The Rec Center is expanding based on student support. A consulting firm conducted a year-long campus consultation and found overwhelming support for expanding the Rec Center and EMU. A design group has been formed to select an architecture firm and begin schematic design in fall term. Intramural sports and wellness challenges are also highlighted.
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University of Oregon Student Recreation Center Spring 2011 Newsletter
1. om e
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Te rm
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S at t
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Rec center news
Spring 2011 Edition
2. The Rec Center is expanding!
Realizing the expansion of your Student Recreation Center is creeping closer and closer to reality
every day. We now have a final report on our campus consultation from the firm
Brailsford & Dunlavey (B&D) that took place over the span of nearly a year.
The report documents the Campus Consultation to expand both the EMU and the SRC.
Included in the report are: a conceptual program of spaces for each facility, the projects
construction and operational costs, pro forma modeling for each facility, peer
institution benchmark data and results of campus needs assessment and valuing surveys.
My thanks go out to each of you who participated in the process. The turnout on our campus
was unprecedented in the experience of our consulting firm B & D with
7,947 students, faculty, and staff responding to this falls valuing survey. This number
represents 27.5% of all enrolled students, and 36.1 % of faculty and staff. In addition, 79% of
students and 82% of faculty and staff surveyed indicated they were very likely or
somewhat likely to support the projects.
You have spoken and the strength of your voice is being heard. We have formed a design user
group made up of students, faculty and staff. We will be selecting the architecture firm who
will design the SRC expansion this spring. The intense Schematic Design work will begin once
students return for fall term.
The train has left the station... SRC enthusiasts... and our expansion is on the move!
Congratulations to each student who is graduating this spring. It is always our desire
(and the purpose of our existence) that your participation in facilities, programs, and classes of
the SRC will have a positive and healthy lifelong impact. As our Core Purpose states, we are all
about Active Balanced Lives and we hope that will always be your
experience as you launch the next stage of your life.
Heres wishing each of you a healthy and happy Spring Term and beyond!
Dennis Munroe
Director, Physical Education & Recreation
3. Unleash your inner animal;
be active at the Rec.
Intramural Sports. Interested in Officiating to earn
some extra cash? We are
Spring term has a full slate of looking for individuals interested
Intramural Sports for Students, in officiating Softball and Soccer.
Faculty and Staff. Superior skill We will train you! No experience
levels or previous sport needed, just knowledge of the
experience are not prerequisites sport. The general information
Pac 10 Well-U for participation; there is a place meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
for everyone from the novice to March 29 at 6:00pm in
Challenge, April 18-22. the advanced competitor. SRC Multipurpose Room #4.
Activities are offered in mens,
Join the PAC-10 and all of your womens and coed divisions. If you have additional questions
friends for a healthier, happier Come join us, make new friends, give us a call at 541-346-4113 or
U! The challenge for a Well U is a and have fun! Check out our Web drop by our office in 102 Esslinger
friendly, conference-wide Site for information related to Hall. Our friendly staff is always
initiative promoting overall health Leagues in Softball, Soccer, willing to help answer your
and wellness for all of our faculty, Ultimate Frisbee and 4 on 4 Grass questions.
staff and students. Complete daily Volleyball. In addition to our
personal wellness assessments Leagues we offer Tournaments Cindie Judy
and log your wellness activities and Meets in Swimming, Golf and Assistant Director
on Have Track & Field. New this
your name entered into a grand Spring Tournaments in Kickball
prize drawing every time you and Bocce Ball.
participate in one of the wellness
activities during the week for a
chance to win a prize! For more
information, check out the PAC
10 Well U Challenge link on the
healthy campus website at
Marci Torres
Director of Healthy Campus Initiative
4. Swim the Pac-10
challenge is
happening now!
Swim the Pac-10 happens again this
spring term. This is a self directed
challenge to motivate swimmers
and beginners to move to the pool
for fitness. Participants can water
walk, aqua-jog, or swim their way
through the challenge the main
point is to get in the water to realize
the benefits of swimming! You have
10 weeks (spring term) to complete
either the beginner or the advanced
route through the Pac-10. Distances
have been calculated based on
general distances from campus to
campus. Participants will log their
own lengths by recording their
Have you found the new distances on sheets kept in a log
book at Leighton pool. See the event
interactive touch screen yet?
table located next to the bleachers
Look immediately to your right as you enter on the pool deck for more
the lobby and you will find a great new information. There will be both
interactive plasma screen with information Beginner & Advanced categories.
about Intramurals, Recreation and Fitness
Jackie James
Programs, Membership information and more.
This is the next step in our effort to go as
paperless as possible. Students at the Welcome Assistant Director of Aquatics
Desk will be happy to assist you in how to use
this interactive tool. You can email all The distances: Beginner Advanced
information to yourself right from the screen! 5 yards = 1 mile 25 yards = 1 mile
WSU to UW 312 Miles 1550 yards 7800 yards
UW to Oregon State 181 Miles 900 yards 4525 yards
New wait-list feature on Oregon State to Oregon 107 Miles 525 yards 2675 yards
Duck Web changes Physical Oregon to Cal 520 Miles 2600 yards 13,000 yards
Education course registration. Cal to Stanford 49 Miles 250 yards 1225 yards
Stanford to UCLA 354 Miles 1775 yards 8850 yards
The Registrars new Wait-List feature on Duck UCLA to USC 14 Miles 75 yards 350 yards
Web is changing the face of registration for USC to Arizona State 388 Miles 1950 yards 9700 yards
Physical Education courses. If you want a spot
in a PE class, be sure to sign up for it on Arizona State to Arizona 112 Miles 550 yards 2800 yards
Duck Web when youve got the chance! Classes Total 2037 Miles 10,175 yards 50,925 yards
have filled this spring at an unprecedented
speed and wait-lists are being highly used. The
major change youll see is a drastically reduced
Everyone who finishes will receive a prize!
option to take PE classes Non-Credit. The
wait-lists are ensuring that there arent
going to be very many openings for non-credit
enrollment in the future! And per our policy,
you cannot enroll for credit then switch your
status to non-credit, so get on board for credit
and hold on tight!
5. New fitness options.
New workout formats have been added to the
Rec Fitness Program to continue to challenge
your fitness levels. Boot Camp focuses on
full body exercises in high intensity
intervals, addressing cardio and muscular
endurance, strength, agility, balance, and
flexibility, without fancy choreography. Be
prepared to do anything when you come
Mondays at 4pm, Wednesdays at 5pm or
Saturdays at 11:30am.
Another fun option is to jump in the pool for
the Zumba pool party! Splashing,
stretching, twisting, even shouting, laughing,
hooting and hollering are often heard
during an Aqua Zumba workout. Aqua
Zumba blends together a safe, challenging,
water-based workout thats the hundreds of users that are in this weights but please be aware, that they
cardio-conditioning, body-toning, and space daily. are not certified personal trainers and
exhilarating on Saturdays at 1pm. are not permitted to act in that capacity.
Weight Rooms
Cardio Room The North Weight Room has had some Personal Training
Hopefully youve taken advantage of minor equipment moves to create an The Personal Training staff have open
trying the various fitness equipment demos in open functional training space as well as hours in the Weight Room (listed at
the Cardio Room (including the Life an educational space for PE instructors. the Fitness Services desk in the Cardio
Fitness Treadmill and Cross trainer, Techno This space will continue to morph, and Room) where they can be accessible for
Gym Cardio Wave, Woodway Eco Mill and we will be posting anatomy charts in general fitness and exercise questions.
Precor Recumbent bike). Temporarily trying weight rooms for patrons to self educate They can give advice on workouts, form
equipment gives us an opportunity to hear and use as a reference. There is also a and technique during those open hours
from our users, what your preferences are as binder at the desk full of exercises (and or you can schedule a time for personal
well as give feedback to the manufacturers. pictures) to help you with your attention for a modest extra fee.
We use your feedback as one factor in our workouts, just ask the staff.
purchasing decision making process. We are
The Weight Room Supervisors are
Chantelle Russell
excited to announce the two new Woodway
Desmo model treadmills were purchased circulating about the room for your Assistant Director for Fitness
in February as a permanent addition to our safety and to create a welcoming
inventory. Youll notice some other new environment for everyone. They are
equipment before the end of summer as we trained as first responders in case of an
work through our equipment replacement emergency and are responsible for
schedule. educating patrons on our facility and
usage policies. These employees also
In the Cardio Room the staff should help you help with cleaning and to make sure
with the sign-up procedures to ensure patrons are in a sanitary environment.
accuracy and fairness. Although there may All Weight Room Supervisors can give
be a short wait time, this keeps the staff you a general orientation to our fitness
active and engaged with the participants as spaces, policies and equipment as well as
well as facilitating a positive experience for act as a spotter when youre lifting heavy
Have an idea?
Let us know!
Please fill out a suggestion/comment form
located at the front desk.
Visit for more
information on all facilities, programs, and
classes available at the Rec Center.