This document provides vocabulary related to objects and articles (a/an, the) in English. It defines a/an as indefinite articles used when referring to something non-specifically. The plural of most nouns is formed by adding -s, but some irregular plurals are listed. There is/are is explained for singular/plural subjects and questions. Common items found in rooms of a house are listed, including the living room, bedroom, and kitchen. The document concludes by providing prompts to discuss houses and their features.
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Unit 5 - conversation course - objects vocabulary
1. Unit 5 - Objects Vocabulary
2. A / AN = UM, UMA
(artigo indefinido)
(estamos falando de algo ou alguém
de forma não-específica)
Ex.: My family has a dog
3. • a man
• a pencil
• a computer
Com som de consoante usar “a”
4. • an oven
• an orange
• an upgrade
Com som de vogal usar “an”
7. Quando o ‘h’ é pronunciado
usamos ‘a’;
• a horse
• a hotel
• a hot-dog
8. Quando o h NÃO é pronunciado
usamos ‘an’:
• an hour
• an honest man
• an heir
9. Outro caso especial (som /iu/ do “y”)
• a university
• a European country
• a uniform
10. Também usamos a/an:
It costs U$2 a litre. (preços)
I drink two cups of coffee a day. (frequência)
I’m driving at 80 km an hour. (velocidade)
11. THE = O, A, OS, AS
(artigo definido)
(estamos falando de algo(s) ou
alguém(ns) de forma específica)
Ex.: The cat is black.
Ex.: The birds are yellow.
12. O plural do substantivo em inglês
basicamente se faz acrescentando o S:
Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
In a house / In an apartment.
What’s it like?
It’s ..... (small/big/etc).
I like it / I don’t like it.
What is there in your house?
There is... / There are... / It has ...
Is there ... In your house?
Yes, there is / No, there isn’t.
50. Talk to the teacher
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