CranBarrier is a supplement that uses cranberries, uva ursi, and blueberries to promote urinary tract health. It helps maintain a healthy urinary tract by inhibiting bacteria from adhering to the walls. CranBarrier is a natural and effective option that is easy to consume in a chewable form. It provides the recommended daily dose of cranberry, which research shows supports urinary health, in a low-calorie format.
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1. CranBarrier ?
The natural way to maintain a
healthy uri n a ry tra ct *
For many women,
urinary tract health
is a major concern.
CranBarrier uses the
all-natural power
of cranberry to
help promote a
healthy urinary
tract by inhibiting
bacteria from
One out of seven
adhering to the
doctor visits are urinary
walls of the tract related. CranBarrier helps maintain
and protect a healthy urinary tract.*
urinary tract.*
Unique Ingredient Blend Natural and Effective Tasty Chewable
? Only CranBarrier combines ? CranBarrier's unique ? CranBarrier comes in a
the natural cleansing formula naturally works great-tasting chewable
power of cranberry with with your body's system form that is easy for
uva ursi, and blueberry for to effectively promote a anyone to enjoy.
enhanced urinary health.* healthy urinary tract.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or pre vent any disease.
2. P R E V E N T A T I V E H E A L T H S U P P L E M E N T S
T he urinary tract plays a critical role in cleansing Protection For
Calories Carbs Sugars
the bodys system from unwanted waste. As Your Waistline
scientists learn more about how our body systems Researchers agree Cranbarrier 10 3g 2g
work, we realize how crucial it is to protect it. Ur i n a ry tract that it requires Ocean Spray** 175 42.5g 42.5g
health is important in leading an active, healthy lifestyle. 1000 milligrams
of cranberry a day to receive the full health benefits
Who Should Be Concerned? about the same amount found in 10 oz. of pure
While proper urinary health is important for everyone, cranberry juice. But due to its bitter taste, cranberry
those who should be most concerned include women juice is often diluted with water, sugar, or other juices-
ages 20-49, expecting mothers, post menopausal women, meaning it could take as much as 32 oz. of juice drink a
men with enlarged prostates, and those with diabetes or day to get the recommended dose. CranBarrier provides
other disorders that suppress the immune system. the research recommended dose with just 10 calories and
three carbs.
Protection for you wallet
CranBarrier is the healthiest and CranBarrier combines
most affordable natural solution three all-natural urinary
to promote a healthy urinary tract cleansing ingredients
tract. And only CranBarrier Cranberries:
contains uva ursi and blueberry Contain phytonutrients
for maximum protection.* that inhibit bacteria fro m
attaching to the walls of
the tract, allowing bacteria
Monthly Cost to pass harmlessly out of
Cranactin? $27.48? the body.1*
A Closer Look at the Urinary Tract CranMax? $25.98?
The urinary tract is a system of organs that produces and Uva Ursi:
excretes urine from the body. Urine contains unwanted Cranberry A potent natural
Juice $15.84? ingredient used in
wastes, mostly excess water, salts, and nitrogen
compounds. The major organs of the urinary system are the protection of the
Cranbarrier $12.99
the kidneys, a pair of bean-shaped organs that u r i n a rytract.2*
continuously filter substances from the blood and Blueberries:
produce urine. Urine flows from the kidneys through two Contains phytonutrients
?All prices equivilized to reflect the
thin tubes called ureters. The ureters transport the urine similar to those in
recommended 1000 mg dose. Competetive
to the bladder, where it is stored. When the bladder is cranberry Has been shown
product prices were acquired from national
full, the urine is excreted through a tube known as the to complement cranberries
retail grocers in November of 2003.
urethra. An average adult produces about 1.5 liters (3 pt) natural benefits.3
**Nutritional information based on 15 oz.
of urine each day, and the body needs, at a minimum, to
of Ocean Spray Premium Cranberry Blend.
excrete about 0.5 liter (1 pint) of urine daily to get rid of
Product names are registered trademarks of
its waste products. Excessive or inadequate production of
their respective companies.
urine may indicate urinary tract problems. The
ingredients in CranBarrier work with your bodys natural
1 Reduction of Bacteriuria and Pyuria after Ingestion of Cranberry Juice Avron J,
processes to protect your urinary tract and maintain Monane M, et all., Journal of the American Medical Association Vol 271, No 10 pgs
optimum health.* 751-54, March 9, 1994
2 Prophylactic effect of Uva-E in women with recurrent cystitis: a preliminary
report Larsson B, Jonasson A, Fianu S, Current Therapeutic Research Vol. 53, No. 4,
How Does CranBarrier Help? pgs. 441-443, April, 1999
One of the leading causes of concern is the presence of 3 Anti-escherichia activity of cranberry and blueberry juices Ofek I, et al., New
harmful bacteria in the urinary tract. CranBarrier works England Journal of Medicine Volume 324, 1991 pg. 1599
by inhibiting bacteria from adhering to the lining of your
urethra and bladder, allowing the bacteria to be easily
flushed from your body when you urinate.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or pre vent any disease.