The excretory system removes waste from the body through the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The kidneys contain millions of nephrons that filter blood to remove urea and excess water, producing 180 liters of fluid per day. The ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder for temporary storage, and then the urethra removes urine from the body. Common diseases of the excretory system include diabetes, urinary infections, kidney stones, and kidney failure.
6. D. Urethra
1. Different for male and female
i. Female
a. Size = 4 cm
b. Close to vagina and anus
1. 50 times more likely to get urinary infection
ii. Male
a. Size = 20 cm
b. Through penis
7. III. Disease
A. Diabetes
1. Means sweet urine
2. Numbers 44,000 per day
3. Lack of insulin to store glucose
4. Premature aging
5. Overweight/Lack of exercise
6. Two types
8. B. Urinary Infection
1. Bacteria enter system
2. Prune juice to prevent bacteria travel
3. Lots of fluids to flush out
4. Antibiotics to kill germs
5. Life threatening if not treated