This document outlines the steps to set up payroll in the USA, including defining payroll periods, basic pay like pay scales and hourly rates, wage types for recurring payments and deductions, additional payments, and setting up garnishments including order types, disposable net amounts, and rules for levy exempt and non-exempt amounts. It provides details on the necessary infotypes, catalogs, and system transactions needed to fully configure the payroll process for an organization in the United States.
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Us payroll configuration
1. US Payroll:
Payroll USA--> Basic Settings:
Payroll Organisation
Define Period Modifiers:V_t549R
Define date Modifier:v_t549L
Create control record:PA03
Generate Payroll Periods:
PM---->PA--->Payroll Data
Basic Pay:
Info Type 0008:
Define ESG Grouping for PCR & Cap:v_503_B
Check Payscal Type:v_t510a
Check Payscale Area:v_t510g
Check Assignment of Payscale structure to enterprise structure:v_001p_c
setup payroll period for CAP-->PAy scale-->Period Parameter Assignment:v_t510w
Define Hourly rate with several Decimal points----> Check and change view
"Assign pay Scal-->Currency":v_t510f_B
Wage Types:
Create Wage Type Catalog:Coping Wage Types
Check Wage group:vv_52d7_B_0008_ALO
Check Wage Type Texts:v_512w_T
Check Wage Type Permisibility per infotype:v_t512z
Define Wage Type Permisibility of wage Type:v_511_B
Check Wagetype Characteristics:v_t511
Employee subgroups for Primary Wage Type:v_503_g
Personnel subareas for Primay Wage Type:v_001p_K
Revise Payscale Groups and levels:v_t510
Revise Default Wage Types:v_t539A
LGMSt Feature:
Define Valuation Base Wage Type:v_t539j
Recurring Payments and Deductions:
Infotype 0014
Wage Types:
Create Wage Type Catalog:Coping Wage Types
Check Wage Type Group "Recurring Payments and Deductions:vv_52d7_b_0014_AL0
Check Wage Type Text:v_512w_T
Check Entry Permisibility:v_t512z
Define wage type permisibility for PSG and ESG:v_511_B
Check Wage type Characteristics:v_t511
Define Employee subgroup Grouping for Primary Wage Type:V_503_G
Define Personnel Subare Grouping for Primary Wage Type:v_001p_K
Additional Payments:Info Type 0015
Create Wage Type Catalog:Coping wage Types
Check Wage Type group "Additional Payments:
Check Wage Type catalog-->
Check Wage type Text:
Check Entry Permissibility for additional Payments
Define Wage Tyoe Permissibility for Each PS and ESG:
Check Wage type Characteristics:
Define ESG Grouping for Primary Wage type:
Define Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Type:
Garnishments--> Master Data-->Document
Create document Category:V_t5ug1
Create Originator:T5ugM
Remittance Rules for Bank Transfer->
Define Remmittance Rule:v_t51RK
create Governmentt Rule:v_t5ug7
2. Define Modiefier for company Rule:UGREM Feature
Create company Rule:v_t5ug8
Service Charges->
Create Service Charge texts:v_t5ugc
Create Government rule:v_t5ug6
Define Modifier for company rule:UGSVC Feature
Create Company Rule:v_t5uGG
Garnishments--> Order Types->
Wage Types:
Create Wage Type Catalog:
Check wage type catalog->
Check wage type texts:v_512w_t
Check wage type group "order Type":VV_52D7_B_6001_AL
Create Order Types:
Garnishments->Garnishable Amounts->
Dispoable Net->
Define Adjustment model texts of the dispoable net:t5ug5
Create Adjustment model for the disposable net:v_t5ug2
Garnishments-->Garnishable Amounts->Non-Exempt Amount->Levy->
Define Levy from text:t5ugh
Define Text For the filing Status from the levy form:t5ugd
Creat Exempt amount from Levy:v_t5ugE
Create Addition Exempt Rule:v_t5uGF
Create Rule fro the Non-Exempt amount:v_t5ug4