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? P.M.P. & M? A.O.R.

                                    Teaching Unit on Hockey


-Learning the origins of hockey
-Learning the materials and facilities to play hockey
-Learning and identifying the game objectives
-Learning, identifying and accepting the rules
-Performing the main specific skills (movements, ball direction, passes, receptions...)
-Aplying the specific skills to the game
-Adopting preventive attitudes, a careful use of the materials
-Respecting security rules in the game


-History of hockey
-Types of hockey games
-Attack and defense principles in the game
-Materials and facilities for the game
-Game rules


-Practice of the different skills
-Application of skills in actual game situations


-Respect for the game rules
-Acknowledgment and respect for individual differences
-Good attitude towards reaching the highest level of competence

-Learning a secure and skillful use of the stick
-Acquiring proficiency in the specific skills
-Learning to apply the skills to actual game situations

-Playing with respect and security

-Applying the attack and defense principles


-The first session will be an explanation of the origins, characteristics and rules of this

-The next sessions will be practical including:

-Activities to learn the skills

-Problem solving and guided learning to develop tactic skills and strategies


1? Run with stick in your hand.Complet some drills:
   ?    Simple:
   ?    More dificult:
   ?    Whit crosses and obstacles:

        In these actions you must pay attencion to:
   ?    Keep the ball in front of your body.
   ?    Keep the stick near the flour.

2? Play: cats and mouse in circle.
3? Two against one, and finish by scoring a goal.

4? Practice your shooting skills

5? Finally, stretching with the stick.


? Pilar Mantero Peláez & M? ?ngeles Ortiz Romera

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Unit Of Hockey

  • 1. ? P.M.P. & M? A.O.R. Teaching Unit on Hockey TEACHING OBJECTIVES -Learning the origins of hockey -Learning the materials and facilities to play hockey -Learning and identifying the game objectives -Learning, identifying and accepting the rules -Performing the main specific skills (movements, ball direction, passes, receptions...) -Aplying the specific skills to the game -Adopting preventive attitudes, a careful use of the materials -Respecting security rules in the game CONCEPTS -History of hockey -Types of hockey games -Attack and defense principles in the game -Materials and facilities for the game -Game rules PROCEDURES -Practice of the different skills -Application of skills in actual game situations ATTITUDES -Respect for the game rules -Acknowledgment and respect for individual differences -Good attitude towards reaching the highest level of competence
  • 2. EVALUATION CRITERIA -Learning a secure and skillful use of the stick -Acquiring proficiency in the specific skills -Learning to apply the skills to actual game situations -Playing with respect and security -Applying the attack and defense principles METHODOLOGY -The first session will be an explanation of the origins, characteristics and rules of this sport -The next sessions will be practical including: -Activities to learn the skills -Problem solving and guided learning to develop tactic skills and strategies ACTIVITIES 1? Run with stick in your hand.Complet some drills: ? Simple: ? More dificult: ? Whit crosses and obstacles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSfZN-IgQuA&feature=related In these actions you must pay attencion to: ? Keep the ball in front of your body. ? Keep the stick near the flour. 2? Play: cats and mouse in circle.
  • 3. 3? Two against one, and finish by scoring a goal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buxY8sXSW0w 4? Practice your shooting skills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hUvvWW6l94&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NQNvzX0luA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAzbXbPyQog&feature=fvw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hUvvWW6l94&NR=1 5? Finally, stretching with the stick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV37bBAz3V8&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpg2PC2neQM&feature=fvw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSfZN-IgQuA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7UIS7Owkho&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKR9YX7y1kI&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjZg08pTXhE&feature=related ? Pilar Mantero Peláez & M? ?ngeles Ortiz Romera