The document introduces the UrbanIxD Summer School which brings together researchers to explore the intersection of people and urban technologies. The goal of the Summer School is for multidisciplinary groups to create fictional concepts of the emerging "Hybrid City" and how citizens will interact with and shape the city through data. Participants will learn about urban interaction design through hands-on projects and presentations from practitioners.
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UrbanIxD Summer School - Introductory ºÝºÝߣs
1. Welcome to the UrbanIxD Summer School
Michael Smyth
Centre for Interaction Design
Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Sunday, 25 August 13
2. The UrbanIxD project concerns the Research
of, and Design for, the point of contact
between people and urban technologies.
We are building a network of researchers
working on urban technologies from the
human perspective.
We have partners in UK, Italy, Denmark,
Sunday, 25 August 13
3. The UrbanIxD project is working towards
the production of a research manifesto
of future research directions.
Sunday, 25 August 13
4. One of the stages in this process is why we are
all here in Split, at the UrbanIxD Summer School,
Sunday, 25 August 13
5. Seams and Boundaries in the Hybrid City
The Hybrid City is an environment that
comprises both the tangible and the virtual.
It is a place where data resides at the
boundaries of the physical and the digital.
Sunday, 25 August 13
6. What are the products and services that
citizens of the near future will use to create
and consume data in the Hybrid City?
Sunday, 25 August 13
7. The goal of the Summer School is the
production of fictional concepts that
explore the active role of citizens as
designers, users and inhabitants in the
emerging Hybrid City of the near-future.
The outputs from the Summer School will
feed into a series of exhibitions and
events planned for 2014.
Sunday, 25 August 13
8. We live in a world where everything seems
possible and as a consequence have lost
the sense of wonder.
Branko Lukic, NonObject, MIT Press (2011)
Sunday, 25 August 13
9. Where do these moments of
design inspiration come from?
Sunday, 25 August 13
10. Critical Design acts as a catalyst or provocation
for thought (Anthony Dunne, 1999).
Sunday, 25 August 13
11. Critical Design centres on the design of tangible
future scenarios that humanise the future and
reveal needs, values and priorities.
Sunday, 25 August 13
12. UN Habitat report on populations moving to cities - just
over 50% of the world's population now live in cities.
Sunday, 25 August 13
13. In Europe the figure is over 70%
Europe is a dense continent and the major lived
experience of people is an urban one.
Sunday, 25 August 13
14. Europe is the region with the highest
Internet penetration rate in the world 75%,
followed by the Americas 61%.
In 2011, more than 70% of European households
had access to the Internet at home.
Sunday, 25 August 13
15. But this is an average -Â The regional differences in
Internet access within the EU were large, from
26% of some areas of Bulgaria, to 95% or
more in areas of the Netherlands.
Sunday, 25 August 13
16. The future is already here – it's just not evenly
William Gibson, The Economist, 2003Â
Sunday, 25 August 13
17. The city is a mesh of heterogenous networks. Not just
official governmental, institutional and commercial
levels but also as a mesh of hybrid human networks.
Sunday, 25 August 13
18. In 2011 there were 741 million mobile phone
subscriptions in Europe. That's 1.2 SIM cards per person.Â
The average age of first phone ownership is 7 years old.
Sunday, 25 August 13
19. More than 70% of homeless people in London
own a mobile phone (Kwon & van Boeijen, 2012).
Sunday, 25 August 13
20. The vision of Ubicomp is one of seamless interfaces,
connecting into invisible, distributed, pervasive and
ubiquitous computing
Sunday, 25 August 13
21. Interactions create data, often personal data
relating to individuals, and if our interactions are
"seamless" this raises serious questions around the
visibility of what happens to that data.
Sunday, 25 August 13
22. Smart Cities projects tend to take a Big Picture
view of systems, considering technology from an
infrastructural perspective - the bird's eye view
of the city. But this is not how we naturally
experience it.
Sunday, 25 August 13
23. Urban Interaction Design addresses the
intersection of people with the data rich city
Sunday, 25 August 13
24. The Summer School has a focus on learning
through doing.
You will learn about Urban Interaction Design
through the work that you do as part of the
multidisciplinary Atelier Groups that are at the
core of the event.
Sunday, 25 August 13
25. But most of all you will learn from your fellow
participants as they will posses ideas and skills
that, we hope, will cause you to reflect on how
and why, you do what you do.
Sunday, 25 August 13
26. There will be presentations from
practitioners and researchers.
Sunday, 25 August 13
27. In the Summer School Reader we have included 2
‘working documents’ from the UrbanIxD project. The
first addresses the emerging trends in urban interaction
design, while the second reflects on the importance of
interaction design for smart urban living.
Sunday, 25 August 13
28. Each piece hints at directions and themes that
you might like to consider, they reflect our thinking
in this nascent field.
Sunday, 25 August 13
29. The Summer School is a chance to go
beyond the limits of design definitions, to re-
think what design is today and to explore
the role it plays in society through critical
design practice.
Sunday, 25 August 13
30. For 9 days in Split, you have the opportunity to
regain your sense of wonder. It is a chance to seek
out those indicators and signs that just might
provide insight into our shared urban futures.
Sunday, 25 August 13
31. A possible place to begin is at the marginal
zones of the city, the space between and
beyond buildings where data ebbs and
flows with time and place.
This is a place where citizens seek to
understand the urban environment through
situated interaction.
Sunday, 25 August 13
32. The Summer School is just the beginning of our journey.
Sunday, 25 August 13