The trunk of the tree represents
the technological prerequisites
for successive unfolding of the
various telecommunication
domains into the branches of the
The leaves of the branches
represent evolution within the
separate telecommunication
The basic theory of sound developed by Helmholtz supported the
evolution from telegraphy to telephony.
The early automation of industrial processes enabled the replacement of
manual switchboards by automatic switching devices.
The discovery of electromagnetic radiation and the subsequent
development of devices for generating and detecting such waves led to
the development of radio-telegraphy.
The creation of electronic tubes (diodes and triodes) started the
electronic era, which enabled the evolution from radio-telegraphy to
radio-telephony and mobile radio.
16. The feedback principle applied in electronic circuitry facilitated the
generation of high frequencies and thus the development of medium- and
shortwave radio transmission and a new technology of circuit
combination: carrier frequency, or multiplexing.
The development of very high frequency generators in 1920 and velocity-
modulated electronic tubes in the early 1930s made radio-relay
transmission possible,
Rockets, transistors, and solar cells were the ingredients for the satellite
The laser and extremely pure glass enabled the fiber optics branch to
ICs (integrated circuits) and microprocessors were the nourishment for
the cellular radio branch.
17. Within two centuries telecommunications experienced
tremendous progress.
This development is best demonstrated by the example of transatlantic
submarine cable transmission:
1866. The first transatlantic telegraph cable installed.
Morse-coded telegraph channel with a speed of about 5 words per minute.
1956. The first transatlantic telephone cable installed.
operated 36 telephone channels on two separate cables.
2000. The state-of-the art transatlantic fiber optic cable installed.
12 fibers each with a capacity of 40 WDM 10-Gbps channels, thus a total of
4.8 Tbps, which is equivalent to 58,060,800 telephone channels.
19. Simple telephone communication
(simplex communication)
The circuit consisting of a
MIC, an Inductor, a battery
and a loudspeaker.
Microphone: Converts speech
to electrical signal.
Earphones: Converts
electrical to audio signal.
20. Simple telephone communication..
Microphone: used carbon
microphone. carbon granules
placed in a box conduct electricity.
when sound waves impinge on the
diaphragm it vibrates causing the
carbon granules to compress or
expand thus changing resistivity
offered by granules.
Inductor: It acts as high
impedance element for voice freq
signals but permits dc from the
battery to flow to the microphone
and earphone.
Voice freq signals generated by
microphone reach the ear phone
without being shunted by the
battery arm and are converted to
audio signals there.
Earphone: It is usually an
electromagnetic diaphragm which is
positioned such that there is an air
gap between it and the poles of
electromagnet. when elctro magnet
is energized by passing a current a
force is exerted on the diaphragm
thus vibrating the diaphragm and
producing sound waves.
22. Basic terms of telecommunication
represent the transfer of
information, from an entity
at one place to an entity at
another place whereas the
information can be in the
form of data, voice or
symbol. The entities can
be human beings,
computers, facsimile
machines, telegraphy
machines, phones or so on.
23. Basic terms of telecommunication..
In telephone conversation
Calling Subscriber: The one who initiates the
Called Subscriber: The one for whom the call
is destined.
Source and Destination: The communicating
entities respectively.
24. Unit 1
25. Contents
Introduction to Cellular Mobile System
Performance Criteria
Uniqueness of Mobile Radio Environment
Operation of Cellular Systems
Hexagonal Shaped Cells
Analog and Digital Cellular systems.
General description of the problem
Concept of frequency channels
Co-channel Interference Reduction Factor
Desired C/I from a normal case in a Omni directional Antenna system
Cell splitting
Consideration of the components of Cellular system.
26. Introduction to Cellular Mobile System
Limitations of conventional mobile telephone
limited service capability
Poor service performance
Inefficient frequency spectrum utilization
27. Limited Service Capability
Lager coverage area of a Cell
Transmitted Power is High
The user who starts a call in
one zone has to reinitiate the
call when moving into a new
zone because the call will be
dropped. (Problem of Handoff
The conventional system is
that the number of active
users is limited to the number
of channels assigned to a
particular frequency zone.
28. Poor Service Performance
In the past, a total of 33 channels were allocated to three mobile telephone s
Mobile Telephone Service (MTS) at 40MHz, provides 11 channels.
Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS) MJ systems at 150MHz , provides
11 channels.
Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS) MK systems at 450MHz ,
provides 11 channels.
In 1976, New York City had 6 channels of MJ serving 320 customers, with
another 2400 customers on a waiting list. New York City also had 6 channels
of MK serving 225 customers, with another 1300 customers on a waiting list.
The large number of subscribers created a high blocking probability during b
usy hours (demand will great).
A high capacity system for mobile telephones was needed.
29. Inefficient Frequency Spectrum Utilization
Frequency utilization measurement Mo, is defined as the maximum number of
customers that could be served by one channel at the busy hour.
Assume an average calling time of 1.76 min and apply the Erlang B model (lost-
calls-cleared conditions).
Calculate the blocking probability as follows: Use 6 channels, with each channel
serving the two different numbers of customers
30. Inefficient Frequency Spectrum Utilization
B1 = 50% (MJ system)
B2 =30% (MK system)
As far as frequency spectrum utilization is concerned, the conventional
system does not utilize the spectrum efficiently since each channel can
only serve one customer at a time in a whole area.
This is overcome by the new cellular system.
31. Performance Criteria
There are three categories for specifying performance criteria.
1. Voice quality
2. Service quality
3. Special features
For any given commercial communications system, the voice quality will be
based upon the following criterion: a set value x at which y% of customers rate
the system voice quality (from transmitter to receiver) as good or excellent, the
top two CIRCUIT MERITS (CM) of the five listed below.
CM5 : Excellent (Speech Perfectly Understandable)
CM4 : Good (Speech Easily Understandable, Some Noise)
CM3 : Fair (Speech Understandable with a slight effort, occasional
repetitions needed)
CM2 : Poor (Speech Understandable only with considerable effort, frequent
repetitions needed)
CM1 : Unusable (Speech not Understandable)
As the percentage of customers choosing CM4 and CM5 increases, the cost of
building the system rises.
Three items are required for service quality.
1. Coverage: The system should serve an area as large as possible. With radio coverage, however,
because of irregular terrain configurations, it is usually not practical to cover 100 percent of the
area for two reasons:
a. The transmitted power would have to be very high to illuminate weak spots with sufficient
reception, a significant added cost factor.
b. The higher the transmitted power, the harder it becomes to control interference. Therefore,
systems usually try to cover 90 percent of an area in flat terrain and 75 percent of an area in hilly
terrain. The combined voice quality and coverage criteria in AMPS
2. Required grade of service: For a normal start-up system, the grade of service is specified for a
blocking probability of .02 for initiating calls at the busy hour. This is an average value. However,
the blocking probability at each cell site will be different. At the busy hour, near freeways,
automobile traffic is usually heavy, so the blocking probability at certain cell sites may be higher
than 2 percent, especially when car accidents occur. To decrease the blocking probability requires
a good system plan and a sufficient number of radio channels.
3. Number of dropped calls: During Q calls in an hour, if a call is dropped and Q1 calls are
completed, then the call drop rate is 1/Q. This drop rate must be kept low. A high drop rate could
be caused by either coverage problems or handoff problems related to inadequate channel
availability or weak reception.
35. Special Features
Call Forwarding
Call Waiting
Voice Stored (VSR) Box
Automatic Roaming
Short Message Service (SMS)
Multimedia Service (MMS)
Push-to- talk (PTT)
Navigation Services.
However sometimes the customers have to pay extra charges for these special services.
36. A Basic Cellular System
A basic analog cellular system consists of three subsystems:
1. Mobile Unit
2. Cell Site
3. Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO)
4. CONNECTIONS to link the three subsystems
38. A Basic Cellular System (Contd.)
Mobile Units: A mobile telephone unit contains a control unit, a transceiver, and an antenna
Cell site: The cell site provides interface between the MTSO and the mobile units. It has a
control unit, radio cabinets, antennas, a power plant, and data terminals.
MTSO: The switching office, the central coordinating element for all cell sites, contains the
cellular processor and cellular switch. It interfaces with telephone company zone offices,
controls call processing, provides operation and maintenance, and handles billing activities.
Connections: The radio and high-speed data links connect the three subsystems. Each mobile
unit can only use one channel at a time for its communication link. But the channel is not
fixed; it can be any one in the entire band assigned by the serving area, with each site having
multichannel capabilities that can connect simultaneously to many mobile units.
39. A Basic Cellular System (Contd.)
The MTSO is the heart of the analog cellular mobile system. Its processor provides
central coordination and cellular administration.
The cellular switch, which can be either analog or digital, switches calls to connect
mobile subscribers to other mobile subscribers and to the nationwide telephone
network. It uses voice trunks, It also contains data links providing supervision links
between the processor and the switch and between the cell sites and the processor.
The radio link carries the voice and signaling between the mobile unit and the cell site.
The high-speed data links cannot be transmitted over the standard telephone trunks
and therefore must use either microwave links or T-carriers (wire lines). Microwave
radio links or T-carriers carry both voice and data between cell site and the MTSO.
40. Uniqueness of Mobile Radio Environment
Description of Mobile Radio Transmission Medium
The Propagation Attenuation
The propagation path loss increases not only with frequency but also with distance.
The incident (or Elevation) angle of the Direct Wave is 慮1.
The incident angle of the Reflected Wave is 慮2.
The propagation path loss would be 40 dB/dec at a signal receiver will be observed by the
mobile unit.
Therefore C is inversely proportional to W.
41. Operation of cellular systems
1. Mobile unit initialization
The user activates the mobile unit.
The receiver scan 21 set-up channels from
designed 333 channels.
It then selects the strongest cell sites. This is called
self-location scheme.
42. Operation of Cellular Systems (Contd.)
2. Mobile Originated Call
The user places the called number into an originated register in the mobile
unit, checks to see that the number is correct, and pushes the "send"
A request for service is sent on a selected set-up channel obtained from a
self-location scheme.
The cell site receives it, and in directional cell sites, selects the best
directive antenna for the voice channel to use.
At the same time the cell site sends a request to the mobile telephone
switching office (MTSO) via a high-speed data link.
The MTSO selects an appropriate voice channel for the call, and the cell site
acts on it through the best directive antenna to link the mobile unit.
The MTSO also con足
nects the wire-line party through the telephone
company zone office.
43. Operation of Cellular Systems (Contd.)
3. Network Originated Call
A land-line party dials a mobile unit number. the telephone company
zone office recognizes that the number is mobile and forwards the call
to the MTSO.
The MTSO sends a paging message to certain cell sites based on the
mobile unit number and the search algorithm.
Each cell site transmits the page on its own set-up channel.
The mobile unit recognizes its own identification on a strong set-up
channel, locks onto it. and responds to the cell site.
The mobile unit also follows the instruction to tune to an assigned
voice channel and initiate user alert. company zone office.
44. Operation of Cellular Systems (Contd.)
4. Call termination
When the mobile user turns off the transmitter, a particular signal
(signaling tone) transmits to the cell site, and both sides free the voice
The mobile unit resumes monitoring pages through the strongest set-
up cannel.
45. Operation of Cellular Systems (Contd.)
5. Handoff Procedure
During the call, two parties are on a voice channel.
When the mobile unit moves out of the coverage area of a particular
cell site, the reception becomes weak.
The present cell site requests a handoff.
The system switches the call to a new frequency channel in a new cell
site without either interrupting the call or alerting the user.
The call continues as long as the user is talking. The user does not
notice the handoff occurrences.
46. Hexagonal Shaped Cells
The Hexagonal shaped cells properly fit into the planned area with no gap and
no overlap between the cells.
The cellular system which depend on the hexagonal cells is made
implementable either by a simple mechanism or by a statistical approach.