Environmental Acts and Regulations: List of prevalent Environmental Acts, Brief description related to the purpose with at least five important provisions Water (Prevention and control 04 11% Reference Books: 1. Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses by Erach Bharucha Second edition,2013 Publisher: Universities Press (India) Private Ltd, Hyderabad. 2. Basics of Environmental Studies by Prof Dr N S Varandani ,2013 Publisher: LAP -Lambert Academic Publishing , Germany 3. Environmental Studies by Anindita Basak ,2009 Publisher: Drling Kindersley(India)Pvt. Ltd Pearson 4. Textbook of Environmental Studies by Deeksha Dave & S S Kateva , Cengage Publishers. 5. Environmental Sciences by Daniel B Botkin & Edward A Keller Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. 6. Environmental Studies by R. Rajagopalan, Oxford University Press 7. Environmental Studies by Benny Joseph, TMH publishers 8. Environmental Studies by Dr. Suresh K Dhameja, 2007 Published by : S K Kataria & Sons New Delhi 9. Basics of Environmental Studies by U K Khare, 2011 Published by Tata McGraw Hill Course Outcome: 1. After learning the course the students should be able to 2. Understand and realize the multi-disciplinary nature of the environment, its components, and inter-relationship between man and environment. 3. Understand the relevance and importance of the natural resources in the sustenance of life on earth and living standard. 4. Comprehend the importance of ecosystem, biodiversity and natural bio geo chemical cycle. 5. To correlate the human population growth and its trend to the environmental degradation and develop the awareness about his/her role towards environmental protection and prevention. 6. Identify different types of environmental pollution and control measures. 7. To correlate the exploitation and utilization of conventional and non-conventional resources. Major Equipments: Multi media projector with computer of pollution) Act 1974, Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981, Environmental Protection Act, 1986 Organization and Role of Institutions of Gujarat like Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Gujarat Environmental Management Institute, Gujarat Ecology Commission, Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology, Department of Environment and Forest, Department of Climate Change, Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority. Environmental Awareness: Role of Non-Government Organizations. Environmental Ethics: Environmental Ethics, Objectives of ethics, Ethical theories, Code of Ethics, Importance and limitations of ethics, Environmental Ethics in India