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United Nation 2018
United Nation 2018
United Nation 2018
Main Organs
(UN Main Organs, n.d.)
(wfuna, n.d.)
(2018 UN Card, 2018)
Vision, Mission, Objectives
? Vision
A United Nations that is a powerful force
in meeting common global challenges and
? Mission
Work to build a better world by
strengthening and improving the United
Nations through the engagement of
people who share a global mindset and
support international cooperation–global
Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterres
? United Nations needs
to be nimble, efficient
and effective
? Focus more on delivery
and less on process;
more on people and
less on bureaucracy
(Changing the organizational
culture of the UN, 2017)
United Nation 2018
? Willing to learn from other
? Respect other idea and expertise
? Support and act final group decision
? Jointresponsibilitiesforteamshortcomings
(UN, 2018)
? Always seeking for new way and improvement
? Thinking out of the box
? Be open mind to accept new thing
? Never limit by traditional approaches
(UN, 2018)
? Speak and write clearly
? Using different languages
? Ensure has delivery the correct information
? Encourage responds and two-way communication
(UN, 2018)(UN, 2018)
? Deliver outputs which have responsibility within
prescribed time, cost and quality standards
? Follow regulations and rules
? Uphold and practice decision from UN Management
(UN, 2018)
: All responsibilities and honours
commitment that employees should take
? For example, UNDP offer
accountability framworks. It
emphasizes culture of
accountability and
transparency. (UNDP, 2008)
? Put organization's interest first
? Should not abuse power or authority
? Immediate action for unprofessional or
unethical behavior (UN, 2018)
? For Example, in 2014 the Ethics Office launched a new
online ethics training course entitled "Ethics and Integrity
at the United Nations" (Clarke, 2014)
: Selfless, fair and honest manner to maintain
the professionalism of employees
Respectfor Diversity
? Employees work effectively from
different backgrounds
? Employees must respect for everyone
? Treating men and women equally
? When the employees make any
decisions, they will demonstrate
respect and understanding of the
diversity of their daily work
(UN, 2018)
to Continuous Learning
? Keep step up with own occupation in new de
? Learning from colleagues or subordinates
? Initiative show that willing to learn more
? Learn and improve from feedback
(UN, 2018)
United Nation 2018
Internal Environment
An organization's internal environment
is composed of the elements within the
organization, including current
employees, management, and
especially corporate culture, which
defines employee behavior
(UN, 2018)
Human Resources
? It includes how employees are motivated,
hard working and talented
? Secretariat staff members in the UN
inform organization’s work to world’s
media, organize international
conferences and interpret speeches as
well as translate document as six official
languages (Arabic, Chinese, English,
French, Russian and Spanish)
Strategic Leadership
? Leadership refers to the people in your organization
that make all the major decisions regarding financing,
budget, sales, marketing, and human resources
? Strong leadership have a clear vision for the future, a
plan of how to achieve their goals and a quantifiable
way of measuring success
? Office and department coordinate with each other to
ensure cohesion as they perform the daily work of the
Organization in offices and duty stations around the
? Coordinate humanitarian assistance; promoting and
protecting human rights; assisting countries to combat the
supply of illicit drugs, crime and corruption
? Over 130 field offices, which include peacekeeping and
political missions and humanitarian field operations
? Employees feel proud of the organization they represent
United Nation 2018
? Kyoto Protocol
- Reducing greenhouse gas
concentrations at atmosphere
? Paris Agreement
- To lessen global warming
(France Diplomatie, 2018)
Inside United Nations
? Maintain embracing commitment to sustainability
? Honor and celebrate outstanding work
? Close gender pay gap by 2030
? IKEA, Deloitte, Pepsi Co, Nestle
and Novartis AG (UNWOMEN,
Inside United Nations
? No restrictions
? No distinction or discrimination of gender
Inside United Nations
? Non-Combustion Technology for P
CB Destruction
? Discontinued Ozone-Depleting su
United Nation 2018
? 2018 UN Card. (2018). Retrieved from (Mission & Vision, n.d.)
? Changing the organizational culture of the UN. (2017, Apr). Retrieved from United Nations: https://www.unssc.org/news-and-insights/blog/changing-
? Mission & Vision. (n.d.). Retrieved from United Nations: http://www.wfuna.org/mission-and-vision
? UN Main Organs. (n.d.). Retrieved from United Nations: http://www.un.org/en/sections/about-un/main-organs/index.html
? ClarkeAlisa. (February, 2014). “Organizational Culture, System Evolution, and the United Nations of the 21st Century”. acuns:
? UN. (2018). “United Nations Competencies”. careers.un: https://careers.un.org/lbw/attachments/competencies_booklet_en.pdf
? UNDP. (1, August, 2008). “The UNDP accountability system ”. UNDP:
? Global leaders and companies pledge to reduce the gender pay gap by 2030. (2018, September 26). Retrieved October 28, 2018, from https://www.ilo
? How We Work: Gender parity in the United Nations. (2018). Retrieved October 29, 2018, from http://www.unwomen.org/en/how-we-work/gender-p
? Infographic: Gender equality – Where are we today? (2018). Retrieved October 28, 2018, from http://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/multimedi
? Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (2018). COP21: The key points of the Paris Agreement. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://ww
? The Kyoto Protocol - Status of Ratification. (2018). Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://unfccc.int/process/the-kyoto-protocol/status-of-ratificatio
? What we do. (2018). Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://www.unenvironment.org/about-un-environment/what-we-do
? Why does technology matter? (n.d.). Retrieved October, 2018, from https://www.unenvironment.org/explore-topics/technology/why-does-technolog

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United Nation 2018

  • 4. Main Organs (UN Main Organs, n.d.)
  • 5. (wfuna, n.d.) (2018 UN Card, 2018) Vision, Mission, Objectives ? Vision A United Nations that is a powerful force in meeting common global challenges and opportunities ? Mission Work to build a better world by strengthening and improving the United Nations through the engagement of people who share a global mindset and support international cooperation–global citizens
  • 6. Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterres 2015-Present ? United Nations needs to be nimble, efficient and effective ? Focus more on delivery and less on process; more on people and less on bureaucracy (Changing the organizational culture of the UN, 2017)
  • 8. TEAMWORK ? Willing to learn from other ? Respect other idea and expertise ? Support and act final group decision ? Jointresponsibilitiesforteamshortcomings (UN, 2018)
  • 9. Creativity ? Always seeking for new way and improvement ? Thinking out of the box ? Be open mind to accept new thing ? Never limit by traditional approaches (UN, 2018)
  • 10. Communication ? Speak and write clearly ? Using different languages ? Ensure has delivery the correct information ? Encourage responds and two-way communication (UN, 2018)(UN, 2018)
  • 11. ? Deliver outputs which have responsibility within prescribed time, cost and quality standards ? Follow regulations and rules ? Uphold and practice decision from UN Management (UN, 2018) : All responsibilities and honours commitment that employees should take ? For example, UNDP offer accountability framworks. It emphasizes culture of accountability and transparency. (UNDP, 2008)
  • 12. Integrity ? Put organization's interest first ? Should not abuse power or authority ? Immediate action for unprofessional or unethical behavior (UN, 2018) ? For Example, in 2014 the Ethics Office launched a new online ethics training course entitled "Ethics and Integrity at the United Nations" (Clarke, 2014) : Selfless, fair and honest manner to maintain the professionalism of employees
  • 13. Respectfor Diversity ? Employees work effectively from different backgrounds ? Employees must respect for everyone ? Treating men and women equally ? When the employees make any decisions, they will demonstrate respect and understanding of the diversity of their daily work (UN, 2018)
  • 14. Commitment to Continuous Learning ? Keep step up with own occupation in new de velopments ? Learning from colleagues or subordinates ? Initiative show that willing to learn more ? Learn and improve from feedback (UN, 2018)
  • 16. Definitionof Internal Environment An organization's internal environment is composed of the elements within the organization, including current employees, management, and especially corporate culture, which defines employee behavior (UN, 2018)
  • 17. Human Resources ? It includes how employees are motivated, hard working and talented ? Secretariat staff members in the UN inform organization’s work to world’s media, organize international conferences and interpret speeches as well as translate document as six official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish)
  • 18. Strategic Leadership ? Leadership refers to the people in your organization that make all the major decisions regarding financing, budget, sales, marketing, and human resources ? Strong leadership have a clear vision for the future, a plan of how to achieve their goals and a quantifiable way of measuring success ? Office and department coordinate with each other to ensure cohesion as they perform the daily work of the Organization in offices and duty stations around the world
  • 19. ? Coordinate humanitarian assistance; promoting and protecting human rights; assisting countries to combat the supply of illicit drugs, crime and corruption ? Over 130 field offices, which include peacekeeping and political missions and humanitarian field operations ? Employees feel proud of the organization they represent Mission
  • 21. Ecological ? Kyoto Protocol - Reducing greenhouse gas concentrations at atmosphere ? Paris Agreement - To lessen global warming (France Diplomatie, 2018)
  • 22. Inside United Nations ? Maintain embracing commitment to sustainability ? Honor and celebrate outstanding work
  • 23. Social/Culture ? Close gender pay gap by 2030 ? IKEA, Deloitte, Pepsi Co, Nestle and Novartis AG (UNWOMEN, 2015)
  • 24. Inside United Nations ? No restrictions ? No distinction or discrimination of gender
  • 26. Inside United Nations ? Non-Combustion Technology for P CB Destruction ? Discontinued Ozone-Depleting su bstances
  • 28. References ? 2018 UN Card. (2018). Retrieved from (Mission & Vision, n.d.) ? Changing the organizational culture of the UN. (2017, Apr). Retrieved from United Nations: https://www.unssc.org/news-and-insights/blog/changing- organizational-culture-un-bottom-approach-matters/ ? Mission & Vision. (n.d.). Retrieved from United Nations: http://www.wfuna.org/mission-and-vision ? UN Main Organs. (n.d.). Retrieved from United Nations: http://www.un.org/en/sections/about-un/main-organs/index.html ? ClarkeAlisa. (February, 2014). “Organizational Culture, System Evolution, and the United Nations of the 21st Century”. acuns: https://acuns.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Organizational-Culture-System-Evolution-and-the-United-Nations-of-the-21st-Century.pdf ? UN. (2018). “United Nations Competencies”. careers.un: https://careers.un.org/lbw/attachments/competencies_booklet_en.pdf ? UNDP. (1, August, 2008). “The UNDP accountability system ”. UNDP: http://www.undp.org/content/dam/undp/library/corporate/Transparency/UNDP%20Accountability%20framework.pdf ? Global leaders and companies pledge to reduce the gender pay gap by 2030. (2018, September 26). Retrieved October 28, 2018, from https://www.ilo .org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_645657/lang--en/index.htm ? How We Work: Gender parity in the United Nations. (2018). Retrieved October 29, 2018, from http://www.unwomen.org/en/how-we-work/gender-p arity-in-the-united-nations ? Infographic: Gender equality – Where are we today? (2018). Retrieved October 28, 2018, from http://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/multimedi a/2015/9/infographic-gender-equality-where-are-we-today ? Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (2018). COP21: The key points of the Paris Agreement. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://ww w.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/french-foreign-policy/climate/2015-paris-climate-conference-cop21/cop21-the-paris-agreement-in-four-key-points/ ? The Kyoto Protocol - Status of Ratification. (2018). Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://unfccc.int/process/the-kyoto-protocol/status-of-ratificatio n ? What we do. (2018). Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://www.unenvironment.org/about-un-environment/what-we-do ? Why does technology matter? (n.d.). Retrieved October, 2018, from https://www.unenvironment.org/explore-topics/technology/why-does-technolog y-matter