
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
a. Tell the class as many types of
holidays(package holiday, beach
holiday, sailing, ets) as you can in
one minute.
Answer: walking holiday
/hiking/, skiing holiday,
Walking holiday
Skiing holiday
Hiking holiday
Bird watching holiday
Cultural holiday
Beach holiday
Reading exercise-3
The people in pictures 1-4 live in the USA and are all
trying to choose a holiday
1.Read the texts and underline the key words
2.Then ,read the adverts and underline anything that
matches up with what the people want
3.In pairs ,decide which of the holiday A-F is the
most suitable for the people
Danny and Lisa have been
married for ten years and are
planning a special holiday. They
both like exotic places and
wildlife photography. They are
look for an unforgettable holiday
full of surprises.
亠仆仆亳, 亳亰舒 仂
亞仍仍亳亶仆 舒于舒仆
亢亳仍亳亶亞 仂亶亞仂仂 仄舒
仂仆亞仂亶 舒磿舒仍亟亞
唏仍唏于仍唏亢. 丐亟
仂仍舒舒 舒 亞舒亰舒舒
磦亢 亰仍亞 舒仆 舒仄亟亞
亰舒亞 舒于舒 亟舒亶. 丐亟
亞仆亳亶仆, 仂仆亳仂仍仂亶,
仄舒舒亞亟舒亞勵亶 弍舒亞
舒亶亢 弍舒亶仆舒.
Eric wants to go
somewhere special to
celebrate his 50th birthday
this year. He is interested
in ancient history. He
would like to go abroad
,but he is terrified of flying!
亅亳从 仆 亢亳仍 50
仆舒仆舒舒 唏唏仆
唏亟亳亶亞 舒舒 仆亞
亳亶 磦亢 仂仆亞仂亶
仄亟亞仍亳亶亞 勵亢
弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丐 仆亳亶
勵勵亳亶亞 仂仆亳亟仂亞.
丐 亞舒亟舒舒亟舒亟
舒磿舒亞 勵 弍舒亶亞舒舒
弍仂仍仂于 仆亳
Nick is 26 and he
likes his holidays to be action-
packed.He's very fit and
active and loves the outdoors.
He dreams of visiting exotic
亳从 26 仆舒舒亶
弍唏亞唏唏亟 舒仄舒仍亳亶仆
唏亟勵勵亟 舒亟舒仍
磦亟仍舒舒 亟勵勵仆
弍舒亶仍亞舒亞 勵亟亞.
丐勵勵仆亟 舒仍亳仆亟 亞舒舒亟
亶仍仆 舒舒仍舒仄亢舒亶
弍舒亶亟舒亞. 唏仆 
亠 弍仆 弍舒亶亞舒仍舒亶
Julia is busy architect and
has to be back at work
within a week . She's
looking for a
holiday with the chance to
see some beautiful
Julia 舒亳亠从仂
仄亞亢亳仍亶 弍唏亞唏唏亟
仄舒 亰舒于亞勵亶
舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞. 仂仍仂仂
舒亢亳仍 亟 弍舒亶
仂亶. 丐 亰舒亳仄
舒仆 弍舒亳仍亞亟亞
勵亰亢, 亞仍 舒舒仄
舒亶仆 亰仂亳仂仆
弍舒亞 舒亶亢 弍舒亶仆舒.
A.Sightseeing in St
Three nights at the
luxurious Astoria hotel. Russian
culture and professionally
guided tours. Don't miss the
chance to visit this city's most
famous landmarks and some
of the world's greatest
$ 1.460 per person  all inclusive
亠亠弍亞 仂仂亶 舒仆亳仍舒
丐舒仆舒亞 Astoria 亰仂亳亟
弍亟舒仍亟 3 仂仆仂亞 弍舒亶仍舒仆舒. 仂
仂仆 仂仍仂亶 舒仆亞 仄亞亢仍亳亶仆
唏唏 舒仆亳仍仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 亅仆
仂仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆 舒仍亟舒舒亶 舒仆
弍舒亳仍亞亟 弍仂仍仂仆 亟仍亳亶仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆
仂仄 仄亰亠亶仆勵勵亟亳亳亶仆 仆亞 亞亳亶亞
仂亳亢 勵亰 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 弍亳亞亳亶
亞 勵仆亟 仆仂亞亟仂 $ 1,460
弍勵 亰舒亟舒仍
丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞:
Landmarks-丕舒仆 弍舒亳仍亞亟
C. Amazon Adventure
Would you enjoy camping
and trekking in tropical
rainforests? How about the
thrill and excitement of white-
water rafting? If you are looking
for action and adventure,this is
definitely the holiday for you!
$1.700 per person  6 days
incl . flights
仄仂亰仂仆 舒亟舒仍 磦亟舒仍
丐舒 舒仍仆 仂仆 亳仆亞仆 仂亶仆
弍舒舒舒 亰舒仄仆 磦亞舒仆 舒磿舒仍舒舒
弍舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 舒亶舒仆亟 舒仄舒亞 勵 弍舒亶仆舒
? 仂亟仂仆 舒仍舒舒 亞勵亠仆 亞 亞舒仍舒
亞仍 亟仂亞亟仍仂仄 仄唏亳亶亞 仄亟仆
唏亞亢亳仍亟仄唏唏 弍舒亶仆舒 ? 丱于 舒 舒亟舒仍
磦亟舒仍舒舒 亟勵勵仆 舒磿舒仍 舒亶亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒
弍仂仍 仆 舒磿舒仍 仂亳仂仄亢仂亶 ミ!
亞 勵仆亟 仆仂亞亟仂 $ 1.700
6 仂仆仂亞 . 仆亳仍亞 
丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞:
Trekking-弍舒舒舒 亰舒仄仆 磦亞舒仆 舒磿舒仍
Adventure-舒亟舒仍 磦亟舒仍舒亶
Thrill- 亞仍亳亶仆 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆
Excitement- 亞仍 唏亟仍唏仍
E. African Safari
Fabulous 12-day jeep safari in
Kenya. See Africa's stunning
wildlife in its spectacular natural
habitat. Get a taste of real
African culture with its traditional
food, and enjoy the incredible
$ 6.130 per person incl .flights
亳从亳亶仆 Safari
亠仆亳 仍舒亟 亢亳亶仗 舒磿舒 亠
弍仆 12 唏亟亳亶仆 舒舒亳 舒磿舒仍.
亳从亳亶仆 仂仆亞仂仆 弍舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 亰仍亞 舒仆
舒仄亟仆 舒仄亟舒 仂亳仆亞 勵亰仆 勵勵.
亳从亳亶仆 仂仍仆 舒亶 弍仂仍仂仆 亟仆亳亶
勵仆亟仆亳亶 仂仂仍亞 舒仄仍舒 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶
仄亟仄亢亳亶亞 弍仂亟亳仂仂 仄亟仆.
亞 勵仆亳亶 亰舒亟舒仍 $ 6,130. 亳仍亞 
丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞:
Spectacular-弌亞仍 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆, 仂仆亳仂仍
natural habitat-仆亞仂仆 弍舒亶亞舒仍, 弍舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆
弍仂亟亳 仂亳仆
incredible- 弍仆, 亳亞仄亞勵亶
B. Mediterranean Fun
The Coral Beach Resort in
Marbella, Spain offers relaxing 2
week breaks for all the family.
Beachfront hotels with swimming
pools cafes,
restaurants,watersports facilities
and great nightlife! Sun and fun for
Adults $2500
Children $1600
(14 nights, incl. flights)
舒亰仆 亟仆亟舒亟 仆亞亳
仗舒仆亳 仍仆 Marbella 亟舒
丿勵仆 舒舒仍 舒仄舒仍仆 亞舒亰舒, 亞 弍勵仍
舒仄舒 2 亟仂仍仂仂 仂仆仂亞亳亶仆 舒磿舒仍亞 舒仆舒仍
弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅亞亳亶仆 亰仂亳亟 弍亟舒仍 亟舒
从舒亠, 亰仂仂亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰舒 弍仂仍仂仆 舒仆 仗仂仆
弍舒亞舒亢 亞仍, 勵亶仍亳仍亞 弍舒亞舒仆 仂亞
弍舒亶亞仍舒仄亢舒亶 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 唏仆亳亶仆 舒仄亟舒仍!
丱勵仆 弍勵 仆舒 亳亞 亞仍亢 唏亞亢亳仍亶
舒舒仆亟 勵亞亳亟 $ 2500
丱勵勵亟 $ 1600
(14 唏仆唏, 仂仂仍仍舒舒亟. 亳仍亞)
丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞:
Breaks-仂亞亳仆仂 亞舒舒舒仆 舒磿舒仍
Beachfront-亅亞亳亶仆 亞舒仄, 亰于舒
Facilities-舒亞舒亢 亞仍, 勵亶仍亳仍亞, 唏唏唏
亞 仄 亰勵亶仍 弍舒亞舒仆 仂亞 弍舒亶亞仍舒仄亢
D. Natural Poland
Babiogorski National Park
offers a dramatic setting for a
fantastic holiday for the less
adventurous! Family-style
accommodation. Bird-watching
enthusiasts won't be
disappointed-there are about 120
species of birds here and early
risers are sure to catch a
glimpse of something unusual.
$1170 per person
(7 nights all inclusive)
舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 仂仍
Babiogorski 弍舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 仂亞仂仍弍仂
亞舒亰舒 弍仂仍仂 勵仆亟仆亳亶 仗舒从 仆 亠 弍仆
仂亳仆仂亶 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 舒磿舒仍亞 舒 弍勵仆亟
舒仆舒仍 弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒!  弍勵仍亳亶仆 于
仄舒磪亳亶仆 弍舒亶舒亶. 120 仂亳仄 亰勵亶仍亳亶仆
于亟亞 唏亞仍唏唏  弍仂仂亢 舒舒仆
舒舒仆舒舒舒舒 勵仄勵勵 亞仍 亞仂仆仂亶亢
弍舒亶亞舒舒亞勵亶 亞亟亞 亳亞仍亶 弍舒亶仆舒.
亞 勵仆亟 仆仂亞亟仂 $ 1170
(7 唏仆唏 弍勵 舒仄舒舒仍舒仆)
丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞:
Setting-亳仆 仂亶仂仆
Bird-watching enthusiasts-丿于仆
舒仄亟舒仍亞 舒亢亳亞仍舒, 勵亰
early risers-哦亞仍唏唏  弍仂仂
catch a glimpse-丶舒舒仆 舒舒
unusual- 弍仆, 仂仆亞仂亶
F. Historical Mexico
Experience the rich history
of the Yucatan Peninsula in
style aboard the Expreso
Maya Luxury Train. Visit
Chichen Itza and the Adivino
Pyramid on this 5-day, once-
in-a-lifetime trip.
$1250 per person
丐勵勵仆 亠从亳从
Expreso 舒磠 舒仆舒亞 亞舒仍
亞 舒磿舒仆 豫从舒舒仆 仂亶亞亳亶仆
亟舒亞 于 仄舒磪 亰亞 弍舒磿舒亞 勵勵亶
舒仆亳仍舒舒舒亶. 亅仆 5-唏亟唏 Chichen
Itza 弍仂仍仂仆 Adivino 亳舒仄亳亟舒舒 亰仂仍仂
舒磿舒仍仆舒舒 仆亞 仂仆亞仂仂仂亶.
亞 勵仆亟 仆仂亞亟仂 $ 1250
丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞:
in style-丱于 仄舒磪
once -in-a-lifetime trip-亅仆 仆舒舒仆亟舒舒 仆亞
亟舒舒 舒磿舒 舒磿舒仍
1.Danny and Liza  E
2. Eric  F
3. Nick  C
4. Julia - A
Match the verbs to the prompts. Enjoy, see, stay in, visit, go
on, experience
 Enjoy- local cuisine, traditional food, white water rafting
 See- stunning wildlife, famous landmarks, rare birds
 stay in- luxurious hotels, beachfront hotels
 Visit- tropical rainforests, famous landmarks, great museums
 Go on- guided tours
 Experience- white-water rafting, rich history
Thank you for
your attention

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Unit 4 traveller's tales

  • 2. Exercise-1 a. Tell the class as many types of holidays(package holiday, beach holiday, sailing, ets) as you can in one minute. Answer: walking holiday /hiking/, skiing holiday,
  • 4. Bird watching holiday Cultural holiday Beach holiday
  • 5. Reading exercise-3 The people in pictures 1-4 live in the USA and are all trying to choose a holiday 1.Read the texts and underline the key words 2.Then ,read the adverts and underline anything that matches up with what the people want 3.In pairs ,decide which of the holiday A-F is the most suitable for the people
  • 6. Danny and Lisa have been married for ten years and are planning a special holiday. They both like exotic places and wildlife photography. They are look for an unforgettable holiday full of surprises. 亠仆仆亳, 亳亰舒 仂 亞仍仍亳亶仆 舒于舒仆 亢亳仍亳亶亞 仂亶亞仂仂 仄舒 仂仆亞仂亶 舒磿舒仍亟亞 唏仍唏于仍唏亢. 丐亟 仂仍舒舒 舒 亞舒亰舒舒 磦亢 亰仍亞 舒仆 舒仄亟亞 亰舒亞 舒于舒 亟舒亶. 丐亟 亞仆亳亶仆, 仂仆亳仂仍仂亶, 仄舒舒亞亟舒亞勵亶 弍舒亞 舒亶亢 弍舒亶仆舒.
  • 7. Eric wants to go somewhere special to celebrate his 50th birthday this year. He is interested in ancient history. He would like to go abroad ,but he is terrified of flying! 亅亳从 仆 亢亳仍 50 仆舒仆舒舒 唏唏仆 唏亟亳亶亞 舒舒 仆亞 亳亶 磦亢 仂仆亞仂亶 仄亟亞仍亳亶亞 勵亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒. 丐 仆亳亶 勵勵亳亶亞 仂仆亳亟仂亞. 丐 亞舒亟舒舒亟舒亟 舒磿舒亞 勵 弍舒亶亞舒舒 弍仂仍仂于 仆亳 舒亶亟舒亞.
  • 8. Nick is 26 and he likes his holidays to be action- packed.He's very fit and active and loves the outdoors. He dreams of visiting exotic locations. 亳从 26 仆舒舒亶 弍唏亞唏唏亟 舒仄舒仍亳亶仆 唏亟勵勵亟 舒亟舒仍 磦亟仍舒舒 亟勵勵仆 弍舒亶仍亞舒亞 勵亟亞. 丐勵勵仆亟 舒仍亳仆亟 亞舒舒亟 亶仍仆 舒舒仍舒仄亢舒亶 弍舒亶亟舒亞. 唏仆 亠 弍仆 弍舒亶亞舒仍舒亶 舒仆亳仍舒亞 仄唏唏唏亟亟唏亞.
  • 9. Julia is busy architect and has to be back at work within a week . She's looking for a glamorous,well-organised holiday with the chance to see some beautiful architecture. Julia 舒亳亠从仂 仄亞亢亳仍亶 弍唏亞唏唏亟 仄舒 亰舒于亞勵亶 舒亢亳仍仍舒亟舒亞. 仂仍仂仂 仂仆仂亞亳亶仆 舒亢亳仍 亟 弍舒亶 仂亶. 丐 亰舒亳仄 舒仆 弍舒亳仍亞亟亞 勵亰亢, 亞仍 舒舒仄 舒亶仆 亰仂亳仂仆 弍舒亶亞仍舒亞亟舒仆 弍舒亞 舒亶亢 弍舒亶仆舒.
  • 10. A.Sightseeing in St Petersburg Three nights at the luxurious Astoria hotel. Russian culture and professionally guided tours. Don't miss the chance to visit this city's most famous landmarks and some of the world's greatest museums. $ 1.460 per person all inclusive 亠亠弍亞 仂仂亶 舒仆亳仍舒 舒磿舒仍 丐舒仆舒亞 Astoria 亰仂亳亟 弍亟舒仍亟 3 仂仆仂亞 弍舒亶仍舒仆舒. 仂 仂仆 仂仍仂亶 舒仆亞 仄亞亢仍亳亶仆 唏唏 舒仆亳仍仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 亅仆 仂仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆 舒仍亟舒舒亶 舒仆 弍舒亳仍亞亟 弍仂仍仂仆 亟仍亳亶仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆 仂仄 仄亰亠亶仆勵勵亟亳亳亶仆 仆亞 亞亳亶亞 仂亳亢 勵亰 弍仂仍仂仄亢亳亶亞 弍亳亞亳亶 舒仍亟舒舒舒亶. 亞 勵仆亟 仆仂亞亟仂 $ 1,460 弍勵 亰舒亟舒仍 丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞: Professionally-亞亢仍亳亶仆 Landmarks-丕舒仆 弍舒亳仍亞亟
  • 11. C. Amazon Adventure Would you enjoy camping and trekking in tropical rainforests? How about the thrill and excitement of white- water rafting? If you are looking for action and adventure,this is definitely the holiday for you! $1.700 per person 6 days incl . flights 仄仂亰仂仆 舒亟舒仍 磦亟舒仍 丐舒 舒仍仆 仂仆 亳仆亞仆 仂亶仆 弍舒舒舒 亰舒仄仆 磦亞舒仆 舒磿舒仍舒舒 弍舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 舒亶舒仆亟 舒仄舒亞 勵 弍舒亶仆舒 ? 仂亟仂仆 舒仍舒舒 亞勵亠仆 亞 亞舒仍舒 亞仍 亟仂亞亟仍仂仄 仄唏亳亶亞 仄亟仆 唏亞亢亳仍亟仄唏唏 弍舒亶仆舒 ? 丱于 舒 舒亟舒仍 磦亟舒仍舒舒 亟勵勵仆 舒磿舒仍 舒亶亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒 弍仂仍 仆 舒磿舒仍 仂亳仂仄亢仂亶 ミ! 亞 勵仆亟 仆仂亞亟仂 $ 1.700 6 仂仆仂亞 . 仆亳仍亞 丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞: Trekking-弍舒舒舒 亰舒仄仆 磦亞舒仆 舒磿舒仍 Adventure-舒亟舒仍 磦亟舒仍舒亶 Thrill- 亞仍亳亶仆 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆 Excitement- 亞仍 唏亟仍唏仍
  • 12. E. African Safari Fabulous 12-day jeep safari in Kenya. See Africa's stunning wildlife in its spectacular natural habitat. Get a taste of real African culture with its traditional food, and enjoy the incredible sunsets. $ 6.130 per person incl .flights 亳从亳亶仆 Safari 亠仆亳 仍舒亟 亢亳亶仗 舒磿舒 亠 弍仆 12 唏亟亳亶仆 舒舒亳 舒磿舒仍. 亳从亳亶仆 仂仆亞仂仆 弍舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 亰仍亞 舒仆 舒仄亟仆 舒仄亟舒 仂亳仆亞 勵亰仆 勵勵. 亳从亳亶仆 仂仍仆 舒亶 弍仂仍仂仆 亟仆亳亶 勵仆亟仆亳亶 仂仂仍亞 舒仄仍舒 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 仄亟仄亢亳亶亞 弍仂亟亳仂仂 仄亟仆. 亞 勵仆亳亶 亰舒亟舒仍 $ 6,130. 亳仍亞 丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞: Stunning-亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 Spectacular-弌亞仍 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆, 仂仆亳仂仍 舒舒仆 natural habitat-仆亞仂仆 弍舒亶亞舒仍, 弍舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 弍仂亟亳 仂亳仆 traditional-勳仆亟仆亳亶 incredible- 弍仆, 亳亞仄亞勵亶
  • 13. B. Mediterranean Fun The Coral Beach Resort in Marbella, Spain offers relaxing 2 week breaks for all the family. Beachfront hotels with swimming pools cafes, restaurants,watersports facilities and great nightlife! Sun and fun for everyone! Adults $2500 Children $1600 (14 nights, incl. flights) 舒亰仆 亟仆亟舒亟 仆亞亳 舒磿舒 仗舒仆亳 仍仆 Marbella 亟舒 丿勵仆 舒舒仍 舒仄舒仍仆 亞舒亰舒, 亞 弍勵仍 舒仄舒 2 亟仂仍仂仂 仂仆仂亞亳亶仆 舒磿舒仍亞 舒仆舒仍 弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒. 亅亞亳亶仆 亰仂亳亟 弍亟舒仍 亟舒 从舒亠, 亰仂仂亞亳亶仆 亞舒亰舒 弍仂仍仂仆 舒仆 仗仂仆 弍舒亞舒亢 亞仍, 勵亶仍亳仍亞 弍舒亞舒仆 仂亞 弍舒亶亞仍舒仄亢舒亶 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 唏仆亳亶仆 舒仄亟舒仍! 丱勵仆 弍勵 仆舒 亳亞 亞仍亢 唏亞亢亳仍亶 弍舒亶亟舒亞! 舒舒仆亟 勵亞亳亟 $ 2500 丱勵勵亟 $ 1600 (14 唏仆唏, 仂仂仍仍舒舒亟. 亳仍亞) 丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞: Breaks-仂亞亳仆仂 亞舒舒舒仆 舒磿舒仍 Beachfront-亅亞亳亶仆 亞舒仄, 亰于舒 Facilities-舒亞舒亢 亞仍, 勵亶仍亳仍亞, 唏唏唏 亞 仄 亰勵亶仍 弍舒亞舒仆 仂亞 弍舒亶亞仍舒仄亢
  • 14. D. Natural Poland Babiogorski National Park offers a dramatic setting for a fantastic holiday for the less adventurous! Family-style accommodation. Bird-watching enthusiasts won't be disappointed-there are about 120 species of birds here and early risers are sure to catch a glimpse of something unusual. $1170 per person (7 nights all inclusive) 舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 仂仍 Babiogorski 弍舒亶亞舒仍亳亶仆 仂亞仂仍弍仂 亞舒亰舒 弍仂仍仂 勵仆亟仆亳亶 仗舒从 仆 亠 弍仆 仂亳仆仂亶 亞舒亶舒仍舒亶 舒磿舒仍亞 舒 弍勵仆亟 舒仆舒仍 弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍舒亶仆舒! 弍勵仍亳亶仆 于 仄舒磪亳亶仆 弍舒亶舒亶. 120 仂亳仄 亰勵亶仍亳亶仆 于亟亞 唏亞仍唏唏 弍仂仂亢 舒舒仆 舒舒仆舒舒舒舒 勵仄勵勵 亞仍 亞仂仆仂亶亢 弍舒亶亞舒舒亞勵亶 亞亟亞 亳亞仍亶 弍舒亶仆舒. 亞 勵仆亟 仆仂亞亟仂 $ 1170 (7 唏仆唏 弍勵 舒仄舒舒仍舒仆) 丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞: Setting-亳仆 仂亶仂仆 Accommodation-舒亶仍仍舒 Bird-watching enthusiasts-丿于仆 舒仄亟舒仍亞 舒亢亳亞仍舒, 勵亰 early risers-哦亞仍唏唏 弍仂仂 catch a glimpse-丶舒舒仆 舒舒 unusual- 弍仆, 仂仆亞仂亶
  • 15. F. Historical Mexico Experience the rich history of the Yucatan Peninsula in style aboard the Expreso Maya Luxury Train. Visit Chichen Itza and the Adivino Pyramid on this 5-day, once- in-a-lifetime trip. $1250 per person 丐勵勵仆 亠从亳从 Expreso 舒磠 舒仆舒亞 亞舒仍 亞 舒磿舒仆 豫从舒舒仆 仂亶亞亳亶仆 亟舒亞 于 仄舒磪 亰亞 弍舒磿舒亞 勵勵亶 舒仆亳仍舒舒舒亶. 亅仆 5-唏亟唏 Chichen Itza 弍仂仍仂仆 Adivino 亳舒仄亳亟舒舒 亰仂仍仂 舒磿舒仍仆舒舒 仆亞 仂仆亞仂仂仂亶. 亞 勵仆亟 仆仂亞亟仂 $ 1250 丐勵仍勵勵 勵亞: Experience-丐仍舒亞舒 in style-丱于 仄舒磪 once -in-a-lifetime trip-亅仆 仆舒舒仆亟舒舒 仆亞 亟舒舒 舒磿舒 舒磿舒仍
  • 16. 1.Danny and Liza E 2. Eric F 3. Nick C 4. Julia - A
  • 17. Match the verbs to the prompts. Enjoy, see, stay in, visit, go on, experience Enjoy- local cuisine, traditional food, white water rafting See- stunning wildlife, famous landmarks, rare birds stay in- luxurious hotels, beachfront hotels Visit- tropical rainforests, famous landmarks, great museums Go on- guided tours Experience- white-water rafting, rich history
  • 18. Thank you for your attention