A deity in ancient China)This Reishi Goddess was painted some 700 years ago on the wall of a Chinese Temple. In those times, medicines were not as developed as today and the miraculous virtues of Reishi were honored. Reishi was especially desired by those with serious diseases. The Reishi Goddess was worshiped by numerous people, for bringing health, life and eternal youth.
17. Ganoderma Lucidum:The Miraculous King of Herbs. THE KING OFADAPTOGENNo side effects(Non Toxic) even on prolonged use.Non Specific to the organs or tissues.Overall Normalizing Effect to the Body Functions.
20. 1. POLYSACCHARIDES (The Cleanser)Enhances Immune System. Strengthens Natural Healing ability.Prevents abnormal cell growth.Strengthens Cell Membrane.Prevents Cell Decay.Improves Oxygen Carrying capacity of RBC.Helps Liver & Kidney to improve their functions.Enhances Detoxification.Neutralizes Toxins.
21. 2. ORGANIC GERMANIUM (The Balancer)Increases Oxygen absorption at Cell level.Enhances Cell activity.Prevents Cell Degeneration.Balances Electrical Charges in the body.Regulates Electrical functions of Brain & Nerves.Stimulates & improves various functions of brain.Prevents Tumor & Metastasis in Cancer.How Does it Work
22. 3. ADENOSINE ( The Regulator)Vasodilator effect. Antiplatlet, Analgesic, Muscle Relaxant.Balances Triglyceride level in Blood.Ensures free flow of Blood : Prevents Heart Attacks.Increases blood flow in both Macro & Micro circulation. (Organ Functions depend upon blood flow) Prevents platelet aggregation. Prevents Thrombosis (Blood Clotting) Maintains Endocrine, Balances pH of the Body No acidity.
23. 4. TRITERPENOIDS ( The Builder)Strengthens & Maintains entire Digestive (GIT) System.Whatever food we consume, all nutrients are absorbed & distributed to the entire body.Strengthens Liver & Heart Muscles.Excellent Anti-Allergic.Stabilizing Mast-cells - Prevents liberation of chemical factors responsible for allergy.Useful in various allergic conditions.
24. 5. GANODERIC ESSENCE ( The Rejuvenator)Helps rejuvenation of Cells & Tissues.Prevents Decay.Removes Free Radicals from the Body.Cleanses, Protects & Beautifies Skin.Heals Skin Disease and Wounds.Retards Aging process of the body.Acts as Anti-Oxidant.
64. Synergy: combined powerThe power of Spirulina is not only due to the numerous individual vital substances that it contains, but also to the synergy between these substances. That means: the collective action of all naturally occurring substances in Spirulina creates a much more potent effect than the sum of the individual components.You can compare it to two basketball teams where one consists of players who are used to playing together and form a cohesive team. While the other team is made up of players from different teams; each playing for himself; without cooperation and playing together.Nature simply has more expertise that the chemist!Rich in Nutrients
65. Rise and shine with pure Sun energy!Spirulina promotes natural cleansing processes, boosts resistance and increases vitality. Ideal for fatigue, convalescence, strenuous exercise and improved performance in work, sport and study.A Wealth of Benefits:Gives you more energy
76. No Excess Load on Excretory SystemNutritional Value of DXN Spirulina Compared With Other Foods & NutrientsBETACAROTENESDXN Spirulina 20 Capsules(6g)Vitamin A(12 mg)Apple110 kg(550 Fruits)Green Pea5 kg(31 Pads)Chicken5.6 kg(17 Pieces)Cabbage37 kg(37 Heads)Tomato3 kg(25 Fruits)Carrot164 g(1 Bulb)Precursor to Vitamin A Strengthens VisionAnti- Oxidant, Aids in Cleansing & Detoxification
77. Nutritional Value of DXN Spirulina Compared With Other Foods & NutrientsDXN Spirulina 20 Capsules(6g)Vitamin B1(0.24 mg)VITAMINSEgg300 g(6 Pieces)Potato218 g(1.5 Bulbs)Milk600 g(3 Packs)Tomato480 g(4 Fruits)Banana600 g(5 Pieces)Rice1.2 kg(8.5 Bowls)Helps the metabolic process & strengthens the human body
78. Nutritional Value of DXN Spirulina Compared With Other Foods & NutrientsDXN Spirulina 20 Capsules(6g)Vitamin B6(36 mg)VITAMINSApple120 g(1/2 Fruit)Pumpkin60 gEgg33 g(1 Piece)Bread90 gHelps the metabolic process & strengthens the human body
79. Nutritional Value of DXN Spirulina Compared With Other Foods & NutrientsDXN Spirulina 20 Capsules(6g)Vitamin B12(3.64 mg)VITAMINSMilk1.2 kg(6 Packs)Egg210 g(4 Pieces)Spirulina is the richest natural source of Vitamin B12Helps the metabolic process & strengthens the human body
80. Nutritional Value of DXN Spirulina Compared With Other Foods & NutrientsDXN Spirulina 20 Capsules(6g)Iron(2.7 mg)MINERALSMilk2.7 kg(13.5 Packs)Apple2.7 kg(13.5 Fruits)Lemon1.4 kg(23 Fruits)Carrot338 g(1.5 Bulbs)Banana900 g(7.5 Pieces)
81. Nutritional Value of DXN Spirulina Compared With Other Foods & NutrientsDXN Spirulina 20 Capsules(6g)Magnesium(13.2 mg)MINERALSStrawberry79 g(5 Fruits)Capsicum85 g(3 Fruits)Bread55 gPotato67 g
82. Nutritional Value of DXN Spirulina Compared With Other Foods & NutrientsDXN Spirulina 20 Capsules(6g)Calcium(7.5 mg)MINERALSTomato83 g(1 Small Fruit)Rice750 g(4.5 Bowls)Grape125 g(25 Fruits)
83. A Natural Health Food Supplement With All Essential Nutrients in Unique proportionsDXN SPIRULINA