This document provides examples of different types of customer service records that may be used at Cadbury World.
1. Customer booking forms record personal details like name, address, and payment information to process bookings legally and send information packets.
2. Accident books document injuries like cut fingers to comply with legal requirements in case of worsening or litigation.
3. Safety inspection forms note hazards during tours to ensure safety and allow issues to be addressed if equipment fails.
4. Sign-in sheets track visitors and repairs people for health and safety in evacuations and to know responsibilities.
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1. Add your name and student number Unit 3: Customer Service in Leisure and Tourism
Type of
customer Situation (context) What to record? (content) Why? (use)
customer The situation was that the They recorded the group leader's They record the above information for legal and legitimate
service receptionist took a booking personal details example the reasons, so they know that they're doing it correctly. Just
record 1: from a group leader who address, name and phone number. before you visit Cadbury world they send you and
customer wanted to visit Cadbury They also take their bank details and information pack via post, that's why they need your house
booking world in a group. The the time and date of the booking. address and contact details. They may also need your
form booking was made online contact details regarding any additional information such as
on the computer. if there are any members of the group that may need special
requirements due to health or disability problems. Cadbury
world need your bank details so they can take the money
from your account when you have to pay.
customer The situation was that a The details recorded were her These details were recorded because it’s legal and by law it
service woman had cut her finger in personal details such as her name there must be an accident book almost everywhere such as
record 2: the cadabra section and the address and phone number. The attractions, schools etc. and it must also be filled out for law
accident cadabra assistant had time, date and write exactly what and court reasons. The details must be taken in case if
book assisted her with first aid happened and a witness account (if anything worsens or for extra help/ information.
her. there was any) and the signature of
the first aider.
customer duty manager carries a full Dangers, hazards e.g. trip hazards, The reason of recording these details is for health and safety
service tour of Cadbury world sharp objects and faulty fire reasons that just in case of a fire and the fire extinguishers
record 3: internally and externally, equipment etc. The manager has a do not work then it can cause serious damage or even kill
safety and carries out a safety special key of what equipment someone. If that did happen Cadbury world could get sued,
inspection inspection were the public means what, e.g. ‘F’ means fire the duty manager photocopies parts of the map which
and staff go, to check for extinguisher. These are the main contains damaged equipment and gives it to members that
risks and hazards things that have to be recorded have the duty to fix that specific equipment in that area.
2. Add your name and student number Unit 3: Customer Service in Leisure and Tourism
Customer Electrician had arrived to fix The things recorded is the name, These have to be recorded just in case of emergencies they
service 4: the lights and had to sign in date and time of arrival and have to evacuate the building then they know how many
visitors and out. departure, they also need the car people are in side. The car registration must be known just
signing in registration and the name of the in case the company car is blocking something; the person is
and out person who they’re visiting. also given a visitor badge. The receptionist must know who
the electrician is visiting just in case of any incidents or
Customer Cadbury shop manager The customers name, date, number The complaint for is filled out so the customer doesn't nag
service 5: received a complain from a and address were recorded, the on and give negative feedback. from those type of situations
Complaint customer who was upset manager also told the customer to Cadbury world will know what to adjust next time and
form about an offer which was tick a box if the situation was a big maybe order more of those products .so that customers
not available as they were deal or if it wasn't that serious, and don't get upset or give negative feedback or word of mouth.
out of stock. so he had to the manager had to fill out which if the complaint is serious then Cadbury world gives that
fill a complaint form out. section the incident occurred in. customer vouchers or free chocolate to get the customer
Customer This situation was when a The toilet cleaner had to fill out a The reason for the form to be filled out is to ensure that
service 6: customer realised that the form and the date and time that he someone has cleaned the toilet and so then it can be
Toilet toilet ran out of tissue cleaned the toilet and what inspected and if the reason for the equipments used is just
inspection paper. and then the toilet equipment he used to clean the incase any thing gets damaged then they know that the
sheet cleaner had to clean the toilet. toilet cleaner used so and so equipment then they know
toilets as well what to do e.g., to stop using that product if it made the
walls go a different colour.
Customer The teacher who organised The details recorded were the The purpose of the questionnaire is to see if the lecturer is
service 7: the school visit had to fill teachers personal details like their doing their job correctly and if the customers didn't get
Educational out an evaluation form name, address, they recorded the information on what they wanted to e.g. sales and
talk which was given from the purpose of the schools visit. and the promotions info then Cadbury world staff can work on that
evaluation education assistant and it questions were like if the talk was to satisfy their customers. they also can do something about
form was given back to relevant to the students or did they the additional customers like if the teacher wrote the
receptionist after the tour. get all the information they needed. lecturer needed to use a variety of body language then they
the teacher could comment if they can teach the educational assistant to be more confident to
didn't think the talk was good or if it keep the customers interested and influenced.
was appropriate and other
additional comments.
3. Add your name and student number Unit 3: Customer Service in Leisure and Tourism
Customer The situation observed here The incident form had to be filled The form is used for the following reasons, so that the duty
service 8: that the duty manager was out when something serious occurs manager can investigate the situation further and so it can
Incident approached by an angry in Cadbury world, the details of the be dealt with responsibly, the form is kept in a file and
form coach driver who coach driver was recorded such as recorded in there or its either kept on the computer. they
complained about a his name, address and the date and need to solve the incident before it gets Cadbury world into
Cadbury lorry was blocking time that the incident occurred. the trouble or before witnesses give bad word of mouth or
him and he was getting late duty manger must also fill in his/her reputation of Cadbury world.
for the school pick up. details too.