20. SOLID Design Principles
—?? S Single Responsibility Principle
—?? O Open Closed Principle
—?? L Liskov Substitution Principle
—?? I Interface Segregation Principle
—?? D Dependency Inversion Principle
22. 设计模式
—?? Design pattern are try-and-trust programming patterns.
—?? Strategy
—?? Factory
—?? State
—?? Observer
—?? Proxy
—?? Adaptor
—?? MVC (Modal-View-Controller)
—?? DI (Dependency Injection)
—?? An example of using Design patterns to refactor baseband
23. GTest
—?? http://code.google.com/p/googletest/
—?? What is
—?? A library for writing C++ tests
—?? Open-source with new BSD license
—?? Based on xUnit architecture
—?? Supports Android, Linux, Windows, Mac OS, and other Oses
—?? Can generate JUnit-style XML, parsable by Hudson or Jenkins.
—?? Features
—?? Add debug info to assertions using <<
—?? Death tests
—?? User-defined predicate assertions
—?? Value/type-parameterized tests
—?? Test event listener API (user-defined plug-ins)
—?? Test filtering
—?? Test shuffling
24. Gmock
—?? Gmock (Google C++ Mocking Framework) is a library for writing and
using C++ mock classes.
—?? create mock classes trivially using simple macros.
—?? supports a rich set of matchers and actions.
—?? handles unordered, partially ordered, or completely ordered expectations
—?? Gmock is not a test framework, it works seamless with Gtest.
—?? http://code.google.com/p/googlemock/
27. Reference.
—?? http://code.google.com/p/googletest/
—?? http://code.google.com/p/googlemock/
—?? http://martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html
—?? Test Driven Development for Embedded C by James W. Grenning
—?? Head first Desgin Patterns, O-Reilly by Eric Freeman.
—?? Pragmatic programmers - pragmatic unit testing (in java with junit) –
2003 - by laxxuss
—?? http://targetprocess.com