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US Bank   1 st  Annual Rose Parade Float  Reception & Open House   December 28, 2010 Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA
Captain Shield welcomed over 2000 guests What originally was thought to be a turnout of 500, received an overwhelming response from employees, family, and select customers.
Off to decorate the float  we go An exhibit of all edible float materials like peas, rice, beans and other grains
Outside the hangar where all the floats are stored for volunteers to decorate
This is our 1 st  US Bank  Rose Parade float Seeing the float, though a work-in-progress was an awesome experience!
Our task: To bundle hay for the roof shingles and chimney tops You know what we will look for on parade day!
Working together is what we are all about in US Bank Our theme:  Home is Where  the Heart Is
A work in progress: petals waiting to be filled, while the stem already finished with ground peas
The heart of this home
A look at other competing floatsmassive!
See Richard Davis and Rick Hartnack having a great time with volunteers. He stopped by twice and thanked us for working on the floatWhat a great gesture from a great man!
Time to party ! Guests were all amazed at the care given in planning this lovely reception.
Richard Davis was gracious in posing for pictures.  Of course I had to find a way to meet him and shake his hand. What an honor! Other entertainment provided at the event
Richard Davis thanked everyone and promised to make this  An annual event!   He said, see you, same time next year!  Yes Sir, we will.
At the end of the night, the view of the Rose Bowl.  What a lovely sight to see!  US Bank, now a part of this traditionThe 122 nd  Annual Tournament of Roses Parade.
Vote for our Tournament of Roses float on New Year's Day   Help us win the  Viewer's Choice Award on Jan. 1!   In conjunction with the parades theme of "Building Dreams, Friendships and Memories," our parade float is called "Home is Where the Heart Is," the parade will kick off the 97th Rose Bowl Game During the parade, U.S.油Bank will also be running television ads on ABC, NBC and Univision (the latter in Spanish).
Voting is open: 8 a.m. - 2:10 p.m. PST on Jan. 1, 2011. You can vote up to five times for US online or via text message: www.tournamentofroses.co/viewers-choice-award Text "FLOAT17" to 50649*油油油油 There is no charge to vote, but message油and data rates may apply.  To cancel your participation, text the word STOP to 50649  at any time.  For help, text the word HELP   to 50649 .  For more information, contact油 [email_address] . Terms and Conditions can be viewed at油 www.tournamentofroses.com . Happy New Year!!!

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US Bank Rose Parade Open House

  • 1. US Bank 1 st Annual Rose Parade Float Reception & Open House December 28, 2010 Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA
  • 2. Captain Shield welcomed over 2000 guests What originally was thought to be a turnout of 500, received an overwhelming response from employees, family, and select customers.
  • 3. Off to decorate the float we go An exhibit of all edible float materials like peas, rice, beans and other grains
  • 4. Outside the hangar where all the floats are stored for volunteers to decorate
  • 5. This is our 1 st US Bank Rose Parade float Seeing the float, though a work-in-progress was an awesome experience!
  • 6. Our task: To bundle hay for the roof shingles and chimney tops You know what we will look for on parade day!
  • 7. Working together is what we are all about in US Bank Our theme: Home is Where the Heart Is
  • 8. A work in progress: petals waiting to be filled, while the stem already finished with ground peas
  • 9. The heart of this home
  • 10. A look at other competing floatsmassive!
  • 11. See Richard Davis and Rick Hartnack having a great time with volunteers. He stopped by twice and thanked us for working on the floatWhat a great gesture from a great man!
  • 12. Time to party ! Guests were all amazed at the care given in planning this lovely reception.
  • 13.
  • 14. Richard Davis was gracious in posing for pictures. Of course I had to find a way to meet him and shake his hand. What an honor! Other entertainment provided at the event
  • 15. Richard Davis thanked everyone and promised to make this An annual event! He said, see you, same time next year! Yes Sir, we will.
  • 16. At the end of the night, the view of the Rose Bowl. What a lovely sight to see! US Bank, now a part of this traditionThe 122 nd Annual Tournament of Roses Parade.
  • 17. Vote for our Tournament of Roses float on New Year's Day Help us win the Viewer's Choice Award on Jan. 1! In conjunction with the parades theme of "Building Dreams, Friendships and Memories," our parade float is called "Home is Where the Heart Is," the parade will kick off the 97th Rose Bowl Game During the parade, U.S.油Bank will also be running television ads on ABC, NBC and Univision (the latter in Spanish).
  • 18. Voting is open: 8 a.m. - 2:10 p.m. PST on Jan. 1, 2011. You can vote up to five times for US online or via text message: www.tournamentofroses.co/viewers-choice-award Text "FLOAT17" to 50649*油油油油 There is no charge to vote, but message油and data rates may apply. To cancel your participation, text the word STOP to 50649 at any time. For help, text the word HELP to 50649 . For more information, contact油 [email_address] . Terms and Conditions can be viewed at油 www.tournamentofroses.com . Happy New Year!!!