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Ch??ng 5

  Application, Server
     v¨¤ Session
M?c ti¨ºu
?   T?p tin Global.asax

?   C¨¢c s? ki?n trong Global.asax

?   S? d?ng ??i t??ng Application

?   S? d?ng ??i t??ng Server

?   S? d?ng ??i t??ng Session
T?p Global.asax

  L?u tr? trong th? m?c g?c c?a ?ng d?ng

  ??nh ngh?a ph?m vi c?a ?ng d?ng

 Kh?i t?o c¨¢c bi?n m?c application hay session

  N?i k?t c? s? d? li?u

  G?i cookie
C¨¢c s? ki?n trong Global.asax
     S? ki?n                           M? t?

Application_Start   Ph¨¢t sinh l¨²c trang asp.net trong ?ng d?ng
                    ???c g?i

Application_End     Ph¨¢t sinh l¨²c session cu?i c¨´ng c?a ?ng d?ng
                    k?t th¨²c hay ?ng d?ng d?ng s? d?ng Internet
                    Services Manger snap-in.

Application_Begin   Ph¨¢t sinh l¨²c m?i l?n trang b?t ??u y¨ºu
Request             c?u( trang ???c n?p hay refresh).
Events in Global.asax
     S? ki?n                           M? t?

Application_EndR   Ph¨¢t sinh m?i l?n m?t y¨ºu c?u c?a trang k?t
equest             th¨²c

Session_Start      Ph¨¢t sinh m?i l?n session b?t ??u.

Session_End        Ph¨¢t sinh m?i l?n session k?t th¨²c.
Global.asax V¨ª d?

<script language="C#" runat="server">
   protected void Application_Start(Object sender,
EventArgs e)

   protected void Session_Start(Object sender,
EventArgs e)
             Response.Write( "Session Started <br>");
Global.asax Example
    protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object
sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write ("Application request begins
    protected void Application_EndRequest(Object
sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write ("Application request ends
Global.asax V¨ª d?
     protected void Session_End(Object sender, EventArgs
             Response.Write("Session ended");
   protected void Application_End (Object sender,
EventArgs e)
Test Global.asax
<title>Testing Global</title>
       <script language="C#" runat="server">
       void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       Response.Write ("Page Load event <br>");
Global.asax K?t xu?t
??i t??ng Application
  Bi?u di?n m?t th? hi?n c?a m?t ?ng d?ng ASP.NET.

             Object[varName]              Application Level
                                          Session Level

Application ["greeting"] = "Welcome to our sites";
??i t??ng Application V¨ª d?
void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs E)
       Application ["sessioncount"] = 0;

 <script Language ="C#" runat ="server" Debug = "true">
 void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs E)
   Response.Write (¡°Your visitor number is ¡° +
   Application ["sessioncount"]);
 <form runat= "server" >
??i t??ng Application V¨ª d?
??i t??ng Application V¨ª d?
void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)

unt"] + 1;
  <script Language ="C#" runat ="server" Debug = "true">
  void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs E)
    Response.Write ("Your visitor number is :" + Application
  <form runat= "server" > </form>
??i t??ng Application k?t xu?t

                                 Output after
Output Initially

                           Output after reopening
                           the browser
Ki?m so¨¢t truy xu?t
?   Bi?n ?ng d?ng c¨® th? ???c truy xu?t v¨¤ c?p nh?t b?i
    t?t c? c¨¢c trang trong ?ng d?ng ASP.NET

?   B?i v¨¬ bi?n ch? duy tr¨¬ m?t gi¨¢ tr?, n¨ºn n?u ng??i d¨´ng
    thay ??i m?t gi¨¢ tr? c?a bi?n n¨® s? thay ??i ??n t?t c?
    ng??i d¨´ng trong ?ng d?ng
?   ?? ??m b?o c¨¢c bi?n m?c ?ng d?ng kh?ng ???c
    c?p nh?t m?t c¨¢c ??ng th?i, ??i t??ng Application s?
    d?ng ph??ng th?c Lock() v¨¤ UnLock().
CoKi?m so¨¢t truy xu?t
//¡­code to change the value of the application

    Ph??ng th?c Lock kh¨®a t?t c? c¨¢c bi?n trong kh?i m?

   ??m b?o ch? m?t ng??i d¨´ng hi?n t?i c¨® ?i?u khi?n
 qua trang.
   Khi ph??ng th?c UnLock ???c g?i, ng??i d¨´ng hi?n t?i
 m?t ki?m so¨¢t
? M?ng m?c ?ng d?ng c¨® th? chia x? nh¨®m c¨¢c th?ng tin chung qua
  to¨¤n b? ?ng d?ng
? Th?ng th??ng c¨¢c m?ng m?c ?ng d?ng s? d?ng th?ng tin t?nh.
? Khi s? d?ng m?ng trong ??i t??ng ?ng d?ng c¨¢c ph?n t? trong m?ng
  kh?ng n¨ºn thay ??i tr?c ti?p

String [] job = new String [4];
   job[0]= "Faculty";
   job[1]= "Programmer";
   job[2]= "Salesman";
   job[3]= "Manager";
   Application ["j"] = job;
  <script Language ="C#" runat ="server" >
  void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs E)
  { int i = 0; String[] k;
    k = (String[])Application["j"];
    for (i = 0; i<k.Length;i++)
        Response.Write(k[i] + "<br>");
??i t??ng Server
  Cho ph¨¦p web server c¨® th? ???c ki?m so¨¢t v¨¤ ho?t
  ??ng nh? l¨¤ m?t giao ti?p v?i HTTP service

                      Server.property | method
 Thu?c t¨ªnh                        M? t?

ScriptTimeo   Ch? ra kho?ng th?i gian m?t script ???c ch?y tr¨ºn
ut            server tr??c khi n¨® k?t th¨²c
MachineName   D¨´ng ?? l?y t¨ºn m¨¢y c?a server

                    Execute and Transfer
Ph??ng th?c Execute
Ph??ng th?c Execute() d¨´ng ?? truy?n th?c thi t? trang hi?n t?i
??n m?t trang kh¨¢c, v¨¤ tr? l?i th?c thi ??n trang hi?n t?i

<%@ Page Debug ="true"%><html>
 <script language="C#" runat="server">
 void clicked (Object Src, EventArgs E)
 {Server.Execute (¡°Array.aspx");}
 <form runat ="server">
 <asp:button id = "btnClick" onclick = "clicked"
Text =" Click me to transfer execution" runat =
"server" />
Ph??ng th?c Execute k?t xu?t
Ph??ng th?c Transfer
      Ph??ng th?c n¨¤y d¨´ng ?? truy?n to¨¤n b? th?c thi ??n m?t trang n¨¤o ?¨®
      Kh¨¢c v?i ph??ng th?c Execute(), ki?m so¨¢t b? m?t t? trang g?i ph??ng
      th?c th?c thi

Server.Transfer (¡°Array.aspx");
Ph??ng th?c HTMLEncode
?   HtmlEncode() d¨´ng ?? m? h¨®a m?t chu?i
    HTML n¨¤o ?¨®.
?   Trong tr??ng h?p kh?ng g?i ph??ng th?c
    HtmlEncode() method is not specified, <H1>
    ???c tr¨¬nh hi?u l¨¤ m?t th? HTML, v¨¤ th? ???c
    hi?n th? theo.
?   C¨² ph¨¢p ph??ng th?c HtmlEncode() :

       Server.HTMLEncode (string)
V¨ª d? HTMLEncode
<%@ Page Debug ="true"%>
  <script language="C#" runat="server">
  void Page_Load (Object Src, EventArgs E)
       Response.Write (Server.HtmlEncode("<H1> is an
example of a Heading tag</H1>"));
  <form runat ="server"></form>
HTMLEncode k?t xu?t
Response.Write( Server.HtmlEncode("<H1> is an
example of a Heading tag</H1>"));

Response.Write("<br><H1> is an
example of a Heading tag</H1>");
Ph??ng th?c URLEncode
?   M?t URL c¨® th? d¨´ng ?? g?i d? li?u t? client ??n m?t
    t?p tin tr¨ºn server
?   N?u d? li?u kh?ng ph?i k¨ª t? alphanumeric n¨® c?n ???c
    m? h¨®a tr??c khi g?i ??n server.
?   C¨² ph¨¢p:

URLEncode V¨ª d?
<%@ Page Debug ="true"%>
  <script language="C#" runat="server">
  void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e)
       Response.Write(Server.UrlEncode ("http://
  <form runat ="server"></form>
Ph??ng th?c URLEncode
  <script language="C#" runat="server">
  void Meclicked(Object Src, EventArgs e)
       string MyMessage = Server.UrlEncode ("This is my
message to you");
       Response.Redirect ("Array.aspx?MessageTB=" +
  <form runat ="server">
  <asp:button id = "btnClick" onclick = "Meclicked"
Text = "Click me to send messages" runat = "server"/>
Ph??ng th?c URLEncode
Khi m? ???c th?c thi, trang ¡®Array.aspx¡¯ ???c g?i t? Web Server ?? x? l?
th?ng tin ???c g?i trong URL.
T?p tin ¡®Array.aspx¡¯ c¨® th? l?y d? li?u trong tr??ng MyMessage.
K?t xu?t
Ph??ng th?c MapPath
?   D¨´ng b?i server ?? ¨¢nh x? ???ng d?n ??n
    th?ng tin tr¨ºn server
?   Ph??ng th?c n¨¤y l¨¤ m?t giao ti?p gi?a th?
    m?c ?o v¨¤ th? m?c v?t l? tr¨ºn Web Server
?   C¨² ph¨¢p:

        Server.MapPath (path)
MapPath V¨ª d? 1
<%@ Page Debug ="true"%>
  <script language="C#" runat="server">
  void Page_Load (Object Src, EventArgs E)
    Response.Write (Server.MapPath("/Array.aspx"));
  <form runat ="server">
MapPath K?t xu?t
MapPath V¨ª d? 2
<%@ Page Debug ="true"%>
  <title>MapPath-ServerVariables </title>
  <script language="C#" runat="server">
  void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e)
     Response.Write (Server.MapPath
(Request.ServerVariables.Get ("PATH_INFO")));
  <form runat ="server"> </form>
??i t??ng Session
? D¨´ng ?? l?u tr? th?ng tin v? ng??i d¨´ng
? Th?ng tin n¨¤y ???c duy tr¨¬ trong su?t phi¨ºn l¨¤m vi?c c?a ng??i d¨´ng
? Bi?n l?u tr? trong ??i t??ng Session kh?ng b? lo?i b? khi tr¨¬nh duy?t ng??i
  d¨´ng chuy?n t? trang n¨¤y ??n trang kh¨¢c b¨ºn trong c¨´ng m?t ?ng d?ng
? ??i t??ng b? h?y khi ng??i d¨´ng k?t th¨²c session hay h?t h?n th?i gian t?n t?i
  cho m?t session

                Ch?a th?ng tin ng??i d¨´ng ??c bi?t

               Theo d?i v¨¤ gi¨¢m s¨¢t th?ng tin ng??i d¨´ng trong
              m?t session
               H?y ??i t??ng sau khi session h?t h?n
S? d?ng Variable
? M?t bi?n session kh¨¢c bi?n ?ng d?ng
? Bi?n session ch? d¨¤nh cho m?t ng??i d¨´ng n¨¤o ?¨® b¨ºn
  trong m?t session
? Bi?n ?ng d?ng c¨® th? truy xu?t hay thay ??i b?i c¨¢c
  ng??i d¨´ng kh¨¢c trong ?ng d?ng
? Bi?n session ch? ???c truy xu?t qua phi¨ºn l¨¤m vi?c c?a
  ng??i d¨´ng ?¨®.
S? d?ng Variable ¨C v¨ª d? 1
<title>Session Variable</title>
       <script language="C#" runat="server">
       void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
authentication using Session
       void WritingSesVar(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
              Session["Name"] = txtUserName.Text;
              Session["Password"] = txtPassword.Value;
              lblMessage1.Text = "Session variables
S? d?ng Variable ¨C v¨ª d? 1
             lblMessage2.Text = "";

   void ReadingSesVar(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
      lblMessage1.Text = "The value of name is " + Session
      lblMessage2.Text = "The value of password is " +
Session ["Password"];
   void Clear(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
       lblMessage1.Text = "";
       lblMessage2.Text = "";
S? d?ng Variable ¨C v¨ª d? 1
   <form runat="server">
    User name :
   <asp:TextBox id = "txtUserName" runat="server" />
    Password :
   <input id="txtPassword" type="password" runat="server">
   <asp:button id="btnStoreVar" text="Store in Session
Variables" onclick="WritingSesVar" runat="server" />
   <asp:button id="btnReadVar" text="Read Session
Variables" onclick="ReadingSesVar" runat="server" />
   <asp:button id="btnClearLabel" text="Clear Label"
onclick="Clear" runat="server"/>
S? d?ng Variable ¨C K?t xu?t
    <asp:Label id = "lblMessage1" runat="server" />
    <asp:Label id = "lblMessage2" runat="server" />
Thay ??i bi?n
?   Gi¨¢ tr? trong m?t bi?n session c?ng c¨® th? ???c ??c t? c¨¢c trang web kh¨¢c


   <script language="C#" runat="server">
   void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
       Response.Write("<u><b><center>Logon authentication
using Session variables</center></b></u><br><br>");
SessionVariable1.aspx ¡­
void WritingSesVar(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
        Session["Name"] = txtUserName.Text;
        Session["Password"] = txtPassword.Value;
        lblMessage.Text = "Session variables stored";
void ReadingSesVar(Object Sender, EventArgs E)
<form runat="server">
 User name :
<asp:TextBox id = "txtUserName" runat="server" /><br><br>
 Password :
<input id="txtPassword" type="password" runat="server"><br><br>
   <asp:button id="btnStoreVar" text="Store in Session
Variables" onclick="WritingSesVar" runat="server" />
      <asp:button id="btnReadVar" text="Read Session
Variables" onclick="ReadingSesVar" runat="server" />
      <asp:Label id = "lblMessage" runat="server"

   <title>Redirected Page</title>
   <script language="C#" runat="server">
  void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs E)
       Response.Write("<u><b><center>Logon authentication
using Session variables</center></b></u><br><br>");
       lblMessage1.Text = "User Name : " +
(String)Session ["Name"];
       lblMessage2.Text = "Password : " +
  <form runat="server">
  <asp:Label id = "lblMessage1" runat="server" /> <br><br>
  <asp:Label id = "lblMessage2" runat="server" /> <br><br>
x k?t xu?t
S? ki?n v¨¤ thu?c t¨ªnh c?a

        Session.collection | property | method

Thu?c t¨ªnh       M? t?
SessionID        X¨¢c ??nh t¨ªnh duy nh?t c?a ng??i d¨´ng
TimeOut          User timeout
LCID             Local identifier
IsNewSession Tr? v? true n?u session ???c t?o trong y¨ºu c?u
             hi?n t?i
Item             T¨ºn c?a gi¨¢ tr? Session
Count            S? c¨¢c m?c trong t?p h?p tr?ng th¨¢i session
Session v¨ª d?
<script language="C#" runat="server">
void Page_Load (Object Src, EventArgs E)
Response.Write("<b><u><center>Use of
DateTime dt;
dt = DateTime.Now;
int due = 500;
Response.Write ("Today's date is : " +
dt.ToShortDateString() + "<br><br>");
Response.Write ("The total amount due is " + due.ToString
("C") ); }
Session k?t xu?t
Session v¨ª d?
<title>Session ¨C LCID French</title>
       <script language="C#" runat="server">
       void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e)
         Response.Write("<b><u><center>Change of LCID </b>
</u> </center> <br>");
         Session.LCID =0x040C;
         DateTime dt;
         dt = DateTime.Now;
         int due = 500;
         Response.Write ("Today's date is : " +
dt.ToShortDateString() + "<br>");
Session k?t xu?t
  Response.Write ("The total amount due is : " +
due.ToString ("C")) ;

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Ung dung web chuong 5

  • 1. Ch??ng 5 Application, Server v¨¤ Session
  • 2. M?c ti¨ºu ? T?p tin Global.asax ? C¨¢c s? ki?n trong Global.asax ? S? d?ng ??i t??ng Application ? S? d?ng ??i t??ng Server ? S? d?ng ??i t??ng Session
  • 3. T?p Global.asax L?u tr? trong th? m?c g?c c?a ?ng d?ng ??nh ngh?a ph?m vi c?a ?ng d?ng Kh?i t?o c¨¢c bi?n m?c application hay session N?i k?t c? s? d? li?u G?i cookie
  • 4. C¨¢c s? ki?n trong Global.asax S? ki?n M? t? Application_Start Ph¨¢t sinh l¨²c trang asp.net trong ?ng d?ng ???c g?i Application_End Ph¨¢t sinh l¨²c session cu?i c¨´ng c?a ?ng d?ng k?t th¨²c hay ?ng d?ng d?ng s? d?ng Internet Services Manger snap-in. Application_Begin Ph¨¢t sinh l¨²c m?i l?n trang b?t ??u y¨ºu Request c?u( trang ???c n?p hay refresh).
  • 5. Events in Global.asax Contd¡­ S? ki?n M? t? Application_EndR Ph¨¢t sinh m?i l?n m?t y¨ºu c?u c?a trang k?t equest th¨²c Session_Start Ph¨¢t sinh m?i l?n session b?t ??u. Session_End Ph¨¢t sinh m?i l?n session k?t th¨²c.
  • 6. Global.asax V¨ª d? Global.asax <script language="C#" runat="server"> protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write( "Session Started <br>"); }
  • 7. Global.asax Example protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<h1>Application Begins</h1>"); Response.Write ("Application request begins <br>"); } protected void Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write ("Application request ends <br>"); }
  • 8. Global.asax V¨ª d? protected void Session_End(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("Session ended"); } protected void Application_End (Object sender, EventArgs e) { } </script>
  • 9. Test Global.asax <html> <title>Testing Global</title> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write ("Page Load event <br>"); } </script> </html>
  • 11. ??i t??ng Application Bi?u di?n m?t th? hi?n c?a m?t ?ng d?ng ASP.NET. Object[varName] Application Level Session Level Application ["greeting"] = "Welcome to our sites";
  • 12. ??i t??ng Application V¨ª d? void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs E) { Application ["sessioncount"] = 0; } <HTML> <script Language ="C#" runat ="server" Debug = "true"> void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs E) { Response.Write (¡°Your visitor number is ¡° + Application ["sessioncount"]); } </script> <form runat= "server" > </form> </HTML>
  • 14. ??i t??ng Application V¨ª d? void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Application["sessioncount"]=(Int32)Application["sessionco unt"] + 1; } <html> <script Language ="C#" runat ="server" Debug = "true"> void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs E) { Response.Write ("Your visitor number is :" + Application ["sessioncount"]); } </script> <form runat= "server" > </form> </html>
  • 15. ??i t??ng Application k?t xu?t Output after Output Initially refreshing Output after reopening the browser
  • 16. Ki?m so¨¢t truy xu?t ? Bi?n ?ng d?ng c¨® th? ???c truy xu?t v¨¤ c?p nh?t b?i t?t c? c¨¢c trang trong ?ng d?ng ASP.NET ? B?i v¨¬ bi?n ch? duy tr¨¬ m?t gi¨¢ tr?, n¨ºn n?u ng??i d¨´ng thay ??i m?t gi¨¢ tr? c?a bi?n n¨® s? thay ??i ??n t?t c? ng??i d¨´ng trong ?ng d?ng ? ?? ??m b?o c¨¢c bi?n m?c ?ng d?ng kh?ng ???c c?p nh?t m?t c¨¢c ??ng th?i, ??i t??ng Application s? d?ng ph??ng th?c Lock() v¨¤ UnLock().
  • 17. CoKi?m so¨¢t truy xu?t Application.Lock(); //¡­code to change the value of the application variables ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ ¡­¡­¡­¡­ Application.UnLock(); Ph??ng th?c Lock kh¨®a t?t c? c¨¢c bi?n trong kh?i m? ??m b?o ch? m?t ng??i d¨´ng hi?n t?i c¨® ?i?u khi?n qua trang. Khi ph??ng th?c UnLock ???c g?i, ng??i d¨´ng hi?n t?i m?t ki?m so¨¢t
  • 18. M?ng ? M?ng m?c ?ng d?ng c¨® th? chia x? nh¨®m c¨¢c th?ng tin chung qua to¨¤n b? ?ng d?ng ? Th?ng th??ng c¨¢c m?ng m?c ?ng d?ng s? d?ng th?ng tin t?nh. ? Khi s? d?ng m?ng trong ??i t??ng ?ng d?ng c¨¢c ph?n t? trong m?ng kh?ng n¨ºn thay ??i tr?c ti?p String [] job = new String [4]; job[0]= "Faculty"; job[1]= "Programmer"; job[2]= "Salesman"; job[3]= "Manager"; Application ["j"] = job;
  • 19. Array.aspx <HTML> <script Language ="C#" runat ="server" > void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs E) { int i = 0; String[] k; k = (String[])Application["j"]; for (i = 0; i<k.Length;i++) { Response.Write(k[i] + "<br>"); } } </script> </HTML>
  • 20. ??i t??ng Server Cho ph¨¦p web server c¨® th? ???c ki?m so¨¢t v¨¤ ho?t ??ng nh? l¨¤ m?t giao ti?p v?i HTTP service Server.property | method Thu?c t¨ªnh M? t? ScriptTimeo Ch? ra kho?ng th?i gian m?t script ???c ch?y tr¨ºn ut server tr??c khi n¨® k?t th¨²c MachineName D¨´ng ?? l?y t¨ºn m¨¢y c?a server Execute and Transfer HTMLEncode URLEncode MapPath
  • 21. Ph??ng th?c Execute Ph??ng th?c Execute() d¨´ng ?? truy?n th?c thi t? trang hi?n t?i ??n m?t trang kh¨¢c, v¨¤ tr? l?i th?c thi ??n trang hi?n t?i <%@ Page Debug ="true"%><html> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void clicked (Object Src, EventArgs E) {Server.Execute (¡°Array.aspx");} </script> <form runat ="server"> <asp:button id = "btnClick" onclick = "clicked" Text =" Click me to transfer execution" runat = "server" /> </form> </html>
  • 23. Ph??ng th?c Transfer Ph??ng th?c n¨¤y d¨´ng ?? truy?n to¨¤n b? th?c thi ??n m?t trang n¨¤o ?¨® Kh¨¢c v?i ph??ng th?c Execute(), ki?m so¨¢t b? m?t t? trang g?i ph??ng th?c th?c thi Syntax: Server.Transfer (¡°Array.aspx");
  • 24. Ph??ng th?c HTMLEncode ? HtmlEncode() d¨´ng ?? m? h¨®a m?t chu?i HTML n¨¤o ?¨®. ? Trong tr??ng h?p kh?ng g?i ph??ng th?c HtmlEncode() method is not specified, <H1> ???c tr¨¬nh hi?u l¨¤ m?t th? HTML, v¨¤ th? ???c hi?n th? theo. ? C¨² ph¨¢p ph??ng th?c HtmlEncode() : Server.HTMLEncode (string)
  • 25. V¨ª d? HTMLEncode <%@ Page Debug ="true"%> <html> <title>HtmlEncode</title> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load (Object Src, EventArgs E) { Response.Write (Server.HtmlEncode("<H1> is an example of a Heading tag</H1>")); } </script> <form runat ="server"></form> </html>
  • 26. HTMLEncode k?t xu?t Response.Write( Server.HtmlEncode("<H1> is an example of a Heading tag</H1>")); Response.Write("<br><H1> is an example of a Heading tag</H1>");
  • 27. Ph??ng th?c URLEncode ? M?t URL c¨® th? d¨´ng ?? g?i d? li?u t? client ??n m?t t?p tin tr¨ºn server ? N?u d? li?u kh?ng ph?i k¨ª t? alphanumeric n¨® c?n ???c m? h¨®a tr??c khi g?i ??n server. ? C¨² ph¨¢p: Server.URLEncode(string);
  • 28. URLEncode V¨ª d? <%@ Page Debug ="true"%> <html> <title>UrlEncode</title> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e) { Response.Write(Server.UrlEncode ("http:// URLEncode.aspx")); } </script> <form runat ="server"></form> </html>
  • 29. Ph??ng th?c URLEncode <html> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Meclicked(Object Src, EventArgs e) { string MyMessage = Server.UrlEncode ("This is my message to you"); Response.Redirect ("Array.aspx?MessageTB=" + MyMessage); } </script> <form runat ="server"> <asp:button id = "btnClick" onclick = "Meclicked" Text = "Click me to send messages" runat = "server"/> </form> </html>
  • 30. Ph??ng th?c URLEncode Khi m? ???c th?c thi, trang ¡®Array.aspx¡¯ ???c g?i t? Web Server ?? x? l? th?ng tin ???c g?i trong URL. T?p tin ¡®Array.aspx¡¯ c¨® th? l?y d? li?u trong tr??ng MyMessage. K?t xu?t
  • 31. Ph??ng th?c MapPath ? D¨´ng b?i server ?? ¨¢nh x? ???ng d?n ??n th?ng tin tr¨ºn server ? Ph??ng th?c n¨¤y l¨¤ m?t giao ti?p gi?a th? m?c ?o v¨¤ th? m?c v?t l? tr¨ºn Web Server ? C¨² ph¨¢p: Server.MapPath (path)
  • 32. MapPath V¨ª d? 1 <%@ Page Debug ="true"%> <html> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load (Object Src, EventArgs E) { Response.Write (Server.MapPath("/Array.aspx")); } </script> <form runat ="server"> </form> </html>
  • 34. MapPath V¨ª d? 2 <%@ Page Debug ="true"%> <html> <title>MapPath-ServerVariables </title> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e) { Response.Write (Server.MapPath (Request.ServerVariables.Get ("PATH_INFO"))); } </script> <form runat ="server"> </form> </html>
  • 35. ??i t??ng Session ? D¨´ng ?? l?u tr? th?ng tin v? ng??i d¨´ng ? Th?ng tin n¨¤y ???c duy tr¨¬ trong su?t phi¨ºn l¨¤m vi?c c?a ng??i d¨´ng ? Bi?n l?u tr? trong ??i t??ng Session kh?ng b? lo?i b? khi tr¨¬nh duy?t ng??i d¨´ng chuy?n t? trang n¨¤y ??n trang kh¨¢c b¨ºn trong c¨´ng m?t ?ng d?ng ? ??i t??ng b? h?y khi ng??i d¨´ng k?t th¨²c session hay h?t h?n th?i gian t?n t?i cho m?t session Ch?a th?ng tin ng??i d¨´ng ??c bi?t Theo d?i v¨¤ gi¨¢m s¨¢t th?ng tin ng??i d¨´ng trong m?t session H?y ??i t??ng sau khi session h?t h?n
  • 36. S? d?ng Variable ? M?t bi?n session kh¨¢c bi?n ?ng d?ng ? Bi?n session ch? d¨¤nh cho m?t ng??i d¨´ng n¨¤o ?¨® b¨ºn trong m?t session ? Bi?n ?ng d?ng c¨® th? truy xu?t hay thay ??i b?i c¨¢c ng??i d¨´ng kh¨¢c trong ?ng d?ng ? Bi?n session ch? ???c truy xu?t qua phi¨ºn l¨¤m vi?c c?a ng??i d¨´ng ?¨®.
  • 37. S? d?ng Variable ¨C v¨ª d? 1 <html> <title>Session Variable</title> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<u><b><center>Logon authentication using Session variables</center></b></u><br><br>"); } void WritingSesVar(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { Session["Name"] = txtUserName.Text; Session["Password"] = txtPassword.Value; lblMessage1.Text = "Session variables stored";
  • 38. S? d?ng Variable ¨C v¨ª d? 1 lblMessage2.Text = ""; } void ReadingSesVar(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { lblMessage1.Text = "The value of name is " + Session ["Name"]; lblMessage2.Text = "The value of password is " + Session ["Password"]; } void Clear(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { lblMessage1.Text = ""; lblMessage2.Text = ""; }
  • 39. S? d?ng Variable ¨C v¨ª d? 1 </script> <form runat="server"> User name : <asp:TextBox id = "txtUserName" runat="server" /> <br><br> Password : <input id="txtPassword" type="password" runat="server"> <br><br> <asp:button id="btnStoreVar" text="Store in Session Variables" onclick="WritingSesVar" runat="server" /> <asp:button id="btnReadVar" text="Read Session Variables" onclick="ReadingSesVar" runat="server" /> <asp:button id="btnClearLabel" text="Clear Label" onclick="Clear" runat="server"/>
  • 40. S? d?ng Variable ¨C K?t xu?t <br><br> <asp:Label id = "lblMessage1" runat="server" /> <br><br> <asp:Label id = "lblMessage2" runat="server" /> <br><br> </form> </html>
  • 41. Thay ??i bi?n ? Gi¨¢ tr? trong m?t bi?n session c?ng c¨® th? ???c ??c t? c¨¢c trang web kh¨¢c SessionVariable1.aspx <html> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<u><b><center>Logon authentication using Session variables</center></b></u><br><br>"); }
  • 42. SessionVariable1.aspx ¡­ void WritingSesVar(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { Session["Name"] = txtUserName.Text; Session["Password"] = txtPassword.Value; lblMessage.Text = "Session variables stored"; } void ReadingSesVar(Object Sender, EventArgs E) { Response.Redirect("SessionVariableRedirected.aspx"); } </script> <form runat="server"> User name : <asp:TextBox id = "txtUserName" runat="server" /><br><br> Password : <input id="txtPassword" type="password" runat="server"><br><br>
  • 43. SessionVariableRedirected.as px <asp:button id="btnStoreVar" text="Store in Session Variables" onclick="WritingSesVar" runat="server" /> <asp:button id="btnReadVar" text="Read Session Variables" onclick="ReadingSesVar" runat="server" /> <br><br> <asp:Label id = "lblMessage" runat="server" /><br><br> </form> </html> SessionVariableRedirected.asp x <html> <title>Redirected Page</title> <script language="C#" runat="server">
  • 44. SessionVariableRedirected.asp x void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs E) { Response.Write("<u><b><center>Logon authentication using Session variables</center></b></u><br><br>"); lblMessage1.Text = "User Name : " + (String)Session ["Name"]; lblMessage2.Text = "Password : " + (String)Session["Password"]; } </script> <form runat="server"> <asp:Label id = "lblMessage1" runat="server" /> <br><br> <asp:Label id = "lblMessage2" runat="server" /> <br><br> </form> </html>
  • 46. S? ki?n v¨¤ thu?c t¨ªnh c?a Session Session.collection | property | method Thu?c t¨ªnh M? t? SessionID X¨¢c ??nh t¨ªnh duy nh?t c?a ng??i d¨´ng TimeOut User timeout LCID Local identifier IsNewSession Tr? v? true n?u session ???c t?o trong y¨ºu c?u hi?n t?i Item T¨ºn c?a gi¨¢ tr? Session Count S? c¨¢c m?c trong t?p h?p tr?ng th¨¢i session
  • 47. Session v¨ª d? <HTML> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load (Object Src, EventArgs E) { Response.Write("<b><u><center>Use of LCID</b></u></center><br>"); DateTime dt; dt = DateTime.Now; int due = 500; Response.Write ("Today's date is : " + dt.ToShortDateString() + "<br><br>"); Response.Write ("The total amount due is " + due.ToString ("C") ); } </script> </HTML>
  • 49. Session v¨ª d? <HTML> <title>Session ¨C LCID French</title> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<b><u><center>Change of LCID </b> </u> </center> <br>"); Session.LCID =0x040C; DateTime dt; dt = DateTime.Now; int due = 500; Response.Write ("Today's date is : " + dt.ToShortDateString() + "<br>");
  • 50. Session k?t xu?t Response.Write ("The total amount due is : " + due.ToString ("C")) ; } </script> </HTML>