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Unobtrusive Usability Testing: Creating Measurable Goals to Evaluate a Website
1. The Unobtrusive Usability Test:
Creating Measurable Goals to Evaluate a Website
Tabatha Farney
Web Services Librarian
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Paper at:
Presented at the 2013 ACRL
2. Usability is a
constant process
How can we keep up with the pace
of changing library users?
3. What is Web Analytics?
The process of collecting, reporting, and analyzing website
usage data to reveal how users are actually interacting with
a website in order to make improvements.
4. Common Web Analytics
Basic Usage Engagement Goals
Visits Duration of Visit Conversions
Visitors Page Depth
Page Views Bounce Rate
and the list goes on
5. All that data is gather
seamlessly into a web
analytics tool without
bothering the end user.
7. Validation testing takes place
after the website is finished
and evaluates that the site
meets its desired goals based
on set benchmarks.
Requires a large group of users and
simple usability benchmarks.
8. Applying Web Analytics to
Usability Testing
Usability Process* Applying WA
1. Understand tests
purpose and goals
2. Determine the research
3. ID a target audience Website users (can further
segment this group)
Tasks must be measurable
4. Select the tasks
in website use data.
5. Define the usability Select the web analytics
metrics and reports metrics and reports.
6. Report the findings Unchanged
* Modified from Rubin and Chisnell (2008).
9. Identifying Usability Metrics
Task 1: Find a research database within
four web pages of the visit.
Task Completion Success Rate
Metric: Conversion Metric: Successful Conversions
Total Conversions
Report: Goal w/ custom Report: Goal w/ custom
segment segment
Time to Complete Task Common Pathways
Metric: Average Time on Site
(average); Visit Duration (mean) Metric: Page Views
Report: Audience Overview; Report: Reverse Goal Path
Audience Engagement
11. Reporting
September November 2012
Task 1
Total Conversions 10154
Any success
Total Successes 6778
under 65%
Total Failures 3376
triggers the
Success Rate 66.84% error analysis
Average Time on Site 0:09:40
Visit Duration
0-10 seconds 2187
11-30 seconds 2132
31-60 seconds 798
61-180 seconds 1153
181-600 seconds 1343
601-1800 seconds 1587
1801+ seconds 954
12. Drawbacks & Benefits
Drawbacks Benefits
Error analysis is a Easy to regularly
long process assess website usage
Inability to track Simple to implement
individual users Many WA tools have
automatic export
Only data from
website users Can be combined with
other usability efforts
Data focuses on
actions, not Many libraries already
motivations use a WA tool
13. Recommendations for You
Keep test Invest in error previous
goals and analysis and usability tests
Test the test.
tasks reporting to guide
manageable. steps. goal/task
14. Summary
Apply the structure of
usability testing to your
website use data
Make your tasks
measurable using
website use data
Be prepared to report
the data regularly
Error analysis is an
essential process
Make changes based
on the data and test
15. Resources
Citations for 際際滷s Images Used
Students Moving through HUB, pennstatenews, Flickr,
Barnum, Carol M. Usability Testing Essentials:
Ready, SetTest! Boston: Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 2011. (slide 2).
Web Analytics Framework, Beantin
Farney, Tabatha and Nina McHale. Web Analytics webbkommunikation, Flickr,
Strategies for Information Professionals: A LITA
Guide. Chicago: ALA TechSource, 2013.
(slide 3).
Nielsen, Jakob and Hoa Loranger. Prioritizing Web
Peanut Butter, sparktography, Flickr,
Usability. Berkeley: New Riders, 2006.
(slide 6).
Rubin, Jeffrey and Dana Chisnell. Handbook of
Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Kshocolat Dark Chocolate Bar, Boz Bros, Flickr,
Conduct Effective Tests, 2nd ed. Indianapolis:
Wiley, 2008.
(slide 6).
Tullis, Tom and Bill Albert. Measuring the User Giant Reeses Peanut Butter Cup, camknows, Flickr,
Experience: Collecting, Analyzing, and
Presenting Usability Metrics. Boston: Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 2008. (slide 6).
Labs are Full! clemsonunivlibrary, Flickr,
Turner, Steven J. Demonstrating Success: Web
Analytics and Continuous Improvement. Journal
865/ (slide 7).
of Web Librarianship 6, no.1 (2012): 45-55.
Thumbs Up, P1r, Flickr, (slide 14).