IOF 2012 Goyello and Mobile App introductionPeter Horsten
The International Outsourcing Forum (IOF), organised by Arena International, took place in Sopot, Poland, from 3rd-5th October. During the forum opening I was invited to share my personal experiences with Gdansk and to introduce the mobile forum app that has been developed by Goyello.
Make WordPress Fly With Virtual Server Hosting - WordCamp Sydney 2014Vlad Lasky
Presentation slides from Vladimir Lasky's talk "Make WordPress Fly With Virtual Server Hosting", presented on Sunday 28th September at WordCamp Sydney 2014.
This document discusses three political cartoons about the Iraq War and the 2008 U.S. presidential election. The first cartoon depicts the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 and criticizes U.S. attempts to control the world through military force. The second cartoon portrays Jim Wedd as causing problems but being seen as a hero by Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Edward. The third cartoon shows Hillary Clinton considering joining Obama's campaign after losing the primary election, despite the potential risks.
SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
Business and Administrative Communication
project number 3.
SDU, 亟亠亳 亟亠仍舒 SDU 亠
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SDU, Ideas to make SDU Better
28. 仗亳舒仆亳亠 从舒 Comparative Education Wednesdays 4:15-7:00 Professor Carol Anne Spreen Office Hours:Monday 3-5 or by appointment EDPL, College of Ed Benjamin Building 2105 C301-405-3572Syllabus The course provides an overview of methods, major concepts and current trends in comparative educationTextbooks and Reading Assignments Course packet are available in the BSOS Duplicating Services Office, Room 1105 Tidings Hall, Telephone: PROGRAM Part 1: Comparative Education: An Historical Overview Session 1: Forces Shaping Comparative Ed and New Directions for the Field Readings: Sadler, M. (1900) How Far Can We Learn Anythying of Practical Value from the Study of Foreign Systems of Education? Notes from an address given at Guildford Educational Conference, Christ Church, Oxford. Pollack, E. (1993) Isaac Leon Kandel (1881-1965). Prospects, 3(4) 775-787. READINGS Required reading: 2 books and 2 readers and a supplemental reader (or book) on colonialism and education.
29. 仗亳舒仆亳亠 从舒APPOINTMENTS AND OFFICE HOURS: My walk-in office hours (no appointments necessary) are: Mondays 3-5, I am also available by appointment. Please call or email me to schedule an appointment. My office is located in room 2105C Benjamin Building. GRADING POLICY AND UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS Your course grade will be based on the following: 1- Literature Review of Comp. Ed. Journal Articles (20%) due date: 2- Research Paper on Colonial Education (30%) due date: 3- Discussion of Readings (Group discussion points/activity ) (20%) 4- Written Essay Questions (In class exam or take home paper) (30%)
30. 仗亳舒仆亳亠 从舒Please closely follow the instructions for each of the assignments using the format outlined in the handouts.Assignmentoverviews will be distributed in Session 2. In addition to preparing a clearly written, concise paper (that is spell-checked) please be sure to use the correct style of reference (e.g., APA format). In this course there are no incompletes accepted. An Incomplete will automatically result in a lower grade for the total course grade, i.e., C+ instead of B+. You have a 1-week grace period (late submission) for one assignment only. Regular attendance is required (i.e., not more than 2 absences). The course is held in the format of lectures with structured time for discussion. Despite the size of the class, it is designed to provide ample opportunities for your participation. To facilitate discussion, you are expected to come to class prepared to talk about all of the required readings. For one of the class sessions, you will be asked to prepare discussion points about the readings together with 4-5 of your classmates. All students are expected to abide by the code of academic integrity throughout this course. Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be reported to the Student Honor Council.