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SECRET I t20290627
APOAE 09360
JTFGTMO-CG 27Jun2004
MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthernCommand,3511NW 9lst
Avenue,Miami, FL 33172.
SUBJECT: UpdateRecommendationto Releaseor Transferto the Control of Another
Countryfor ContinuedDetention(TR) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9AG-000070DP
1. (FOUO) PersonalInformation:
o JDIMSA{DRC ReferenceName: Abdul RahmmHouari
o AliasesandCurrent/TrueName: Huwari Mustafa Abdel Rahman.Sofiane
Haderbache.andGuerri Farid.
o Placeof Birth: Algers.Aleeria (AG)
o Dateof Birth: 18Januarv1980
o Citizenship: Alseria(AG)
2. (FOUO) Health:
a. History: 24 yearold Algerian with history of significantpenetratingheadtraumain
2001with resultantblindnessin right eyeandshrapnelinjuries to the frontal portion of his
brain,causingdifficulty with speechandunderstandingaswell aslossof inhibitionse.g.
disrobingin public,urinatingon floor, etc.
b. Treatment: Detaineehashadongoingbehavioralservicesinterventions,is currently
on zyprexa,an anti-psychotic;neuropsychologicalassessmentcompletedon24 June04.
c. Function: Detaineeis mobile yethasslowedmotor functionsandgenerallyneeds
assistancewith caring for himself andsupervisionfor his safety;attentionandconcentration
aremildly impaired.
d. Prognosis:Detaineewill needsomeform of custodialcarelong-term;current
recommendationis for a rehabilitation facility experiencedwith brain injuries.
CLASSIFIEDBY: MultipleSources
SECRET I /20290627
SECRET I 120290627
SUBJECT:UpdateRecommendationto Releaseor Transferto theControlof Another
Countryfor ContinuedDetention(TR)for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN:US9AG-000070DP
3. (S)DetaineeSummary:
a. (S) DetentionInformation: Sameasstatedin JTF CG memo,dated27 March2004.
b. (S) Prior Assessment:On 27 March2004, BG JayW. Hood,Commander,JTF
Guantanamo,recommendedthat detaineebe consideredfor transferto the control of another
country for continueddetention.
c. (S) IntelligenceValue: JTF GTMO hasdeterminedthatthis detaineeis of medium
4. (S) Detainee'sConduct: Detainee'shasa historyof non-complianceandaggressiveness.
He hasbeeninformed to keephis clotheson andhasrepeatedlydisregardedthoseordersand
hasstoodin his cell naked. Detaineehasmanyinstancesof masturbatingin front of others
without the slightestbit of self-consciousness.
5. (S) EC Status:Detainee'senemycombatantstatuswasreassessedon Z{February 2004,
andhe remainsan enemycombatant.
6. (S) JTF GTMO New Assessment:
a. (S) Summary: JTF GTMO hasdeterminedthatthedetaineeposesa low risk, dueto
his medicalcondition.
b. (S) Recommendation:Basedon thedetainee'shealthstatus,intelligencevalueand
risk level, JTF GTMO recommendsthis detaineebe releasedor transferredto the control of
anothercountry for continueddetention.
7. (S) Coordination: JTF GTMO notifiedthe Criminal InvestigativeTaskForce(CITF)
of this recommendationon 25 June2004. JTF GMTO andCITF agreeon the threat
assessmentof this detaineeasa medium risk.
%h,/,,a-/ IAY w. HOOD
--/nrigaaier General,USArmy
SECRET I 120290627

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  • 1. SECRET I t20290627 DEPARTMENTOF DEFENSE JOINTTASKFORCEGUANTANAMO GUANTANAMOBAY,CUBA APOAE 09360 REPLYTO ATTENTIONOF JTFGTMO-CG 27Jun2004 MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthernCommand,3511NW 9lst Avenue,Miami, FL 33172. SUBJECT: UpdateRecommendationto Releaseor Transferto the Control of Another Countryfor ContinuedDetention(TR) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9AG-000070DP (s) 1. (FOUO) PersonalInformation: o JDIMSA{DRC ReferenceName: Abdul RahmmHouari o AliasesandCurrent/TrueName: Huwari Mustafa Abdel Rahman.Sofiane Haderbache.andGuerri Farid. o Placeof Birth: Algers.Aleeria (AG) o Dateof Birth: 18Januarv1980 o Citizenship: Alseria(AG) 2. (FOUO) Health: a. History: 24 yearold Algerian with history of significantpenetratingheadtraumain 2001with resultantblindnessin right eyeandshrapnelinjuries to the frontal portion of his brain,causingdifficulty with speechandunderstandingaswell aslossof inhibitionse.g. disrobingin public,urinatingon floor, etc. b. Treatment: Detaineehashadongoingbehavioralservicesinterventions,is currently on zyprexa,an anti-psychotic;neuropsychologicalassessmentcompletedon24 June04. c. Function: Detaineeis mobile yethasslowedmotor functionsandgenerallyneeds assistancewith caring for himself andsupervisionfor his safety;attentionandconcentration aremildly impaired. d. Prognosis:Detaineewill needsomeform of custodialcarelong-term;current recommendationis for a rehabilitation facility experiencedwith brain injuries. CLASSIFIEDBY: MultipleSources REASON:E.O.12958Section1.5(C) DECLASSIFYON:20290627 SECRET I /20290627
  • 2. SECRET I 120290627 JTFGTMO-CG SUBJECT:UpdateRecommendationto Releaseor Transferto theControlof Another Countryfor ContinuedDetention(TR)for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN:US9AG-000070DP (s) 3. (S)DetaineeSummary: a. (S) DetentionInformation: Sameasstatedin JTF CG memo,dated27 March2004. b. (S) Prior Assessment:On 27 March2004, BG JayW. Hood,Commander,JTF Guantanamo,recommendedthat detaineebe consideredfor transferto the control of another country for continueddetention. c. (S) IntelligenceValue: JTF GTMO hasdeterminedthatthis detaineeis of medium intelligencevalue. 4. (S) Detainee'sConduct: Detainee'shasa historyof non-complianceandaggressiveness. He hasbeeninformed to keephis clotheson andhasrepeatedlydisregardedthoseordersand hasstoodin his cell naked. Detaineehasmanyinstancesof masturbatingin front of others without the slightestbit of self-consciousness. 5. (S) EC Status:Detainee'senemycombatantstatuswasreassessedon Z{February 2004, andhe remainsan enemycombatant. 6. (S) JTF GTMO New Assessment: a. (S) Summary: JTF GTMO hasdeterminedthatthedetaineeposesa low risk, dueto his medicalcondition. b. (S) Recommendation:Basedon thedetainee'shealthstatus,intelligencevalueand risk level, JTF GTMO recommendsthis detaineebe releasedor transferredto the control of anothercountry for continueddetention. 7. (S) Coordination: JTF GTMO notifiedthe Criminal InvestigativeTaskForce(CITF) of this recommendationon 25 June2004. JTF GMTO andCITF agreeon the threat assessmentof this detaineeasa medium risk. %h,/,,a-/ IAY w. HOOD --/nrigaaier General,USArmy Commanding 2 SECRET I 120290627 CF: CITF-JTFGTMO