In 2009, Sony introduced the first 32GB SDXC card. During the 2010s, SD card capacity increased as manufacturers like Toshiba, Panasonic, and Sandisk released larger microSD cards up to 64GB. Lexar was first to release a 256GB SDXC card in 2012 using new 20nm NAND flash technology, while standards continued to improve through the 2010s despite no major changes in 2013.
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Uriel cornejo timeline
2. 2009
In March 6, 2009 Sony came up with
the first SDXC Card with 32GB
In 2010, SD Cards appeared in
Toshiba, Panasonic, and Sand Disk
September 2011, Sand Disk came out
with a 64 GB micro SDXC
3. 2011
Kingmax card also came out with a relatable
product in 2011
In 2012, Lexar came out with the first 256
GB SDXC Card derived from on 20 nm
NAND flash technology
In 2013 nothing new is made into the industry,
but they are working on some things till this day