This document contains a student's self-assessment of their English skills over the course of a semester. It includes ratings and comments on their attendance, participation, handling of course materials, homework, quizzes, exercises, activities, assignments, and ability to write paragraphs, produce sentences, express opinions, hold conversations, and improve pronunciation and fluency. The student identifies areas they can improve, such as being more focused in class, being prepared with materials, reading more, and speaking more English. They rate their writing skills starting around a 7 and ending at a 9 out of 10. They recognize the importance of writing skills for their future academic and career development.
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1. Name: Heloel Hern叩ndez Santos
attendance J K L
My attendance was almost perfect along
the course, I just had 3 absences but 2 were
because I was delayed.
participation J K L
I really loved to have activities in class that
made us work as a team.
materials J K L
Sometimes I forgot to bring the material to
the classroom.
attitude J K L I always do what the teacher asked.
toefl HW J K L
I forgot to do this homework sometimes
but at the final I liked to do things like this
to got ready for the TOEFL
reading HW J K L
I really loved this kind of homework, but at
the TOEFL this was the most difficult part
for me.
production HW J K L
I had never forget about this assignments
but sometimes I had horrible mistakes.
quiz preparation J K L
I didn卒t really get prepared for the quiz ,
there was always an excuse to avoid this.
3 (25 items) exercises J K L
I didn卒t make this part of the self-study but
I use to read an article about technology
daily listening activity J K L
I tried to watch movies in English every
time also listeng to music in this language.
3 articles report J K L
I did this assignments overtime then I
improve my grades.
first partial "a historic
movie" J K L
I did this assignments with Fernanda and
Abraham and it was a fact that everyone in
the classroom loved it.
second partial "how to"
(video) J K L
I did my best in this activity despite my bad
Comment ALL THE ITEMS with a complex sentence WITHOUT FANBOYS.
J 100 K > 60% L < 60%
FINAL assessment
2. final speech
"English and career"
This was more difficult for me for the time I
needed to fill.
first partial 30% J K L
I had a bad participation in this partial
although I had more time.
second partial 30% J K L
I took more time to do this in order to
complete these assignments.
final partial 40% J K L
I did my best in this then I complete all the
assignments in time.
Can I produce complex
sentences? J K L
Yes, although I really need to have a time
to think.
Can I write a 5 lines
paragraph? J K L
Of course, on the other hand it takes to
Have I learned=used new
vocabulary? J K L
Yes, since I read more in English now I can
be a better student.
Can I express my
opinion/feelings/likes in 1
Yes, altough in any case I got stress when I
dont know a work to express my feelings.
Can I explain an image/video
in 5-10 sentences? J K L Yes, although I takes more than 5 minutes.
Can I hold a 3 minutes
conversation? J K L
I'm not sure about that indeed I made a
video of 3 minutes for the final speech
although I don't have spoken for that
amount of time with a real person in
Have I improved my
pronunciation? J K L
Since I had a horrible pronunciation now I
have a not so horrible one.
Have I improved my fluency? J K L
Yes, specially in writing, still speaking is
more difficult.
3. how can I improve?
I think that the only way to improve this is
having an alarm for the class.
Sometimes I got districted by many things so I
just need to be more concentrate in class.
I can improve by activating an alarm to remind
me about the materials for example a
Speaking more English in class then I will learn
I can improve by having a calendar for my
homework besides a reminder in my cell
I can improve by reading more everyday in
order to improve my grammar
This part of my English really improved in this
course due to the exercises we made in class.
Giving more importance to this part of the
subject in order to achieve better scores.
I can improve by being more responsible by
doing my work weeks before the dead line.
I can improve by going to places where native
speakers are in order to loose fear.
I can improve by doing more articles on my
own since I don't understand well the writing.
I can improve by practicing giving presentations
in order to improve my vocabulary.
Speaking more with other English speakers for
I get more fluency in the way I speak.
4. I can improve by speaking alone in my room
while listening to music.
I can improve by being more assertive in class
as my classmates are.
I can improve my participation in order learn
more from the class.
I can improve the fluency also quality of my
I can improve by studying more the connectors
to link ideas then I will speak more naturally.
I can improve by writing in a manner that let
me show my ideas.
Reading more is an option in order to improve
my vocabulary.
I can improve by writing more sentences per
day then my English will be more fluent.
I can improve by looking for a way to put my
ideas in a more clearly way finally I will reach a
perfect point in which I will speak like a native
English speaker.
I can improve by holding a 3 minutes
conversation with someone without the
pressure of a note behind it will make it
possible to improve my pronunciation.
I can improve by trying to repeat songs in
English would help, in order to improve my
I can improve by finding a way to improve my
speaking skills in a efficient way then it will
does better, one example could be going to
speak with my English teacher.
5. Comment ALL THE ITEMS with two complex sentences (you can use just once each FANBOY)
From 1 to 10, how were my writing skills at the
beginning of the semester?
How difficult was it for me to write a paragraph at the
beginning of the semester?
What is the importance of connectors when writing a
How easy/difficult is for me to write a composition
according to the topic?
what was the point of these writing exercises along the
what should I have considered before publishing my
What is the consequence of publishing my writing
exercises in the Blog?
From 1 to 10, how are my writing skills now at the end
of the semester?
How important is it to know how to write an essay for
my academic and future work development?
10 Besides writing in English, what else I have also learnt?
6. entences (you can use just once each FANBOY)
I think that my writing skills were around the 7 points over the semester, because at
the beginning i liked to write but I had very obvious grammar mistakes that can be
noticed in the homework.
I thought that i knew how to, however all the semester I managed to learn different
ways to write down the ideas in a more flexible manner.
It卒s not by being repetitive as you can manage to connect ideas without feeling
I can manage to understand the topic yet I don't feel confident at the moment I put
my ideas on paper.
For me to learn how to figure out the ways to make an easy understandable text in
order to improve my writing skills.
I should have considered my classmate's understanding because of my grammar
To show my ideas in a way that everyone can understand, however some times I
couldn卒t do it.
At the end I think that I manage to achieve a 9, I can put my thoughts in paper or
express them well while not loosing the idea.
I think it has a lot of impact in the future, since my career is all in English, so to make
a good profile of it I need this fluency in the writing.
A way to express what I think without loosing the main idea or wandering between
words also my speaking have improved.