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CURRICULUM VITAE  Christopher Harris
A ddress: 31B High StreetHigham FerrersNorthants NN10 8DD
Telephone No: 01933 314276
Mobile No: 07858717445
Em ailaddress: chrismichael@sky.com
Olevels (1972): English - English literature - Geography  Biology - Mathematics
Polycom MGC, Pathnavigator, GMS,CMA and RMX platform, Poly com Realpresence. Lifesize Sales Course,
Custom er Serv ices Roles. Av i/Spl Sy m phony Platform .
To include:
 BCC Marketing
 Dataforce Interact Ltd
 Unify CommunicationsLtd (formally knownas Siemens Enterprise CommunicationsLtd).
 Blaze Businessto Business.
 The Discovery Channel (Europe).
 Whirlpool Television.
 Cartridge Wyatt.
 Fareham Territory College.
BCC Marketing
Telemarketing Operative
Septem ber 15th 2014 to present day .
BCC provide a service to promote a number of Business publications, for their client, in an already very crowded
m arketplace.
 To have a full understanding of each publication. The contents. The ability to show the prospective
custom er, the benefits, the v alue, they will achiev e, by taking out a subscription.
 To ensure all data captured was correct and up to date.
- 2 -
Dataforce Interactive Ltd.
Brand Advocate.
January 2014 to March 2014 (Tem porary Em ploy m ent)
Dataforce are a Contact Centre that, provide, specialist information to Inbound Callers. I worked on the Barratt
Cam paign.
 Taking calls to answer enquiries about prospectiv e purchases of a Barratt property .
 To hav e a full understating of all the dev elopm ents, av ailable, to potential clients.
 To guide them through, anindividualdevelopment, house styles,and give them the appropriate adv ice.
 To hav e an understanding of the legal processes, in the purchase of a property .
 To be aware, and advise,of the many financial schemes/incentives, available toprospective homebuyers.
 To book anappointment, advise the Salesindividuals, on-site, of the clients arrival,and ensure thatallthe
inform ation they required, was captured, accurate, and up to date.
Bedford College
Studying Microsoft Office 2010 to Level 2
March 2014 to Present day .  On going.
 This is a Oxbridge accredited course.
 Successfully com pleted OCR Lev el 2 in ITQ
 Will be doinganOpenUniversity Course to fully achiev e a Diplom a in Microsoft Office 2010/ 2013
Unify Com m unications Ltd (form erly known as Siem ens Enterprise Com m unications Ltd)
Video Conference Technician/Bridge Operator/On-site Concierge
1998 to January 2014
The company offer a bespoke service to blue chip companiessupplyinga full managed Video Conference Serv ice.
 Takingrequestsfrom customers toformally book a Video Conference
 Monitoringthe conference duringthe launch, confirmingthe technical perimetersof the conference,
ensuringthatthere are noissues concerned withthe conference.
 If required,I have the responsibility to intervene and take pro-active action to ensure thatthe conference
performs asthe customer would expect
 If any issues are detected,to take ownership untila resolution is applied.
 Usingbespoke monitoringtoolsto investigate and apply any subsequentremedial actions
 Replace any faulty unitsas necessary.
 Carry outany required installation/software upgrade to ensure thatthe service hasbeenresumed.
 Provide Onsite Concierge.
 I have a thoroughunderstanding, and technical knowledge,of allaspectsof Video Conferencing. From
Codec Endpoints,to MCUs, VBPs,DMAs. I have expertise in both H320and H323.
 I have a vast amount of experience on Polycom products.Plus experience with Lifesize,Sony,and
 I have won 7 awards for deliveringexcellent Customer service.
Clients I h ad responsibility for were.
 Roy al Mail
- 3 -
Blaze Business to Business Adv ertising Agency
Head of Video Production
1993 to 1998
 To fully run the Video Production Departm ent
 To direct, edit and produce a large num ber of Sales/Corporat e Videos, 4 awards won.
1976  1993
 Tham es Telev ision (ITV)  Film and Video Editor, Assistant Director
 TVS (now Meridian)  Director
 Anglia Telev ision  Director
 The Discov ery Channel (Europe)  Head of Editing
 Whirlpool Telev ision  Director
 Cartridge Wy att  Senior Producer/Director
 Fareham Territory College  Employed to teach two sets of BTEC students in all aspects of Video/Audio
 Keen Gardner
 Enjoy walking.
 Have builtcomputersfor friends & families
 Anythingto do with IT
- 4 -
The following are statements from former Colleagues, Team Leader, and Line Managers.
He is held in high esteem both by his immediate Colleagues and those within both the wider Unify
Company and by the Customers that he has worked with over the years.
He has a giving and loyal Character and his infectious smile and willingness to help makes him an
asset to any Business.
Philip Shove
Global Service Development Manager
Unify Communications
Chris is one of the most disciplined and punctual people Ive ever known. His ability to work
efficiently under stressfulconditions and meeting deadlines speaks volumes about his hard work,
determination and his composed demeanour. Chris works with minimal supervision either on his
own or part of a team. He is a deserving candidate and would be a great value addition to any
organization. I strongly recommend him.
Bal Reyat CVE
Product Support Specialist
Video Conferencing
UNIFY (Formerly Siemens Enterprise Communications)
In the time I have workedwith Chris I have known him to be hard working and conscientious, he has
great customer service skills; he is very thorough and has a drive to go the extra mile when
Mark Smith
Customer Services Director
Unify Communications
Working with Chris in the past and I found him to be a very hard-working, conscientious and always
willing to take the time to help other people. He is highly organised, has great communication skills.
Chris has a great sense of humour and would be an asset to any company.
Georgina Bingham
Business Development
Unify Communications
I have known Chris as a colleague, and his line manager, for the past 10 years. His obvious work
ethic, his ability to deal effectively with people from all levels, and the regular feedback from our
customer base have always led me to consider him to be honest, sincere,trustworthy and a
dependable man. I have never known Chris other than a man of integrity
Simon Cooper
- 5 -
Service Delivery Manager
Unify Communications. Now with Avi/Spl
Contact details for the above people can be supplied if required.

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Updated CV - 19th July 15

  • 1. - 1 - CURRICULUM VITAE Christopher Harris A ddress: 31B High StreetHigham FerrersNorthants NN10 8DD Telephone No: 01933 314276 Mobile No: 07858717445 Em ailaddress: chrismichael@sky.com QUALIFICATIONS Olevels (1972): English - English literature - Geography Biology - Mathematics COURSES & SEMINARS ATTENDED Polycom MGC, Pathnavigator, GMS,CMA and RMX platform, Poly com Realpresence. Lifesize Sales Course, Custom er Serv ices Roles. Av i/Spl Sy m phony Platform . EMPLOYMENTHISTORY To include: BCC Marketing Dataforce Interact Ltd Unify CommunicationsLtd (formally knownas Siemens Enterprise CommunicationsLtd). Blaze Businessto Business. ITV. The Discovery Channel (Europe). Whirlpool Television. Cartridge Wyatt. Fareham Territory College. BCC Marketing Telemarketing Operative Septem ber 15th 2014 to present day . BCC provide a service to promote a number of Business publications, for their client, in an already very crowded m arketplace. Responsibilities To have a full understanding of each publication. The contents. The ability to show the prospective custom er, the benefits, the v alue, they will achiev e, by taking out a subscription. To ensure all data captured was correct and up to date.
  • 2. - 2 - Dataforce Interactive Ltd. Brand Advocate. January 2014 to March 2014 (Tem porary Em ploy m ent) Dataforce are a Contact Centre that, provide, specialist information to Inbound Callers. I worked on the Barratt Cam paign. Responsibilities Taking calls to answer enquiries about prospectiv e purchases of a Barratt property . To hav e a full understating of all the dev elopm ents, av ailable, to potential clients. To guide them through, anindividualdevelopment, house styles,and give them the appropriate adv ice. To hav e an understanding of the legal processes, in the purchase of a property . To be aware, and advise,of the many financial schemes/incentives, available toprospective homebuyers. To book anappointment, advise the Salesindividuals, on-site, of the clients arrival,and ensure thatallthe inform ation they required, was captured, accurate, and up to date. Bedford College Studying Microsoft Office 2010 to Level 2 March 2014 to Present day . On going. This is a Oxbridge accredited course. Successfully com pleted OCR Lev el 2 in ITQ Will be doinganOpenUniversity Course to fully achiev e a Diplom a in Microsoft Office 2010/ 2013 Unify Com m unications Ltd (form erly known as Siem ens Enterprise Com m unications Ltd) Video Conference Technician/Bridge Operator/On-site Concierge 1998 to January 2014 The company offer a bespoke service to blue chip companiessupplyinga full managed Video Conference Serv ice. Responsibilities Takingrequestsfrom customers toformally book a Video Conference Monitoringthe conference duringthe launch, confirmingthe technical perimetersof the conference, ensuringthatthere are noissues concerned withthe conference. If required,I have the responsibility to intervene and take pro-active action to ensure thatthe conference performs asthe customer would expect If any issues are detected,to take ownership untila resolution is applied. Usingbespoke monitoringtoolsto investigate and apply any subsequentremedial actions Replace any faulty unitsas necessary. Carry outany required installation/software upgrade to ensure thatthe service hasbeenresumed. Provide Onsite Concierge. I have a thoroughunderstanding, and technical knowledge,of allaspectsof Video Conferencing. From Codec Endpoints,to MCUs, VBPs,DMAs. I have expertise in both H320and H323. I have a vast amount of experience on Polycom products.Plus experience with Lifesize,Sony,and Tandberg. I have won 7 awards for deliveringexcellent Customer service. Clients I h ad responsibility for were. BP BBC Centrica KPMG Roy al Mail
  • 3. - 3 - Blaze Business to Business Adv ertising Agency Head of Video Production 1993 to 1998 Responsibilities To fully run the Video Production Departm ent To direct, edit and produce a large num ber of Sales/Corporat e Videos, 4 awards won. 1976 1993 Tham es Telev ision (ITV) Film and Video Editor, Assistant Director TVS (now Meridian) Director Anglia Telev ision Director The Discov ery Channel (Europe) Head of Editing Whirlpool Telev ision Director Cartridge Wy att Senior Producer/Director Fareham Territory College Employed to teach two sets of BTEC students in all aspects of Video/Audio Production Hobbies Keen Gardner Enjoy walking. Reading. Have builtcomputersfor friends & families Anythingto do with IT
  • 4. - 4 - The following are statements from former Colleagues, Team Leader, and Line Managers. He is held in high esteem both by his immediate Colleagues and those within both the wider Unify Company and by the Customers that he has worked with over the years. He has a giving and loyal Character and his infectious smile and willingness to help makes him an asset to any Business. Philip Shove Global Service Development Manager Unify Communications Chris is one of the most disciplined and punctual people Ive ever known. His ability to work efficiently under stressfulconditions and meeting deadlines speaks volumes about his hard work, determination and his composed demeanour. Chris works with minimal supervision either on his own or part of a team. He is a deserving candidate and would be a great value addition to any organization. I strongly recommend him. Bal Reyat CVE Product Support Specialist Video Conferencing UNIFY (Formerly Siemens Enterprise Communications) In the time I have workedwith Chris I have known him to be hard working and conscientious, he has great customer service skills; he is very thorough and has a drive to go the extra mile when required. Mark Smith Customer Services Director Unify Communications Working with Chris in the past and I found him to be a very hard-working, conscientious and always willing to take the time to help other people. He is highly organised, has great communication skills. Chris has a great sense of humour and would be an asset to any company. Georgina Bingham Business Development Unify Communications I have known Chris as a colleague, and his line manager, for the past 10 years. His obvious work ethic, his ability to deal effectively with people from all levels, and the regular feedback from our customer base have always led me to consider him to be honest, sincere,trustworthy and a dependable man. I have never known Chris other than a man of integrity Simon Cooper
  • 5. - 5 - Service Delivery Manager Unify Communications. Now with Avi/Spl Contact details for the above people can be supplied if required.