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Its important for tourist attractions to promote their business at the Christmas period
because, people look forward to special offers, it will attract more customers, if the
attraction have events going on then more customers will come and the business will have
an opportunity to make more money, adults and children have holidays from work and
school and so if the customers do not have anything to do then your business may hold
something that other attractions dont offer so customers will come to tour company.
Families want to do family things at Christmas time so they look for family offers, events,
places, etc.

The two Christmas campaigns that Im going to compare between are:
   o Cadbury world
   o Black country living museum

Cadbury world:
There are several events and special offers that Cadbury world hold at Christmas. As
Cadbury world is indoors and Christmas occurs during winter, people look for somewhere
cosy, and comfortable than being outside in the cold. Cadbury world offers discounted
rates and gift prices are reduced at Christmas time. Magical Christmas Cruise this includes
a normal tour of Cadbury world, then you go on your coach to a canal near to Cadbury
world and youre lead in to a canal boat which is decorated with festive, Christmassy
decorations, once you get to the end Santa clause is waiting for children to give gifts to
them, the presents are like chocolates, toys etc. at the end everyone is taken to the cafe
where everyone is given a free mince pie along with a hot drink, Cadbury world offers this
because they hope that the free food will lead to customers buying other refreshments
from their cafe which is secondary sales for Cadbury world. Cadbury world only offers this
cruise to a group holding a capacity of about 25-47 people.

The target market for Cadbury worlds Christmas campaign are, mainly families because
they want to give them a memorable and enjoyable time which may lead families coming
back which is called repeat business or they can pass the message of what Cadbury world
offers for families which is called word of mouth. They also target children, friends, groups
of people must be between 25-47 people per group.

The objective of Cadbury worlds Christmas campaign are listed below:
   o To increase the number of ticket sales to groups over the Christmas period
   o To give families a memorable and more enjoyable Christmas time
   o To promote Cadbury values of good will and charity

The promotional techniques used to promote their campaign are:
Sales promotions- joint ticket meaning the tour of Cadbury world and then a trip to the
canal. 贈16.00 for adults and 贈14.00 for children (the prices have increased because Santa
gives the children free presents and everyone gets free mice pie and hot drinks.)
Press and media coverage- local TV, radio and newspapers are invited to Cadbury world
to promote whats happening at Cadbury world and the special offers.
Leaflets and posters- basic, black and white, includes information on all the 4ps, the
website, phone number etc. The posters are placed in the reception and toilet areas.
Cadbury world use their website, leaflets, posters and local radio to promote their special
events at Christmas time to attract more customers and their target market.

Cadbury world monitor and evaluate their promotional campaign by tracking the
number of ticket sales made two months before Christmas. They send their evaluation to
group leaders. They also evaluate via having staff meetings to see what needs
improvement and what needs to go

Black Country living museum:
Black Country living museum do many things to attract customers at Christmas time. As
Black Country living museum has had years of experience they know how to deal with all
ages of people at Christmas time. They have a variety of campaigns offering different
products and services at Christmas. They offer something called magical Christmas
evenings- which is a blend of new Christmas ideas with an old historic touch. They have
old traditional entertainment, like carol singers, bell singers, street organists, brass bands
and lastly Santa clause. The cottages are lit up with lights and decorated with Christmassy
decorations, fairy lights etc.

The target market for Black Country living museums Christmas campaign are: families,
OAPs (old aged pensioners) and children.

The objectives of their Christmas campaigns are:
   o To promote traditional Christmas practices
   o To educate people about the history of Christmas
   o To boost profit over the festive period by increasing sales and opening times

Black Country living museum use different techniques to promote their Christmas
campaign. These include sales and promotions: half price on visitor tickets, inclusive price
entrance which includes refreshments, food etc. Press and media coverage: advertising-
send mail to previous customers or regular customers to notify them whats happening and
when. They also pay local newspaper to put article in newspapers to promote their

Black Country living museum use many promotional materials to promote the Christmas
campaign. They design leaflets especially for Christmas- the leaflets contain how Christmas
is celebrated at B.C.L.M and about the Christmas events, you can also access the leaflet
online. On the website they have a Christmas calendar showing whats on at B.C.L.M each
day; they also have a special webpage for Christmas. B.C.L.M has billboards located
around Birmingham, these billboards are colourful and are exactly the same as the website
page and leaflet.

Black Country Living Museum monitors and evaluates their campaign by monitoring pre-
booked ticket sales from June leading to Christmas, from these results they check if their
ticket rates are high or low if their ticket rates are low then they know to advertise more if
theyre high then theyll advertise less which can save money. They also monitor the
number of people that visit Black Country Living Museums website, so they know who
visits the website so they can focus on improving it or not.
Comparing the two campaigns:
Do the campaigns relate well to the intended target market? Are the products
and services suitable for the target market?

                Similarities                            Differences
      Both campaigns are aimed at a            Black Country Living Museum has a
      certain target market                    larger variety of products, services
      Both companies aim at families           and events.
      (because Santa clause is for families    Cadbury world has a specific target
      with children.)                          market for the Xmas event, which is
      Both aimed at locals because both        a group event not for individuals.
      attractions have famous history
      about them
How does it relate to the campaign?
                Similarities                            Differences
      They both have an objective- which       Black Country Living Museum offer
      is to increase customer sales and        the objective of history, but they
      profitably                               dont mention it when youre
      Both businesses have an increase in      actually there
      the amount of customers each year        Cadbury world has an objective of
      Cadbury world and Black Country          families having a memorable and
      Living Museum have another               enjoyable experience at the
      objective which is to promote            Christmas season
      Christmas and the traditions and
      history behind it
Are the promotional techniques appropriate?
                Similarities                              Differences
      The companies both use press and         Black Country Living Museum pays
      media coverage in local area, which      for their media and coverage (it
      is aiming to attract and notify locals   makes sense for them to pay
      They both use sale promotions-           because they get a larger customer
      bundle tickets- which is when you        capacity than Cadbury world, and
      pay in advance for the whole day         B.C.L.M want newspapers to write a
      inc. Events, food, drink, offers etc.    full article.)
                                               Cadbury world dont pay for their
                                               press and media as they are invited
                                               Black Country Living Museum have
                                               Christmas billboards
Are the promotional materials appropriate?
               Similarities                              Differences
      Both use leaflets, to attract target     Black Country Living Museum has
      markets                                  colourful, glossy leaflets with images
      They both have colourful, attractive     and fancy writing
      websites to promote themselves           Cadbury world have a plain, black
      They both have links from the            and white leaflet with no pictures
      website to take them straight to the     and not as interesting and appealing
      special events section                   to customers (the reason because
                                               leaflets arent that important is
                                               Cadbury world have other
                                               promotional techniques they use.)
How was the campaign monitored and evaluated?

                Similarities                                  Differences
       They both monitor ticket sales                Cadbury world evaluate by staff
       leading up to Christmas                       interviews as what needs improving?
       They check the bookings and hits on          What went well? Etc
       their websites by computer daily             Black Country Living Museum
       weekly, monthly(only B.C.L.M check            monitor the number of hits on their
       hits)                                         website
       According to the results they check if        Cadbury world do not monitor hits
       they need to update or improve on             on their website
       things                                        If Cadbury worlds sales are low then
       In Spring they evaluate the                   they boost their advertisement i.e.
       campaign after Xmas and do                    More radio adverts, leaflets etc
       questionnaires to check positive or           Black Country Living Museum do
       negative feedback from customers              not boost their advertisements
                                                     because they have a limit number of
                                                     tickets each day and can only hold a
                                                     certain number of customers
                                                     Black Country Living Museum
                                                     evaluate using sales revenue to
                                                     check if theyre doing well


Having looked at both campaigns closely I am now going to come at some conclusion
between which business did well in the following:

Target market  which was the best campaign at meeting the needs of the target market-
my opinion, concludes that Cadbury world met the target market as they aim for a specific
target market which is for groups and families, unlike Black Country Living Museum who
run the event as a normal day and not really aiming for a specific target market.

Campaign objectives- which was the best campaign at meeting the campaign objectives-
in my opinion Cadbury world are closer to meeting their campaign objectives as their
objective is to give customers a more memorable and enjoyable experience, so they come
back each Christmas. Black Country Living Museum has an objective of giving the history
and traditions about Christmas but when youre there they dont meet it.

Promotional techniques- which used the most effective promotional techniques? - Black
Country Living Museum used a better range of promotional techniques than Cadbury
world. They used sales and promotions- were B.C.L.M offer an all inclusive ticket which
may be slightly expensive than an average ticket but with this ticket your refreshments,
events, food, drinks are all included as well as the entrance fee. They also pay local
newspapers to come and issue an article of whats happening and the events taking place.
B.C.L.M pays a full time media relations officer who produces materials to promote B.C.L.M
Promotional materials- which used the most effective promotional materials? I think that
Black Country Living Museum uses better promotional techniques than Cadbury world but
as Black Country Living Museum is a bigger company so they have to use a variety of
promotional techniques, Black Country Living Museum has produced glossy, colourful and
attractive leaflets, posters, billboards, and website, etc.

Campaign monitoring- which used the most rigorous campaign monitoring- in my
understanding B.C.L.M used the most rigorous campaign monitoring, as they use more
types of monitoring, for example they take into account the number of people who have
been visiting their website, they also monitor how many tickets have been booked or sold
two months leading up to Christmas, This results in the amount of people who are
interested in B.C.L.M and if their advertising was useful.

Campaign evaluation- which used the best evaluation tools to see the success of the
campaign? This is implied by B.C.L.M using sales revenue to evaluate their sales. Whereas
Cadbury world only have staff meetings to see what needs improvements. B.C.L.M will
boost their advertisements if less people visit, theyll monitor the number of hits they have
on their website.

Overall the best campaign that was produced was by Black Country Living Museum as
they offered a wider variety of, promotional materials, techniques, had a better system of
evaluation and monitoring, and aim the events appropriately at their specified target

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Unit 2d leisure & tourism

  • 1. Its important for tourist attractions to promote their business at the Christmas period because, people look forward to special offers, it will attract more customers, if the attraction have events going on then more customers will come and the business will have an opportunity to make more money, adults and children have holidays from work and school and so if the customers do not have anything to do then your business may hold something that other attractions dont offer so customers will come to tour company. Families want to do family things at Christmas time so they look for family offers, events, places, etc. The two Christmas campaigns that Im going to compare between are: o Cadbury world o Black country living museum Cadbury world: There are several events and special offers that Cadbury world hold at Christmas. As Cadbury world is indoors and Christmas occurs during winter, people look for somewhere cosy, and comfortable than being outside in the cold. Cadbury world offers discounted rates and gift prices are reduced at Christmas time. Magical Christmas Cruise this includes a normal tour of Cadbury world, then you go on your coach to a canal near to Cadbury world and youre lead in to a canal boat which is decorated with festive, Christmassy decorations, once you get to the end Santa clause is waiting for children to give gifts to them, the presents are like chocolates, toys etc. at the end everyone is taken to the cafe where everyone is given a free mince pie along with a hot drink, Cadbury world offers this because they hope that the free food will lead to customers buying other refreshments from their cafe which is secondary sales for Cadbury world. Cadbury world only offers this cruise to a group holding a capacity of about 25-47 people. The target market for Cadbury worlds Christmas campaign are, mainly families because they want to give them a memorable and enjoyable time which may lead families coming back which is called repeat business or they can pass the message of what Cadbury world offers for families which is called word of mouth. They also target children, friends, groups of people must be between 25-47 people per group. The objective of Cadbury worlds Christmas campaign are listed below: o To increase the number of ticket sales to groups over the Christmas period o To give families a memorable and more enjoyable Christmas time o To promote Cadbury values of good will and charity The promotional techniques used to promote their campaign are: Sales promotions- joint ticket meaning the tour of Cadbury world and then a trip to the canal. 贈16.00 for adults and 贈14.00 for children (the prices have increased because Santa gives the children free presents and everyone gets free mice pie and hot drinks.) Press and media coverage- local TV, radio and newspapers are invited to Cadbury world to promote whats happening at Cadbury world and the special offers. Leaflets and posters- basic, black and white, includes information on all the 4ps, the website, phone number etc. The posters are placed in the reception and toilet areas.
  • 2. Cadbury world use their website, leaflets, posters and local radio to promote their special events at Christmas time to attract more customers and their target market. Cadbury world monitor and evaluate their promotional campaign by tracking the number of ticket sales made two months before Christmas. They send their evaluation to group leaders. They also evaluate via having staff meetings to see what needs improvement and what needs to go Black Country living museum: Black Country living museum do many things to attract customers at Christmas time. As Black Country living museum has had years of experience they know how to deal with all ages of people at Christmas time. They have a variety of campaigns offering different products and services at Christmas. They offer something called magical Christmas evenings- which is a blend of new Christmas ideas with an old historic touch. They have old traditional entertainment, like carol singers, bell singers, street organists, brass bands and lastly Santa clause. The cottages are lit up with lights and decorated with Christmassy decorations, fairy lights etc. The target market for Black Country living museums Christmas campaign are: families, OAPs (old aged pensioners) and children. The objectives of their Christmas campaigns are: o To promote traditional Christmas practices o To educate people about the history of Christmas o To boost profit over the festive period by increasing sales and opening times Black Country living museum use different techniques to promote their Christmas campaign. These include sales and promotions: half price on visitor tickets, inclusive price entrance which includes refreshments, food etc. Press and media coverage: advertising- send mail to previous customers or regular customers to notify them whats happening and when. They also pay local newspaper to put article in newspapers to promote their business. Black Country living museum use many promotional materials to promote the Christmas campaign. They design leaflets especially for Christmas- the leaflets contain how Christmas is celebrated at B.C.L.M and about the Christmas events, you can also access the leaflet online. On the website they have a Christmas calendar showing whats on at B.C.L.M each day; they also have a special webpage for Christmas. B.C.L.M has billboards located around Birmingham, these billboards are colourful and are exactly the same as the website page and leaflet. Black Country Living Museum monitors and evaluates their campaign by monitoring pre- booked ticket sales from June leading to Christmas, from these results they check if their ticket rates are high or low if their ticket rates are low then they know to advertise more if theyre high then theyll advertise less which can save money. They also monitor the number of people that visit Black Country Living Museums website, so they know who visits the website so they can focus on improving it or not.
  • 3. Comparing the two campaigns: Do the campaigns relate well to the intended target market? Are the products and services suitable for the target market? Similarities Differences Both campaigns are aimed at a Black Country Living Museum has a certain target market larger variety of products, services Both companies aim at families and events. (because Santa clause is for families Cadbury world has a specific target with children.) market for the Xmas event, which is Both aimed at locals because both a group event not for individuals. attractions have famous history about them How does it relate to the campaign? Similarities Differences They both have an objective- which Black Country Living Museum offer is to increase customer sales and the objective of history, but they profitably dont mention it when youre Both businesses have an increase in actually there the amount of customers each year Cadbury world has an objective of Cadbury world and Black Country families having a memorable and Living Museum have another enjoyable experience at the objective which is to promote Christmas season Christmas and the traditions and history behind it Are the promotional techniques appropriate? Similarities Differences The companies both use press and Black Country Living Museum pays media coverage in local area, which for their media and coverage (it is aiming to attract and notify locals makes sense for them to pay They both use sale promotions- because they get a larger customer bundle tickets- which is when you capacity than Cadbury world, and pay in advance for the whole day B.C.L.M want newspapers to write a inc. Events, food, drink, offers etc. full article.) Cadbury world dont pay for their press and media as they are invited Black Country Living Museum have Christmas billboards Are the promotional materials appropriate? Similarities Differences Both use leaflets, to attract target Black Country Living Museum has markets colourful, glossy leaflets with images They both have colourful, attractive and fancy writing websites to promote themselves Cadbury world have a plain, black They both have links from the and white leaflet with no pictures website to take them straight to the and not as interesting and appealing special events section to customers (the reason because leaflets arent that important is Cadbury world have other promotional techniques they use.)
  • 4. How was the campaign monitored and evaluated? Similarities Differences They both monitor ticket sales Cadbury world evaluate by staff leading up to Christmas interviews as what needs improving? They check the bookings and hits on What went well? Etc their websites by computer daily Black Country Living Museum weekly, monthly(only B.C.L.M check monitor the number of hits on their hits) website According to the results they check if Cadbury world do not monitor hits they need to update or improve on on their website things If Cadbury worlds sales are low then In Spring they evaluate the they boost their advertisement i.e. campaign after Xmas and do More radio adverts, leaflets etc questionnaires to check positive or Black Country Living Museum do negative feedback from customers not boost their advertisements because they have a limit number of tickets each day and can only hold a certain number of customers Black Country Living Museum evaluate using sales revenue to check if theyre doing well Conclusions Having looked at both campaigns closely I am now going to come at some conclusion between which business did well in the following: Target market which was the best campaign at meeting the needs of the target market- my opinion, concludes that Cadbury world met the target market as they aim for a specific target market which is for groups and families, unlike Black Country Living Museum who run the event as a normal day and not really aiming for a specific target market. Campaign objectives- which was the best campaign at meeting the campaign objectives- in my opinion Cadbury world are closer to meeting their campaign objectives as their objective is to give customers a more memorable and enjoyable experience, so they come back each Christmas. Black Country Living Museum has an objective of giving the history and traditions about Christmas but when youre there they dont meet it. Promotional techniques- which used the most effective promotional techniques? - Black Country Living Museum used a better range of promotional techniques than Cadbury world. They used sales and promotions- were B.C.L.M offer an all inclusive ticket which may be slightly expensive than an average ticket but with this ticket your refreshments, events, food, drinks are all included as well as the entrance fee. They also pay local newspapers to come and issue an article of whats happening and the events taking place. B.C.L.M pays a full time media relations officer who produces materials to promote B.C.L.M
  • 5. Promotional materials- which used the most effective promotional materials? I think that Black Country Living Museum uses better promotional techniques than Cadbury world but as Black Country Living Museum is a bigger company so they have to use a variety of promotional techniques, Black Country Living Museum has produced glossy, colourful and attractive leaflets, posters, billboards, and website, etc. Campaign monitoring- which used the most rigorous campaign monitoring- in my understanding B.C.L.M used the most rigorous campaign monitoring, as they use more types of monitoring, for example they take into account the number of people who have been visiting their website, they also monitor how many tickets have been booked or sold two months leading up to Christmas, This results in the amount of people who are interested in B.C.L.M and if their advertising was useful. Campaign evaluation- which used the best evaluation tools to see the success of the campaign? This is implied by B.C.L.M using sales revenue to evaluate their sales. Whereas Cadbury world only have staff meetings to see what needs improvements. B.C.L.M will boost their advertisements if less people visit, theyll monitor the number of hits they have on their website. Overall the best campaign that was produced was by Black Country Living Museum as they offered a wider variety of, promotional materials, techniques, had a better system of evaluation and monitoring, and aim the events appropriately at their specified target markets.