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BroadbandBroadband PowerLinePowerLine
and the UPLCand the UPLC
A presentation by theA presentation by the
United Power Line CouncilUnited Power Line Council
to theto the
World Summit of PLCWorld Summit of PLC
June 10, 2003June 10, 2003
≒ Overview of the UPLCOverview of the UPLC
≒ ActivitiesActivities
≒ Market StatusMarket Status
Overview of the UPLCOverview of the UPLC
≒ The UPLC is an alliance of utilitiesThe UPLC is an alliance of utilities
and technology partners to developand technology partners to develop
business, technical and regulatorybusiness, technical and regulatory
solutions for BPL in the Americassolutions for BPL in the Americas
≒ Ties with United Telecom CouncilTies with United Telecom Council
 50+ years of50+ years of utelcoutelco advocacyadvocacy
 Broad based membershipBroad based membership
 Strong reputation, resources toStrong reputation, resources to
accomplish activitiesaccomplish activities
UPLC StructureUPLC Structure
≒ Equal partnership reflected inEqual partnership reflected in
 Utility / Technology provider co-Utility / Technology provider co-
chairs of committees, as well as ofchairs of committees, as well as of
the UPLC itself.the UPLC itself.
 Members drive the activities of theMembers drive the activities of the
≒ Frequent meetings, activeFrequent meetings, active
participation and open processparticipation and open process
UPLC LeadershipUPLC Leadership
≒ UPLC Co-chairsUPLC Co-chairs
 LeifLeif EricsonEricson, Southern Telecom, Southern Telecom
 JoeJoe CufariCufari, Current Technologies, Current Technologies
≒ Committee Co-chairsCommittee Co-chairs
≒ JorgeJorge RosenblutRosenblut,, EnersisEnersis
≒ AlAl RichenbacherRichenbacher, PPL; Steve Greene,, PPL; Steve Greene, AmperionAmperion
≒ Phil Slack, Florida Power & Light; Jeff Norman,Phil Slack, Florida Power & Light; Jeff Norman,
Main.net Power LineMain.net Power Line CommCommss, Inc., Inc.
≒ Business Action CommitteeBusiness Action Committee
 Promote market awareness throughPromote market awareness through
conferences, reports, and newslettersconferences, reports, and newsletters
≒ PowerLinePowerLine 2003 UPLC Annual Conference,2003 UPLC Annual Conference,
Sept. 21-24Sept. 21-24thth
Washington, DCWashington, DC
≒ Update to the Business Case OpportunityUpdate to the Business Case Opportunity
Study, August 2003Study, August 2003
≒ PowerLinePowerLine newsletter, free monthly emailnewsletter, free monthly email
about industry and policy developmentsabout industry and policy developments
≒ Regulatory Action CommitteeRegulatory Action Committee
 Become the premier advocate forBecome the premier advocate for
industry w/Congress, FCC & Statesindustry w/Congress, FCC & States
≒ Engage w/ FCC on Notice of InquiryEngage w/ FCC on Notice of Inquiry
≒ Promote legislation that encouragesPromote legislation that encourages
PLC deploymentPLC deployment
≒ Advocate to state public utilityAdvocate to state public utility
commissions/legislatures, uponcommissions/legislatures, upon
≒ Technical Action CommitteeTechnical Action Committee
 Develop common solutions to technicalDevelop common solutions to technical
obstacles for deploymentobstacles for deployment
≒ Best practices for power line deploymentBest practices for power line deployment
≒ Coordinate w/ other organizationsCoordinate w/ other organizations
 Initiating formal relations w/PUAInitiating formal relations w/PUA
 IEC, IEEE,IEC, IEEE, HomePlugHomePlug
≒ Serve as resource for information on technicalServe as resource for information on technical
Market StatusMarket Status
≒ Ambient CorporationAmbient Corporation
 Publicly traded (ABTG.OB)Publicly traded (ABTG.OB)
 MV and LV solutionMV and LV solution
≒ Consolidated Edison (51% stake)Consolidated Edison (51% stake)
≒ Southern Telecom (holds warrants toSouthern Telecom (holds warrants to
purchase 2,684,000 shares)purchase 2,684,000 shares)
 Tests report 6-8 Mbps on MV and 5-Tests report 6-8 Mbps on MV and 5-
7 on LV7 on LV
Market StatusMarket Status
≒ AmperionAmperion
 MV access solutionMV access solution
≒ American Electric PowerAmerican Electric Power
≒ Progress EnergyProgress Energy
20 Mbps on MV, 500-800 kbps actual20 Mbps on MV, 500-800 kbps actual
Market StatusMarket Status
≒ Current Technologies, LLCCurrent Technologies, LLC
 U.S. privately-held companyU.S. privately-held company
≒ Associated GroupAssociated Group
≒ CinergyCinergy
≒ 3-5 Mbps on LV3-5 Mbps on LV
Market StatusMarket Status
≒ Main.net Power LineMain.net Power Line CommCommss, Inc., Inc.
 Established commercial PLC providerEstablished commercial PLC provider
 No transformer bypass necessaryNo transformer bypass necessary
≒ AmerenAmeren
≒ City of ManassasCity of Manassas
≒ Other undisclosed utilitiesOther undisclosed utilities
 Average speeds 500 kbpsAverage speeds 500 kbps
Market StatusMarket Status
≒ PowerCommPowerComm Systems, Inc.Systems, Inc.
 U.S. based companyU.S. based company
≒ Fayetteville Electric SystemFayetteville Electric System
≒ Cullman Electric CooperativeCullman Electric Cooperative
 Speeds unknownSpeeds unknown
Market StatusMarket Status
≒ Number of deployments acceleratingNumber of deployments accelerating
 More utilities, more subscribers servedMore utilities, more subscribers served
and passedand passed
≒ Models varyModels vary
 Wholesale and retailWholesale and retail
 Residential and SMEResidential and SME
 Primarily suburban and ruralPrimarily suburban and rural
≒ Drivers: utility appDrivers: utility apps, high-speeds, high-speed
access,access, VoIPVoIP, home networking, home networking
≒ PLC ramping-up in AmericasPLC ramping-up in Americas
 Technical obstacles overcomeTechnical obstacles overcome
 Business models in developmentBusiness models in development
 Regulatory issues becomingRegulatory issues becoming
≒ UPLC leading the developmentUPLC leading the development
of PLCof PLC
 Become involved!Become involved!
For More InformationFor More InformationFor More Information
≒ Bill MoroneyBill Moroney
≒ PPPPrrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnntttt &&&&PPPPrrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnntttt &&&&
≒ CCCChhhhiiiieeeeffff EEEExxxxeeeeccccuuuuttttiiiivvvveeeeCCCChhhhiiiieeeeffff EEEExxxxeeeeccccuuuuttttiiiivvvveeee
≒ 1111....222200002222....888833333333....66668888000011111111....222200002222....888833333333....6666888800001111
≒ bbbbbbbbiiiillllllll....mmmmoooorrrroooonnnneeeeyyyy@@@@uuuuttttcccc....iiiillllllll....mmmmoooorrrroooonnnneeeeyyyy@@@@uuuuttttcccc....
≒ Brett KilbourneBrett Kilbourne
≒ AAAAssssssssoooocccciiiiaaaatttteeee CCCCoooouuuunnnnsssseeeellll &&&&AAAAssssssssoooocccciiiiaaaatttteeee CCCCoooouuuunnnnsssseeeellll &&&&
≒ DDDDiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrr ooooffff FFFFeeeeddddeeeerrrraaaallllDDDDiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrr ooooffff FFFFeeeeddddeeeerrrraaaallll
RRRReeeegggguuuullllaaaattttoooorrrryyyy SSSSeeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeeessssRRRReeeegggguuuullllaaaattttoooorrrryyyy SSSSeeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeeessss
≒ 1111....222200002222....888833333333....66668888000077771111....222200002222....888833333333....6666888800007777
≒ bbbbrrrreeeetttttttt....kkkkiiiillllbbbboooouuuurrrrnnnneeee@@@@uuuuttttcccc....oooorrrrggggbbbbrrrreeeetttttttt....kkkkiiiillllbbbboooouuuurrrrnnnneeee@@@@uuuuttttcccc....oooorrrrgggg
United Power Line CouncilUnited Power Line Council
1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Fifth FloorFifth Floor
Washington, DC 20006Washington, DC 20006  USAUSA

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  • 1. 1 BroadbandBroadband PowerLinePowerLine and the UPLCand the UPLC A presentation by theA presentation by the United Power Line CouncilUnited Power Line Council to theto the World Summit of PLCWorld Summit of PLC AssociationsAssociations June 10, 2003June 10, 2003 OUTLINEOUTLINE ≒ Overview of the UPLCOverview of the UPLC ≒ ActivitiesActivities BusinessBusiness RegulatoryRegulatory TechnicalTechnical ≒ Market StatusMarket Status DeploymentsDeployments
  • 2. 2 Overview of the UPLCOverview of the UPLC ≒ The UPLC is an alliance of utilitiesThe UPLC is an alliance of utilities and technology partners to developand technology partners to develop business, technical and regulatorybusiness, technical and regulatory solutions for BPL in the Americassolutions for BPL in the Americas ≒ Ties with United Telecom CouncilTies with United Telecom Council 50+ years of50+ years of utelcoutelco advocacyadvocacy Broad based membershipBroad based membership Strong reputation, resources toStrong reputation, resources to accomplish activitiesaccomplish activities UPLC StructureUPLC Structure ≒ Equal partnership reflected inEqual partnership reflected in structurestructure Utility / Technology provider co-Utility / Technology provider co- chairs of committees, as well as ofchairs of committees, as well as of the UPLC itself.the UPLC itself. Members drive the activities of theMembers drive the activities of the UPLC.UPLC. ≒ Frequent meetings, activeFrequent meetings, active participation and open processparticipation and open process
  • 3. 3 UPLC LeadershipUPLC Leadership ≒ UPLC Co-chairsUPLC Co-chairs LeifLeif EricsonEricson, Southern Telecom, Southern Telecom JoeJoe CufariCufari, Current Technologies, Current Technologies ≒ Committee Co-chairsCommittee Co-chairs BusinessBusiness ≒ JorgeJorge RosenblutRosenblut,, EnersisEnersis RegulatoryRegulatory ≒ AlAl RichenbacherRichenbacher, PPL; Steve Greene,, PPL; Steve Greene, AmperionAmperion TechnicalTechnical ≒ Phil Slack, Florida Power & Light; Jeff Norman,Phil Slack, Florida Power & Light; Jeff Norman, Main.net Power LineMain.net Power Line CommCommss, Inc., Inc. ActivitiesActivities ≒ Business Action CommitteeBusiness Action Committee Promote market awareness throughPromote market awareness through conferences, reports, and newslettersconferences, reports, and newsletters ≒ PowerLinePowerLine 2003 UPLC Annual Conference,2003 UPLC Annual Conference, Sept. 21-24Sept. 21-24thth Washington, DCWashington, DC ≒ Update to the Business Case OpportunityUpdate to the Business Case Opportunity Study, August 2003Study, August 2003 ≒ PowerLinePowerLine newsletter, free monthly emailnewsletter, free monthly email about industry and policy developmentsabout industry and policy developments
  • 4. 4 ActivitiesActivities ≒ Regulatory Action CommitteeRegulatory Action Committee Become the premier advocate forBecome the premier advocate for industry w/Congress, FCC & Statesindustry w/Congress, FCC & States ≒ Engage w/ FCC on Notice of InquiryEngage w/ FCC on Notice of Inquiry ≒ Promote legislation that encouragesPromote legislation that encourages PLC deploymentPLC deployment ≒ Advocate to state public utilityAdvocate to state public utility commissions/legislatures, uponcommissions/legislatures, upon requestrequest ActivitiesActivities ≒ Technical Action CommitteeTechnical Action Committee Develop common solutions to technicalDevelop common solutions to technical obstacles for deploymentobstacles for deployment ≒ Best practices for power line deploymentBest practices for power line deployment ≒ Coordinate w/ other organizationsCoordinate w/ other organizations MOUMOUss w/PLC Forum, APTELw/PLC Forum, APTEL Initiating formal relations w/PUAInitiating formal relations w/PUA IEC, IEEE,IEC, IEEE, HomePlugHomePlug ≒ Serve as resource for information on technicalServe as resource for information on technical operationsoperations
  • 5. 5 Market StatusMarket Status ≒ Ambient CorporationAmbient Corporation Publicly traded (ABTG.OB)Publicly traded (ABTG.OB) MV and LV solutionMV and LV solution TrialsTrials ≒ Consolidated Edison (51% stake)Consolidated Edison (51% stake) ≒ Southern Telecom (holds warrants toSouthern Telecom (holds warrants to purchase 2,684,000 shares)purchase 2,684,000 shares) Tests report 6-8 Mbps on MV and 5-Tests report 6-8 Mbps on MV and 5- 7 on LV7 on LV Market StatusMarket Status ≒ AmperionAmperion AEP/CISCO/AEP/CISCO/RedleafRedleaf MV access solutionMV access solution TrialsTrials ≒ American Electric PowerAmerican Electric Power ≒ PPLPPL ≒ Progress EnergyProgress Energy SpeedsSpeeds 20 Mbps on MV, 500-800 kbps actual20 Mbps on MV, 500-800 kbps actual
  • 6. 6 Market StatusMarket Status ≒ Current Technologies, LLCCurrent Technologies, LLC U.S. privately-held companyU.S. privately-held company ≒ Associated GroupAssociated Group TrialsTrials ≒ CinergyCinergy ≒ PEPCOPEPCO SpeedsSpeeds ≒ 3-5 Mbps on LV3-5 Mbps on LV Market StatusMarket Status ≒ Main.net Power LineMain.net Power Line CommCommss, Inc., Inc. Established commercial PLC providerEstablished commercial PLC provider No transformer bypass necessaryNo transformer bypass necessary TrialsTrials ≒ AmerenAmeren ≒ PPLPPL ≒ City of ManassasCity of Manassas ≒ Other undisclosed utilitiesOther undisclosed utilities Average speeds 500 kbpsAverage speeds 500 kbps
  • 7. 7 Market StatusMarket Status ≒ PowerCommPowerComm Systems, Inc.Systems, Inc. U.S. based companyU.S. based company TrialsTrials ≒ Fayetteville Electric SystemFayetteville Electric System ≒ Cullman Electric CooperativeCullman Electric Cooperative Speeds unknownSpeeds unknown Market StatusMarket Status ≒ Number of deployments acceleratingNumber of deployments accelerating More utilities, more subscribers servedMore utilities, more subscribers served and passedand passed ≒ Models varyModels vary Wholesale and retailWholesale and retail Residential and SMEResidential and SME Primarily suburban and ruralPrimarily suburban and rural ≒ Drivers: utility appDrivers: utility apps, high-speeds, high-speed access,access, VoIPVoIP, home networking, home networking
  • 8. 8 ConclusionsConclusions ≒ PLC ramping-up in AmericasPLC ramping-up in Americas Technical obstacles overcomeTechnical obstacles overcome Business models in developmentBusiness models in development Regulatory issues becomingRegulatory issues becoming clearerclearer ≒ UPLC leading the developmentUPLC leading the development of PLCof PLC Become involved!Become involved! For More InformationFor More InformationFor More Information ≒ Bill MoroneyBill Moroney ≒ PPPPrrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnntttt &&&&PPPPrrrreeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnntttt &&&& ≒ CCCChhhhiiiieeeeffff EEEExxxxeeeeccccuuuuttttiiiivvvveeeeCCCChhhhiiiieeeeffff EEEExxxxeeeeccccuuuuttttiiiivvvveeee OOOOffffffffiiiicccceeeerrrrOOOOffffffffiiiicccceeeerrrr ≒ 1111....222200002222....888833333333....66668888000011111111....222200002222....888833333333....6666888800001111 ≒ bbbbbbbbiiiillllllll....mmmmoooorrrroooonnnneeeeyyyy@@@@uuuuttttcccc....iiiillllllll....mmmmoooorrrroooonnnneeeeyyyy@@@@uuuuttttcccc.... oooorrrrggggoooorrrrgggg ≒ Brett KilbourneBrett Kilbourne ≒ AAAAssssssssoooocccciiiiaaaatttteeee CCCCoooouuuunnnnsssseeeellll &&&&AAAAssssssssoooocccciiiiaaaatttteeee CCCCoooouuuunnnnsssseeeellll &&&& ≒ DDDDiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrr ooooffff FFFFeeeeddddeeeerrrraaaallllDDDDiiiirrrreeeeccccttttoooorrrr ooooffff FFFFeeeeddddeeeerrrraaaallll RRRReeeegggguuuullllaaaattttoooorrrryyyy SSSSeeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeeessssRRRReeeegggguuuullllaaaattttoooorrrryyyy SSSSeeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeeessss ≒ 1111....222200002222....888833333333....66668888000077771111....222200002222....888833333333....6666888800007777 ≒ bbbbrrrreeeetttttttt....kkkkiiiillllbbbboooouuuurrrrnnnneeee@@@@uuuuttttcccc....oooorrrrggggbbbbrrrreeeetttttttt....kkkkiiiillllbbbboooouuuurrrrnnnneeee@@@@uuuuttttcccc....oooorrrrgggg United Power Line CouncilUnited Power Line Council 1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Fifth FloorFifth Floor Washington, DC 20006Washington, DC 20006 USAUSA www.www.uplcuplc.org.org