This document provides budget information for USD 400 from 2006-2007 to 2013-2014. It shows numbers for staffing levels and salaries, total budgeted and actual expenses, revenues, and other financial metrics. Overall, salaries have increased each year, though the rate of increase has varied. Budgeted expenses have generally increased annually between 96.6-107.9%, while actual expenses have increased at a lower rate between 91.6-108.8%. Revenues have fluctuated from year to year between 91.7-105.7% of the previous year.
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Usd 400 expenses
1. 5/6/14
4/30/14 USD 400 Budget at a Glance
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
Employee # Employee # Employee # Employee # Employee # Employee # Employee # Employee #
Average Salary % of Average Salary % of Average Salary % of Average Salary % of Average Salary % of Average Salary % of Average Salary % of Average Salary % of
Total Salary increase Total Salary increase Total Salary increase Total Salary increase Total Salary increase Total Salary increase Total Salary increase Total Salary increase
FTE Admin 11 12.3 11.5 10.3 11.2 11.1 10.3 11.3
Administrators budgeted 65,007$ 64,586$ 99.4% 67,856$ 105.1% 72,395$ 106.7% 74,311$ 102.6% 74,130$ 99.8% 78,642$ 106.1% 77,656$ 98.7%
FTE Teachers 63 64 65 62 64 60 61 59
Teachers budgeted 42,420$ 48,480$ 114.3% 48,846$ 100.8% 46,201$ 94.6% 46,237$ 100.1% 49,207$ 106.4% 49,791$ 101.2% 50,134$ 100.7%
FTE other 12.8 14.4 19.2 13.8 7.6 9.8 9.7 7.6
other cert budgeted 40,611$ 40,806$ 100.5% 43,220$ 105.9% 41,563$ 96.2% 38,942$ 93.7% 38,015$ 97.6% 44,394$ 116.8% 59,402$ 133.8%
FTE Class 41.2 42.7 42.8 39.3 40.3 1.0254 39 41.7 40.9
Classified budgeted 22,547$ 28,541$ 126.6% 29,940$ 104.9% 31,594$ 105.5% 31,723$ 100.4% 30,862$ 97.3% 33,114$ 107.3% 35,191$ 106.3%
FTE Admin 11.3 10.6 10.6 10 11.1 11.1 11.3
Administrators actual 64,813$ 70,185$ 108.3% 72,425$ 103.2% 77,106$ 106.5% 72,682$ 94.3% 74,936$ 103.1% 75,525$ 100.8%
732,390$ 743,959$ 101.6% 767,709$ 103.2% 771,056$ 100.4% 806,771$ 104.6% 831,790$ 103.1% 853,427$ 102.6% 877,511$ 102.8%
FTE Teachers 64 62 64 62 64 60 61
Teachers actual 45,098$ 48,311$ 107.1% 48,409$ 100.2% 48,563$ 100.3% 48,835$ 100.6% 49,125$ 100.6% 50,647$ 103.1%
2,886,253$ 2,995,271$ 103.8% 3,098,148$ 103.4% 3,010,888$ 97.2% 3,125,451$ 103.8% 2,947,520$ 94.3% 3,089,485$ 104.8% 2,957,929$ 95.7%
FTE other 14.4 13.1 19.1 16.3 7.6 9.7 8.7
other cert actual 37,959$ 40,773$ 107.4% 31,383$ 77.0% 34,910$ 111.2% 46,205$ 132.4% 44,445$ 96.2% 56,597$ 127.3%
546,613$ 534,129$ 97.7% 599,419$ 112.2% 569,035$ 94.9% 351,161$ 61.7% 431,121$ 122.8% 492,396$ 114.2% 451,456$ 91.7%
FET Class 42.7 39.5 41.9 40.7 40.9 41.9 41.5
Classified actual 26,926$ 29,325$ 108.9% 29,973$ 102.2% 31,191$ 104.1% 31,993$ 102.6% 31,996$ 100.0% 33,779$ 105.6%
1,149,730$ 1,158,321$ 100.7% 1,255,879$ 108.4% 1,269,480$ 101.1% 1,308,495$ 103.1% 1,340,616$ 102.5% 1,401,820$ 104.6% 1,439,313$ 102.7%
Total Salaries 5,314,986$ 5,431,680$ 102.2% 5,721,155$ 105.3% 5,620,459$ 98.2% 5,591,878$ 99.5% 5,551,047$ 99.3% 5,837,128$ 105.2% 5,726,209$ 98.1%
% of total expenditures 48.0% 45.2% 46.5% 49.8% 48.4% 47.5% 49.4% 49.3%
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
total budgeted expenses ^ 12,178,378$ 12,904,382$ 106.0% 13,921,701$ 107.9% 13,449,083$ 96.6% 13,668,361$ 101.6% 13,981,380$ 102.3% 14,144,550$ 101.2% 13,735,910$ 97.1%
Budgeted expenses per student ^ 11,016$ 12,840$ 116.6% 14,059$ 109.5% 13,582$ 96.6% 13,874$ 102.1% 14,381$ 103.7% 14,146$ 98.4% 13,877$ 98.1%
total expenditures * 11,070,816$ 12,020,023$ 108.6% 12,304,720$ 102.4% 11,275,090$ 91.6% 11,545,453$ 102.4% 11,691,180$ 101.3% 11,821,966$ 101.1% 11,622,972$
Actual expenses per student * 11,016$ 11,960$ 108.6% 12,426$ 103.9% 11,387$ 91.6% 11,566$ 101.6% 11,716$ 101.3% 11,944$ 101.9% 11,743$
#s from year before budget at a glance 12,020,651$ 12,214,252$ 11,691,181$
#s from year before budget at a glance 11,961$ 12,335$ 11,692$
Budgeted total revenue, state, fed, local * 14,341,287$ 14,604,250$ 101.8% 13,395,315$ 91.7%
Budgeted Revenue per student * 14,725.63$ 15,501.80$ 105.3%
Revenue - Expenses 2,650,107$ 2,782,284$
total revenue, state, fed, local * 11,070,816$ 111.6% 12,020,651$ 108.6% 12,214,252$ 101.6% 11,275,090$ 92.3% 11,545,452$ 102.4% 11,691,181$ 101.3% 11,821,966$ 101.1%
Actual expenses per student * 11,016$ 111.8% 12,140$ 110.2% 12,017.17$ 99.0% 11,349$ 94.4% 12,064$ 106.3% 12,004$ 99.5% 12,549$ 104.5%
Actual FTE enrollment 1005 99.8% 990.2 98.5% 1016.4 102.6% 993.5 97.7% 957 96.3% 0 973.9 101.8% # 942.1 96.7% 952.4 101.1%
FTE Actual including preschool (form 1000) * 990.2 #REF! 990.2 #REF! 990.2 990.2 988.5 997.9 989.8
includes all funds
(capital, bond, virtual)
2009-2010 has different numbers
from republishing
2. These numbers are taken from Budget at a Glance
2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
total Budgeted Expenses
total expenditure 12,178,378$
total Actual Expenses
total expenditures 9,114,119$ 9,920,003$ 108.8% 11,070,816$
These numbers ar
general fund budget
general fund actuals
contingency reserve July 1st Balance 240,662$ 391,552$
Actual sources of Revenue These numbers are taken from Smoky Valley (USD DO400) Mcpherson C
State Aid 5,275,399$ 5,365,918$ 101.7% 5,827,921$ 108.6% 5,414,875$ 92.9% 5,922,546$ 109.4% 6,780,447$ 114.5% 7,764,679$
Federal Aid 163,029$ 164,369$ 100.8% 171,830$ 104.5% 178,186$ 103.7% 319,038$ 179.0% 313,373$ 98.2% 331,823$
Local Revenue 2,344,007$ 2,184,821$ 93.2% 2,194,057$ 100.4% 2,922,562$ 133.2% 2,872,535$ 98.3% 2,826,181$ 98.4% 2,974,314$
total revenue 7,782,435$ 7,715,108$ 99.1% 8,193,808$ 106.2% 8,515,623$ 103.9% 9,114,119$ 107.0% 9,920,001$ 108.8% 11,070,816$
State Aid per student 5,295$ 5,394$ 101.9% 6,205$ 115.0% 5,879$ 94.8% 6,234$ 106.0% 6,736$ 108.1% 7,726$
Federal Aid per student 164$ 165$ 101.0% 183$ 110.7% 193$ 105.8% 336$ 173.6% 311$ 92.7% 330$
Local Revenue per student 2,353$ 2,196$ 93.3% 2,336$ 106.4% 3,173$ 135.9% 3,023$ 95.3% 2,808$ 92.9% 2,960$
total spent per student 7,811$ 7,755$ 99.3% 8,723$ 112.5% 9,246$ 106.0% 9,593$ 103.8% 9,855$ 102.7% 11,016$
Enrollment (FTE)* for Budget Authority 996.3 0 994.8 99.8% 939.3 94.4% 921 98.1% 950.1 103.2% 1006.6 105.9% 1005
includes all funds (capital, bond,
from 2008-2009
Budget at a Glace
10% of general fund budget is max
tried to close MJH
3. 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
12,904,382$ 106.0% 13,921,701$ 107.9% 13,449,083$ 96.6% 13,668,361$ 101.6% 13,981,380$ 102.3% 14,144,550$ 101.2% 13,735,910$ 97.1%
111.6% 12,020,023$ 108.6% 12,304,720$ 102.4% 11,275,090$ 91.6% 11,545,453$ 102.4% 11,691,181$ 101.3% 11,821,966$ 101.1%
12,020,651$ 12,214,252$
Budgeted sources of Revenue
State 7,336,879$ 7,288,960$ 99.3% 7,236,510$ 99.3%
Federal 372,059$ 365,796$ 98.3% 280,632$ 76.7%
Local 6,632,349$ 6,949,494$ 104.8% 5,878,173$ 84.6%
total revenue 14,341,287$ 14,604,250$ 101.8% 13,395,315$ 91.7%
budgeted rev-accual exp 2,650,106$ 2,782,284$
numbers are taken from the Budget USD#400 - Smoky Valley
6,949,999$ 6,742,567$ 6,862,232$ 6,775,221$ 6,695,860$
7,969,019$ 7,954,329$ 6,840,633$ 6,749,650$ 7,050,483$ 6,853,681$
411,220.86$ 6.0%
409,467$ 426,797$ 737,142$ 737,142$ 737,142$ 498,142$ 396,686$
cpherson County, KDOE website
Last 13 year %
114.5% 8,433,477$ 108.6% 8,449,210$ 100.2% 6,852,467$ 81.1% 6,944,054$ 101.3% 7,336,879$ 105.7% 7,288,960$ 99.3% 138.2%
105.9% 254,341$ 76.6% 276,729$ 108.8% 876,230$ 316.6% 682,923$ 77.9% 372,059$ 54.5% 365,796$ 98.3% 224.4%
105.2% 3,332,833$ 112.1% 3,488,313$ 104.7% 3,546,393$ 101.7% 3,918,475$ 110.5% 3,982,243$ 101.6% 4,167,210$ 104.6% 177.8%
111.6% 12,020,651$ 108.6% 12,214,252$ 101.6% 11,275,090$ 92.3% 11,545,452$ 102.4% 11,691,181$ 101.3% 11,821,966$ 101.1% 151.9%
114.7% 8,517$ 110.2% 8,313$ 97.6% 6,897$ 83.0% 7,256$ 105.2% 7,534$ 103.8% 7,737$ 102.7% 146.1%
106.1% 257$ 77.8% 272$ 106.0% 882$ 323.9% 714$ 80.9% 382$ 53.5% 388$ 101.6% 237.3%
105.4% 3,366$ 113.7% 3,432$ 102.0% 3,570$ 104.0% 4,095$ 114.7% 4,089$ 99.9% 4,423$ 108.2% 188.0%
111.8% 12,140$ 110.2% 12,017$ 99.0% 11,349$ 94.4% 12,064$ 106.3% 12,004$ 99.5% 12,549$ 104.5% 160.6%
99.8% 990.2 98.5% 1016.4 102.6% 993.5 97.7% 957 96.3% 973.9 101.8% 942.1 96.7% 952.4 101.1%
Budget at a Glance #
from 2009-2010 Budget at a Glance
Verual School funding
State Pre-K funded at
this year and therafter 6% of general fund budget
is maxMJH closed
closed MES 4th grade
Closed MES