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for sustainable
/ Urban research
/ Master planning
/ Architectural design
Company portfolio
We are
each city and
town has a great
internal potential
of sustainable
Alexander Kholodnov,
founder, managing
/ 01
About the company 3
/ 02
Our focus: 4
industrial cities
/ 03
弌omprehensive urban research 5
/ 04
Territory development monitoring 6
/ 05
City master plans 7
/ 06
Industrial facility development 8
/ 07
Commercial real estate
development 9
/ 08
Tourist resorts and recreation
areas 10
/ 09
Residential development 12
/ 10
Social infrastructure facilities 14
/ 11
Public spaces 25
Parks, squares, embankments
/ 12
Panel residential building
renovation 27
/ 13
Implementation plans
and programs 29
/ 14
Our team 30
/ 15
Our partners 31
/ 16
Our project geography 32
Company portfolio
Research and design center Urban
Pro was founded in 2019 by Alexan-
der Kholodnov, an expert in the field
of spatial planning and urbanism, who
has been engaged in urban planning and
territory development projects since
2008. Today our team includes more
than 10 specialists  analysts and ar-
chitects with various background. To
solve challenging issues, we also engage
leading experts as partners.
We are inspired by beautiful and dynam-
ic cities that respect their history, enjoy
the present and look to the future with
We find relevant and effective solutions
for urban infrastructure development,
considering the combination of internal
and external factors
We explore the urban development dy-
namics. We are convinced that every city
has an internal potential for sustainable
territory development
We highly value our customers and part-
ners. Their interests are our absolute pri-
ority in the preparation and justification
of the urban change program

/ 01
Company portfolio
Since its foundation, Urban Pro has been fo-
cused on industrial city development proj-
ects. Our key clients and stakeholders are
large industrial companies interested in the
implementation of corporate social respon-
sibility and ESG programs. Sustainable ter-
ritory development is the significant issue.
In this respect Urban Pro performs compre-
hensive territory research, elaboration of city
master plans, as well as measures for their
Long experience in working with single-in-
dustry towns in the interests of corporate cli-
ents allows us to offer a cost-effective solu-
tion for the issues of territory development
/ 02
Company portfolio
Decisions in the field of sustainable territory development are
made on the basis of objective evidences which are collected
during comprehensive urban research.
We will help you to select the optimal research set, which is nec-
essary and sufficient regarding the Clients issue.
/ 03
We use the following research methods:
 Survey of residents;
 Focus groups, in-depth interviews with stakeholders;
 Visual inspection of the territory and key objects;
 Socio-economic and town-planning analysis of open and
on-demand information;
For specific tasks, we also engage partners to perform market re-
search, energy and transport modeling, engineering surveys and
building inspections.
Urban research is used:
 As a part of city development monitoring;
 To prepare objective evidences for conducting city and ter-
ritory master plans
 To prepare comprehensive programs for the socio-economic
development of the territory;
 To connect the most demanded decisions within the frame-
work of corporate social programs.
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仗仂仂从仂于, 从仂仂亠 仗亳于仍亠从舒亠
个仆从亳亳 仂弍亠从仂于
Company portfolio
Large companies manage industrial plants located in different
towns and regions. Implementing the principles of corporate so-
cial responsibility and ESG, they are interested in integrated sus-
tainable development solutions for the territories of their pres-
ence. Thats why they support infrastructure and social projects
to improve the life quality of employees and other citizens.
Monitoring of the integrated territorial development is recom-
mended for decision-making regarding socially significant in-
vestments based on objective evidences.
Urban Pro experts have prepared an indicator system, which al-
lows you to collect and update information about the state of
the territory, identifying the most significant problems and rea-
sonably select the priorities and projects for socially significant
Together with our partners, we develop applied tools for corpo-
rate information systems to monitor and support decision-mak-
ing in integrated territorial development.
/ 04
Description Directions Facilities Projects Contacts My notice Chat
Public Space
Culture and Leisure
Company portfolio
We work on master plans for towns and cities that combine a stra-
tegic development vision with a set of priority projects which
can be implemented jointly by the authorities and businesses.
City master plans are based on research results which are con-
ducted during the previous stage.
City master plan is the basis for the most demanded development
projects in the urban area:
 Commercial real estate development;
 Development of tourist and recreational facilities;
 Residential development;
 Development of social infrastructure;
 Development of public spaces.
/ 05
Company portfolio
An important role for comprehensive development of small in-
dustrial towns belongs to the new industrial zones and indus-
trial parks.
Development concepts for industrial
facilities are based on:
 Results of market research and
major trends in industrial real es-
tate development ;
 Comprehensive urban develop-
ment analysis;
 Negotiation with authorities,
banks, developers and business
Concepts for the industrial facility
development include:
 Planning layouts and architec-
tural design;
 Assessment of required utilities
and transportation infrastruc-
ture, possible network connection
 Financial modeling
/ 06
Company portfolio
Regional cities and towns are facing a shortage of quality retail and office
facilities. Urban Pro specialists have experience in developing concepts for
shopping malls, business centers and regional corporate headquarters 
independently and in partnership with leading commercial real estate con-
Development concepts for commer-
cial real estate are based on:
 Results of market research and
major trends in retail and office
real estate development;
 Comprehensive urban develop-
ment analysis;
 Negotiation with authorities,
banks, developers and business
Commercial real estate development
concepts include:
 Search for the best available site
and land best use analysis;
 Planning layouts and architec-
tural design;
 Financial modeling.
/ 07
Company portfolio
Tourism development is an important way to diversify the local econo-
my, taking into account local and external demand. Tourist infrastructure
development projects are often supported in framework of corporate and
government programs. Urban Pro specialists are experienced in develop-
ing appropriate concepts  independently and in partnership with lead-
ing experts in the industry.
Development concepts for touris-
tic and recreational facilities are
based on:
 Results of market research and
major trends in tourism sector;
 Comprehensive analysis of tour-
istic and recreational potential
of the territory;
 Negotiation with authorities,
banks, developers and business
Tourist resort and recreation area de-
velopment concepts include:
 Tourist routes schemes. Search
for the best available site;
 Planning layouts and architec-
tural design;
 financial modeling.
/ 08
Company portfolio
Company portfolio
Residential development solutions are based on demand assessment and
comprehensive urban planning analysis.
We offer contemporary planning and architectural solutions, consistent with
existing demand and best local and international city building practices.
By involving expert partners in the project, it is possible to carry out a sur-
vey of existing buildings, energy modeling, and preparation of engineering
solutions that meet the target level of energy efficiency of the building.
/ 09
Development concepts for residen-
tial districts include:
 Solutions for individual, low-
rise and high rise buildings;
 Related social infrastructure
 Commercial services;
 Elements of landscaping;
 Transportation scheme.
In order to ensure the projects in-
vestment attractiveness, the con-
cept of development of the residen-
tial complex is prepared by using
financial modeling tools.
Solutions for the development of
new buildings, as well as for the re-
construction of existing residential
districts can be elaborated consid-
ering all modern requirements for
energy efficiency.
Company portfolio
Company portfolio
Education facilities Healthcare facilities Culture and Leisure facilities Sport facilities
The life quality in a modern urban area depends on the availability of so-
cial services, which can be used by residents. Urban Pro experts have ex-
perience in development concepts for schools, kindergartens, professional
and additional education facilities, health care and social protection, cul-
ture and leisure, multifunctional socio-cultural centers.
For social infrastructure projects we
strive to:
 Preserve the basic functionality
of the building;
 Increase the efficiency of build-
ing area utilization through the
introduction of additional func-
tions demanded by the residents;
 Form an attractive and modern
image of the object due to its up-
to-date design.
Social infrastructure facility con-
cept includes:
 Effective organization of build-
ing area;
 Exterior and interior design solu-
tions for key public spaces;
 Ideas for the landscaping of the
adjacent area.
/ 10
Company portfolio
Schools are traditionally important centers of attraction for citizens. The
school development concept provides for the creation of a modern edu-
cational environment with the formation of spaces for childrens leisure,
sports and self-realization.
/ 10
Company portfolio
Company portfolio
Opportunities for obtaining modern professional education is an important
attractiveness condition for cities and towns. The development concept of
technical school is based on the features of the educational process and is
complemented by solutions to create a comfortable environment for students.
/ 10
Company portfolio
Kindergartens are an important infrastructural element for growing up a
child in the city. The development concept of the kindergarten provides
flexible adaptation of the building area according to demand which de-
pends on demographic fluctuations.
/ 10
/ 10
Company portfolio
Today, modern solutions for creative leisure and self-realization of the child
are in demand in large and small cities. The development concept of an art
school and other additional education facilities provides the optimization
of an existing building area and additional opportunities for modern edu-
cational programs.
/ 10
Company portfolio
Modern healthcare infrastructure is an important condition for the quali-
ty of life in the city. Availability of basic medical care service can be sup-
ported with demanded opportunities to develop disease prevention cen-
ters for prevention, rehabilitation and social care facilities for the elderly.
/ 10
Company portfolio
The House of Culture is the most important center of attraction for resi-
dents of small towns. The development concept provides for the creation
of a multifunctional space for leisure and self-realization, taking into ac-
count the current needs of citizens.
/ 10
Company portfolio
Modern leisure and entertainment center makes it possible to improve and
diversify the intensity of life in the city. As part of the concept, solutions
are being developed aimed at the multifunctional organization of public
space, oriented mainly to the youth audience.
/ 10
Company portfolio
Historical heritage is an important element in preserving the identity of
the city. The concept of the multifunctional center provides for the mixed
use of the building area, including museum exposition, visitor center, cafe,
and a creative space.
/ 10
Company portfolio
Infrastructure for sports and a healthy lifestyle is in demand by citizens
and is supported by government and corporate programs. Urban Pro spe-
cialists have experience in developing architectural concepts for stadiums,
swimming pools, ski slopes, local flat structures.
/ 10
Company portfolio
Most regional towns face a shortage of modern and attractive public spac-
es. In the last few years, opportunities to implement projects to improve
parks, public gardens, embankments, squares and boulevards have in-
creased significantly due to the implementation of state programs to cre-
ate a comfortable urban space.
When working with public spaces, we
strive to:
 Be based on the territorys poten-
tial, demanded types of activity,
and available budget opportuni-
 Consider the opinions of the res-
idents gathered during sociologi-
cal research and participatory pro-
jecting sessions;
 Form an attractive and modern
image of the space through up-
to-date design.
As part of the concept preparation,
the following are worked out:
 Planning solutions, scenarios for
the use of the space;
 Small architectural forms, coat-
ings, landscaping elements;
 Visualization based on 3D mod-
/ 11
Company portfolio
Company portfolio
/ 12
Due to high wear and tear, high rise buildings require modernization in
many cities. In framework of the concept, solutions are being developed
to improve energy efficiency, the external design of residential buildings,
local area, develop legal mechanisms and an investment model for territo-
ry renovation.
Company portfolio
Company portfolio
Comprehensive implementation plans and programs are designed to ensure
the further project development. These plans are prepared based on inte-
grated urban research, monitoring of integrated territorial development and
preparation of urban master plans.
/ 13
The program preparation process includes:
 Preliminary cost assessment for the implementation of project initiatives;
 Consideration of possible sources of budget funding, including negotia-
tions with representatives of local government, regional and federal ex-
ecutive authorities, as well as state development institutions.
 Assessing the possibility of attracting extrabudgetary funding. Financial
modeling tools are used to evaluate project initiatives in terms of their
attractiveness to private investors and the possibility of implementing
concession agreements / public-private partnerships.
The result of the program development is a draft agreement on the socio-eco-
nomic development of the territory, which can be concluded between the ur-
ban development company and authority representatives
Company portfolio
The Urban Pro team includes more than
10 specialists with different back-
ground. To work on specific projects,
we invite external experts and part-
ners with the necessary experience
and qualifications.
Alexander Kholodnov
Founder and Managing
Ekaterina Osokina
Andrey Molchanov
Igor Chetyrkin
Project Manager
Tatiana Tsvetkova
Renata Biktimirova
Alexander Gust
Chief Architect
Nina Kilmetova
Yulia Bushmakova
Assistant Manager
Valeria Mikheikina
Maria Potashova
/ 14
Company portfolio
/ 15
Company portfolio
The wide project geography of projects makes
it possible to
 conduct exchange of experiences
 form a database of successful case studies
/ 16
tel.: +7 (812) 2133550
email: urbanpro.spb@mail.ru
website: www.urbanpro.spb.ru
Office 303
Baltis Plaza Business Center
88 Sredny prospekt VO
Russia, St. Petersburg

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Team Knapp Listing Presentation for Home Sellers
Team Knapp Listing Presentation for Home SellersTeam Knapp Listing Presentation for Home Sellers
Team Knapp Listing Presentation for Home Sellers
Cari Knapp

Urban Pro portfolio

  • 2. 2 Company portfolio CONTENT We are convinced: each city and town has a great internal potential of sustainable territory development Alexander Kholodnov, founder, managing director / 01 About the company 3 / 02 Our focus: 4 industrial cities / 03 弌omprehensive urban research 5 / 04 Territory development monitoring 6 / 05 City master plans 7 / 06 Industrial facility development 8 / 07 Commercial real estate development 9 / 08 Tourist resorts and recreation areas 10 / 09 Residential development 12 / 10 Social infrastructure facilities 14 / 11 Public spaces 25 Parks, squares, embankments / 12 Panel residential building renovation 27 / 13 Implementation plans and programs 29 / 14 Our team 30 / 15 Our partners 31 / 16 Our project geography 32
  • 3. 3 Company portfolio Research and design center Urban Pro was founded in 2019 by Alexan- der Kholodnov, an expert in the field of spatial planning and urbanism, who has been engaged in urban planning and territory development projects since 2008. Today our team includes more than 10 specialists analysts and ar- chitects with various background. To solve challenging issues, we also engage leading experts as partners. OUR VALUES We are inspired by beautiful and dynam- ic cities that respect their history, enjoy the present and look to the future with confidence We find relevant and effective solutions for urban infrastructure development, considering the combination of internal and external factors We explore the urban development dy- namics. We are convinced that every city has an internal potential for sustainable territory development We highly value our customers and part- ners. Their interests are our absolute pri- ority in the preparation and justification of the urban change program / 01 ABOUT THE COMPANY
  • 4. 4 Company portfolio OUR CORPOR ATE CLIENTS Since its foundation, Urban Pro has been fo- cused on industrial city development proj- ects. Our key clients and stakeholders are large industrial companies interested in the implementation of corporate social respon- sibility and ESG programs. Sustainable ter- ritory development is the significant issue. In this respect Urban Pro performs compre- hensive territory research, elaboration of city master plans, as well as measures for their implementation. Long experience in working with single-in- dustry towns in the interests of corporate cli- ents allows us to offer a cost-effective solu- tion for the issues of territory development / 02 OUR FOCUS: INDUSTRIAL CITIES
  • 5. 5 Company portfolio 弌OMPREHENSIVE URBAN RESEARCH Decisions in the field of sustainable territory development are made on the basis of objective evidences which are collected during comprehensive urban research. We will help you to select the optimal research set, which is nec- essary and sufficient regarding the Clients issue. / 03 We use the following research methods: Survey of residents; Focus groups, in-depth interviews with stakeholders; Visual inspection of the territory and key objects; Socio-economic and town-planning analysis of open and on-demand information; For specific tasks, we also engage partners to perform market re- search, energy and transport modeling, engineering surveys and building inspections. Urban research is used: As a part of city development monitoring; To prepare objective evidences for conducting city and ter- ritory master plans To prepare comprehensive programs for the socio-economic development of the territory; To connect the most demanded decisions within the frame- work of corporate social programs. 1 仂亳仆亳舒 亟舒于仂仂舒仆亠仆亳亠 亟仄亳仆亳舒亳于仆仂-亟亠仍仂于舒 丐仂亞仂于舒 舒亠 仍舒 / 亟仂亞 舒从 仂仂亟从仂亠 仂亰亠仍亠仆亠仆亳亠 弌仗仂 亳仍舒 亰舒仂亶从舒 仆从亳亶 仗仂仂弍于亠 于仂从仂亶 亳仆亠仆亳于仆仂亳 仗亠亠仂亟仆 仗仂仂从仂于, 从仂仂亠 仗亳于仍亠从舒亠 仗仍仂舒亟 个仆从亳亳 仂弍亠从仂于 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  • 6. 6 Company portfolio Large companies manage industrial plants located in different towns and regions. Implementing the principles of corporate so- cial responsibility and ESG, they are interested in integrated sus- tainable development solutions for the territories of their pres- ence. Thats why they support infrastructure and social projects to improve the life quality of employees and other citizens. Monitoring of the integrated territorial development is recom- mended for decision-making regarding socially significant in- vestments based on objective evidences. Urban Pro experts have prepared an indicator system, which al- lows you to collect and update information about the state of the territory, identifying the most significant problems and rea- sonably select the priorities and projects for socially significant investments. Together with our partners, we develop applied tools for corpo- rate information systems to monitor and support decision-mak- ing in integrated territorial development. TERRITORY DEVELOPMENT MONITORING / 04 Description Directions Facilities Projects Contacts My notice Chat Public Space Education Culture and Leisure Healthcare
  • 7. 7 Company portfolio CITY MASTER PLANS We work on master plans for towns and cities that combine a stra- tegic development vision with a set of priority projects which can be implemented jointly by the authorities and businesses. City master plans are based on research results which are con- ducted during the previous stage. City master plan is the basis for the most demanded development projects in the urban area: Commercial real estate development; Development of tourist and recreational facilities; Residential development; Development of social infrastructure; Development of public spaces. / 05
  • 8. 8 Company portfolio INDUSTRIAL FACILITY DEVELOPMENT An important role for comprehensive development of small in- dustrial towns belongs to the new industrial zones and indus- trial parks. Development concepts for industrial facilities are based on: Results of market research and major trends in industrial real es- tate development ; Comprehensive urban develop- ment analysis; Negotiation with authorities, banks, developers and business community. Concepts for the industrial facility development include: Planning layouts and architec- tural design; Assessment of required utilities and transportation infrastruc- ture, possible network connection options; Financial modeling / 06
  • 9. 9 Company portfolio COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT Regional cities and towns are facing a shortage of quality retail and office facilities. Urban Pro specialists have experience in developing concepts for shopping malls, business centers and regional corporate headquarters independently and in partnership with leading commercial real estate con- sultants. Development concepts for commer- cial real estate are based on: Results of market research and major trends in retail and office real estate development; Comprehensive urban develop- ment analysis; Negotiation with authorities, banks, developers and business community. Commercial real estate development concepts include: Search for the best available site and land best use analysis; Planning layouts and architec- tural design; Financial modeling. / 07
  • 10. 10 Company portfolio TOURIST RESORTS AND RECREATION AREAS Tourism development is an important way to diversify the local econo- my, taking into account local and external demand. Tourist infrastructure development projects are often supported in framework of corporate and government programs. Urban Pro specialists are experienced in develop- ing appropriate concepts independently and in partnership with lead- ing experts in the industry. Development concepts for touris- tic and recreational facilities are based on: Results of market research and major trends in tourism sector; Comprehensive analysis of tour- istic and recreational potential of the territory; Negotiation with authorities, banks, developers and business community. Tourist resort and recreation area de- velopment concepts include: Tourist routes schemes. Search for the best available site; Planning layouts and architec- tural design; financial modeling. / 08
  • 12. 12 Company portfolio Residential development solutions are based on demand assessment and comprehensive urban planning analysis. We offer contemporary planning and architectural solutions, consistent with existing demand and best local and international city building practices. By involving expert partners in the project, it is possible to carry out a sur- vey of existing buildings, energy modeling, and preparation of engineering solutions that meet the target level of energy efficiency of the building. / 09 Development concepts for residen- tial districts include: Solutions for individual, low- rise and high rise buildings; Related social infrastructure objects; Commercial services; Elements of landscaping; Transportation scheme. In order to ensure the projects in- vestment attractiveness, the con- cept of development of the residen- tial complex is prepared by using financial modeling tools. Solutions for the development of new buildings, as well as for the re- construction of existing residential districts can be elaborated consid- ering all modern requirements for energy efficiency. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT
  • 14. 14 Company portfolio Education facilities Healthcare facilities Culture and Leisure facilities Sport facilities SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES The life quality in a modern urban area depends on the availability of so- cial services, which can be used by residents. Urban Pro experts have ex- perience in development concepts for schools, kindergartens, professional and additional education facilities, health care and social protection, cul- ture and leisure, multifunctional socio-cultural centers. For social infrastructure projects we strive to: Preserve the basic functionality of the building; Increase the efficiency of build- ing area utilization through the introduction of additional func- tions demanded by the residents; Form an attractive and modern image of the object due to its up- to-date design. Social infrastructure facility con- cept includes: Effective organization of build- ing area; Exterior and interior design solu- tions for key public spaces; Ideas for the landscaping of the adjacent area. / 10
  • 15. 15 Company portfolio EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES SCHOOLS Schools are traditionally important centers of attraction for citizens. The school development concept provides for the creation of a modern edu- cational environment with the formation of spaces for childrens leisure, sports and self-realization. / 10
  • 17. 17 Company portfolio Opportunities for obtaining modern professional education is an important attractiveness condition for cities and towns. The development concept of technical school is based on the features of the educational process and is complemented by solutions to create a comfortable environment for students. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES TECHNICAL COLLEGE / 10
  • 18. 18 Company portfolio Kindergartens are an important infrastructural element for growing up a child in the city. The development concept of the kindergarten provides flexible adaptation of the building area according to demand which de- pends on demographic fluctuations. / 10 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES KINDERGARTEN / 10 1 FLOOR 2 FLOOR
  • 19. 19 Company portfolio Today, modern solutions for creative leisure and self-realization of the child are in demand in large and small cities. The development concept of an art school and other additional education facilities provides the optimization of an existing building area and additional opportunities for modern edu- cational programs. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES ART SCHOOL / 10
  • 20. 20 Company portfolio Modern healthcare infrastructure is an important condition for the quali- ty of life in the city. Availability of basic medical care service can be sup- ported with demanded opportunities to develop disease prevention cen- ters for prevention, rehabilitation and social care facilities for the elderly. HEALTHCARE FACILITIES HOSPITAL / 10
  • 21. 21 Company portfolio The House of Culture is the most important center of attraction for resi- dents of small towns. The development concept provides for the creation of a multifunctional space for leisure and self-realization, taking into ac- count the current needs of citizens. CULTURE AND LEISURE FACILITIES CULTURE CENTER / 10
  • 22. 22 Company portfolio Modern leisure and entertainment center makes it possible to improve and diversify the intensity of life in the city. As part of the concept, solutions are being developed aimed at the multifunctional organization of public space, oriented mainly to the youth audience. CULTURE AND LEISURE FACILITIES LEISURE AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTER / 10
  • 23. 23 Company portfolio Historical heritage is an important element in preserving the identity of the city. The concept of the multifunctional center provides for the mixed use of the building area, including museum exposition, visitor center, cafe, and a creative space. HERITAGE CONSERVATION MULTIFUNCTIONAL CULTURE CENTER / 10
  • 24. 24 Company portfolio Infrastructure for sports and a healthy lifestyle is in demand by citizens and is supported by government and corporate programs. Urban Pro spe- cialists have experience in developing architectural concepts for stadiums, swimming pools, ski slopes, local flat structures. SPORT FACILITIES STADIUMS, SWIMMING POOLS AND SPORTS GROUNS / 10 STADIUM DEVELOPMENT PLAN
  • 25. 25 Company portfolio PUBLIC SPACES PARKS, SQUARES, EMBANKMENTS Most regional towns face a shortage of modern and attractive public spac- es. In the last few years, opportunities to implement projects to improve parks, public gardens, embankments, squares and boulevards have in- creased significantly due to the implementation of state programs to cre- ate a comfortable urban space. When working with public spaces, we strive to: Be based on the territorys poten- tial, demanded types of activity, and available budget opportuni- ties; Consider the opinions of the res- idents gathered during sociologi- cal research and participatory pro- jecting sessions; Form an attractive and modern image of the space through up- to-date design. As part of the concept preparation, the following are worked out: Planning solutions, scenarios for the use of the space; Small architectural forms, coat- ings, landscaping elements; Visualization based on 3D mod- eling. / 11
  • 27. 27 Company portfolio PANEL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING RENOVATION / 12 Due to high wear and tear, high rise buildings require modernization in many cities. In framework of the concept, solutions are being developed to improve energy efficiency, the external design of residential buildings, local area, develop legal mechanisms and an investment model for territo- ry renovation.
  • 29. 29 Company portfolio IMPLEMENTATION PLANS AND PROGRAMS Comprehensive implementation plans and programs are designed to ensure the further project development. These plans are prepared based on inte- grated urban research, monitoring of integrated territorial development and preparation of urban master plans. / 13 The program preparation process includes: Preliminary cost assessment for the implementation of project initiatives; Consideration of possible sources of budget funding, including negotia- tions with representatives of local government, regional and federal ex- ecutive authorities, as well as state development institutions. Assessing the possibility of attracting extrabudgetary funding. Financial modeling tools are used to evaluate project initiatives in terms of their attractiveness to private investors and the possibility of implementing concession agreements / public-private partnerships. The result of the program development is a draft agreement on the socio-eco- nomic development of the territory, which can be concluded between the ur- ban development company and authority representatives
  • 30. 30 Company portfolio OUR TEAM The Urban Pro team includes more than 10 specialists with different back- ground. To work on specific projects, we invite external experts and part- ners with the necessary experience and qualifications. Alexander Kholodnov Founder and Managing director Ekaterina Osokina Architect Andrey Molchanov Designer Igor Chetyrkin Project Manager Tatiana Tsvetkova Analyst Renata Biktimirova Architect Alexander Gust Chief Architect Nina Kilmetova Analyst Yulia Bushmakova Assistant Manager Valeria Mikheikina Architect Maria Potashova Architect / 14
  • 32. 32 Company portfolio Saint-Petersburg Moscow The wide project geography of projects makes it possible to conduct exchange of experiences form a database of successful case studies OUR PROJECT GEOGR APHY / 16
  • 33. tel.: +7 (812) 2133550 email: urbanpro.spb@mail.ru website: www.urbanpro.spb.ru Office 303 Baltis Plaza Business Center 88 Sredny prospekt VO Russia, St. Petersburg Company portfolio