E portafolis la nostra experi竪ncia a la uib, seu eivissaGemma Tur
Projecte d'eportafoli als estudis de Grau d'Educaci坦 Infantil de la UIB a la Seu d'Eivissa.
Presentaci坦 de l'experi竪ncia a la XII Universitat d'Esitu d'Eivissa i Formentera. Curs Entorns virtuals a l'educaci坦.
This document summarizes a lecture about quaternions and how to represent them in Haskell using algebraic data types and type classes. It introduces quaternions, defines a Quaternion data type, and shows how to use data constructors to create and pattern match quaternion values. It also discusses type classes like Eq and Show that allow quaternions to be compared and printed by making Quaternion an instance of these classes. Finally, it provides homework problems about working with points and angles in 2D space.
This document outlines how to create a course through the FreeU learning platform by finding self-motivated friends to join, planning an online or in-person launch date, asking participants to contribute media like books, music or art to the course library, defining terms, building a timeline, participating in peer review through one-pagers with a central image and 4 short statements, and treating the course as a work in progress.
The document discusses Boolean search operators that can be used to refine searches in an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). It explains the functions of the AND, OR, and NOT operators and provides examples of how searches using these operators would retrieve different results. It also describes other search features in an advanced OPAC search screen like truncation and limiting searches to specific fields.
- A proposal was developed by a cross-group team to more effectively compete against low-cost competitors like Linux in large education and government deals.
- The proposal involves a $50 million fund to provide incentives for add-on products and services rather than offering low-cost software, aimed at addressing affordability, training, and other needs.
- A process is outlined for escalating deals to regional response teams who will take a full-solutions approach to understanding customer needs and how Microsoft products can address them.
Online reputation management (ORM) involves carefully managing online information related to a brand to achieve and maintain a positive reputation. It requires managing both content a brand creates and third-party comments, as well as monitoring public reaction and dealing tactfully with negativity. ORM can boost SEO, increase consumer confidence and sales through a trustworthy reputation, and control any damage from a negative incident online since information lives forever on the internet. The presentation discusses examples of ORM used effectively in positive, negative, and potentially damaging situations.
The document is a newsletter from The Russo Group, a branding and marketing agency. It includes the following:
- A summary of the TV show Mad Men and how it depicts the evolution of branding from focusing on product features to emotional benefits for consumers.
- A case study of how Don Draper's pitch for Kodak emphasized nostalgia and emotional connection rather than just product details, representing an evolution in advertising.
- Brief articles about upcoming campaigns from Nike and reviews of the TV show Mad Men from marketing experts.
- A mention of looking for "bright ideas" and innovation in marketing for 2008.
The impact of social media on innovation cultureandrew_tan7
Social media has positively impacted innovation culture in two main ways. First, it has enabled opportunity recognizers to connect with idea generators, allowing ideas to be developed further. It also helps capture institutional knowledge as communications are stored online rather than just in emails. Second, social media supports more flexible and decentralized organizational structures that are better for innovation, as it helps form weak connections between people in different parts of an organization and facilitates collaboration across boundaries. It allows organizations to function more like a symphony orchestra with one conductor rather than a rigid hierarchy.
Seven Domains of Predictability - BPMCM 2014Keith Swenson
This is an updated version of the seven domains of predictability that define the different types of process technology given at the BPM & Case Management summit in Washington DC Jun e2014
This document discusses the website www.ewa.bicom.pl/karaokekids. It provides information on what a web page and website are. It then discusses how search engines work and how they rank websites. It analyzes the structure and content of the www.ewa.bicom.pl/karaokekids website, how it ranks for certain search terms, and the type of audience it attracts. In particular, it notes that the home page ranks well for search terms like "karaoke kids" and "karaoke disney" due to keywords in the title, body, and URL.
The document summarizes the findings and recommendations of the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy. The Commission examined how to maximize the availability of relevant and credible information at the local level. It also looked at how to enhance individuals' capacity to access and use information. The Commission made recommendations in three areas: 1) maximizing information availability, 2) enhancing individuals' information capacity, and 3) promoting public engagement. The recommendations focused on supporting quality journalism, public media, civic data access, and digital/information literacy.
La joyer鱈a de Eivissa presenta fotos y modelos de joyas de oro y plata. Las joyas incluyen una emprendada de oro y otra de plata, ambas modeladas por Laura Migu辿lez Riera en Eivissa en 2008.
Creating Heaven on Earth:
The Mechanics of the Impossible
How group practice of the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation
and TM-Sidhi programs radiates an influence of harmony
and progress into the world.
Planejamento de avaliac箕ao de experiencias de aprendizagem com tecnologiaUFPE
O documento discute o planejamento de avalia巽達o de experi棚ncias de aprendizagem com tecnologia. Ele identifica seis desafios comuns no uso de ferramentas digitais, como falta de prepara巽達o e resist棚ncia a novas metodologias. Tamb辿m descreve seis fun巽探es das ferramentas digitais para apoiar a aprendizagem. Por fim, discute estrat辿gias para planejar avalia巽探es, como pesquisa, mapeamento de ideias e prot坦tipos.
Alice signs into her identity provider and clicks on an icon to access her photo provider account. Alice wants to share some photos with her friend Joe, so she clicks on a "Share Photos" link which discovers her people service to get her list of friends. Seeing that Joe is not already a friend, Alice submits a request to invite Joe. Joe receives an email invitation, accepts it, and is then added as a friend of Alice's and can view her shared photos without creating a new account. Now when accessing services, Joe will already be on Alice's friend list so she can easily share things like her calendar with him as well.
Plano Middle School provides an overview of the transition from elementary to middle school. Students will change classes each period and use lockers with combinations. Athletics, clubs, and enrichment programs are offered. Students are expected to follow rules, attend school regularly, complete homework, and get involved in school activities to be successful. Academic progress is monitored through MAP testing, progress reports, and report cards accessed on PowerSchool. Physical education classes are required daily.
The document examines back muscle activity during three traditional mat Pilates exercises - swimming, single leg kick with static prone back extension, and double leg kick - through surface electromyography of healthy adult females. The study found that swimming increased lumbar extensor muscle activity the most at 29% on average compared to the other two exercises. Double leg kicking produced significantly more back muscle activation than single leg kicking. Overall, back muscle activation during the exercises ranged from 15-61% of participants' maximum voluntary isometric contraction levels.
This document summarizes a lecture about quaternions and how to represent them in Haskell using algebraic data types and type classes. It introduces quaternions, defines a Quaternion data type, and shows how to use data constructors to create and pattern match quaternion values. It also discusses type classes like Eq and Show that allow quaternions to be compared and printed by making Quaternion an instance of these classes. Finally, it provides homework problems about working with points and angles in 2D space.
This document outlines how to create a course through the FreeU learning platform by finding self-motivated friends to join, planning an online or in-person launch date, asking participants to contribute media like books, music or art to the course library, defining terms, building a timeline, participating in peer review through one-pagers with a central image and 4 short statements, and treating the course as a work in progress.
The document discusses Boolean search operators that can be used to refine searches in an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). It explains the functions of the AND, OR, and NOT operators and provides examples of how searches using these operators would retrieve different results. It also describes other search features in an advanced OPAC search screen like truncation and limiting searches to specific fields.
- A proposal was developed by a cross-group team to more effectively compete against low-cost competitors like Linux in large education and government deals.
- The proposal involves a $50 million fund to provide incentives for add-on products and services rather than offering low-cost software, aimed at addressing affordability, training, and other needs.
- A process is outlined for escalating deals to regional response teams who will take a full-solutions approach to understanding customer needs and how Microsoft products can address them.
Online reputation management (ORM) involves carefully managing online information related to a brand to achieve and maintain a positive reputation. It requires managing both content a brand creates and third-party comments, as well as monitoring public reaction and dealing tactfully with negativity. ORM can boost SEO, increase consumer confidence and sales through a trustworthy reputation, and control any damage from a negative incident online since information lives forever on the internet. The presentation discusses examples of ORM used effectively in positive, negative, and potentially damaging situations.
The document is a newsletter from The Russo Group, a branding and marketing agency. It includes the following:
- A summary of the TV show Mad Men and how it depicts the evolution of branding from focusing on product features to emotional benefits for consumers.
- A case study of how Don Draper's pitch for Kodak emphasized nostalgia and emotional connection rather than just product details, representing an evolution in advertising.
- Brief articles about upcoming campaigns from Nike and reviews of the TV show Mad Men from marketing experts.
- A mention of looking for "bright ideas" and innovation in marketing for 2008.
The impact of social media on innovation cultureandrew_tan7
Social media has positively impacted innovation culture in two main ways. First, it has enabled opportunity recognizers to connect with idea generators, allowing ideas to be developed further. It also helps capture institutional knowledge as communications are stored online rather than just in emails. Second, social media supports more flexible and decentralized organizational structures that are better for innovation, as it helps form weak connections between people in different parts of an organization and facilitates collaboration across boundaries. It allows organizations to function more like a symphony orchestra with one conductor rather than a rigid hierarchy.
Seven Domains of Predictability - BPMCM 2014Keith Swenson
This is an updated version of the seven domains of predictability that define the different types of process technology given at the BPM & Case Management summit in Washington DC Jun e2014
This document discusses the website www.ewa.bicom.pl/karaokekids. It provides information on what a web page and website are. It then discusses how search engines work and how they rank websites. It analyzes the structure and content of the www.ewa.bicom.pl/karaokekids website, how it ranks for certain search terms, and the type of audience it attracts. In particular, it notes that the home page ranks well for search terms like "karaoke kids" and "karaoke disney" due to keywords in the title, body, and URL.
The document summarizes the findings and recommendations of the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy. The Commission examined how to maximize the availability of relevant and credible information at the local level. It also looked at how to enhance individuals' capacity to access and use information. The Commission made recommendations in three areas: 1) maximizing information availability, 2) enhancing individuals' information capacity, and 3) promoting public engagement. The recommendations focused on supporting quality journalism, public media, civic data access, and digital/information literacy.
La joyer鱈a de Eivissa presenta fotos y modelos de joyas de oro y plata. Las joyas incluyen una emprendada de oro y otra de plata, ambas modeladas por Laura Migu辿lez Riera en Eivissa en 2008.
Creating Heaven on Earth:
The Mechanics of the Impossible
How group practice of the Maharishi Transcendental Meditation
and TM-Sidhi programs radiates an influence of harmony
and progress into the world.
Planejamento de avaliac箕ao de experiencias de aprendizagem com tecnologiaUFPE
O documento discute o planejamento de avalia巽達o de experi棚ncias de aprendizagem com tecnologia. Ele identifica seis desafios comuns no uso de ferramentas digitais, como falta de prepara巽達o e resist棚ncia a novas metodologias. Tamb辿m descreve seis fun巽探es das ferramentas digitais para apoiar a aprendizagem. Por fim, discute estrat辿gias para planejar avalia巽探es, como pesquisa, mapeamento de ideias e prot坦tipos.
Alice signs into her identity provider and clicks on an icon to access her photo provider account. Alice wants to share some photos with her friend Joe, so she clicks on a "Share Photos" link which discovers her people service to get her list of friends. Seeing that Joe is not already a friend, Alice submits a request to invite Joe. Joe receives an email invitation, accepts it, and is then added as a friend of Alice's and can view her shared photos without creating a new account. Now when accessing services, Joe will already be on Alice's friend list so she can easily share things like her calendar with him as well.
Plano Middle School provides an overview of the transition from elementary to middle school. Students will change classes each period and use lockers with combinations. Athletics, clubs, and enrichment programs are offered. Students are expected to follow rules, attend school regularly, complete homework, and get involved in school activities to be successful. Academic progress is monitored through MAP testing, progress reports, and report cards accessed on PowerSchool. Physical education classes are required daily.
The document examines back muscle activity during three traditional mat Pilates exercises - swimming, single leg kick with static prone back extension, and double leg kick - through surface electromyography of healthy adult females. The study found that swimming increased lumbar extensor muscle activity the most at 29% on average compared to the other two exercises. Double leg kicking produced significantly more back muscle activation than single leg kicking. Overall, back muscle activation during the exercises ranged from 15-61% of participants' maximum voluntary isometric contraction levels.
Presentaci坦 de la xerrada que vaig impartir el 27 de novembre de 2014 a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, convidat per l'per lOficina de Suport a la Recerca i la Transfer竪ncia, en el marc del cicle "Dijous amb lOSRT". La presentaci坦 mostra alguns exemples que demostren la utilitat dels blogs i eines com ara Twitter i altres xarxes socials i repositoris per, duna banda, comunicar la ci竪ncia i socialitzar el coneixement i, de laltra, millorar la identitat digital dels investigadors i incrementar la difusi坦, la visibilitat i limpacte de la seva recerca.
Amb lobjectiu de mostrar al personal dR+D+I les opcions que els ofereixen canals com les xarxes socials i els blogs per difondre la seva activitat, el passat 27 de novembre de 2014, la UOC va acollir una xerrada a crrec de Xavier Lasauca, responsable de gesti坦 del coneixement i sistemes d'informaci坦 en R+D de la Direcci坦 General de Recerca adscrita a la Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Lasauca va exposar exemples per demostrar la utilitat dels blogs i canals com Twitter per tal de poder comunicar lactivitat dR+D+I, millorar la identitat digital i socialitzar la ci竪ncia i el coneixement.
Aquesta pon竪ncia forma part del cicle Dijous amb lOSRT, organitzat per lOficina UOC de Suport a la Recerca i la Transfer竪ncia (OSRT) amb lobjectiu dapropar de la m dexperts diferents temes dinter竪s per a la comunitat dR+D+I.
Presentaci坦 de la xerrada que vaig impartir el 3 de novembre de 2014 a l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, en el marc de les tert炭lies que organitzen la Instituci坦 Catalana dEstudis Agraris i lAssociaci坦 Catalana de Ci竪ncies de lAlimentaci坦. La presentaci坦 mostra alguns exemples que demostren la utilitat dels blogs i eines com ara Twitter i altres xarxes socials per, duna banda, comunicar la ci竪ncia i socialitzar el coneixement i, de laltra, incrementar la difusi坦, la visibilitat i limpacte de la recerca. Tamb辿 tracta l'mbit de les xarxes socials i la salut, i finalment es fa ress嘆 de la transformaci坦 2.0 de la nostra Administraci坦.
Metodologia de treball d'ordinador per alumnejosepiu
Presentaci坦 Pechakucha feta a la VI Jornada de Comunicaci坦 i Telecomunicaci坦
d'iEARN-Pangea-ICE-UAB l'11 de desembre de 2010 a la Casa de Convalesc竪ncia de Barcelona
Presentaci坦 de la xerrada que vaig impartir el 22 de maig de 2015 a la Facultat de Lletres de la Universitat Aut嘆noma de Barcelona, en el marc del seminari sobre "Dinmiques en/de la xarxa: hist嘆ria i recerca 2.0" organitzat pel Grup de Recerca Manuscrits del Departament dHist嘆ria Moderna i Contempornia de la UAB. La presentaci坦 mostra alguns exemples que demostren la utilitat dels blogs i eines com ara Twitter i altres xarxes socials i repositoris per, duna banda, comunicar la recerca i socialitzar el coneixement -especialment en l'mbit de les humanitats- i, de laltra, millorar la identitat digital dels investigadors i incrementar la difusi坦, la visibilitat i limpacte de la seva recerca.
永看稼竪稼界庄温 inaugural del curs d'estiu de la Universitat d'Estiu Rafael Altamira (Universitat d'Alacant) La compet竪ncia digital a l'escola: realitat o ficci坦
Del 26/07/2012 al 27/07/2012
The document discusses open virtual mobility (OpenVM), which facilitates international collaborative learning experiences through online contexts. It defines OpenVM and outlines its benefits for teacher professional development and students. OpenVM can enhance curricula by developing skills like intercultural competence, self-regulated learning, and collaboration. The webinar presents an example of OpenVM between Italian and Spanish students to envision how it could support primary education.
Virtual Mobility Special Issue in Edutec journalGemma Tur
The document announces a call for papers for a special issue of the journal Edutec-e on the topic of virtual mobility in education. It provides information on submission deadlines and guidelines. Virtual mobility refers to educational experiences using digital technologies to engage students without physical mobility. The special issue seeks contributions that discuss theoretical frameworks, case studies, learning designs, and perceptions of virtual mobility in various educational contexts and levels.
OpenVM. Quality and Sustainability FrameworkGemma Tur
This document summarizes a sustainability workshop on quality and sustainability frameworks for virtual mobility programs. It discusses three approaches to sustainability: sustainable development, sustainability strategies, and sustainable design. Sustainable development focuses on short and long term global and local values. Sustainability strategies involve business models addressing key partners, activities, resources, value propositions, channels, and customer segments. Sustainable design for virtual mobility programs emphasizes student-centered, autonomous learning using open educational resources and technologies. The document calls for an open, flexible approach balancing general and specific skills to foster intercultural competence through virtual mobility.
This document summarizes a presentation on the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) quality assurance approach used to design MOOCs in the Open Virtual Mobility project. The SRL approach structures MOOC design around three phases - forethought, performance, and self-reflection. It maps SRL elements like task analysis and self-assessment to specific MOOC components like intro pages, assessments, and discussion forums. The project has developed several outputs including a learning hub, competency directory, e-assessment concept, and publications evaluating the QA strategy with experts. The evaluation found positive feedback but also opportunities to improve path structure, instruction clarity, and OER/assessment descriptions.
OpenVM E+ presentation for the Innovaestic ConferenceGemma Tur
Este documento resume un proyecto Erasmus+ llamado Open Virtual Mobility que promueve la movilidad virtual abierta en la educaci坦n superior europea. El proyecto cre坦 varios recursos como un Learning Hub, una herramienta de formaci坦n de grupos de aprendizaje y una evaluaci坦n de conceptos. El proyecto tambi辿n desarroll坦 un MOOC sobre movilidad virtual y aplic坦 un enfoque de investigaci坦n basado en el dise単o para mejorar los resultados a trav辿s de iteraciones. El objetivo final es promover habilidades a trav辿s de la movilidad virtual y
The document discusses the Open Virtual Mobility Erasmus+ project, which has 3 main objectives and involves 6 tasks. It presents a Quality Assurance Framework with 3 dimensions: phases, perspectives, and roles. The framework draws from literature on quality assurance for MOOCs and open educational resources. The project aims to apply a quality approach to openness through a learning hub, MOOC, and design-based research.
This document summarizes a presentation on open virtual mobility (OVM) and self-regulated learning (SRL). It outlines the objectives of the OpenVM Erasmus+ project to enhance uptake of OVM through skills development. A quality assurance framework is designed based on international standards and incorporates design-based research cycles. The project aims to develop OVM tools aligned with the SRL cycle of forethought, performance, and self-reflection. An internal review found some tools were well-aligned as planned while others required improvement to better support SRL. Overall, the presentation emphasizes that learning design is important to fully foster SRL through open virtual mobility.
Quality Assurance Framework for the OpenVM E+ projectGemma Tur
This document summarizes the objectives and work of the Open Virtual Mobility Erasmus+ project. The project aims to (1) enhance uptake of open virtual mobility by improving skills of educators and students, (2) create a European OpenVM Learning Hub for skills achievement, assessment and recognition, and (3) develop innovative tools and methods for skills assessment and recognition. The project is working on designing quality assurance standards, processes, and instruments for the Learning Hub and its components using a design-based research approach. An evaluation of the quality assurance strategy was conducted with partners and external experts.
Este documento presenta los resultados de un estudio de caso sobre la evoluci坦n del uso del PLE (entorno personal de aprendizaje) en la formaci坦n docente inicial en cuatro universidades de Baleares. El estudio analiza las categor鱈as de concepto, estructura, explicitaci坦n, aprendizaje, red, prop坦sito y herramientas del PLE. Los resultados muestran diferencias en el uso del PLE entre las universidades y una mayor sofisticaci坦n y conciencia del PLE con el tiempo. El estudio concluye que el PLE es una herramienta 炭til para la
This document discusses using an Open Badge Passport (OBP) as an ePortfolio to reflect on learning. It describes how open badges can help connect people by reflecting identity and learning through others. The OBP acts as a new meta-narrative for learners by documenting learning, facilitating reflection, and expressing identity through open badges earned from various learning experiences. A small study was conducted with students to get quantitative and qualitative data on attitudes towards open badges and how they felt the badges reflected their learning. The OBP shows potential for going beyond just awarding badges to support learning documentation, reflection, and developing an online identity.
Ubiquitous documentation of learning: a framework of the introduction of mobi...Gemma Tur
The document discusses a study on using mobile technology for creating eportfolios. It surveyed 67 students on their use of mobile devices for portfolio processes like documentation, reflection, and collaboration. Most students said mobile technology was quite helpful or a lot helpful for documentation and collaboration. Over half said it helped creativity through artefact creation and sharing. Most students planned to use mobile learning in their future teaching and have students create eportfolios using mobile devices. The discussion focuses on reflection, collaboration, and how mobile devices can support creative processes and further research should explore how these are implemented.
Going beyond the diagrams: student teachers' reflection on their PLEsGemma Tur
This document discusses a study examining student teachers' reflections on their professional learning experiences (PLEs). The researchers collected data using a rubric to assess the depth of reflection and a system of categories to code topics. Results showed that reflection depth varied, with some providing surface-level descriptions rather than deeper analysis. Reflection topics also differed between early childhood and primary education students. While reflections provided awareness of learning, limitations included a lack of triangulation in the study design.
Eportfolio evidence collection and final presentationGemma Tur
This document discusses the use of eportfolios in a teacher education program from 2009-2013. It describes both process eportfolios, which focus on collecting and reflecting on evidence over time, and product eportfolios, which present the final collection of evidence. Both types of eportfolios provide benefits. Process eportfolios help students learn through planning, sharing, and receiving feedback, while product eportfolios demonstrate students' experiences, achievements, and learning. The case study examines how eportfolios were implemented in a four-year teacher education program and the tools and platforms used to create eportfolios. Interviews found that eportfolios helped students reflect on their learning and identity as teachers.
This document discusses using technology to support intergenerational learning. It explores concepts like personal learning environments, self-regulated learning, and reflection. The author describes intergenerational exchange programs from 2010-2014 between young and elderly participants that aimed to empower both groups through technology. The document provides references and links to further resources on topics like heutagogy, learning with technology, and personal learning networks.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.
27. Mal 炭s de la llengua o reflexi坦 metaling端鱈stica?
http://www.upf.edu/pdi/daniel_cassany/pres/galeria.html http://www.slideshare.net/DanielCassany/la-ortografa-en-internet