The document discusses upcoming carbon management legislations and their potential impacts and opportunities for the global aluminum industry. It provides background on the aluminum industry's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and describes existing and emerging carbon policies, regulations and carbon markets, including the Kyoto Protocol, EU Emissions Trading Scheme, Waxman-Markey bill, and California's AB32 law. It analyzes how compliance with these policies could affect aluminum production costs and competitiveness.
Kyoto protocol and Copenhagen SummitNagarjun KarnatakamThe Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It set targets for industrialized countries to cut emissions by 5% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012. Each country agreed to its own target, such as an 8% cut for EU countries. The protocol went into legal effect in 2005 after Russia ratified it. However, countries are not on track to meet targets and the US withdrawal was a major setback. The Copenhagen Summit in 2009 aimed to forge a new agreement to replace Kyoto but only produced the non-binding Copenhagen Accord, continuing pressure for countries like the US to pass emissions legislation.
Kyoto Protocol to The UNFCCC by Md Sohrab HossainMd Sohrab HossainThe document provides an overview of the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC. It discusses the background of climate change and the UNFCCC. The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement linked to the UNFCCC that sets binding emissions reduction targets. It details the main elements of the Kyoto Protocol including commitments, implementation mechanisms, compliance provisions, and sectors covered. Signatories must ratify the Kyoto Protocol for it to enter into force.
The Kyoto ProtocolMaria FosterThe document discusses Canada's obligations and challenges in meeting the targets of the Kyoto Protocol. It notes that Canada ratified the protocol in 2002 but has failed to meet its emissions reduction targets. Emissions have risen significantly since 1990 due largely to growth in the oil, gas and mining industries. While some provinces have their own climate policies, Canada's withdrawal from its Kyoto commitments has faced criticism from environmental and political groups.
Carbon bank & Kyoto ProtocolYoshita68The document discusses carbon banking and the Kyoto Protocol. Carbon banking allows countries to trade carbon credits, with countries emitting less than their target able to sell credits to countries emitting more. The Kyoto Protocol, signed by over 140 countries, committed industrialized nations to reducing carbon emissions by 5.2% below 1990 levels. However, the US has not ratified the treaty and it does not require developing countries like China and India to reduce emissions. Overall, the Kyoto Protocol has been ineffective at legally binding large emitters to reduce emissions.
The Kyoto ProtocolJames FosterThe Kyoto Protocol is a 1997 global agreement that set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It aimed to reduce emissions in industrialized countries to 5% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012, with varying targets for different countries. While most industrialized countries met their targets, emissions in other high emitters like the US rose. The targets are now seen as too low, and greater reductions are needed to combat climate change. Individual actions and moving to renewable energy can help reduce emissions, but replacing coal with nuclear power will also be necessary to meet future targets.
Kyoto protocol in romaniaic3handThe document discusses Romania's participation in the Kyoto Protocol. Romania was the first country from Annex I of the UNFCCC to ratify the Kyoto Protocol in 2001. Romania committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and showed political will to address climate change. Romania's emissions decreased significantly after 1989 due to economic decline during its transition to a market economy. Under the Kyoto Protocol, Romania uses 1989 as its baseline year rather than 1990 to better reflect its economic potential. Romania's emissions remain well below its Kyoto target and it could earn billions from selling excess carbon credits until 2015.
Kyoto protocolMaJoyJocosolThe Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty adopted in 1997 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It commits industrialized countries to limit emissions according to individual targets. The first commitment period was from 2008-2012, during which 36 countries participated. The Doha Amendment established emission reduction targets for a second commitment period from 2012-2020. The Kyoto Protocol established flexible market mechanisms including emissions trading, clean development mechanisms, and joint implementation to help countries meet their targets. Research has found the EU Emissions Trading System has helped reduce CO2 emissions despite low carbon prices, showing carbon markets can be effective with strong political commitment to continued regulation.
Kyoto and Beyond: The Evolution of Multilateral Agreements on Climate ChangeISCIENCES, L.L.C.The document provides an overview of the evolution of multilateral agreements on climate change from the 1970s to present day, with a focus on the Kyoto Protocol. It describes several important early agreements and conventions in the 1970s-1980s that helped bring international attention to environmental issues. It then outlines the key developments in the 1990s that led to the drafting of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The document discusses the Kyoto Protocol period from 2005-2008 and challenges faced by countries in meeting emissions targets. It concludes by looking at climate change discussions and agreements after 2009, including negotiations on the future of the Protocol.
India, Cdm And Kyoto ProtocolRatnesh JaiswalThis document discusses India's involvement with the Kyoto Protocol and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). It explains that the Kyoto Protocol aims to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases. It divides countries into three categories - Annex I countries have emission reduction commitments, Annex II countries provide financial and technological support, and non-Annex I developing countries have no commitments. The CDM allows projects in developing countries to earn certified emissions reductions credits that can be used by Annex I countries to meet their targets. India has many registered CDM projects and could earn billions of euros from carbon credits. The document concludes that India will be a major player in the CDM market in the near future.
kyoto protocol & its impact on indiaHarshal Galathe project discusses about the policies of kyoto protocol, its happenings, carbon trade & role of india in it
Climate: Kyoto Protocol - IntroductiongeomillieAn overview of the key stats, and the issues behind the soon to expire protocol. There are more detailed discussions on the blog and for you to read about as part of you own research. You should also form an opinion on the effectiveness of the protocol and subsequent COP's especially the COP15 at Copenhagan and the associated Copenhagan Accord
Copenhagen Climate SummitSHASHIKANT KULKARNIThe Copenhagen Climate Summit will be held from December 7-18, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. 192 countries have signed the climate change convention. The summit will aim to negotiate a successor to the Kyoto Protocol and thrash out agreements on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, have increased since the industrial revolution and are contributing to global warming. Countries like China and the US are now the top emitters of carbon dioxide.
The Kyoto protocolSteven HeathThe Kyoto Protocol is a global agreement that set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It required industrialized countries to cut emissions by 5% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012, with the European Union cutting by 8% and Japan by 5%. While many countries signed on, some like the US withdrew. The targets have been criticized by scientists as too low. The UK has taken steps to meet its targets like shifting from coal to gas power, increasing renewables, and taxing petrol, but will need more nuclear power to fully transition. Individual actions and new technologies can help reduce carbon footprints, but a major economic shift is needed to transition away from fossil fuels.
Status and potential of energy and carbon trading in indiaAbhik Tushar DasThe document discusses carbon markets and carbon trading in India. It provides background on greenhouse gases and the Kyoto Protocol. Key points:
1) The Kyoto Protocol established a carbon market to allow countries to meet emissions reduction targets through buying credits from other countries.
2) Countries can engage in projects to reduce emissions and generate credits through the Clean Development Mechanism or Joint Implementation. Emissions trading also allows countries to trade allowances.
3) India has significant potential for carbon trading through renewable energy and energy efficiency projects that generate credits under the Clean Development Mechanism. However, issues around additionality and sustainable development still need to be addressed.
Introduction to Carbon Markets sanjoysanyalCarbon markets 101 introduces the market mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol and related initiatives. It helps executives and managers understand emerging business issues around carbon trading, emission reduction projects and carbon monitoring.
Kyoto Protocol (Article explanation)ShifatAlam2The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty which extends the 1992.(these slides were made as a part of class work)
Clean development mechanism (cdm) and carbon trading b.v.raghunandanSVS CollegeThis document provides an overview of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and carbon trading under the Kyoto Protocol. It discusses how the CDM allows countries with emission reduction obligations to meet targets by purchasing certified emission reduction credits from emission-reducing projects in developing countries. It outlines the project approval and certification process, how carbon credits are measured and traded, and gives examples of CDM projects and carbon traders in India. The document also discusses arguments for and against carbon trading, and considers the future prospects of carbon trading schemes.
Kyoto protocol in indiaashu chauhanwhat is kyoto protocol global impact and implication the green house effect problem in kyoto protocol india and kyotoprotocol
An Analysis of Clean Development MechanismBaral PradeepThe Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows developed countries to implement emissions reduction projects in developing countries and earn tradable carbon credits (CERs) for the reductions achieved. The CDM aims to help countries meet Kyoto targets while promoting sustainable development. Projects must demonstrate environmental additionality by proving reductions beyond business as usual. Registration and verification involve several steps overseen by Designated Operational Entities and the CDM Executive Board. Most CDM projects are in Asia focused on renewable energy and methane capture. However, the CDM faces challenges around additionality and local benefits. Recommendations include expanding demand for CERs and restricting supply to help address a market crash.
Kyoto protocol Khairunnisa' MohammadThe Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It commits industrialized nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming. Key points of the Kyoto Protocol include binding emissions reduction targets for 37 industrialized nations, flexible mechanisms to lower compliance costs, and excluding developing countries from emissions limits. While most industrialized nations support it, the United States has withdrawn support. Malaysia has no emissions targets but supports efforts under the UNFCCC framework.
Carbon finance for beginners (Kyoto Protocol and its mechanisms; Current stat...UNDP EurasiaThe document provides an overview of the Kyoto Protocol and its carbon market mechanisms. It discusses how the Kyoto Protocol established mandatory greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for developed countries and introduced market-based mechanisms, including emissions trading, clean development mechanism (CDM), and joint implementation. It also summarizes the CDM project cycle and eligibility requirements, highlighting that CDM projects must demonstrate emission reductions are additional and result in sustainable development benefits.
carbon creditsKartik ChauhanCarbon credits are certificates awarded for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They are measured in units of carbon dioxide reduction and can be traded on exchanges. The Kyoto Protocol established a carbon trading system where countries must meet emission reduction targets or purchase credits from countries that have excess. The goal is to lower overall emissions of six greenhouse gases. While developed countries have mandatory targets, developing countries do not due to their historically low emissions per capita.
Carbon creditsdivinekaurPresentation on the current issue of Carbon Credits, what it is, how is the accounting done, what are its benefits and various other issues.
Presentaion on carbon credits and kyoto protocolAnkit AgrawalTo combat these changes globally, Kyoto Protocol was created and has been
agreed upon by 170 countries so far, committing themselves to reduce Green
House Gas Emissions and improve Energy Efficiency.
• The Kyoto Protocol envisages reduction of Green House Gases by 5.2% in the
period 2008-12.
• New System of Carbon Credits is Introduced in the texts of Kyoto Protocol is
being formalised to bring more awareness in Industries to reduce their annual
carbon emission by awarding monetary value to reduced emission taking us
towards eco-friendly future
•Through this Presentation we are going to bring into focus
these two main International steps on combating the new evil
“Global Warming”.
Global Warning And Carbon CreditDr.Lalit Kumar1. India is highly vulnerable to the impacts of global warming such as rising sea levels, changes in weather patterns, and declining crop yields. 2. Global warming is caused by increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. 3. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate global warming.
Montreal protocol 1Stuart WrightThe document summarizes how the Montreal Protocol affects companies that use HCFC refrigerants like R22 for HVAC systems. It outlines the phase-out timelines for developed and developing countries. For companies in developing countries, it describes alternatives like retrofitting existing systems or proper maintenance to avoid premature replacement. The company Clearafin offers training, retrofitting, and consultancy services to help companies comply with the Montreal Protocol in a cost-effective way.
RioTinto Alcan, Aluminum Industry Analysis & Case Study presentationeonemoThe document outlines an agenda to discuss Rio Tinto Alcan and the aluminum mining industry. The agenda includes an introduction, external environment, internal environment, strategy formulation, and implementation plan. It also notes that aluminum is a key material in several industries and that the North American aluminum industry in 2006 totaled $5.9 billion.
iron-iron carbide Phase diagramsWaheed HassanThis document provides an overview of phase diagrams and key concepts related to phase diagrams, including:
- Common components of phase diagrams like phases, solubility limits, and microstructure.
- How to interpret phase diagrams to determine phases present, phase compositions, and relative amounts.
- Common reactions shown on phase diagrams like eutectic, eutectoid, and peritectic reactions.
- Examples of specific binary alloy phase diagrams like Cu-Ni, Pb-Sn, Al-Si, and Fe-Fe3C.
- How to use phase diagrams to understand alloy microstructure and properties.
Kyoto and Beyond: The Evolution of Multilateral Agreements on Climate ChangeISCIENCES, L.L.C.The document provides an overview of the evolution of multilateral agreements on climate change from the 1970s to present day, with a focus on the Kyoto Protocol. It describes several important early agreements and conventions in the 1970s-1980s that helped bring international attention to environmental issues. It then outlines the key developments in the 1990s that led to the drafting of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The document discusses the Kyoto Protocol period from 2005-2008 and challenges faced by countries in meeting emissions targets. It concludes by looking at climate change discussions and agreements after 2009, including negotiations on the future of the Protocol.
India, Cdm And Kyoto ProtocolRatnesh JaiswalThis document discusses India's involvement with the Kyoto Protocol and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). It explains that the Kyoto Protocol aims to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases. It divides countries into three categories - Annex I countries have emission reduction commitments, Annex II countries provide financial and technological support, and non-Annex I developing countries have no commitments. The CDM allows projects in developing countries to earn certified emissions reductions credits that can be used by Annex I countries to meet their targets. India has many registered CDM projects and could earn billions of euros from carbon credits. The document concludes that India will be a major player in the CDM market in the near future.
kyoto protocol & its impact on indiaHarshal Galathe project discusses about the policies of kyoto protocol, its happenings, carbon trade & role of india in it
Climate: Kyoto Protocol - IntroductiongeomillieAn overview of the key stats, and the issues behind the soon to expire protocol. There are more detailed discussions on the blog and for you to read about as part of you own research. You should also form an opinion on the effectiveness of the protocol and subsequent COP's especially the COP15 at Copenhagan and the associated Copenhagan Accord
Copenhagen Climate SummitSHASHIKANT KULKARNIThe Copenhagen Climate Summit will be held from December 7-18, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. 192 countries have signed the climate change convention. The summit will aim to negotiate a successor to the Kyoto Protocol and thrash out agreements on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, have increased since the industrial revolution and are contributing to global warming. Countries like China and the US are now the top emitters of carbon dioxide.
The Kyoto protocolSteven HeathThe Kyoto Protocol is a global agreement that set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It required industrialized countries to cut emissions by 5% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012, with the European Union cutting by 8% and Japan by 5%. While many countries signed on, some like the US withdrew. The targets have been criticized by scientists as too low. The UK has taken steps to meet its targets like shifting from coal to gas power, increasing renewables, and taxing petrol, but will need more nuclear power to fully transition. Individual actions and new technologies can help reduce carbon footprints, but a major economic shift is needed to transition away from fossil fuels.
Status and potential of energy and carbon trading in indiaAbhik Tushar DasThe document discusses carbon markets and carbon trading in India. It provides background on greenhouse gases and the Kyoto Protocol. Key points:
1) The Kyoto Protocol established a carbon market to allow countries to meet emissions reduction targets through buying credits from other countries.
2) Countries can engage in projects to reduce emissions and generate credits through the Clean Development Mechanism or Joint Implementation. Emissions trading also allows countries to trade allowances.
3) India has significant potential for carbon trading through renewable energy and energy efficiency projects that generate credits under the Clean Development Mechanism. However, issues around additionality and sustainable development still need to be addressed.
Introduction to Carbon Markets sanjoysanyalCarbon markets 101 introduces the market mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol and related initiatives. It helps executives and managers understand emerging business issues around carbon trading, emission reduction projects and carbon monitoring.
Kyoto Protocol (Article explanation)ShifatAlam2The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty which extends the 1992.(these slides were made as a part of class work)
Clean development mechanism (cdm) and carbon trading b.v.raghunandanSVS CollegeThis document provides an overview of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and carbon trading under the Kyoto Protocol. It discusses how the CDM allows countries with emission reduction obligations to meet targets by purchasing certified emission reduction credits from emission-reducing projects in developing countries. It outlines the project approval and certification process, how carbon credits are measured and traded, and gives examples of CDM projects and carbon traders in India. The document also discusses arguments for and against carbon trading, and considers the future prospects of carbon trading schemes.
Kyoto protocol in indiaashu chauhanwhat is kyoto protocol global impact and implication the green house effect problem in kyoto protocol india and kyotoprotocol
An Analysis of Clean Development MechanismBaral PradeepThe Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows developed countries to implement emissions reduction projects in developing countries and earn tradable carbon credits (CERs) for the reductions achieved. The CDM aims to help countries meet Kyoto targets while promoting sustainable development. Projects must demonstrate environmental additionality by proving reductions beyond business as usual. Registration and verification involve several steps overseen by Designated Operational Entities and the CDM Executive Board. Most CDM projects are in Asia focused on renewable energy and methane capture. However, the CDM faces challenges around additionality and local benefits. Recommendations include expanding demand for CERs and restricting supply to help address a market crash.
Kyoto protocol Khairunnisa' MohammadThe Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It commits industrialized nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming. Key points of the Kyoto Protocol include binding emissions reduction targets for 37 industrialized nations, flexible mechanisms to lower compliance costs, and excluding developing countries from emissions limits. While most industrialized nations support it, the United States has withdrawn support. Malaysia has no emissions targets but supports efforts under the UNFCCC framework.
Carbon finance for beginners (Kyoto Protocol and its mechanisms; Current stat...UNDP EurasiaThe document provides an overview of the Kyoto Protocol and its carbon market mechanisms. It discusses how the Kyoto Protocol established mandatory greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for developed countries and introduced market-based mechanisms, including emissions trading, clean development mechanism (CDM), and joint implementation. It also summarizes the CDM project cycle and eligibility requirements, highlighting that CDM projects must demonstrate emission reductions are additional and result in sustainable development benefits.
carbon creditsKartik ChauhanCarbon credits are certificates awarded for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They are measured in units of carbon dioxide reduction and can be traded on exchanges. The Kyoto Protocol established a carbon trading system where countries must meet emission reduction targets or purchase credits from countries that have excess. The goal is to lower overall emissions of six greenhouse gases. While developed countries have mandatory targets, developing countries do not due to their historically low emissions per capita.
Carbon creditsdivinekaurPresentation on the current issue of Carbon Credits, what it is, how is the accounting done, what are its benefits and various other issues.
Presentaion on carbon credits and kyoto protocolAnkit AgrawalTo combat these changes globally, Kyoto Protocol was created and has been
agreed upon by 170 countries so far, committing themselves to reduce Green
House Gas Emissions and improve Energy Efficiency.
• The Kyoto Protocol envisages reduction of Green House Gases by 5.2% in the
period 2008-12.
• New System of Carbon Credits is Introduced in the texts of Kyoto Protocol is
being formalised to bring more awareness in Industries to reduce their annual
carbon emission by awarding monetary value to reduced emission taking us
towards eco-friendly future
•Through this Presentation we are going to bring into focus
these two main International steps on combating the new evil
“Global Warming”.
Global Warning And Carbon CreditDr.Lalit Kumar1. India is highly vulnerable to the impacts of global warming such as rising sea levels, changes in weather patterns, and declining crop yields. 2. Global warming is caused by increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. 3. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate global warming.
Montreal protocol 1Stuart WrightThe document summarizes how the Montreal Protocol affects companies that use HCFC refrigerants like R22 for HVAC systems. It outlines the phase-out timelines for developed and developing countries. For companies in developing countries, it describes alternatives like retrofitting existing systems or proper maintenance to avoid premature replacement. The company Clearafin offers training, retrofitting, and consultancy services to help companies comply with the Montreal Protocol in a cost-effective way.
RioTinto Alcan, Aluminum Industry Analysis & Case Study presentationeonemoThe document outlines an agenda to discuss Rio Tinto Alcan and the aluminum mining industry. The agenda includes an introduction, external environment, internal environment, strategy formulation, and implementation plan. It also notes that aluminum is a key material in several industries and that the North American aluminum industry in 2006 totaled $5.9 billion.
iron-iron carbide Phase diagramsWaheed HassanThis document provides an overview of phase diagrams and key concepts related to phase diagrams, including:
- Common components of phase diagrams like phases, solubility limits, and microstructure.
- How to interpret phase diagrams to determine phases present, phase compositions, and relative amounts.
- Common reactions shown on phase diagrams like eutectic, eutectoid, and peritectic reactions.
- Examples of specific binary alloy phase diagrams like Cu-Ni, Pb-Sn, Al-Si, and Fe-Fe3C.
- How to use phase diagrams to understand alloy microstructure and properties.
Thesis statement pptjohnarunski Cats should be subject to leash laws because as natural wanderers they pose risks to local wildlife populations and safety hazards in areas with vehicle traffic.
Paper recyclingCA Vijay KothariThe document discusses the paper industry and recycling in India. It provides details on the history and size of the Indian paper industry, which employs over 0.46 million people across 800 paper mills. It also outlines the paper recycling process, which involves collection, sorting, processing to remove ink and bleach, and finishing to produce recycled products like paper towels, tissue, and notebooks. Recycling provides benefits like reducing pollution, saving energy and landfill space compared to producing paper from raw materials. However, the industry faces challenges like high raw material costs, lack of modernization, and import duties.
What is Recycling: 7 Benefits of RecyclingPacebutler This presentation defines recycling as a process, a choice, and as a way of life. It also outlines the 7 basic benefits of recycling to individuals, society, and the environment.
OVERVIEW OF TOURISM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTReymarie OohlalaTourism planning involves setting goals and developing strategies to accomplish those goals. It is a multidimensional activity that considers social, economic, political, and environmental factors. Effective tourism planning requires assessing existing conditions, analyzing data, developing recommendations, and monitoring outcomes. The planning process aims to maximize tourism's benefits while minimizing negative impacts on communities and the environment.
AGM 2010 presentations VickyThe document discusses the role of universities in addressing climate change. It summarizes the work of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), an independent body established under the UK Climate Change Act to advise the government on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The CCC recommends that the UK reduce emissions by at least 80% by 2050 from 1990 levels through measures like decarbonizing electricity generation, increasing renewable energy and electric vehicles, and improving building efficiency. Universities have a key role to play in the innovation needed to achieve these targets through research, developing new technologies, and training graduates with low-carbon skills.
Bcfr April 20 2010Competitive Enterprise InstituteMy presentation to the Birmingham Committee on Foreign Relations, outlining the difficulties with current climate negotiations.
carbon bankVishal KachhdiyaThe document discusses global warming and mechanisms for reducing carbon emissions, including the Kyoto Protocol. It describes Kyoto's emission reduction targets for different countries and introduces mechanisms for carbon trading, including the Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation, and international emissions trading. These allow countries to meet emissions targets by purchasing carbon credits from emissions reduction projects in other countries.
Air Capture & Carbon Negative Technology - Graciela Chichilnisky (October 15,...Graciela ChichilniskyAir Capture & Carbon Negative Technology - The Global Context: In the Short and the Long Run - Graciela Chichilnisky (October 15, 2012 @ Oxford University)
Co2 emissions, emission by fules &co2 UtilisationMuseeb Bin BashirThis document discusses carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from various perspectives. It provides global CO2 emission data over time, breakdowns of emissions by region, country, fuel type, and sector. It also discusses ways that CO2 can potentially be utilized, including in chemicals, fuels, enhanced oil recovery, concrete, algae fuels, and more. The costs and potential scale of these CO2 utilization methods vary widely.
Climate Change Law and Policy After CancúnRónán KennedyThe document summarizes climate change law and policy after the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancún, Mexico. It discusses the key outcomes of the Cancún conference, including approval of the Copenhagen Accord and establishment of frameworks for climate change adaptation and a Green Climate Fund. It also provides overviews of climate change legislation and policies in the European Union, United States, and Ireland.
An Inconvenient TruthAIT - Kyoto Treaty.pdfTHeBiGSixU.docxgreg1eden90113An Inconvenient Truth/AIT - Kyoto Treaty.pdf
THe BiG Six
United States
• The treaty called for 55% global reduction of carbon dioxide, based on 1990 levels.
• The United States is responsible for more than one-third (36%) of the entire world’s CO2 emissions – far more than any other country.
• As one of the original signatories of the Kyoto treaty, the United States agreed to reduce emissions by 6% from its 1990 levels.
• In 2001 President George W. Bush refused to ratify the treaty, citing these reasons:
o The US economy could suffer an estimated $400 billion in losses as a result of emissions restrictions on industry and transportation, and the US
could lose almost 5 million jobs.
o Many developing nations that have extremely high emissions are not bound by the emissions limits set in the treaty.
• Since pulling out of the treaty, U.S. emissions have increased 15% above 1990 levels—21% above our initial objective.
• However, several recent events may foreshadow a change in the US position:
o America’s unique political structure gives each of the 50 states the autonomy to legislate Kyoto-like reforms on their own. Environmental leaders in
some states are already promoting legislation that supports the objectives of the Kyoto Treaty.
o The California Air Resources Board has set tough emissions standards and is well known for its strict emissions regulations.
o The Chicago Climate Exchange is a group of North American municipalities, companies and organizations that have agreed to reduce their emissions
over the next several years.
o Massachusetts, New York, and New Hampshire are creating emission reduction and trading systems.
• The recent 2006 elections have placed many in office who are sympathetic to environmental and global warming issues. This may lead to revisions in the
US position on Kyoto.
Reproducible # 1 - page 1
Six Countries and Their Positions on the Kyoto Treaty
Panel on Climate
Change established.
concerns growing.
UN General
Assembly held first
debate on climate
change; adopted
43/53 on the
“Protection of the
global climate for
present and future
generations of
mankind (IPCC).”
UN Framework
Convention on
Climate Change
(UNFCC) opened
for signing at the
Earth Summit in
Rio de Janeiro.
Also referred
to as the UN
Conference on
Environment and
came into force
March 21. 186
are party to
the convention;
it is close to
achieving universal
In March and
April, the Berlin
of the Parties
(COP) sought to
determine the
required by
These talks led
to the Kyoto
Protocol being
adopted on
December 11. 87
countries signed
the Protocol.
Talks to determine
the Protocol’s
rulebook were
discussed in
November in
Buenos Aires and
later in Bonn .
The Kyoto ProtocolPhilipBritton123The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is now accepted that burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide which causes global warming. However, fossil fuels represent reliable and cheap technology while renewables are more expensive. The Kyoto Protocol includes flexible mechanisms that allow countries to meet emission limits by purchasing reductions from other countries, including through the Clean Development Mechanism for projects in developing countries.
The Kyoto ProtocolHector Rodriguez- The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that sets binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions for industrialized countries.
- The goal is to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to help prevent dangerous climate change. Countries agreed on average reductions of 5.2% from 1990 levels by 2012.
- The United States signed but later withdrew from the agreement in 2001, citing negative economic impacts. Many other countries have ratified it but it faces challenges in comprehensively addressing long-term climate change.
Carbon MarketsLeonardo ENERGYThis webinar will review the various mechanisms agreed in the Kyoto Protocol with a particular focus on Clean Development Mechanism. The value at each stage of the CDM project will be explained, and market prices for carbon credits will be analysed.
In order to illustrate this type of project, real case studies carried out by Deuman will be discussed. Voluntary carbon credits will also be analysed.
Presentacion de carbon en el mundoSANDRAVENADAThe document provides an overview of the global carbon market, including:
- The structure of the carbon market, which includes compliance markets regulated by the Kyoto Protocol (e.g. CDM, CERs) and voluntary markets.
- Key facts about the size of the carbon market, which grew from $10.8 billion in 2005 to a projected $92 billion in 2008, with the CDM market growing from $2.6 billion to a projected $22 billion.
- Current trends showing increasing volume and price of carbon credits like CERs as the market expands to meet emission reduction goals.
Dec08 Climate Change PresentationdempsekThe document discusses the climate change agenda in 2009, including cap and trade legislation in the US and the Copenhagen conference. It summarizes that Obama has committed to reducing US emissions significantly by 2020 and 2050, and that cap and trade is favored but passage may not occur until 2010 due to complexity. It also notes major issues for the Copenhagen conference include emissions commitments from developed and developing countries and funding for adaptation.
Air Capture & Carbon Negative Technology - Graciela Chichilnisky (October 16,...Graciela ChichilniskyAir Capture & Carbon Negative Technology - The Global Context; in the Short and the Long Run - Graciela Chichilnisky (October 16, 2012 @ Institute of Mechanical Engineering, London)
Presentationv1 Part1Abhishek MagoThe document provides an overview of global warming and climate change topics, including:
- The causes and dangers of global warming from greenhouse gas emissions
- International efforts to address climate change through the UNFCCC, IPCC, Kyoto Protocol, and other agreements
- Market-based mechanisms to reduce emissions like carbon credits, carbon trading, clean development mechanism, and joint implementation projects
- Examples of emissions trading programs and their effectiveness in reducing pollution
Carbon Tax vs. Carbon Credits - Harvard University - by Robert Wensley and Je...Robert WensleyCarbon Tax and Carbon Credits,
Harvard University,
International Economy and Business,
August 10, 2011
Understanding Carbon Credits BusinessAmit ChauhanThe document provides an overview of carbon credits and the carbon market. It discusses key topics like global warming, the IPCC, UNFCCC, and Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol established a carbon market and flexible mechanisms like emissions trading, clean development mechanism (CDM), and joint implementation. CDM projects generate carbon credits that can be sold on the market. Requirements for CDM projects and examples of sectors are also outlined. Registry systems are described that record and verify transactions of carbon credits between countries.
Presentationv1Abhishek MagoThe document provides an overview of global warming and climate change topics, including:
- Discussing the causes and evidence of rising global temperatures and melting ice sheets.
- Explaining key organizations and agreements related to addressing climate change, such as the IPCC, UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, and Marrakech Accords.
- Describing flexible mechanisms established by the Kyoto Protocol to reduce emissions, including emissions trading, clean development mechanism, and joint implementation.
- Providing details on carbon credits and how they are generated by emission reduction projects.
COP15, The Deal Sabotage At Copenhagen CE 82Sandip SenThe "Seal the Deal" dream of Copenhagen has been sabotaged by a carefully planned move by the fossil fuel lobby and the Kyoto defaulters to scrap Kyoto proposal and introduce the infinitely more complex emission cap regime. As the struggle for stopping climate change intensifies and the struggling carbon economy lies exposed, it is time to bring in the main players of renewable energy solar energy, wind power and rainforest plantations to the forefront to ensure DIRECT FINANCE & TECHNOLOGY DEALS , the positive solutions in climate change.
M sc. carbon creditJosef AkThis document discusses carbon credits and their role in addressing climate change. It begins by explaining the causes and impacts of climate change. It then defines carbon credits as certificates issued for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Countries can trade carbon credits on the international market under the Kyoto Protocol's emissions trading mechanism. The document provides details on how carbon credits are generated and traded, and the role of the Clean Development Mechanism and other frameworks in facilitating emissions reductions between developed and developing countries. It concludes by emphasizing the social and economic benefits of participating in carbon credit markets.
4. AdventoftheCarbonMarket
• 1992
• 1997
• 2004
y g p g g
• 2005
• 2006
• 2008
• 2009
• 2010
5. KyotoProtocol
• ReductioningreenhousegasemissionCO2,CH4,CF4,SF6,PFC(CF4), Nox
5.2%CO reductionfrom1990levelby2012
5 2% CO2eqreduction from 1990 level by 2012
• EmissionlimitsonDevelopedandTransitioneconomiesonly.
• NoemissionlimitsonDevelopingcountries.
• Emissionreductionsareadministerednationallyorregionally
• CreditsforcarbonreductioninDevelopingeconomies.
• Bothcarboncreditsandemissionallowancesaretraded
• RatifiedbyallbutAfghanistan,SomaliaandUS.
• KyotoProtocolexpiryattheendofMayanCalendarin2012
K t P t l i t th d f M C l d i 2012
7. Kyotoprotocolprogress
Kyoto protocol progress
• CO2eq emissionscappedinEU,Japanandregionally
from utilities in eastern NA through (RGGI)
• CarbonAllowanceandCredittradingsystemoperating
• Allowancesareawindfalltoexistingcompaniesthat
• C dit f d d l
t i Chi d I di
• Kyoto emission reductions ahead of target in EU
8. KyotoOutcome/Concerns
• EU reductions balanced by emission growth in NA
• Chinarapidlyexpandscoal‐basedpower
• ChinaandIndiataketheleadincement,steeland
• Pi
Al it i t ki l i l
• Magnesium production shifts from electrolytic
extractionintheWesttocoalbasedCO2 emission
• Billionsof$worthofKyotoCleanDevelopment
ll f$ h f l l
andIndia.SF eliminationinthenewChineseMg
and India. SF6 elimination in the new Chinese Mg
9. ChangeinPoliticalRealities
• EUexpandsadding10EasternEuropean
countriesin transition.
countries in‐transition.
• Asiabecomestheworld’smanufacturinghub.
• EU and NA de‐industrializes leading to
• China and Middle East become world’s
ChinaandMiddleEastbecomeworld s
• US becomes world’s biggest debtor
USbecomesworld sbiggestdebtor
• DemocratsinUSSenateloosesupermajority
• World’s financial system collapses
10. What scookingintheU.S.?
What’s cooking in the U.S.?
• AB32
• RegionalGreenhouseGasInitiative(RGGI)
• Western Climate Initiative (WCI)
• Waxman Markey
12. Kerry BoxerSenatebill
Kerry‐Boxer Senate bill
• Likelytoincludecarboncap‐and‐trade.
• Similarcap‐and‐tradeprovisionstothe
• Initialfreeallocationof~50%ofallallowances
• May get bipartisan support with inclusion of
• Cap‐and‐Tradeisthemostpoliticallypalatable
option in the US political climate
13. CopenhagenCOP 15meeting
Copenhagen COP‐15 meeting
• Increasedpublicpressureforurgentaction.
• Politicalacknowledgementofclimatechange
l k l d f l h
• UScommitmentofsomemoneyforclimate
• Yet:
No binding commitment to do anything
14. HowwillCarbonpolicyimpact
l d
• DomesticCarbonLegislation
• H.R.2454,TheAmericanCleanEnergyand
Passed by the House in June 2009; covers 7 GHG types
Regulates offsets and allowances as commodities (jurisdiction of the CFTC)
– 17%by2020
– 83%by2050
• AB 32 The Global Warming Solutions Act
15. ImpacttoEuropean/AmericanAluminumIndustry
p p / y
• Existingplants‐ InitiallyGivenFreeAllowances
gp y
• MinimalImpactonExpansions– notmanyplanned
p p yp
• Future ‐ May negatively affect ongoing operations ??
Future Maynegativelyaffectongoingoperations??
16. Howdowequantifyyourliabilities?
• M d t
GHG i i ti b i 2010
• EPA’sreportingauthorityaprovisionoftheCleanAir
Act,NOT WaxmanMarkey
• Someentitiesover10,000mtCO2erequiredtoreport
• Allfleetsover25,000mtCO2erequiredtoreport
• 2007 2010
2007– 2010emissionsrequiredby2011;quarterly
i i i d b 2011 t l
• EnergyEfficiencyrequirementstoincrease
gy y q
• Reportingtools:
• RenewableEnergyStandardwillincreasethe
percentage of renewable energy Utilities must
18. ElectricityGenerationonGHGEmissions
electricity Change Where
kgCO2eq/kgAl %
Hydro 6 ‐50%
Averagegrid 12 0% World
Naturalgas 13 8% MiddleEast
H il
16 33% China
19. AlternativeAluminumProductionRoutes
tCO2eq /tAl Change
H‐H@4.5cmACD 12.7 0%
Wetteddrainedcathode@2cmACD 9.5 ‐25%
8.7 ‐31%
Carbothermicelctricfurnace 8.6 ‐32%
Cl b hl i ti & hl id l t l i 9 ‐29%
20. Carbonmanagementstrategiesinother
l d
Country Strategy
Canada FollowUSleadforNAcontinentalstrategy
Australia ConfusionfollowingdefeatofCap‐and‐Trade
Brazil Getcreditfromavoidanceofjungle
China,India Use availablecashtoinvestinbestavailable,
MiddleEast Invest oilwealthinmodernAlindustry,Nofixed
22. PossibleOffsetProjectActivitiesinAluminum
Possible Offset Project Activities in Aluminum
• Emissionsresultfrom:
‐CO2 emissions during smelting
• EmissionReductionProjectActivitiescouldinclude:
ReductionsinPFCsand EnergyConsumption
Reductions in PFCs and Energy Consumption