The document discusses traditional UNIX access control, including file system access control and process ownership. It describes how the root account provides unlimited administrative privileges. Modern access control methods like role-based access control and Pluggable Authentication Modules are introduced to improve security. Kerberos provides third-party cryptographic authentication across a network. Real-world access control combines traditional and modern methods, with tools like sudo allowing controlled escalation to root privileges while logging actions.
O documento descreve as principais fun巽探es de um sistema operativo, incluindo gerir recursos de hardware, partilhar recursos com prote巽達o, gerir processos concorrentes e informa巽達o persistente. Detalha tamb辿m os tipos de software que funcionam com os sistemas operativos, como software de sistema e de aplica巽達o, e discute brevemente mainframes, servidores, computadores pessoais e sistemas embebidos.
System call is the programmatic way in which a computer program requests a service from the kernel of the operating system it is executed on.
This may include hardware-related services (for example, accessing a hard disk drive), creation and execution of new processes, and communication with integral kernel services such as process scheduling.
System calls provide an essential interface between a process and the operating system
The document discusses process control blocks (PCBs) which represent processes in an operating system. A PCB contains various key information about a process including:
- Process state, number, and other scheduling information
- CPU register values
- Memory allocation details
- I/O device access permissions
- Accounting data on CPU and memory usage
When the CPU switches from one process to another, it saves the current process's register values in its PCB and loads values from the next process's PCB. This allows processes to continue execution seamlessly across CPU time slices.
Sistemas Operacionais - Gnu/Linux Gerenciamento de ArquivosLuiz Arthur
O documento discute os sistemas de arquivos em sistemas operacionais. Explica que os sistemas de arquivos organizam hierarquicamente arquivos e diret坦rios e fornecem detalhes sobre como arquivos e diret坦rios s達o identificados e localizados no Linux atrav辿s de inodes. Tamb辿m apresenta alguns comandos b叩sicos para manipula巽達o e gerenciamento de arquivos e diret坦rios como ls, cd, pwd, mkdir e rmdir.
This document discusses distributed file systems. It begins by defining key terms like filenames, directories, and metadata. It then describes the goals of distributed file systems, including network transparency, availability, and access transparency. The document outlines common distributed file system architectures like client-server and peer-to-peer. It also discusses specific distributed file systems like NFS, focusing on their protocols, caching, replication, and security considerations.
Unix uses processes to run programs and operating system functions. There are two types of processes - system processes which execute OS code and user processes which execute user programs. Processes can be in different states like running, ready, blocked etc. The kernel manages processes using data structures like process table entry and user area. Important process management operations include forking to create new processes, wait/exit for process termination, and signals for inter-process communication.
The document discusses query processing and optimization. It defines query processing as translating a query into low-level activities like evaluation and data extraction. Query optimization aims to select the most efficient query evaluation plan. The key steps in query processing are parsing, translating to relational algebra, creating evaluation plans, optimization to find the best plan, and executing the plan. Optimization techniques include heuristic-based and cost-based approaches. Heuristic rules are used to modify the query representation to improve performance. Cost-based optimization estimates the costs of different plans and selects the lowest cost plan.
Deadlocks-An Unconditional Waiting Situation in Operating System. We must make sure of This concept well before understanding deep in to Operating System. This PPT will understands you to get how the deadlocks Occur and how can we Detect, avoid and Prevent the deadlocks in Operating Systems.
Course 102: Lecture 24: Archiving and Compression of Files Ahmed El-Arabawy
This lecture discusses the different commands and utilities used for archiving and compression of files and directories in Linux
Video for this lecture on youtube:
Check the other Lectures and courses in
or Follow our Facebook Group at
- Facebook: @LinuxforEmbeddedSystems
Lecturer Profile:
Ahmed ElArabawy
Disk Structure (Magnetic)
Disk Attachment
Disk Scheduling Algorithms
Disk Management
Formatting, booting, bad sectors
Swap-Space Management
Performance optimization
The presentation aims towards imparting the concept of PIPES and the mechanism they follow.
Operating System 8th Edition
by : Abraham Silberschatz
Virtual memory allows processes to execute even if they are larger than physical memory by storing portions of processes on disk. When a process attempts to access memory that is not currently loaded, a page fault occurs which brings the required page into memory from disk. This is known as demand paging and allows the operating system to efficiently load only those portions of a process needed for execution, reducing memory usage and improving performance compared to loading the entire process at once.
Deadlock occurs when two or more competing processes are each waiting for resources held by the other, resulting in all processes waiting indefinitely. There are four conditions required for deadlock: mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption, and circular wait. Techniques to prevent deadlock include attacking each condition: allowing some resources to be shared, requiring processes request all resources at start, allowing preemption of resources, and imposing a global numbering on resource requests.
O documento discute t辿cnicas de gerenciamento de mem坦ria em sistemas operacionais, incluindo aloca巽達o cont鱈gua, particionada est叩tica e din但mica, mapeamento de mem坦ria com listas ligadas, e a t辿cnica de swapping para alternar processos entre mem坦ria principal e secund叩ria.
O documento discute os principais modelos de bancos de dados, incluindo o modelo hier叩rquico, modelo de rede, modelo relacional, modelo orientado a objetos e modelo dedutivo. Explica as caracter鱈sticas-chave de cada modelo e como representam e armazenam dados.
This presentation covers the understanding of system calls for various resource management and covers system calls for file management in details. The understanding of using system calls helps to start with working with device driver programming on Unix/Linux OS.
The document discusses memory management and file management in operating systems. Memory management tracks memory allocation and handles moving processes between main memory and disk. File management creates, locates, shares, modifies, and deletes files and organizes them into directories. It also specifies file attributes, operations, access permissions, and the logical storage of files in file systems. Caching stores recently accessed data in temporary memory to improve input/output performance. The input/output subsystem of the operating system's kernel manages various input/output devices and their differing functionality and speeds.
Sistemas Operacionais Modernos - Gerenciamento de Mem坦riaWellington Oliveira
O documento discute t辿cnicas de gerenciamento de mem坦ria em sistemas operacionais, incluindo pagina巽達o, substitui巽達o de p叩ginas, mem坦ria virtual e algoritmos relacionados. Aborda conceitos como tabelas de p叩ginas, algoritmos como FIFO, LRU e Clock para substitui巽達o de p叩ginas, e quest探es de projeto como tamanho de p叩gina e pol鱈ticas de aloca巽達o e limpeza.
Tutorial - Criando Banco com MySQL WorkbenchDaniel Brand達o
Este documento fornece instru巽探es passo-a-passo para criar um banco de dados no MySQL Workbench. Ele explica como criar uma nova conex達o, abrir a conex達o, criar um novo esquema (banco de dados), e ent達o criar tabelas e campos nesse banco de dados. O tutorial tem o objetivo de auxiliar iniciantes no processo de configura巽達o b叩sica de um banco de dados no MySQL Workbench.
O documento discute t辿cnicas de performance tuning para banco de dados PostgreSQL. Ele apresenta os principais problemas que causam lentid達o em bancos de dados, como mau uso de express探es SQL e m叩 modelagem. O documento tamb辿m fornece recomenda巽探es para melhorar o desempenho, incluindo ajustes de hardware, sistema operacional, par但metros do PostgreSQL e ferramentas de an叩lise.
The document discusses kernels and their responsibilities. Kernels are the core component of an operating system that controls processes, memory management, I/O devices, and acts as an interface between hardware and applications. Kernels can take different forms such as monolithic kernels that run all services in the kernel space or micro kernels that separate services into user-space servers that communicate via messages. Hybrid kernels combine aspects of monolithic and micro kernels.
The document discusses data and database administration. It covers:
1) The functions of data administration including data policies, planning, and managing the information repository.
2) The functions of database administration including hardware/software selection, performance tuning, security, backups, and recovery.
3) Techniques for managing data security including views, integrity controls, authorization rules, encryption, and authentication.
4) The importance of regularly backing up databases and using journaling facilities to facilitate recovery in case of data loss or damage.
This presentation discusses system calls and provides an overview of their key aspects:
System calls provide an interface between processes and the operating system. They allow programs to request services from the OS like reading/writing files. There are different methods of passing parameters to the OS, such as via registers, parameter blocks, or pushing to the stack. System calls fall into categories including process control, file management, device management, information maintenance, and communication. An example is given of how system calls would be used in a program to copy data between two files.
This document contains lecture notes for an Advanced Operating Systems class. It discusses various communication models for distributed systems, including message passing, distributed shared memory (DSM), and remote procedure call (RPC). It provides examples of DSM systems like IVY and Linda that use different approaches. It also describes how RPC works, issues like binding and semantics, and optimizations like light-weight RPC to improve performance of local calls.
The document discusses key aspects of operating systems including:
- An operating system acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware and manages resources.
- UNIX was developed in the 1960s and rewritten in C in 1972, becoming widely used on various hardware.
- UNIX features include multitasking, multi-user access, portability and application tools.
- The system structure consists of hardware, kernel and user programs layers. The kernel isolates and manages resources.
- The user interacts via the file system hierarchy, running concurrent processes, and building programs from small tools.
This document discusses how to add new users and storage on a Linux system. It covers editing the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files to define a new user account, setting an initial password, creating the user's home directory, installing startup files, and setting permissions. The key steps are using a command like useradd to edit the password and shadow files, setting the password with passwd, creating the home directory, copying default startup files, and setting ownership of the home directory to the new user.
Deadlocks-An Unconditional Waiting Situation in Operating System. We must make sure of This concept well before understanding deep in to Operating System. This PPT will understands you to get how the deadlocks Occur and how can we Detect, avoid and Prevent the deadlocks in Operating Systems.
Course 102: Lecture 24: Archiving and Compression of Files Ahmed El-Arabawy
This lecture discusses the different commands and utilities used for archiving and compression of files and directories in Linux
Video for this lecture on youtube:
Check the other Lectures and courses in
or Follow our Facebook Group at
- Facebook: @LinuxforEmbeddedSystems
Lecturer Profile:
Ahmed ElArabawy
Disk Structure (Magnetic)
Disk Attachment
Disk Scheduling Algorithms
Disk Management
Formatting, booting, bad sectors
Swap-Space Management
Performance optimization
The presentation aims towards imparting the concept of PIPES and the mechanism they follow.
Operating System 8th Edition
by : Abraham Silberschatz
Virtual memory allows processes to execute even if they are larger than physical memory by storing portions of processes on disk. When a process attempts to access memory that is not currently loaded, a page fault occurs which brings the required page into memory from disk. This is known as demand paging and allows the operating system to efficiently load only those portions of a process needed for execution, reducing memory usage and improving performance compared to loading the entire process at once.
Deadlock occurs when two or more competing processes are each waiting for resources held by the other, resulting in all processes waiting indefinitely. There are four conditions required for deadlock: mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption, and circular wait. Techniques to prevent deadlock include attacking each condition: allowing some resources to be shared, requiring processes request all resources at start, allowing preemption of resources, and imposing a global numbering on resource requests.
O documento discute t辿cnicas de gerenciamento de mem坦ria em sistemas operacionais, incluindo aloca巽達o cont鱈gua, particionada est叩tica e din但mica, mapeamento de mem坦ria com listas ligadas, e a t辿cnica de swapping para alternar processos entre mem坦ria principal e secund叩ria.
O documento discute os principais modelos de bancos de dados, incluindo o modelo hier叩rquico, modelo de rede, modelo relacional, modelo orientado a objetos e modelo dedutivo. Explica as caracter鱈sticas-chave de cada modelo e como representam e armazenam dados.
This presentation covers the understanding of system calls for various resource management and covers system calls for file management in details. The understanding of using system calls helps to start with working with device driver programming on Unix/Linux OS.
The document discusses memory management and file management in operating systems. Memory management tracks memory allocation and handles moving processes between main memory and disk. File management creates, locates, shares, modifies, and deletes files and organizes them into directories. It also specifies file attributes, operations, access permissions, and the logical storage of files in file systems. Caching stores recently accessed data in temporary memory to improve input/output performance. The input/output subsystem of the operating system's kernel manages various input/output devices and their differing functionality and speeds.
Sistemas Operacionais Modernos - Gerenciamento de Mem坦riaWellington Oliveira
O documento discute t辿cnicas de gerenciamento de mem坦ria em sistemas operacionais, incluindo pagina巽達o, substitui巽達o de p叩ginas, mem坦ria virtual e algoritmos relacionados. Aborda conceitos como tabelas de p叩ginas, algoritmos como FIFO, LRU e Clock para substitui巽達o de p叩ginas, e quest探es de projeto como tamanho de p叩gina e pol鱈ticas de aloca巽達o e limpeza.
Tutorial - Criando Banco com MySQL WorkbenchDaniel Brand達o
Este documento fornece instru巽探es passo-a-passo para criar um banco de dados no MySQL Workbench. Ele explica como criar uma nova conex達o, abrir a conex達o, criar um novo esquema (banco de dados), e ent達o criar tabelas e campos nesse banco de dados. O tutorial tem o objetivo de auxiliar iniciantes no processo de configura巽達o b叩sica de um banco de dados no MySQL Workbench.
O documento discute t辿cnicas de performance tuning para banco de dados PostgreSQL. Ele apresenta os principais problemas que causam lentid達o em bancos de dados, como mau uso de express探es SQL e m叩 modelagem. O documento tamb辿m fornece recomenda巽探es para melhorar o desempenho, incluindo ajustes de hardware, sistema operacional, par但metros do PostgreSQL e ferramentas de an叩lise.
The document discusses kernels and their responsibilities. Kernels are the core component of an operating system that controls processes, memory management, I/O devices, and acts as an interface between hardware and applications. Kernels can take different forms such as monolithic kernels that run all services in the kernel space or micro kernels that separate services into user-space servers that communicate via messages. Hybrid kernels combine aspects of monolithic and micro kernels.
The document discusses data and database administration. It covers:
1) The functions of data administration including data policies, planning, and managing the information repository.
2) The functions of database administration including hardware/software selection, performance tuning, security, backups, and recovery.
3) Techniques for managing data security including views, integrity controls, authorization rules, encryption, and authentication.
4) The importance of regularly backing up databases and using journaling facilities to facilitate recovery in case of data loss or damage.
This presentation discusses system calls and provides an overview of their key aspects:
System calls provide an interface between processes and the operating system. They allow programs to request services from the OS like reading/writing files. There are different methods of passing parameters to the OS, such as via registers, parameter blocks, or pushing to the stack. System calls fall into categories including process control, file management, device management, information maintenance, and communication. An example is given of how system calls would be used in a program to copy data between two files.
This document contains lecture notes for an Advanced Operating Systems class. It discusses various communication models for distributed systems, including message passing, distributed shared memory (DSM), and remote procedure call (RPC). It provides examples of DSM systems like IVY and Linda that use different approaches. It also describes how RPC works, issues like binding and semantics, and optimizations like light-weight RPC to improve performance of local calls.
The document discusses key aspects of operating systems including:
- An operating system acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware and manages resources.
- UNIX was developed in the 1960s and rewritten in C in 1972, becoming widely used on various hardware.
- UNIX features include multitasking, multi-user access, portability and application tools.
- The system structure consists of hardware, kernel and user programs layers. The kernel isolates and manages resources.
- The user interacts via the file system hierarchy, running concurrent processes, and building programs from small tools.
This document discusses how to add new users and storage on a Linux system. It covers editing the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files to define a new user account, setting an initial password, creating the user's home directory, installing startup files, and setting permissions. The key steps are using a command like useradd to edit the password and shadow files, setting the password with passwd, creating the home directory, copying default startup files, and setting ownership of the home directory to the new user.
An introduction to Linux Container, Namespace & Cgroup.
Virtual Machine, Linux operating principles. Application constraint execution environment. Isolate application working environment.
How to Audit Linux - Gene Kartavtsev, ISACA MNGene Kartavtsev
The presentation focuses on main differences between Linux and Windows Operation Systems. It explains basic system architecture, introduces the most important commands
for IT audit and gives overall prospective of Linux systems audit. It is also an opportunity to interact with an auditor, who has a real-world experience as systems engineer and has a
prospective of an audit process from both sides.
Speakers: Gene Kartavtsev, CISA, PCIP, ISA
Linux Privilege Escalation
You will learn how to do privilege escalation on Linux systems by which an attacker gains initial access to a limited or full interactive shell of a primary user or system account with limited privileges.
Securing Applications and Pipelines on a Container PlatformAll Things Open
The document discusses securing applications on a container platform. It covers considerations for security at the host operating system level, during container builds, and at runtime. Specific techniques discussed include Linux namespaces and cgroups for isolation, SELinux and MCS labels for access control between containers, capability dropping to restrict privileges, and read-only mounts. Container scanning and signing images are also covered.
The document provides an outline on operating systems memory storage and management. It discusses how the OS must manage memory to ensure each process has enough space to execute without interfering with other processes. It describes different types of memory like cache, RAM, and disk and how the OS uses these properly. Specific topics covered include cache memory, RAM, virtual memory using swap files, the kernel, kernel types, shells, types of shells, shell scripting, and the four freedoms of open source software.
This document provides information about a PowerShell presentation titled "Powering up on PowerShell". It includes the wireless network credentials to access the demo environment, a link to demo files, an agenda for the presentation topics, and a brief biography of the presenter. Some of the topics to be covered in the presentation include moving around the file system and registry, hashing, data storage techniques, custom event logging, WinRM logging, port scanning, and achieving persistence through PowerShell profiles.
Linux systems often have opportunities for privilege escalation through misconfigured files, directories, or binaries. An attacker can use tools like Metasploit, searchsploit, and exploitDB to search for known exploits to escalate privileges on older or outdated systems. System enumeration reveals useful information for privilege escalation like kernel versions, user accounts, permissions, and processes. Misconfigured permissions on files, directories, or binaries with sudo/setuid/setgid can allow escalating privileges by modifying or executing files as a privileged user.
FreeIPA is the open source answer to Active Directory, bringing the functionality of Kerberos and centralized management to the unix world. This talk will dive into the background of FreeIPA, how to attack it, and its parallels to traditional Active Directory. We will cover the FreeIPA equivalents of credential abuse, discovery, and lateral movement, highlighting the similarities and differences from traditional Active Directory tradecraft. This will culminate in multiple real-world demos showing how chains of abuse, previously accessible only in Windows environments, are now possible in the unix realm, providing a new medium for offensive research into Kerberos and LDAP environments.
Linux is an open source operating system based on UNIX. It was created by Linus Torvalds to provide a free alternative to UNIX. Linux has many distributions including Ubuntu, CentOS, and Fedora. It has advantages like being free, portable, secure, and scalable. However, it can be confusing for beginners due to many distributions and frequent updates. The document then discusses Linux file systems, permissions, ownership, and basic commands.
Sudo Mode (part 2): How Privilege Mistakes could Dismantle your Entire Enterp...BeyondTrust
In this 際際滷share from the webinar of CQURE Academy Security Expert, Krystian Zieja, you will gain insights into:
- How sudo really works and what information we need to know before using it
- Working with sudo logging and using sudo in combination with a central logging server as a security control
- Session recording and replaying to analyze user behavior
- The enterprise-wide sudoers file management
-How to preventing common pitfalls of sudo configuration
- LDAP Integration
- Best practices for sudo usage
You can watch the full, on-demand webinar here:
The document discusses Linux privilege escalation by modifying the GRUB bootloader settings at startup. It describes how a regular user can interrupt the GRUB boot process by pressing "e" to edit the kernel line. By changing "ro" to "rw init=/bin/bash", it allows the user to gain a root shell and create a new user with administrative privileges. Setting a bootloader password or restricting physical access to the computer can help protect against this privilege escalation technique.
The document provides an overview of some basic concepts and commands related to the vi text editor in Linux. It discusses vi's modes (normal, insert, command-line), common editing commands like delete, copy, paste, navigation keys, and commands for saving, quitting and entering/exiting insert mode. It also notes some advantages of using vi such as its availability, efficiency, customizability, lightweight nature, and role as an industry standard.
The RHCSA exam tests candidates' ability to perform tasks across several categories including: using essential tools like the shell, managing processes and logs, configuring storage and file systems, deploying and maintaining systems, managing users and groups, and managing security features like the firewall and SELinux. Candidates are expected to complete tasks involving these areas without assistance, such as archiving and compressing files, mounting file systems, installing and updating packages, and configuring user accounts and firewall settings.
亠仍舒于 舒弍舒从 "Microsoft Sysinternals-Useful Utilities"EPAM Systems
This document provides summaries of various system utilities from It groups the utilities into categories such as File and Disk Utilities, Networking Utilities, Process Utilities, Security Utilities, System Information Utilities, and Miscellaneous Utilities. Key utilities are highlighted including PsTools, Process Monitor, Process Explorer, Autoruns, and BgInfo which provide information on processes, system activity in real-time, open files and registry keys, auto-starting programs, and system information for desktop backgrounds. The document serves as a reference guide to powerful free command line tools and applications that can help optimize, troubleshoot, and secure Windows systems.
The document provides an overview of the history and structure of Linux. It discusses how Linux uses the GPL open source license and describes the basic boot process. It also lists some common qualifications for Linux administrator jobs and provides tips for using and administering Linux systems securely and effectively.
A helium boosting and decanting system is typically used in various industrial applications, particularly in the production and handling of gases, including helium including leak test of reciprocating cylinder. Heres a brief overview of its components and functions:
1. Helium Storage Tanks: High-pressure tanks that store helium@ 150 bars.
2. Boosting Pumps: Designed to boost helium pressure up to 150 bar, ensuring efficient flow throughout the system.
3. Decanting Unit: Separates liquid helium from gas, facilitating decanting at pressures of up to 2 bars.
4. Pressure Regulators: Maintain and control the pressure of helium during transport.
5. Control Valves: automatic control valve is provided for the flow and direction of helium through the system.
6. Piping and Fittings: High-quality, corrosion-resistant materials for safe transport.
Boosting Pressure: The system boosts helium pressure up to 150 bar for various applications.
Decanting: Safely decants helium, separating liquid from gas at pressures of up to 2 bar.
Safety Measures: Equipped with relief valves and emergency shut-off systems to handle high pressures safely.
Monitoring and Control: Sensors and automated controls monitor pressure and flow rates.
Cryogenics: Cooling superconducting magnets in MRI machines and particle accelerators.
Welding: Used as a shielding gas in welding processes.
Research: Crucial for various scientific applications, including laboratories and space exploration.
Key Features:
Helium Storage & Boosting System
Decanting System
Pressure Regulation & Monitoring
Valves & Flow Control
Filtration & Safety Components
Structural & Material Specifications
Automation & Electrical Components
This PPT covers the index and engineering properties of soil. It includes details on index properties, along with their methods of determination. Various important terms related to soil behavior are explained in detail. The presentation also outlines the experimental procedures for determining soil properties such as water content, specific gravity, plastic limit, and liquid limit, along with the necessary calculations and graph plotting. Additionally, it provides insights to understand the importance of these properties in geotechnical engineering applications.
Biases, our brain and software developmentMatias Iacono
Quick presentation about cognitive biases, classic psychological researches and quite new papers that displays how those biases might be impacting software developers.
The Golden Gate Bridge a structural marvel inspired by mother nature.pptxAkankshaRawat75
The Golden Gate Bridge is a 6 lane suspension bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait, connecting the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.
It provides a vital transportation link between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay.
Flex and rigid-flex printed circuit boards (PCBs) can be considered at the basic level some of the most complex PCBs in the industry. With that in mind, its incredibly easy to make a mistake, to leave something out, or to create a design that was doomed from the start.
Such design failures can end up leading to an eventual failure by delamination, short circuits, damage to the flex portions, and many other things. The easiest way to circumvent these is to start at the beginning, to design with preventing failure in mind rather than trying to fix existing designs to accommodate for problems.
In this webinar, we cover how to design flex and rigid-flex PCBs with failure prevention in mind to save time, money, and headaches, and what failure can look like.
For more information on our flex and rigid-flex PCB solutions, visit
Improving Surgical Robot Performance Through Seal Design.pdfBSEmarketing
Ever wonder how something as "simple" as a seal can impact surgical robot accuracy and reliability? Take quick a spin through this informative deck today, and use what you've learned to build a better robot tomorrow.
Uses established clustering technologies for redundancy
Boosts availability and reliability of IT resources
Automatically transitions to standby instances when active resources become unavailable
Protects mission-critical software and reusable services from single points of failure
Can cover multiple geographical areas
Hosts redundant implementations of the same IT resource at each location
Relies on resource replication for monitoring defects and unavailability conditions
Unit 5 access control,rootly powers & controlling processes
1. Access Control,
Rootly Powers &
Controlling Processes
Prepared By
Prof. Bhushan Pawar
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
Systems design:
Objects (e.g., files and processes) have
owners. Owners have broad (but not
necessarily unrestricted) control over their
You own new objects that you create.
The special user account called root can act
as the owner of any object.
Only root can perform certain sensitive
administrative operations.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
3. File system access control
In the traditional model, every file has both an owner
and a group, sometimes referred to as the Group
The owner can set the permissions of the file.
In particular, the owner can set them so restrictively
that no one else can access it.
Groups are traditionally defined in the /etc/group
file, but these days group information is more
commonly stored on an NIS or LDAP server on the
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
4. Continue
The owner of a file gets to specify what the
group owners can do with it. This scheme
allows files to be shared among members of
the same project.
The ownerships of a file can be determined
ls -l filename.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
5. Process ownership
The owner of a process can send the process
signals and can also reduce the processs
scheduling priority.
The root account
Setuid and Setgid execution
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
6. The root account
The root account is UNIXs omnipotent (i.e having
unlimited power) administrative user. Its also known
as the super user account, although the actual
username is root.
Characteristic of the root account is its UID of 0 And
we cant modify the UID of it.
Traditional UNIX allows the superuser (that is, any
process whose effective UID is 0) to perform any
valid operation on any file or process.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
7. Continue
Examples of restricted operations are
Changing the root directory of a process with chroot
Creating device files
Setting the system clock
Raising resource usage limits and process priorities
Setting the systems hostname
Configuring network interfaces
Opening privileged network ports (those numbered
below 1,024)
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
8. Setuid and Setgid execution
This mechanism lets developers and administrators
set up structured ways for unprivileged users to
perform privileged operations.
When the kernel runs an executable file that has its
setuid or setgid permission bits set, it changes
the effective UID or GID of the resulting process to
the UID or GID of the file containing the program
image rather than the UID and GID of the user that
ran the command.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
From a security perspective, the root account
represents a potential single point of failure. If its
compromised, the integrity of the whole system is
violated. There is no limit to the damage an attacker
can inflict.
The only way to subdivide the special privileges of
the root account is by writing setuid programs.
Unfortunately, as the Internets steady stream of
security updates demonstrates, its difficult to write
truly secure software.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
10. Continue
The security model isnt strong enough for use on a
network. No computer to which an unprivileged user
has physical access can be trusted to accurately
represent the ownerships of the processes its
Many high-security environments enforce
conventions that simply cant be implemented with
traditional UNIX security.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
11. Role-based access control
Role-based access control, sometimes known as RBAC,
is a theoretical model formalized in 1992 by David
Ferraiolo and Rick Kuhn.
The basic idea is to add a layer of indirection to access
control calculations. Instead of permissions being
assigned directly to users, they are assigned to
intermediate constructs known as roles, and roles in
turn are assigned to users.
To make an access control decision, the access control
library enumerates the roles of the current user and
checks to see if any of those roles have the appropriate
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
12. PAM: Pluggable Authentication
PAM is an authentication technology rather
than an access control technology. i.e rather
than addressing the question Does user X
have permission to perform operation Y?, it
helps answer the precursor question How do
I know this is really user X?
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
13. Continue
In the past, user passwords were checked
against the /etc/shadow file at login time so
that an appropriate UID could be set for the
users shell or window system.
Modern world of networks cryptography ,and
biometric identification devices, a more
flexible and open system is required.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
14. Continue
PAM is a wrapper for a variety of method-
specific authentication libraries. Administrator
specify the authentication methods he/she
want the system to use, along with the
appropriate contexts for each one. Programs
that want to authenticate a user simply call
the PAM system rather than implementing
their own forms of authentication.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
15. Kerberos: third-party
cryptographic authentication
Kerberos deals with authentication rather
than access control But whereas PAM is an
authentication framework, Kerberos is a
specific authentication method.
Theyre generally used together, PAM being
the wrapper and Kerberos the actual
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
16. Continue
Kerberos uses a trusted third party (a server)
to perform authentication for an entire
network. Rather than authenticating yourself
to the machine you are using
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
Most sites still use the traditional root
account for system administration.
add-on tools such as sudo go a long way
toward bridging the gap between simplicity
and security.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
18. Choosing a root password
The most important characteristic of a good
password is length. The root password should
be at least eight characters long.
systems that use DES passwords with the help
of MD5 or Blowfish encryption for passwords
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
19. Logging in to the root account
We can log in directly to the root account and
work on the system. However, this turns out
to be a bad idea.
Disadvantage is that the log-in-as-root
scenario leaves no record of who was really
doing the work.
If several people have access to the root
account, you wont be able to tell who used it
and when.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
20. su: substitute user identity
Way to access the root account is to use the
su command.
If invoked without arguments, su prompts for
the root password and then starts up a root
Root privileges remain in effect until you
terminate the shell by typing <Control-D> or
the exit command.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
21. Continue
The su command can also substitute identities
other than root.
If you know someones password, you can
access that persons account directly by
executing su - username. The exact
implications of login mode vary by shell, but it
normally changes the number or identity of
the startup files that the shell reads.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
22. Continue
sudo takes as its argument a command line to be
executed as root.
sudo consults the file /etc/sudoers, which lists
the people who are authorized to use sudo and
the commands they are allowed to run on each
sudos command logging can be subverted by
tricks such as shell escapes from within an
allowed program or by sudo sh and sudo su if
you allow them
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
Root is generally the only user that has special
status of the kernel, but several other pseudo-
users are defined by the system.
You can identify these accounts by their low
UIDs, usually less than 100.
UIDs under 10 are system accounts, and UIDs
between 10 and 100 are pseudo-users
associated with specific pieces of software.
Prof.Bhushan Pawar
24. Any Question???
If you having any doubt then you can ask me
question on
contact me on (+91)-7588318728
Prof.Bhushan Pawar