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University of Wisconsin - La Crosse 1 of 2
Unofficial Enrollment Record - Undergraduate
Name: Peter Molnar
Student ID: 200045727
Print Date: 06/17/2015
Campus ID: 913286997
Birthdate: 12/13/####
Student Address: Batthyany Utca 41/B
Sarvar 9600
Other Credits
Fall 2014
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
GER 101 Elem German I 4.000 4.000 S 0.000
Beginning of Undergraduate Record
Fall 2011 (9/6/2011 - 12/29/2011)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Plan: Marketing Major
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
CST 110 Communicating
3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
ENV 201 Intro to Env Study 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
ESS 104 Dance Appreciation 2.000 2.000 A 8.000
ESS 201 Safety-1st Aid-CPR 1.000 1.000 A 4.000
HIS 101 Glbl Orgin Mod Wld 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 3.870 12.000 12.000 12.000 46.500
Cum GPA 3.870 12.000 12.000 12.000 46.500
Good Standing
Dean's List
Spr 2012 (1/23/2012 - 5/18/2012)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Plan: Marketing Major
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
ACC 221 Acc Principles I 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
ECO 120 Global Macroecon 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
ENG 110 College Writing I 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
MTH 051 Topic Intmd Algbra 2.000 0.000 B 0.000
SAH 105 Hlth Well& Disease 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
THA 120 Acting for Non-
3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 3.400 17.000 15.000 15.000 51.000
Cum GPA 3.610 29.000 27.000 27.000 97.500
Good Standing
Fall 2012 (9/4/2012 - 12/27/2012)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Plan: Marketing Major
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
ACC 222 Acc Principles II 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
BUS 205 Legl Ethl Env Busi 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
ECO 110 Microeco & Pub Pol 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
MTH 150 College Algebra 4.000 4.000 B 12.000
WGS 100 Gend Race Cls
Amer (ES)
3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 3.280 16.000 16.000 16.000 52.500
Cum GPA 3.480 45.000 43.000 43.000 150.000
Good Standing
Spr 2013 (1/28/2013 - 5/17/2013)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Plan: Marketing Major
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
ENG 203 English Lit I 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
ESC 101 Earth Environments 4.000 4.000 AB 14.000
IS 220 Info Systems Bus
4.000 4.000 AB 14.000
MTH 145 Elem Statistics 4.000 4.000 AB 14.000
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 3.500 15.000 15.000 15.000 52.500
Cum GPA 3.490 60.000 58.000 58.000 202.500
Good Standing
Dean's List
Fall 2013 (9/3/2013 - 12/27/2013)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
BUS 230 Bus/Econ Research
3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
MKT 309 Principles of
3.000 3.000 A 12.000
MTH 175 Applied Calculus 4.000 4.000 AB 14.000
POL 202 Contem Globl Issue 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 3.610 13.000 13.000 13.000 47.000
Cum GPA 3.510 73.000 71.000 71.000 249.500
Good Standing
Dean's List
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse 2 of 2
Unofficial Enrollment Record - Undergraduate
Name: Peter Molnar
Student ID: 200045727
Spr 2014 (1/27/2014 - 5/16/2014)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
FIN 355 Prin Financal Mgmt 3.000 3.000 BC 7.500
MGT 308 Behavior/Thry
3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
MGT 360 Global Perspective
on Business
3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
MGT 393 Prod & Operat
3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
MKT 351 Sustainability in
3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
Writing Emphasis
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 3.300 15.000 15.000 15.000 49.500
Cum GPA 3.470 88.000 86.000 86.000 299.000
Good Standing
Sum 2014 (5/27/2014 - 8/15/2014)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Slovakia Study Program
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
MGT 400 Management
3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Clobal Consulting
MKT 400 Marketing Forum 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Global Research
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 4.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.510 94.000 92.000 92.000 323.000
Good Standing
Fall 2014 (9/2/2014 - 12/29/2014)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
BUS 405 Law Int Bus Trants 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
GER 102 Elem German II 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
MGT 449 Admn Policy
3.000 3.000 B 9.000
Writing Emphasis
MKT 341 International
3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
MKT 365 Promotions/Adverti
sing Mngt
3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 3.620 16.000 16.000 16.000 58.000
Cum GPA 3.520 110.000 108.000 108.000 381.000
Good Standing
Dean's List
Spr 2015 (1/26/2015 - 5/15/2015)
Program: College of Business Admin
Plan: International Business Major
Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts
ECO 340 Intr Intrnatl Econ 3.000 3.000 B 9.000
FIN 440 Multinatl Fin Mgmt 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500
GER 311 Germ Conv &
3.000 3.000 A 12.000
IB 499 Independent Study 3.000 3.000 P 0.000
MKT 362 Buyer Behavior 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Term GPA 3.620 15.000 15.000 12.000 43.500
Cum GPA 3.530 125.000 123.000 120.000 424.500
Good Standing
Dean's List
Undergraduate Career Totals
Att Ern GPA Att Pts
Cum GPA 3.530 125.000 123.000 120.000 424.500
Trans Cum GPA 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.000
Comb Cum GPA 3.530 129.000 127.000 120.000 424.500
Non-Course Milestones
International Business Study Abroad
Status: Completed
English Placement
Status: Completed
Date Completed: 08/31/2011
Milestone Level: Student may enroll in ENG 110
Exam Taken
Math Placement
Status: Completed
Date Completed: 08/31/2011
Milestone Level: May enroll MTH 051, 135 or 145
Exam Taken
Admission Business
Status: Completed
End of Unofficial Enrollment Record - Undergraduate

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Unofficial Transcript (2015)

  • 1. UNOFFICIAL UNOFFICIAL UNOFFICIAL UNOFFICIAL University of Wisconsin - La Crosse 1 of 2 Unofficial Enrollment Record - Undergraduate Name: Peter Molnar Student ID: 200045727 Print Date: 06/17/2015 Campus ID: 913286997 Birthdate: 12/13/#### Student Address: Batthyany Utca 41/B Sarvar 9600 Other Credits Fall 2014 Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts GER 101 Elem German I 4.000 4.000 S 0.000 Beginning of Undergraduate Record Fall 2011 (9/6/2011 - 12/29/2011) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Plan: Marketing Major Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts CST 110 Communicating Effectively 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 ENV 201 Intro to Env Study 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 ESS 104 Dance Appreciation 2.000 2.000 A 8.000 ESS 201 Safety-1st Aid-CPR 1.000 1.000 A 4.000 HIS 101 Glbl Orgin Mod Wld 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 3.870 12.000 12.000 12.000 46.500 Cum GPA 3.870 12.000 12.000 12.000 46.500 Good Standing Dean's List Spr 2012 (1/23/2012 - 5/18/2012) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Plan: Marketing Major Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts ACC 221 Acc Principles I 3.000 3.000 B 9.000 ECO 120 Global Macroecon 3.000 3.000 B 9.000 ENG 110 College Writing I 3.000 3.000 B 9.000 MTH 051 Topic Intmd Algbra 2.000 0.000 B 0.000 SAH 105 Hlth Well& Disease 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 THA 120 Acting for Non- Majors 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 3.400 17.000 15.000 15.000 51.000 Cum GPA 3.610 29.000 27.000 27.000 97.500 Good Standing Fall 2012 (9/4/2012 - 12/27/2012) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Plan: Marketing Major Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts ACC 222 Acc Principles II 3.000 3.000 B 9.000 BUS 205 Legl Ethl Env Busi 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 ECO 110 Microeco & Pub Pol 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 MTH 150 College Algebra 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 WGS 100 Gend Race Cls Amer (ES) 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 3.280 16.000 16.000 16.000 52.500 Cum GPA 3.480 45.000 43.000 43.000 150.000 Good Standing Spr 2013 (1/28/2013 - 5/17/2013) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Plan: Marketing Major Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts ENG 203 English Lit I 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 ESC 101 Earth Environments 4.000 4.000 AB 14.000 IS 220 Info Systems Bus Mgmt 4.000 4.000 AB 14.000 MTH 145 Elem Statistics 4.000 4.000 AB 14.000 Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 3.500 15.000 15.000 15.000 52.500 Cum GPA 3.490 60.000 58.000 58.000 202.500 Good Standing Dean's List Fall 2013 (9/3/2013 - 12/27/2013) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts BUS 230 Bus/Econ Research Comm 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 MKT 309 Principles of Marketing 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 MTH 175 Applied Calculus 4.000 4.000 AB 14.000 POL 202 Contem Globl Issue 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 3.610 13.000 13.000 13.000 47.000 Cum GPA 3.510 73.000 71.000 71.000 249.500 Good Standing Dean's List
  • 2. UNOFFICIAL UNOFFICIAL UNOFFICIAL UNOFFICIAL University of Wisconsin - La Crosse 2 of 2 Unofficial Enrollment Record - Undergraduate Name: Peter Molnar Student ID: 200045727 Spr 2014 (1/27/2014 - 5/16/2014) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts FIN 355 Prin Financal Mgmt 3.000 3.000 BC 7.500 MGT 308 Behavior/Thry Organizations 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 MGT 360 Global Perspective on Business 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 MGT 393 Prod & Operat Management 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 MKT 351 Sustainability in Marketing 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 Writing Emphasis Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 3.300 15.000 15.000 15.000 49.500 Cum GPA 3.470 88.000 86.000 86.000 299.000 Good Standing Sum 2014 (5/27/2014 - 8/15/2014) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Slovakia Study Program Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts MGT 400 Management Forum 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Clobal Consulting MKT 400 Marketing Forum 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Global Research Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 4.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 24.000 Cum GPA 3.510 94.000 92.000 92.000 323.000 Good Standing Fall 2014 (9/2/2014 - 12/29/2014) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts BUS 405 Law Int Bus Trants 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 GER 102 Elem German II 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 MGT 449 Admn Policy Determination 3.000 3.000 B 9.000 Writing Emphasis MKT 341 International Marketing 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 MKT 365 Promotions/Adverti sing Mngt 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 3.620 16.000 16.000 16.000 58.000 Cum GPA 3.520 110.000 108.000 108.000 381.000 Good Standing Dean's List Spr 2015 (1/26/2015 - 5/15/2015) Program: College of Business Admin Plan: International Business Major Course Description Att Ern Grd Pts ECO 340 Intr Intrnatl Econ 3.000 3.000 B 9.000 FIN 440 Multinatl Fin Mgmt 3.000 3.000 AB 10.500 GER 311 Germ Conv & Comp 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 IB 499 Independent Study 3.000 3.000 P 0.000 MKT 362 Buyer Behavior 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Att Ern GPA Att Pts Term GPA 3.620 15.000 15.000 12.000 43.500 Cum GPA 3.530 125.000 123.000 120.000 424.500 Good Standing Dean's List Undergraduate Career Totals Att Ern GPA Att Pts Cum GPA 3.530 125.000 123.000 120.000 424.500 Trans Cum GPA 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 Comb Cum GPA 3.530 129.000 127.000 120.000 424.500 Non-Course Milestones International Business Study Abroad Status: Completed English Placement Status: Completed Date Completed: 08/31/2011 Milestone Level: Student may enroll in ENG 110 Exam Taken Math Placement Status: Completed Date Completed: 08/31/2011 Milestone Level: May enroll MTH 051, 135 or 145 Exam Taken Admission Business Status: Completed End of Unofficial Enrollment Record - Undergraduate