Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing in Java. It allows developers to process large volumes of records by dividing the work into small chunks called steps. The framework includes components like job launcher, job repository, step, item reader, item processor and item writer to process a batch job. Jobs are composed of steps, and steps use readers, processors and writers to read, process and write data.
The document describes a session from the KubeCon EU 2023 conference on Keycloak, an open-source identity and access management solution. It provides an overview of the session which was presented by Alexander Schwartz from Red Hat and Yuuichi Nakamura from Hitachi and demonstrated how Keycloak can be used to securely authenticate users to applications like Grafana. It also discusses Keycloak's support for advanced security specifications like FAPI and efforts by the FAPI-SIG working group to promote features needed for compliance.
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