Porting existing games to Apple Metal API. Case study: Divinity Original Sin ...DevGAMM Conference
The session essentially focuses on case study of porting Divinity Original Sin 2 engine to Apple Metal API. Real-life examples are provided as well as a demo of frame capture, dissection and explanations of techniques used. The case study is followed by best practices section with advises for transitioning generic titles to Metal. The session concludes with future tech section where advanced samples of Metal rendering technologies are displayed and briefly explained.
Character creation pipeline for Age of Magic (3D mobile)DevGAMM Conference
Daniil Kozlovsky, Art Lead, Playkot
Anton Ivichev, Playkot
Dmitry Lebedev, Playkot
Step-by-step description of the process of creating characters for a 3D mobile game in the fantasy setting. Good and bad solutions that the Age of Magic team tried while solving the problem of building an efficient and scalable production pipeline. #MadeWithUnity
Porting existing games to Apple Metal API. Case study: Divinity Original Sin ...DevGAMM Conference
The session essentially focuses on case study of porting Divinity Original Sin 2 engine to Apple Metal API. Real-life examples are provided as well as a demo of frame capture, dissection and explanations of techniques used. The case study is followed by best practices section with advises for transitioning generic titles to Metal. The session concludes with future tech section where advanced samples of Metal rendering technologies are displayed and briefly explained.
Character creation pipeline for Age of Magic (3D mobile)DevGAMM Conference
Daniil Kozlovsky, Art Lead, Playkot
Anton Ivichev, Playkot
Dmitry Lebedev, Playkot
Step-by-step description of the process of creating characters for a 3D mobile game in the fantasy setting. Good and bad solutions that the Age of Magic team tried while solving the problem of building an efficient and scalable production pipeline. #MadeWithUnity
12. model matrix position world position
_Object2World model matrix
_World2Object inverse model matrix
UNITY_MATRIX_MVP model-view-projection matrix