This document provides a summary of an assignment to investigate how the contexts of production can affect films. The contexts examined were historical, technological, and cultural. To study the historical and technological contexts, the author watched a documentary on the origins of Hollywood and explored a PowerPoint on film history, then created a vintage-style silent film and leaflet. For the cultural context, the author looked at how ideology and culture are represented in different countries' film outputs, conducting research on a chosen country's films and creating a Prezi containing facts and stereotypes about America.
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Unit 26
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Unit 26: Film Studies
Assignment 2: The contexts of Production
Final Report
Shikiel Alexander
I was askedtofindout abouthowthe Contextsof Productioncanaffectthe final product,inthis
case,Films.The contextsIwasaskedto investigate were:
? Historical
? Technological
? Cultural
A.) Historical & Technological
Firstly, I watcheda documentarycalled¡®The Birthof Hollywood¡¯narratedby Paul Merton,whichwas
all abouthow the Hollywoodfilmindustrystarted,the people,the places,the technologyandalso
some clipsfromthe earliestof films. ThenI exploredaPowerPointcalled FilmHistorywhichexplains
howthe filmindustrystartedwith abetabout horse gambling.It providesinformationaboutthe
earlyfilmindustry,itsshowssome of the firstmovie directorsand the people whocreatedthe first
cinema,fromall thisinformationIconstructedavintage styledshortsilentfilmandaleaflet.
B.) Cultural
I investigatedhowideologyandculture canbe representedthroughacountry¡¯sfilm output.This
involvedlookingatthe same clipsfromdifferentcountriesandconductingfurthersecondaryand
primaryresearchintothe filmsof one particular countryof myownchoice from which Iconstructed
a ¡®Prezi¡¯.The Prezi wastodo with America;itcontainedfactsaboutAmerica,suckas the capital city,
the president,howmanystatesthere are andso on.It alsocontainedstereotypesaboutAmerica.