This document outlines the testing and training timeline and targets for a performer to improve their flexibility and ability to run set moves. The timeline shows 8 weeks of training from February to March with testing and reviews occurring throughout. Two improvement targets are identified: 1) To improve the performer's success at running set moves by reviewing video analysis at baseline and after 4 weeks of training. 2) To improve flexibility as measured by the sit and reach test, with the goal of scoring in the mid-range of the "good" category in normative data. Progress will be reviewed every 4 weeks over the 8 week period.
2. Testing and Training Timeline
• WB 12/01: Task 3 Introduction
• WB 26/01: Task 3 Testing and Planning
• WB 02/02: Training week 1/8
• WB 09/02: Training week 2/8
• WB 16/02: Training week 3/8
• WB 23/02: Training week 4/8 – review week
– Review week includes re-testing and profiling.
– Changes may be made to your training plan at this stage.
• WB 02/03: Training week 5/8
• WB 09/03: Training week 6/8
• WB 16/03: Training week 7/8
• WB 23/03: Training week 8/8 – final week.
– Final week includes re-testing and profiling.
3. Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 1/4
Trait: Flexibility
Test Name: Sit and Reach
Yes / No Normative Data: Yes / No
If Not A
Test Detail
Method Here:
Test Result 1: 5cm Test Result 1 Rating: Average
Test Result 2: 6cm Test Result 2 Rating: Good
Test Result 3: 6cm Test Result 3 Rating: Good
Best Result: 6cm
Best Result
After looking on a number of sites with normative data tables Daan
scores in the good score, however his score in at the bottom end of
that group.
4. Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 2/4
Trait: Control of Anxiety
Test Name: SCAT (Sport Competition Anxiety Test)
Yes / No Normative Data: Yes / No
If Not A
Test Detail
Method Here:
Test Result 1: 14 Test Result 1 Rating: Low levels
Test Result 2: 15 Test Result 2 Rating: Low levels
Test Result 3: Test Result 3 Rating:
Best Result: 14
Best Result
Daan has a low level of anxiety after getting him to do 2 different
SCAT tests, both tests came out with low levels of anxiety
5. Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 3/4
Trait: When To Kick
Test Name: Video Analysis
Yes / No Normative Data: Yes / No
If Not A
Test Detail
Method Here:
• Print off a sheet which has a tally chart of successful and unsuccessful
• Watch the game making a notational tally of every successful and
unsuccessful kick.
Test Result 1: Test Result 1 Rating:
Test Result 2: Test Result 2 Rating:
Test Result 3: Test Result 3 Rating:
Best Result:
Best Result
6. Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 4/4
Trait: When To Run Set Moves
Test Name: Video Analysis
Yes / No Normative Data: Yes / No
If Not A
Test Detail
Method Here:
• This will require the athlete to have writing resources for notes
• This test will be consists of a interview and a observation, as
myself and Daan, will watch game footage and will pause it at
certain points were we will discuss what he did, asking why it did
it, and what he could of done instead.
• Moves check sheet
Test Result 1: Test Result 1 Rating:
Test Result 2: Test Result 2 Rating:
Test Result 3: Test Result 3 Rating:
Best Result:
Best Result
7. Improvement Target 1 (P6)
When to run set moves
Baseline Test
When we did the
Specific Target The target is to get Daan to be more confident and have a better
success rate at running set moves and plays.
Measurable How successful he is able to run and complete the moves in the
upcoming games from watching the video analysis
Agreed Upon Myself and Daan both agreed that this was a realistic and achievable
target with a valid measuring and reviewing technique.
Realistic We both agreed this is a realistic and valid way of measuring his
progress and a realistic target as well.
Time Based Baseline test (WB):02/02
Review (WB):23/02
Complete (WB):23/03
8. Improvement Target 2 (P6)
Excellence Trait
Baseline Test
11 on the sit and reach test
Specific Target To improve Daan’s flexibility and improve his score on the sit and reach
test so that it is constantly in the mid range of the good category of the
normative data.
Measurable The sit and reach box has markers on and by looking at normative data,
we are able to see where Daan scores.
Agreed Upon We agreed upon this being one of his 2 targets and because having too
much flexiblity can cause hypermobility and injury, he arent looking for
massive improvments.
Realistic As Daan’s test score are just on the edge of that category I feel that if we
are able to improve and maintain his score so that they are also in this
category then it would be a success.
Time Based Baseline test (WB):02/02
Review (WB ):23/03
Complete (WB ):23/03