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Unlocking the
                  Database of Intentions
                                             Paul Miller
                                      The Cloud of Data

                  2005 - chapter on Database of Intentions
Database of Intentions

                   aggregated from all our touches online -
                   some implicit, some explicit
Attention Data

                   conscious granting of scarce attention to
                   a specific resource

cloudofdata.com   Libraries can benefit too
                  eg Huddersfield and MOSAIC
        core book is out; read alternate?
        read around the subject?
        lecturer; only 10% of your reading list is being borrowed; rethink?
        core book is out of print; buy alternate?
        core book is out of print; REPRINT ?
A Web of Data?
Web built on connections bet ween documents...

cloudofdata.com                              www.鍖ickr.com/photos/calliope/306564541/
...but ultimately about connections bet ween people

Data less connected - more siloised.

cloudofdata.com                 www.鍖ickr.com/photos/wyoming_1/169388525/
...and people are!

                     Stop hugging
                       your data...
                     Sir Tim Berners-Lee, 2009


 cloudofdata.com             www.鍖ickr.com/photos/_-amy-_/3167333250/
eg UK Gov

 Image 息 2009, Crown Copyright Reserved

cloudofdata.com                           www.鍖ickr.com/photos/lorentey/1438477358/
eg BBC

cloudofdata.com   bbc.co.uk/music/
eg NY Times

cloudofdata.com   敬敬敬.鍖i界一姻.界看馨/沿鞄看岳看壊/壊界看恢鉛艶庄噛艶姻/2510349462/
eg Wikipedia data
                  boxes to DBpedia

Data OPEN for use and re-use
But thats not all...

  cloudofdata.com              www.鍖ickr.com/photos/virtualsugar/316200555/
Data LINKED to other places outside firewall
eg BBC trusts and relies upon MusicBrainz

 cloudofdata.com                               www.鍖ickr.com/photos/foxypar4/2124673642/
the Web done
                                        Sir Tim Berners-Lee, 2008

harks back to TimBLs original vision
 cloudofdata.com                                 www.鍖ickr.com/photos/tanaka/3212373419/

for a Read/Write Web
Use URIs to name things

           Use HTTP URIs so that they can be followed

           When someone follows a URI, provide useful information

           Include links to other URIs, so that more can be discovered.

cloudofdata.com                                                www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html
                                                                                                                   Sem-              Wiki-
                              BBC                         Surge                                   ampton
                                                                               LIBRIS                              Web-            company
                           Playcount                      Radio                                                   Central                                RDF
                              Data                                                                                                                      ohloh
                                                                                                    Doap-                                                             Buda-
                                           Music-                                                   space                               Semantic                                                                    ReSIST
                                           brainz                  Audio-                                                                                              pest                         Eur辿com
                                                                                                                    Flickr              Web.org
                 MySpace                                          Scrobbler         QDOS                                                                  SW           BME                                           Wiki
                                                                                                                                                       Conference                      IRIT
                                                                                                                                                         Corpus                       Toulouse

                                                                                                                                                                                                             RAE               National
                                        BBC               BBC             Crunch                                                                                                                             2001              Science
                                                                                               FOAF                    SIOC                                           ACM
     BBC Music                         Later +            John             Base                                                      Revyu                                                                                    Foundation
                      Jamendo                             Peel                                profiles                 Sites
                                        TOTP                                                                                                         Open-
                                                                                                              flickr                                                                     RKB
                             Pub                  Geo-                   Euro-                               wrappr                                                                    Explorer
                                                                                        Guten-                                             Virtuoso
                            Guide                names                    stat                                                                                 Pisa                                                               CORDIS
                                                                                         berg                                              Sponger                                                             eprints
       Programmes                                                                                                        Open
                           riese                             World                                  Linked
                                            Magna-           Fact-                                   MDB                                                                                              IEEE                       New-
                                             tune            book
                                                                                                                                                                ampton                                                           castle
                                                                                                                                           RDF Book
                                                                                 DBpedia                                                    Mashup
      GeoData                                                                                         lingvoj          Freebase                                                                               LAAS-
                              US                                                                                                                                              CiteSeer
                            Census                                                                                                                                                                            CNRS
                                                  W3C                                                                                                           DBLP
                             Data                                                                                                                                                                                               IBM
                                                 WordNet                                                                                                      Hannover
                                                                   UMBEL                               Species                 DBLP
         Track                                                                                                                 Berlin
                                                                                   LinkedCT                                                                                 UniParc
                    Open                                                                                                                                                                                         Taxonomy
                     Cyc            Yago                                                                        Drug
                                                                 Daily                                          Bank
                                              Pub                                                                                 GeneID
                    Homolo                                                                  KEGG                                                                 UniProt
                                                                                                                                                                                         Pfam                 ProDom
                                                 Disea-                  CAS
                                                                                                                        ChEBI             Ontology
                                Symbol                                                               OMIM

                                                 UniSTS                                                                                                                           PDB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     As of July 2009

cloudofdata.com                                                                                                                                                richard.cyganiak.de/2007/10/lod/lod-datasets_2009-07-14.pdf
Open Data need not be Linked Data
                  (eg US Data.gov)

                  Linked Data need not be Open Data
                  (licensing hell)

cloudofdata.com                 www.鍖ickr.com/photos/joevare/3743653601/
how much mis-licensed?
                  Copyright MAY NOT APPLY!

cloudofdata.com          www.鍖ickr.com/photos/ldodds/4043803502/
common to try to copyright data or to
use a CC license to do the right thing.
Copyright does not apply, and as CC based
on copyright, CC doesnt work either.

                     does not apply

Image for illustrative purposes.
I am not applying a CC0 license
to this presentation.

Contract Law works or initiatives            opendatacommons.org
such as CC0 and Open Data Commons.   wiki.creativecommons.org/CCZero
cut costs, mass produce, standardise
                    - create opportunities for growth

                    What does this mean for Enterprise?

      Data as Commodity

cloudofdata.com                      www.鍖ickr.com/photos/starrett/3123216825/
Microsoft Data Centre, Dublin                        With data in the Cloud,
                                                     barriers get lower.

                                                     Its easier to TRY...

 cloudofdata.com                www.datacenterknowledge.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/aerial-1000.jpg
Boundaries blur, walls (like this one) fall.
                  Data and processes move back and forth.
                  Fears eventually diminish.

cloudofdata.com                      www.鍖ickr.com/photos/andrei_dimofte/1590561883/
from Data Centre
  to data-centric
  JP Rangaswami, 2009

data is a cost
we treat all data as Core and confidential
most actually Context and a commodity
 cloudofdata.com                             www.鍖ickr.com/photos/dsifry/2104378305/

Think Different!
Closing Thoughts
cloudofdata.com           敬敬敬.鍖i界一姻.界看馨/沿鞄看岳看壊/糸温乙沿艶温一/13437011/
The Web is about connections

             Data today often best connected inside silos

           Simple principles of Linked Data create opportunities to
           manipulate data at Web scale

             Licensing frameworks emerging

cloudofdata.com                                                敬敬敬.鍖i界一姻.界看馨/沿鞄看岳看壊/糸温乙沿艶温一/13437011/
And in the Library?
institutions making their own data work harder

             community bene鍖ts

                  stock management, etc?

             wider value

                  publishers reprinting popular titles

                  detailed usage statistics

cloud of data

  Thank you                                                                                                       Download this presentation

  Dr Paul Miller
  The Cloud of Data
                                                                                                                                          Made on a
  skype: cloudofdata
  phone: +44 7769 740083

                                Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence.
                                      To view a copy of this licence, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/ or send a letter to
cloudofdata.com                             Creative Commons, 171 Second St, San Francisco, CA 94105, United States of America
Unlocking the Database of Intentions

More Related Content

Unlocking the Database of Intentions

  • 1. Unlocking the Database of Intentions Paul Miller The Cloud of Data paul.miller@cloudofdata.com cloudofdata.com
  • 2. cloudofdata.com 2005 - chapter on Database of Intentions
  • 3. Database of Intentions aggregated from all our touches online - cloudofdata.com some implicit, some explicit
  • 4. Attention Data conscious granting of scarce attention to cloudofdata.com a specific resource
  • 7. Implicit Aggregate Explicit cloudofdata.com
  • 8. cloudofdata.com Libraries can benefit too eg Huddersfield and MOSAIC
  • 10. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? core book is out; read alternate? read around the subject? lecturer; only 10% of your reading list is being borrowed; rethink? core book is out of print; buy alternate? cloudofdata.com core book is out of print; REPRINT ?
  • 11. A Web of Data? cloudofdata.com
  • 12. Web built on connections bet ween documents... cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/calliope/306564541/
  • 13. ...but ultimately about connections bet ween people cloudofdata.com
  • 14. Data less connected - more siloised. cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/wyoming_1/169388525/
  • 15. ...and people are! Stop hugging your data... Sir Tim Berners-Lee, 2009 bit.ly/409WWE cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/_-amy-_/3167333250/
  • 16. eg UK Gov Image 息 2009, Crown Copyright Reserved bit.ly/ztOed cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/lorentey/1438477358/
  • 17. eg BBC cloudofdata.com bbc.co.uk/music/
  • 18. eg NY Times cloudofdata.com 敬敬敬.鍖i界一姻.界看馨/沿鞄看岳看壊/壊界看恢鉛艶庄噛艶姻/2510349462/
  • 19. eg Wikipedia data boxes to DBpedia cloudofdata.com
  • 20. Data OPEN for use and re-use But thats not all... cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/virtualsugar/316200555/
  • 21. Data LINKED to other places outside firewall eg BBC trusts and relies upon MusicBrainz cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/foxypar4/2124673642/
  • 22. the Web done right Sir Tim Berners-Lee, 2008 harks back to TimBLs original vision cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/tanaka/3212373419/ for a Read/Write Web
  • 23. Use URIs to name things Use HTTP URIs so that they can be followed When someone follows a URI, provide useful information Include links to other URIs, so that more can be discovered. cloudofdata.com www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html
  • 24. ECS South- Sem- Wiki- BBC Surge ampton LIBRIS Web- company Playcount Radio Central RDF Data ohloh Resex Doap- Buda- Music- space Semantic ReSIST brainz Audio- pest Eur辿com Project Flickr Web.org MySpace Scrobbler QDOS SW BME Wiki exporter Wrapper Conference IRIT Corpus Toulouse RAE National BBC BBC Crunch 2001 Science FOAF SIOC ACM BBC Music Later + John Base Revyu Foundation Jamendo Peel profiles Sites TOTP Open- Guides DBLP flickr RKB Project Pub Geo- Euro- wrappr Explorer Guten- Virtuoso Guide names stat Pisa CORDIS berg Sponger eprints BBC Programmes Open Calais RKB riese World Linked ECS Magna- Fact- MDB IEEE New- South- tune book ampton castle RDF Book DBpedia Mashup Linked GeoData lingvoj Freebase LAAS- US CiteSeer Census CNRS W3C DBLP Data IBM WordNet Hannover UniRef GEO UMBEL Species DBLP Gov- Track Berlin Reactome LinkedCT UniParc Open Taxonomy Cyc Yago Drug PROSITE Daily Bank Med Pub GeneID Chem Homolo KEGG UniProt Gene Pfam ProDom Disea- CAS Gene some ChEBI Ontology Symbol OMIM Inter Pro UniSTS PDB HGNC MGI PubMed As of July 2009 cloudofdata.com richard.cyganiak.de/2007/10/lod/lod-datasets_2009-07-14.pdf
  • 25. Open Data need not be Linked Data (eg US Data.gov) Linked Data need not be Open Data (licensing hell) cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/joevare/3743653601/
  • 26. how much mis-licensed? Copyright MAY NOT APPLY! cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/ldodds/4043803502/
  • 27. common to try to copyright data or to use a CC license to do the right thing. Copyright does not apply, and as CC based on copyright, CC doesnt work either. X 息 does not apply cloudofdata.com
  • 28. Image for illustrative purposes. I am not applying a CC0 license to this presentation. Contract Law works or initiatives opendatacommons.org cloudofdata.com such as CC0 and Open Data Commons. wiki.creativecommons.org/CCZero
  • 29. cut costs, mass produce, standardise - create opportunities for growth What does this mean for Enterprise? Data as Commodity cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/starrett/3123216825/
  • 30. Microsoft Data Centre, Dublin With data in the Cloud, barriers get lower. Its easier to TRY... cloudofdata.com www.datacenterknowledge.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/aerial-1000.jpg
  • 31. Boundaries blur, walls (like this one) fall. Data and processes move back and forth. Fears eventually diminish. cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/andrei_dimofte/1590561883/
  • 32. from Data Centre to data-centric JP Rangaswami, 2009 data is a cost we treat all data as Core and confidential most actually Context and a commodity cloudofdata.com www.鍖ickr.com/photos/dsifry/2104378305/ Think Different!
  • 33. Closing Thoughts cloudofdata.com 敬敬敬.鍖i界一姻.界看馨/沿鞄看岳看壊/糸温乙沿艶温一/13437011/
  • 34. The Web is about connections Data today often best connected inside silos Simple principles of Linked Data create opportunities to manipulate data at Web scale Licensing frameworks emerging cloudofdata.com 敬敬敬.鍖i界一姻.界看馨/沿鞄看岳看壊/糸温乙沿艶温一/13437011/
  • 35. And in the Library? cloudofdata.com
  • 36. institutions making their own data work harder community bene鍖ts stock management, etc? wider value publishers reprinting popular titles detailed usage statistics cloudofdata.com
  • 37. cloud of data Thank you Download this presentation slideshare.net/cloudofdata Dr Paul Miller The Cloud of Data paul.miller@cloudofdata.com Made on a skype: cloudofdata Mac phone: +44 7769 740083 Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/ or send a letter to cloudofdata.com Creative Commons, 171 Second St, San Francisco, CA 94105, United States of America