This document discusses unleashing one's passion and purpose through leadership development. It notes that current leadership training programs focus mainly on managers and above, leaving many groups underserved. It then outlines some unconscious mistakes women often make in their careers, such as not speaking up or treating partners as equals. The document proposes that developing authentic global leaders requires coaching, mentoring, and workshops to help people articulate their purpose, set goals, and build support systems to live life with intention. It advertises the services of Marya Leadership Academy in this regard.
7. Unconscious mistakes women make
• Need to be liked by everyone
• Poll before taking decisions
• View careers as a ladder – it’s a Jungle Gym!
• Don’t pay enough attention to how we dress
• Don't speak up unless called upon
• Couch opinions
• Use non-assertive language
• Seek permission
• Don’t treat partner like a true partner
11. Powerful Career Strategies
• Believe in yourself
• Continuously train yourself
• Embrace technology
• Master communication skills
• Be deliberate and Plan ahead
• Network
• Find a Mentor or 2
• Get a Coach
12. Next Steps…
• Spend time on articulating your purpose
• Set Goals for your future
• Build your support system
• Live life on purpose
#4: Talk about comfort zones and how we introduce ourselves. Use the eclectic box for introducitons – place an item on each chair and collect it afterward.
They will share with each other in groups of 2/3. then I will open the floor, and ask those who want to share to share what they discovered about themselves.
#5: So why are we all gathered here? All these wonderful amazing women?
Our generation is faced with the worlds wicked problems. These are the problems that are difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory or changing requirements that are difficult to recognize.
Women posess the leadership skills to tackle these problems
#7: Women make up more than half of the workforce
As you move up the organization – fewer women
Why is this happening?
#8: There is something happening that we are subconsciously not aware of…..
#9: Uncouncious mistakes women make That sabotague their careers
Need to be liked by everyone: strike a balance between wishy washy nice girl and too headstrong
Poll before they take decisions: waiting or everyone's poll – rather than stating this is what I want and get consensus
View their careers as a ladder – it’s a Jungle Gym! – need for creativity and move laterally to move up
Don’t pay enough attention to how they dress: especially in the early stages – especially when they have non-customer facing jobs. Dress for the job you want not the job you have
Dont speak up unless called upon: especially when there are senior level people present. Speak up and
Couch their opinions: framing your opiniotns as quesitons and sing song tone – not assertive
Use non-assertive language: kind of sort of maybe. These words diminish your credibility
Seek permission
#10: So how do we unravel the wicked problems?
Technical problems need transactional leaders – this is what is was a few decades ago. Plan control, organise, assign
To solve the wicked problems we need more female leaders, but we also need a different kind of leader….
How many of you are Leaders?
How many of you make corporate decision?
How many of you decide what you want in your life?
How many of you came here on your own accord today?
You are all leaders – in your life, in your career, in your organisaitons and in the society within which you live
#11: What we need is self awareness. And I am going to show you the mirror.
#12: WHAT IS THE meaning of leadership?
How many of you are leaders?
Talk about leading without a title
Authentic leadership activity