Unilineal Evolution describes a theory proposed by Lewis Henry Morgan that all societies progress through the same three stages of cultural development: from Savagery, where hunting and gathering is practiced; to Barbarism, where a more complex social system emerges; to Civilization, which begins with the development of writing. Morgan believed each culture evolved in a linear path from simple to more complex forms of social organization.
2. 1) Process By Which New Cultural Forms Emerge Out Of Older Ones
Each Society Believed To Progress Through The Same Stage Of Development, From Savagery
To Barbarism To Civilisation.
The First Of Three Basic Stages Of Cultural Evolution In The Theory Of Lewis
Henry Morgan Based On Hunting And Gathering.
The Middle Of Three Basic Stages Of A 19th Century Theory Developed By
Lewis Henry Morgan Holding That All Cultures Evolve From Simple To Complex System That
Is Savagery Barbarism And Civilisation.
Began With The Invention Of The Phonetic Alphabet And Writing.
3. Unilineal Evolutionism Is Given By LEWIS HENRY MORGAN (1818-1881). He Was One Of
Earliest Anthropologist And Social Scientist