UNIT 4 Software Testing Notes (Topic Wise)HemaArora2
Main topics of this document are Testing tools:-
Sub topics are :-Static Testing Tools, Dynamic Testing Tools, and Characteristics of Modern Tools and
Implementation with example.Advanced topics in software testing: web based testing, Client server
testing, Automated test cases generation, Regular expression and FSM based testing.
UNIT 3 Software Testing Notes (TOPIC WISE)HemaArora2
Main topics of this document are Reducing the number of test cases & object oriented testing
Reducing the number of test cases
Sub topics are :- Prioritization guidelines, Priority category, Scheme, Risk Analysis,
Regression Testing, and Slice based testing.
Object Oriented Testing
Sub topic are :-Issues in Object Oriented Testing, Class Testing, GUI Testing, Object Oriented
Integration and System Testing
The document is a scanned copy of a contract for the sale of real estate. It outlines the details of the property being sold, identifies the buyer and seller, states the purchase price and terms of payment, and specifies contingencies and obligations of both parties. Standard contract clauses address matters such as inspections, taxes, deeds, defaults, notices and the rights of heirs and assigns.
solution of introductoin to fluid mechanics and machines(Prof. Som and Prof. ...pankaj dumka
The document outlines the key details of a loan agreement between two parties, John Doe and Sample Bank. It specifies that John Doe is borrowing $100,000 from Sample Bank at an annual interest rate of 5% to be repaid over 10 years in monthly installments. The document details the payment schedule, late fees, and what would constitute default of the loan agreement.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located at 123 Main Street. The contract details the agreed upon purchase price of $250,000, with a down payment of $25,000 and the remainder due at closing. The contract is contingent upon the buyer obtaining financing and a home inspection, and it specifies a closing date of June 15th.
The document appears to be a scanned collection of pages from a book or manual. It contains images of many pages with text and diagrams but no clear overall narrative or topic. As it is an unstructured scan of pages, it is difficult to provide a high-level summary in 3 sentences or less.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located at 123 Main Street. The contract details the purchase price of $250,000, with a closing date of June 15th. The buyer agrees to pay a $5,000 deposit upon signing. Contingent items in the contract include the buyer obtaining financing and a home inspection.
Linear Time Invariant Systems (Ganesh Rao Signals and systems)Daphne Silveira
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property. It outlines details of the property such as the address, purchase price, and closing date. The contract stipulates terms for matters such as inspections, taxes, utilities, and the process for resolving disputes between the buyer and seller over items needing repair. Risk of loss or damage to the property is transferred to the buyer upon closing.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract or agreement between two parties. It details terms for payment of services rendered, confidentiality of information, ownership of intellectual property, liability, and other standard legal clauses. While most of the content is illegible due to the poor quality scan, it seems to be a boilerplate contract between two businesses or individuals.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located in California. The contract details the purchase price of $1,100,000, down payment of $110,000, closing date, property details, contingencies for inspections and financing approval, and standard terms for prorated property taxes, assessments, utilities and risk of loss. The contract requires signatures of the buyer and seller to be binding and is contingent on the approval and removal of contingencies by the closing date.
Hand written notes for java, I tried the best to explain best,if you found any mistake in this, or anything written in is incorrect then most welcome to suggestions and advise
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located in California. The summary outlines details of the purchase including the buyers and sellers involved in the transaction, purchase price of $1.2 million, and schedule for closing and transfer of ownership within 30 days of acceptance of the offer.
Marketing management Class 12 Business StudiesRajTaparia1000
The document outlines the terms and conditions for a loan agreement between John Doe as the borrower and Jane Doe as the lender. It specifies that John Doe is borrowing $5,000 at an annual interest rate of 10% to be repaid in monthly installments over a 2 year period. The document details repayment amounts, late fees, prepayment rules, and what constitutes default of the loan agreement.
The document appears to be a scanned collection of pages from a book or manual. It contains images of many pages with text and diagrams but no clear overall context or narrative. As a scanned document, it provides visual copies of written content but no concise summarization is possible in 3 sentences or less given the lack of coherent theme or essential information across the many pages.
The document appears to be a scanned collection of pages from a book or manual. It contains images of many pages with text and diagrams but no clear overall context or narrative that can be summarized in a concise way. Each page seems to cover different technical topics related to machinery, engineering or construction but there is no obvious main topic or theme to the entire document.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located in California. The contract details the purchase price of the property, the timeline and process for closing the sale, contingencies for inspections and financing, and other standard terms for a real estate transaction. Signature lines are present for the buyer and seller to sign and date to execute the agreement.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property. It outlines details of the property such as the address, purchase price, and terms of payment. The contract specifies that the buyer will assume responsibility for property taxes and assessments after the date of closing. It also lists standard contingencies such as the sale being contingent on the buyer obtaining financing.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located in California. The contract details the purchase price of $525,000, down payment terms, closing date, inclusion of household appliances, and procedural clauses around contingencies, possession, and risk of loss. The contract is signed and dated by the buyer and seller agreeing to the terms of the sale.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a contract for the sale of land. It outlines the details of the property being sold, includes descriptions of the boundaries of the land, and specifies the purchase price and terms of the sale. The buyer and seller signatures at the end indicate it is a legal agreement for the purchase of the residential real estate property being transferred.
solution of introductoin to fluid mechanics and machines(Prof. Som and Prof. ...pankaj dumka
This book is pioneer in the field of fluid mechanics. Each student of mechanical engineering must buy it as it builds your concepts well and its problems can come in ESE of GATE exams because of its good difficulty level. Some students find it difficult to solve it so I am providing you my notes on its solutions .
chapter 6(Principles of Physical Similarity and Dimensional Analysis) of second edition.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property. It outlines details of the property such as the address, purchase price, and closing date. The document also specifies terms of the sale including provisions for inspections, taxes, and contingencies. Signatures are present from the buyer and seller agreeing to the terms of the transaction.
This document includes unit 4 of SPM as per DCRUST syllabus. Main topics of this document are software quality assurance and testing and software quality and software project management tools. (topic wise notes of full unit 4 of SPM)
This document includes unit 3 of spm as per DCRUST syllabus. (topic wise notes). Main topics of this document are project monitoring and control & managing contracts and people.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract or agreement between two parties. It details terms for payment of services rendered, confidentiality of information, ownership of intellectual property, liability, and other standard legal clauses. While most of the content is illegible due to the poor quality scan, it seems to be a boilerplate contract between two businesses or individuals.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located in California. The contract details the purchase price of $1,100,000, down payment of $110,000, closing date, property details, contingencies for inspections and financing approval, and standard terms for prorated property taxes, assessments, utilities and risk of loss. The contract requires signatures of the buyer and seller to be binding and is contingent on the approval and removal of contingencies by the closing date.
Hand written notes for java, I tried the best to explain best,if you found any mistake in this, or anything written in is incorrect then most welcome to suggestions and advise
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located in California. The summary outlines details of the purchase including the buyers and sellers involved in the transaction, purchase price of $1.2 million, and schedule for closing and transfer of ownership within 30 days of acceptance of the offer.
Marketing management Class 12 Business StudiesRajTaparia1000
The document outlines the terms and conditions for a loan agreement between John Doe as the borrower and Jane Doe as the lender. It specifies that John Doe is borrowing $5,000 at an annual interest rate of 10% to be repaid in monthly installments over a 2 year period. The document details repayment amounts, late fees, prepayment rules, and what constitutes default of the loan agreement.
The document appears to be a scanned collection of pages from a book or manual. It contains images of many pages with text and diagrams but no clear overall context or narrative. As a scanned document, it provides visual copies of written content but no concise summarization is possible in 3 sentences or less given the lack of coherent theme or essential information across the many pages.
The document appears to be a scanned collection of pages from a book or manual. It contains images of many pages with text and diagrams but no clear overall context or narrative that can be summarized in a concise way. Each page seems to cover different technical topics related to machinery, engineering or construction but there is no obvious main topic or theme to the entire document.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located in California. The contract details the purchase price of the property, the timeline and process for closing the sale, contingencies for inspections and financing, and other standard terms for a real estate transaction. Signature lines are present for the buyer and seller to sign and date to execute the agreement.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property. It outlines details of the property such as the address, purchase price, and terms of payment. The contract specifies that the buyer will assume responsibility for property taxes and assessments after the date of closing. It also lists standard contingencies such as the sale being contingent on the buyer obtaining financing.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property located in California. The contract details the purchase price of $525,000, down payment terms, closing date, inclusion of household appliances, and procedural clauses around contingencies, possession, and risk of loss. The contract is signed and dated by the buyer and seller agreeing to the terms of the sale.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a contract for the sale of land. It outlines the details of the property being sold, includes descriptions of the boundaries of the land, and specifies the purchase price and terms of the sale. The buyer and seller signatures at the end indicate it is a legal agreement for the purchase of the residential real estate property being transferred.
solution of introductoin to fluid mechanics and machines(Prof. Som and Prof. ...pankaj dumka
This book is pioneer in the field of fluid mechanics. Each student of mechanical engineering must buy it as it builds your concepts well and its problems can come in ESE of GATE exams because of its good difficulty level. Some students find it difficult to solve it so I am providing you my notes on its solutions .
chapter 6(Principles of Physical Similarity and Dimensional Analysis) of second edition.
The document appears to be a scanned copy of a legal contract for the sale of a residential property. It outlines details of the property such as the address, purchase price, and closing date. The document also specifies terms of the sale including provisions for inspections, taxes, and contingencies. Signatures are present from the buyer and seller agreeing to the terms of the transaction.
This document includes unit 4 of SPM as per DCRUST syllabus. Main topics of this document are software quality assurance and testing and software quality and software project management tools. (topic wise notes of full unit 4 of SPM)
This document includes unit 3 of spm as per DCRUST syllabus. (topic wise notes). Main topics of this document are project monitoring and control & managing contracts and people.
This document includes previous year question papers of software project management of DCRUST.(viii semester & viii semester).
This document has many important questions.
WT(WEB TECHNOLOGY) previous year question papersHemaArora2
This document outlines the terms and conditions for a home loan agreement between a lender and borrower. It details the loan amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, borrower responsibilities to pay property taxes and insurance, and what constitutes a default on the loan allowing the lender to foreclose on the property. The document establishes the legal terms of the home financing agreement between the two parties.
This presentation includes basics of python language.How to run basic programs of python? The one who is new to this language can easily understand this language after watching this presentation.
class 10 CBSE Chapter 5 Periodic classification of elements previous year imp...HemaArora2
This document includes previous year important questions of periodic classification of elements.
each and every question is very important.
must practice.
class 10 CBSE Chapter 2 Acids bases and salts important previous year questionsHemaArora2
The document discusses a new policy at Acme Corporation requiring employees to submit a timesheet each week detailing their hours and projects worked on. The policy aims to improve accountability and provide better visibility into how employees spend their time. Employees must submit their timesheet to their direct manager for approval by 5pm each Friday.
Unit 1 Software Testing (HANDWRITTEN+PRINTED NOTES)HemaArora2
Complete first unit of software testing (Hand written notes)
Handwritten in a clean and precise manner by the Engineering Expert.
2)-Written By top performers & top coaching institutes
3)-Properly indexed with page numbers such that every topic is easily accessible.
4)-It can save your time and cost which you spend while going to coachings.
5)-You will find important marked information,And Easy theory to help you memorize easily
This document includes fundamental of software project management and StepWise project planning. Definition of software project management. It also includes TOPIC WISE syllabus of spm.(Deenbandhu Chotu Ram University of Science & Technology)
Cloud Cost Optimization for GCP, AWS, Azurevinothsk19
Reduce Cloud Waste across AWS, GCP, Azure and Optimize Cloud Cost with a structured approach and improve your bottomline or profitability. Decide whether you want to outsource or manage it in house.
This PPT covers the index and engineering properties of soil. It includes details on index properties, along with their methods of determination. Various important terms related to soil behavior are explained in detail. The presentation also outlines the experimental procedures for determining soil properties such as water content, specific gravity, plastic limit, and liquid limit, along with the necessary calculations and graph plotting. Additionally, it provides insights to understand the importance of these properties in geotechnical engineering applications.
Practice Head is assembled with Practice Torpedo intended for carrying out exercise firings. It is assembled with Homing Head in the forward section and oxygen flask in the rear section. Practice Head imparts positive buoyancy to the Torpedo at the end of run. The Practice Head is divided into two compartments viz. Ballast Compartment (Houses Light Device, Depth & Roll Recorder, Signal Flare Ejector, Discharge Valve, Stop Cock, Water discharge Valve, Bellow reducing Valve, Release Mechanism, Recess, Bypass Valve, Pressure Equalizer, Float, Sinking Plug etc.) which provides positive buoyancy at the end of run by discharging water (140 ltrs.) filled in the compartment and Instrument compartment (dry), houses (safety & recovery unit and its battery, combined homing and influence exploder equipment, noise maker, bollards & safety valve etc.) The recess in Ballast compartment houses the float which gets inflated at the end of run to provide floatation to the surfaced Torpedo. Several hand holes/recesses are provided on the casing/shell of Practice Head for assembly of the following components:-
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure equalizer
e) Drain/Discharge Valve assembly
f) Bollard Assembly
g) Holding for Floater/Balloon Assembly
h) Sinking Valve
i) Safety Valve
j) Inspection hand hole
Technical Details:
SrNo Items Specifications
1 Aluminum Alloy (AlMg5)
Casing Body Material: AlMg5
• Larger Outer Diameter of the Casing: 532.4 MM
• Smaller Outer Diameter of the Casing: 503.05 MM
• Total Length: 1204.20 MM
• Thickness: 6-8 mm
• Structural Details of Casing: The casing is of uniform outer dia for a certain distance from rear side and tapered from a definite distance to the front side. (Refer T-DAP-A1828-GADWG-PH- REV 00)
• Slope of the Tapered Portion: 1/8
• Mass of Casing (Without components mounting, but including the ribs and collars on the body): 58.5 kg
• Maximum External Test Pressure: 12 kgf/cm2
• Maximum Internal Test Pressure:-
i. For Ballast Compartment: 2 kgf/cm2
ii. For Instrument Compartment: 1 kgf/cm2
• Innerspace of casing assembly have 2 compartments:-
i. Ballast Compartment and
ii. Instrument Compartment
• Cut outs/ recesses shall be provided for the assembly of following components.
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure Equalizer
e) Drain/ discharge valve assembly
2 Front Side Collar Material: AlMg5
• Maximum Outer Diameter: 500 MM
• Pitch Circle Diameter: 468 MM
• All Dimensions as per drawing T-DAP-A1828-MDWG-C&R-REV-00
In a torpedo, the ballast components and instrument compartment play crucial roles in maintaining stability, control, and overall operational effectiveness. The ballast system primarily manages buoyancy and trim, ensuring that the torpedo maintains a stable trajectory underwater.
A helium boosting and decanting system is typically used in various industrial applications, particularly in the production and handling of gases, including helium including leak test of reciprocating cylinder. Here’s a brief overview of its components and functions:
1. Helium Storage Tanks: High-pressure tanks that store helium@ 150 bars.
2. Boosting Pumps: Designed to boost helium pressure up to 150 bar, ensuring efficient flow throughout the system.
3. Decanting Unit: Separates liquid helium from gas, facilitating decanting at pressures of up to 2 bars.
4. Pressure Regulators: Maintain and control the pressure of helium during transport.
5. Control Valves: automatic control valve is provided for the flow and direction of helium through the system.
6. Piping and Fittings: High-quality, corrosion-resistant materials for safe transport.
• Boosting Pressure: The system boosts helium pressure up to 150 bar for various applications.
• Decanting: Safely decants helium, separating liquid from gas at pressures of up to 2 bar.
• Safety Measures: Equipped with relief valves and emergency shut-off systems to handle high pressures safely.
• Monitoring and Control: Sensors and automated controls monitor pressure and flow rates.
• Cryogenics: Cooling superconducting magnets in MRI machines and particle accelerators.
• Welding: Used as a shielding gas in welding processes.
• Research: Crucial for various scientific applications, including laboratories and space exploration.
Key Features:
• Helium Storage & Boosting System
• Decanting System
• Pressure Regulation & Monitoring
• Valves & Flow Control
• Filtration & Safety Components
• Structural & Material Specifications
• Automation & Electrical Components
Defining the Future of Biophilic Design in Crete.pdfARENCOS
Biophilic design is emerging as a key approach to enhancing well-being by integrating natural elements into residential architecture. In Crete, where the landscape is rich with breathtaking sea views, lush olive groves, and dramatic mountains, biophilic design principles can be seamlessly incorporated to create healthier, more harmonious living environments.
The Science Information Network (SINET) is a Japanese academic backbone network for more than 800
universities and research institutions. The characteristic of SINET traffic is that it is enormous and highly